40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 864: Terrifying prehistoric form

The Scarlet Heart Demon snorted softly and raised his chin.

Li Yao said anxiously: "Then what do you mean now?"

"Means nothing."

The Scarlet Heart Demon lazily said, "Just after talking to you just now, I suddenly felt that what you said was so correct and reasonable. It made me wake up! That's right, killing can't solve the problem, human beings. The demon may be brothers from the same origin, and should live together peacefully, how can they kill each other?"

"So now, there are so many ‘brothers’ rushing towards you very enthusiastically, you might as well explain to them the truth of ‘peaceful coexistence’ with a three-inch tongue?"

Li Yao didn't have time to swear, but when he heard a "swish", a high-heat beam swept across his scalp, interrupting the roots of a large tree with three or four people in front of him and burning it into coke.

On Li Yao's head, the smell of burning hair suddenly floated.

More than a dozen eight-armed demon apes gave out bursts of grinning, only tens of meters away from him.

In addition to the four extremely long arms extending under the shoulder blades of each eight-armed demon ape, there are also two slightly short deformed arms on the back. The joints can turn 360 degrees freely, which is extremely flexible.

Most of the time, they rely on their feet, the short limbs behind their backs and their long tails to move between the branches, angles and speeds.

With the four vacated arms, carrying a large number of heavy magic weapons, an eight-armed demon ape can blast out a powerful and unmatched firepower. A dozen eight-armed demon apes can fire at the same time. .

If there is only the Eight-armed Demon Ape, it is not difficult to deal with, but behind the Eight-armed Demon Ape, there is a blood moon wolf rider, and there is a "buzzing" buzzing in the sky and the sound of the phantom golden eagle cracking in the sky.

Thousands of demons could drag Li Yao to death.

Li Yao took a sip, turned and ran.

"Swish swish swish!"

A series of scarlet feathers surrounded by evil spirits exploded under his feet, and the soil instantly turned into magma, splashing on him, burning out **** holes, which made him grinning with pain, and his veins exploded.


The Scarlet Heart Demon smiled and said, "Occasionally, killing is still indispensable. It can solve some small problems, right? And I, a despicable, evil, and cruel Gorefiend, also has a tiny bit of it. Useful, right?"

Li Yao: "..."

Scarlet Heart Demon: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence?"

Li Yao: "..."

The Scarlet Heart Demon "haha" smiled, stretched his waist, and said: "Very well, we finally reached the most basic consensus, then next--"

In the depths of Li Yao's mind, the **** heart demon suddenly swelled, and the blood glow turned his brain into a sea of ​​blood, and even his left eye jumped suddenly. The pupils opened in all directions like crab claw chrysanthemums, and wisps of blood flowed from the eyes. The depths rippling away, constantly rotating, turning the left eye into a **** vortex!

Li Yaodong’s figure fleeing west suddenly stopped, his left arm straightened, and a "crackling" explosion sounded from the depths of his bones, and a substantial light red scent spewed out from every pore, as if a strange incense lingered. !

Under the cover of blood, the skin showed an ancient pale golden color, and a layer of bright silver liquid was secreted from the pores, which quickly solidified into a gorgeous armor. The cells at the elbows proliferated and ossified wildly, turning into one The shark fin-like bone blades are raised high, and the five fingers are also wrapped in delicate bright silver bone armor. The hardness and defensiveness are greatly improved, but the flexibility is not reduced. The front end resembles a dinosaur and a liger, growing out After the unshakable minions, they shook slightly, and there was a sharp sound of breaking wind.

A tingling and itchy sensation came from the palm of the palm, and then, a semicircular crystal like a red crystal protruded from the palm of the palm, with crimson blood streaks, swimming happily in it like a fish.


Li Yao couldn't help but tremble, and let out a comfortable moan, like a volcano in his body that had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years was awakening, and the most violent magma agitated!

The strengthening of the body is so refreshing, and the improvement of perception and brain makes him feel reborn and reborn in an instant!

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

In an instant, the senses of sight, hearing, and smell were refreshed thousands of times, and various spectra, various sound waves, and various particles were all mixed together.

Through the sound of the leaves, the other party’s breath is transmitted from the body, and the light and shadow in the depths of the jungle... Countless information collided fiercely in the brain, shattered into fine golden scales, and heavy. It constitutes a virtual battlefield.

Everything in this virtual battlefield is under Li Yao's control. He clearly knows the position and attack route of each enemy, and even analyzes the enemy's strength through the enemy's movement speed and breathing rate.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

The battlefield continued to split, from one to two, from two to four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, and sixty-four.

Sixty-four virtual battlefields operate at the same time, accurately simulating the changes in the battle situation after he adopted 64 different tactics, and selecting the best tactical options from them.

"My computing power has greatly increased again!"

Li Yaoqiang endured the sharp pain in his brain, surprised and delighted.

After reaching the ultimate golden core state, his calculation power has not increased for a long time. He originally thought that it was the limit of the pill formation period, but he did not expect to break through the barrier at this moment!

Perceiving his own brain cells in 0.01 second, he immediately understood that the reason his computing power soared was because his brain cells had undergone earth-shaking changes!

Brain cells are one of the most mysterious cells in the human body. The biggest feature is their indivisibility and replication.

Most of the cells in the human body, such as bone, liver, and muscle cells, can divide and proliferate continuously. The so-called cultivation is to use spiritual energy to stimulate these cells. New cells are born, so cycle, and gradually become stronger!

Only brain cells cannot divide or proliferate!

As soon as an ordinary person is born, the number of brain cells has been determined, about 14 billion, and then it has continued to decrease.

Starting in their twenties, adults will lose 100,000 brain cells every day until they die!

If both parents are cultivators and have a strong bloodline, perhaps the number of brain cells at birth will be a little more, reaching more than 20 billion, but correspondingly, after awakening the spiritual roots and embarking on the road of cultivation, they will burn souls and brain cells at every turn. The level of consumption is also several times that of ordinary people.

This is also the biggest factor restricting the lifespan of a cultivator.

Yes, a cultivator can cultivate his body to be as steel as iron, unavoidable from fire and water, and resist most diseases.

Some powerful cultivators, even cancer cells, can be suppressed by their own strength abruptly!

However, even if a cultivator never fights and pays special attention to health preservation, and lives to be two or three hundred years old without danger, his body is as strong as a young man, but the withering of brain cells is irreversible.

In the end, it is the over-consumption of brain cells. With a perfect body, it enters a state of "brain death"!

Now, Li Yao discovered that when some of his brain cells activated the "primordial form" through the "reversion phenomenon", they had weak ability to divide and proliferate.

While the primary brain cells are constantly withering, new brain cells are constantly being produced!

This discovery made Li Yao ecstatic!

"This is the strongest form I can concoct right now!"

The voice of the Scarlet Heart Demon is full of pride and anticipation, "The enhancement of the bloodstroke tribe is just a kind of instinct for the enhancement of creatures, and there is no theory and system at all, so the secret method of the monster tribe's cultivation is indeed very helpful to us! "

"I used some powerful gene maps provided by Jin Xinyue to activate 1,354 dormant gene fragments, making you present the characteristics of 17 wild beasts!"

"You are ten times stronger than the Yanbei Northwest of the day!"

"Just a few elementary genetic maps can activate such terrifying combat power. If we get a more mysterious genetic map in the Pantheon Palace, we will definitely be able to refine the most powerful celestial calamity battle body in the past and present. Haha, hahahaha!"

Li Yao: "Could you not laugh so cruelly?"

"no problem."

The Scarlet Heart Demon instantly regained his gentle appearance, and said gently, "I can even take back such'cruel' and such'evil' power, and no longer'contaminate' your body, and let you go and those monsters. Clan brothers talk about the noble principles of'peaceful coexistence', okay?"

Li Yao: "When I didn't say it!"


With both legs resting on the branches, the thick and flexible branches were like springs, and Li Yaochao fiercely ejected the Eight-armed Demon Ape.

The Eight-armed Demon Ape didn't expect that he would kill the carbine, and was startled slightly, then brandished the bone blade and the chain saw sword, roaring, and flew at the same time.

After breaking through the new limit of computing power, Li Yao seemed to be in the viscous glue. Time flies very slowly. The vicious and snarling eight-armed demon apes all turned into extremely slow sloths.

Li Yao calmly shifted between the bullets, beams, acid and venom that they rushed out. The blade and the tip of the sword seemed to have become his springboard and steps. He jumped out of the tip of the knife and the bullet. In a lightning-like dance, the sword and muzzle that were lightly touched by his toes changed the direction slightly.

So, after a while, the swords of the eight-armed demon ape smashed into the body of the companion, and the bullets and venom also headshot the surrounding teammates one by one, splashing blood, as if a **** miasma rose in the jungle!


The corpse of the eight-armed demon ape has not yet landed, dozens of white lights rushed up, and the figure continued to swell while still in the air. The snow-white hair all over the body was torn, revealing **** crescent-like lines!

The blood moon wolf rider showing the strongest form is not so much a wolf, but a mixture of a wolf and a bear. Standing upright, it is three or four meters high, and its eyes are like two orange lanterns. Staring at Li Yao!

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