40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 863: Roar, great power!

The Feathers of the Golden Crow Kingdom are known for their speed. When Li Yao and Jin Xinyue heard the sound, the golden light had already covered a small part of the sky, and it collided fiercely with the cloud of migratory locusts composed of the Zerg tribe. He yelled again and again, shouted and killed constantly.

The two sides instantly fell into a fierce battle, killing blood into a river, and countless small insects were burned to scorched corpses, and they fell like rain.

Another group of feather tribes left the battlefield and patrolled back and forth over the jungle, making a sharp cry: "Princess, where are you?"

Jin Xinyue was overjoyed and climbed up the treetops. Just now she wanted to shout, but her mouth was blocked tightly by Li Yao. Then she was violently dragged, and she was dragged back to the depths of the jungle where she could not see her fingers!


Li Yao gritted his teeth, with a cold sweat, dragging Jin Xinyue into the deep jungle, rushing out of the jungle for more than a dozen miles, swallowing saliva, and gasping: "Did you find something wrong? If You Old Ancestor Quan really has any secrets, and he will never ask Blood Robe Ancestor to send reinforcements! Isn't he afraid of the secret being exposed?"

"Well, even if the Ancestor Youquan and Ancestor Blood Robe are the same raccoon dog, they have known each other's secrets a long time ago, but the reinforcements of your Golden Crow State came by a coincidence?"

"I don't like coincidences, I never like them!"

"What's more, at the moment you are facing a decisive battle with the Tianyuan Realm. The four powers are all ally on the surface. It is one thing to chase and kill secretly. It is another thing to tear your skin face to face and put aside the battle! "

"Your reinforcements from the Golden Crow State acted on the ancestors of Youquan Ancestor as soon as they appeared. It's a bit exaggerated no matter how you think!"

Jin Xinyue is also a scheming generation, otherwise it would be impossible to become the saint of the Pantheon Palace. Her knowledge of the Yaozu is better than that of Li Yao. She changed her face a little bit, and she cursed secretly: "Oops, They may be in the same group!"

Before they finished their words, dozens of deafening blasts blasted above their heads, and circles of pale golden ripples appeared in the sky, slowly condensing into dozens of weird magic circles, dozens of golden light from the magic circles. The center jumped out, but it did not reveal the entity, it still maintained a nearly transparent form, and even the demon energy had converged to the extreme.

If it weren't for Li Yao's calmness and a firm lock, he could barely perceive their existence.

"Phantom Golden Eagle!"

Jin Xinyue's voice was full of despair.

The phantom golden eagle is a powerful biochemical beast prepared by the Golden Crow Kingdom. Each phantom golden eagle has a wingspan of more than 50 meters, a weight of more than 20 tons, and a cruising speed of 2.5 sound speeds, and a maximum speed of more than seven times the speed of sound. It climbs vertically to an atmosphere over 500 kilometers in tens of seconds, and can even fight in a synchronous orbit outside the atmosphere for a short time. Its performance parameters not only far exceed those of the Xingyao Federation's combat shuttle, but even The vast majority of crystal armors are beyond reach.

Even more frightening is that the feathers of the Phantom Golden Eagle are covered with a special anti-psychic detection oil film, and they have practiced camouflage and mimicry types of magic, making it almost impossible to be detected by the enemy. It is a true invisible monster. , The word "phantom" is worthy of the name!

On the wings of the phantom golden eagle, part of the feathers have been specially refined, such as steel like iron, but also containing acid, venom or extremely unstable psychic crystals, which can be violently released by muscle contraction. , The speed can also break through the sound barrier, and its fierce firepower is by no means inferior to the six-barreled rotary bomber and crystal magnetic cannon in the realm of comprehension.

What's more, the elite troops of the Golden Crow State often carry the crystal magnetic cannons and six-barreled revolving bombardment guns captured in previous battles on their wings, so that this terrifying beast can bombard both the monsters and the humans at the same time. Double magical powers!

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Suddenly hundreds of scarlet fire snakes bloomed in the air, slamming down like a whip, slashing deep ravines in the forest.

These fire snakes are composed of thousands of feathers of the Phantom Golden Eagle.

Each feather piercing deeply into the trunk of the tree will cause half of the tree to burn. The burning speed is much faster than that of ordinary flames, and the tree will be completely carbonized almost instantaneously.

The big tree in the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains has grown for thousands of years. It is harder than iron stone and cannot withstand the attack of fire feathers. If such feathers hit a flesh and blood body, the consequences can be imagined!

The original location of Li Yao and Jin Xinyue instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The sea of ​​fire is like a fountain, extending in all directions, especially the escape route of Li Yao and Jin Xinyue, which are the key objects of each other's care.

Li Yao and Jin Xinyue were shot by the fire feather so that they could not lift their heads.

At this time, a huge phantom golden eagle finally revealed its prototype over the jungle.

Its extremely hideous form caused Li Yao to take a breath.

Phantom golden eagles are not so much a bird, but rather a mixture of feathered pterodactyls and eagles.

Its neck is at least seven or eight meters long and can be stretched freely. When cruising at supersonic speed, it shrinks into the body cavity, and the whole is streamlined like a drop.

And when it hovered in mid-air and entered a low-speed hovering state, its neck stretched like a snake, and the dozen or so scarlet pouches surrounding the neck gradually inflated, giving off a translucent orange-red brilliance.

"What is it doing?"

Li Yao didn't understand why this phantom golden eagle had to withdraw from the invisible state. He hovered in the air and craned his neck, looking like singing loudly.

Jin Xinyue screamed as if she had seen a ghost, holding her head in her arms.

An unknown premonition just rose from the bottom of Li Yao's heart. The neck of this phantom golden eagle had stretched to its limit, and then shrank suddenly, like the barrel of a cannon retreating, and a group of bright red crystals moved from It gushed out from its mouth, bursting suddenly in mid-air, like a goddess scattered flowers, like a meteorite falling from the sky, bombarding the jungle with its head and brains.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the ground shook and the mountains shook, as if dozens of volcanoes erupted at the same time, and fangs formed by magma condensed from the ground. The 500-meter radius was covered by a sea of ​​fire, and the shock waves were mixed with billowing heat waves and even bombarded Arrived thousands of meters away!

Fortunately, the opponent did not lock Li Yao and Jin Xinyue, and the bombardment was on the east side of the two.

Despite this, the two of them were still swayed by the overwhelming shock wave, and sat on the ground, unable to recover for a long time.

"Cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough, they are really playing!

Jin Xinyue's eyes were fierce, and she gritted her teeth and said, "This is the strongest attack of the Phantom Golden Eagle, the'flying fire meteor'. The genes of the Phantom Golden Eagle are specially modulated, and when they are raised, they will swallow a large amount of fire crystal marrow. After these crystal marrows enter its body, they will stay in its crop. After a long time of refining, they will become pure natural crystal marrow bombs!"

"However, the crop space of a phantom golden eagle is limited. It can only store a certain amount of crystal marrow, and it will cause a lot of damage to its body if it is activated once, so it will not be used as a last resort. Such a terrible method will not be used. !"

"Unexpectedly, in order to deal with me, they would not hesitate to do such a cruel hand!"

Li Yao sipped a **** sputum, squinted two bladed eyes with murderous aura, gritted his teeth and said: "So, it can be confirmed that you have been abandoned by the Golden Crow State!"

Although the shock wave failed to severely inflict the two of them, it blows away all the medicinal powder that isolates them. The **** sputum spit out by Li Yao contained a lot of scent, which was instantly felt by the blood moon wolf ride in the distance.

"Ooo! Ooo!"

The long howl of the wolf is like a surviving reminder.

In a short while, hundreds of shadowy figures appeared in the burning jungle behind the two of them, like huge giant wolves, with something similar to a human figure lying behind them.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

The blood moon wolf rider quickly locked on the target through smell, but the human figure behind them rose to the sky, climbing over the branches above, like an electric arrow, faster than the blood moon wolf ride!

"Eight-armed Demon Ape!"

Jin Xinyue's face was pale, "I am a real jungle warfare expert in the lion slaughter country. No one wants to face these **** monkeys in the jungle!"

"You go first, I will create chaos, we are in the southwest waterfall round!"

Li Yao did not expect that the other party would attach such importance to Jin Xinyue, but the more so, the more valuable the secret contained in Jin Xinyue's body.

Naturally, Li Yao would not allow the Pantheon Palace to regain such "secrets" easily.

Jin Xinyue pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, and instantly disappeared into the jungle.

Li Yao put a mother-in-law heart ring on her ankle, and he could instantly perceive the other's existence, but he wouldn't worry about getting lost.

"bring it on!"

Facing the enemies coming from all directions, Li Yao boiled with enthusiasm, fighting violently, his left arm stretched out fiercely, and the primitive cells in his body swelled to the limit, almost bursting one by one.

"Showing the strongest form, burst out all the powers of the wild!"

Li Yao let out a low growl, only to feel the flesh and blood tearing apart, a primitive and savage force surging continuously from the depths of his left arm, strands of wild aura lingering on his left arm, making his left arm. Constantly twitching and swelling, especially the palm of the front end, suddenly became...

A hoof.

Li Yao looked at the left hand that turned into a hoof for a long time.

Git your teeth, start over, come out, the power of the wild!

The psychic energy urged, the demon energy surged, the mitochondria was stimulated to the limit, the left arm changed again, the hoof disappeared, and replaced by...the five fingers are covered with membranes, like webbed toes like duck feet.

Li Yao: "..."

In the depths of my mind, there was the smirk of the Scarlet Heart Demon "Yang Ya Ya Ya", it seemed to endure very hard, and its head became purple.


Li Yao was furious, "You're the one who's doing the ghost!"

"Are there any mistakes, this is going to wrong me?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon lay comfortably in his mind, with his arms behind his head, and Erlang's legs curled up and down, smiling and said, "Big brother, do you know that there are thousands of human ancestors, 99% of them are not eating grass? , It just eats microorganisms or something, in simple terms, it is waste, there is no fighting power at all?"

"You don't understand the mystery of genes at all. Do you want to inspire the characteristics of powerful ancestors by activating the primitive cells casually?"

"To be honest, you can change your hooves and webbed toes. It is already considered your luck against the sky. If you are not careful, it is not unusual for the whole left arm to collapse. Otherwise, you think that through the ages, why are few cultivators practicing? Such power?"

Li Yao was speechless, and he was taken aback for a moment before he said, "When I activated the Primordial Cells for the first time during the day, didn't I get very powerful claws?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon glanced at him with a disdainful look, and yawned lazily.

Li Yao thought, and immediately understood: "Are you helping me?"

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