"She thought that the thing that killed my mother was done perfectly, and I have always pretended to be very well-behaved, never showing the slightest suspicion, but in the dark, I was step by step, stepping on boundless blood and tired bones. , Climbed up step by step in the abyss of the Pantheon Palace, and finally climbed out, becoming a saint who can be alone."

"After becoming a saint, I can justifiably cultivate my own minions and establish a little power, and I also secretly investigated while performing the mission of the Pantheon, and finally found key evidence."

"It's just that this **** family is powerful in the Golden Crow country, and she herself is a strong and powerful person. I was not her opponent at the time."

"If you want revenge, you have to do everything you can to make yourself stronger. In order to become stronger, you naturally need a lot of resources. Of course you can get resources from the Pantheon Palace, but you will be discovered by the ****."

"I have no choice but to steal, snatch, sell intelligence in exchange for resources."

"Haha, I have been pretending to be loyal to that **** for whole years, treating her as my real mother, and even confessing that **** to me was extremely dangerous twice, making it clear that I was murdering with a knife. I completed all the tasks properly and posted them properly. In the next task, I even suffered serious injuries and finally stabilized her."

"When I arranged everything, she finally noticed something wrong, but it was too late."

"I killed her cleanly, but this was not the end. It was not only the **** family who had a part in the death of my mother, but even my father knew it at the time, but he didn't care about it. !"

"From the moment my mother died, I secretly made up my mind to kill all the demons who were sorry for her back then!"

"I will no longer be like a mother, being a fish on a chopping board, I will climb up at all costs!"

"Now, I am the saint of the Pantheon Hall, but what about the saint, what about the Nine Heavens Profound Girl? Are they all puppets at the mercy of others?"

"In the Blood Demon Realm, the Ten Thousand Demon Palace is the sky, and the twelve demon emperors who rule this sky! Under the twelve demon emperors, all are ants!"

"I don't want to be an ant anymore, even an ant named'Nine Heavens Profound Girl'! I aspire to be one of the twelve demon emperors, or even the queen of the entire blood demon world!"

"I restrained my mind, lurked my minions, and continued to climb up in the Pantheon Palace as a saint. With the clean completion of missions, the father who had always been indifferent to me finally noticed me."

"He thought that my ideal is to become the Nine Sky Profound Girl. Although it is only a puppet, it is extremely useful to control the puppet completely in his own hands."

"So, he invested a lot of resources on me, began to fully support me, and also helped me get rid of many competitors."

"I'm afraid he can't think of it, but my appetite is far from what a'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' can satisfy!"

"Hehe, it's just that my luck doesn't seem to be very good. I thought it was an ordinary hunting mission, but it was transformed into a human identity inexplicably. Maybe there are more hidden in that mysterious potion. The secret of this is definitely not known to others, so the four powerful nations, Youquan, Bahai, Golden Crow, and Lion Tu will join forces to hunt me down!"

"Not reconciled, I'm really not reconciled!"

Jin Xinyue flushed and her voice became louder and louder, completely forgetting that she was talking to a terrifying "old monster".

She clenched her fist and smashed it fiercely on the cave wall, smashing gravel, her fingers were **** and bloody, and two lines of hot tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

She leaned weakly against the cave wall and said dejectedly: "These words have been buried deep in her heart. Apart from telling them to her mother in a dream, she has never told anyone else. To be able to speak freely in front of our ancestors today, the younger generation is considered dead. No regrets."

"As the ancestor said, we have no chance to go to the Pantheon Palace, so the ancestors should tie the younger generation's five flowers and throw them into the forest. I believe that after the blood moon wolf rider smells my blood, soon You will find me."

"As for the ancestors, the younger generation suggests that you still do not take the initiative to show up, because you don't know how many secrets this mysterious potion still hides. Perhaps once the ancestors show up, they will be attacked by the four great monster nations. The chances are gone."

"So, the younger generation urges the ancestors to endure the wind and the waves for a while, and fly away. Now that the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world are about to fight, the Pantheon Palace may not be able to mobilize a large amount of combat power to hunt down the ancestors.

After speaking, Jin Xinyue let out a long sigh of relief, silently closed her eyes, letting tears flow on her face, her lips trembled slightly, she looked like she was unlovable, letting go of everything.

Li Yao studied her expression with great interest for a long time, and suddenly applauded with no importance, and the clear applause echoed for a long time in the long and narrow cave.

Jin Xinyue opened her beautiful eyes slightly, and said in amazement: "Ancestor, you are--"

"Your acting skills are quite good, naturally natural and perfect!"

Li Yao sighed sincerely, "Even I have unknowingly followed your way, I believe 10%!"

Jin Xinyue was stunned: "Which 10%?"

Li Yao said, "That's the 10% you said you want to climb up at all costs and eventually become the Queen of the Blood Demon Realm."

Jin Xinyue’s eyelashes are with a few drops of crystal clear tears, and every time she blinks, she will have a misty brilliance. She feels aggrieved and innocently said: "What about the remaining 90%?"

Li Yao said lightly: "I understand the remaining 90%."

"First, you seem to put your heart to your heart and speak of such a bleak childhood. On the one hand, you are trying to win my sympathy, and on the other hand, in a subtle way, you have elevated me to a position above your father and on par with your dead mother. Position."

"Lonely people like me who have just awakened from a long sleep may give birth to a subtle desire for protection, right?"

"Secondly, you deliberately exaggerated the power of the Pantheon, and you said, "Under the twelve demon emperors, all are ants." On the surface, you said this to yourself, but in fact, you said it to me. You naturally know that with my cultivation base and strength, it is absolutely impossible for me to succumb to anyone and become an'ant'!"

"You deliberately pointed out this point to let me discover the irreconcilable contradiction between myself and the Pantheon Palace!"

"Third, in the last few words, you said that there are more secrets hidden in that weird potion, and it made me fly away quickly. It is clear that I am involved in this great secret. I can't get rid of it anyway, even if I don't want to be an enemy of the Pantheon Palace, the Pantheon Palace will not let me go!"

"Although the blood demon world is big, where can you escape under the control of the twelve demon emperors?"

"Oh, by the way, you also said that the decisive battle between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm is imminent. Translated, it is telling me that although the power of the Pantheon Demon Palace is great, their greatest enemy is the Tianyuan Realm. There are flaws, I should take advantage of the god-given opportunity to counter the Pantheon Palace, right?"

"On the surface, you are pushing your heart to heart and telling your heart. In fact, every single word reminds me that there is a contradiction between me and the Pantheon. Even if I don't want to provoke the Pantheon, the Pantheon is also. I won't let me go, and the decisive battle between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm is just around the corner. It is a good time for me to'start first to be strong', otherwise, once the dust settles, I won't have any room to stand up!"

"And if I really want to be an enemy of the Pantheon Palace, I will naturally have the help of you, a saint who knows the inside of the Pantheon Palace."

"I understand so, I didn't misunderstand your meaning, huh?"

"Ancestor wise!"

To say that there was a trace of embarrassment or panic on Jin Xinyue’s face that was exposed, Li Yao didn’t notice it anyway. She knelt down very well, and respectfully said: "Old ancestor Yingming, all of a sudden, I heard the minor words of the younger generation. At first, the juniors were still wondering how to explain to the ancestors!"

"Actually, if it is a general elementary demon emperor, perhaps he can be recruited by the Pantheon Palace to become a minion, but with the cultivation base and courage of the ancestor, it is like a dragon flying above the nine heavens. Can your pond be trapped?"

"An ancestor like a peerless powerhouse should become the entire blood demon world, no, he is the master of the blood demon and the Tianyuan realm! So the contradiction between the ancestor and the Pantheon Palace is destined to be irreconcilable. I am afraid that it is not necessary for the juniors to say The ancestors know everything!"

Li Yao said coldly: "You didn't seem to say that before you found out that you were hunted down by the Golden Crow State."

Jin Xinyue said calmly: "At that time, the younger generation thought they could return to the Golden Crow country and obtained a lot of cultivation secrets and genetic materials for the ancestors. Naturally, they were not in a hurry to persuade the ancestors to be hostile to the Ten Thousand Demons Hall! Now that the situation is changing, the younger generation must of course think a few more steps for the ancestor! Although the ancestor’s foresight must have already understood everything, but the younger generation helped the ancestor clear the chaos and let the ancestor consume a few brain cells. excellent."

Li Yao sneered: "But, why do I feel that you are using me?"

Jin Xinyue hesitated, and said: "The younger generation also wants to say that there is absolutely no thought of using the ancestor to survive, but with the wise and wisdom of the ancestor, if the younger generation simply admires the noble character of the ancestor, I am afraid , I’m afraid they are all insulting the wisdom of the ancestors! As the saying goes, “An ants still steal their lives”, the younger generation is now desperate, and can only grab a leg hair on the ancestor’s thigh, hoping that the ancestor will soar into the sky and the king will come to the world. At this time, being able to pull the juniors out of the fire pit is also commonplace for demons!"

This woman was so shameless and transparent that Li Yao had nothing to say. He was unwilling to take advantage of the other party. After pondering for a long time, he raised his eyelids and said: "According to your words, with the two of us, Can you be an enemy of the Pantheon Palace?"

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