40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 869: No chaotic city, fire ant king!

Without blinking, Jin Xinyue said quickly: "With the wisdom of the ancestors and the means of reaching the sky and the earth, just a light touch of the little finger can make the Temple of the Demon ashes fly away. It's just a matter of killing a chicken. Swordsman, there are many things, it is not necessary for the ancestors to take action personally. After all, the biggest threat to the Pantheon Palace is not us."

Li Yao's eyes flashed, seemingly angry, and coldly said: "You mean Tianyuanjie? You want me to cooperate with Human Race? Hey, that's right, I forgot, you now look at everything from head to toe. It's a pure human being. It makes sense that you want to cooperate with Tianyuan people."

Jin Xinyue hurriedly bowed down, shook her head and said: "The premise of cooperation is that the two sides are equal. At the moment, the younger generation is alone and lonely. If you rush to cooperate with Tianyuan people, it is simply a sheep's mouth!"

"What's more, as an ancestor, it is difficult to gain the trust of Tianyuan people."

"What the younger generation refers to is the Blade of Chaos."

Li Yao's thoughts turned, and he was lost in thought: "Go on."

Jin Xinyue coughed lightly and quickly said, "Although the organization of the Blade of Chaos seems to have suffered a major blow, the centipede is not stiff, and it is not so easy to be beaten to death by a stick."

"It has been hidden in the darkness of the blood demon world for hundreds of years. The tentacles of the Chaos Blade have penetrated into all levels. Now we have cut off its tentacles and limbs at most, without really piercing its heart."

"Senior see clearly, this time the Chaos Blade launched the'Bloodblade Rebellion'. After occupying the Bonesha City in the north, he held on to the city and wrecked it in Bonesha City. It gave the Allied Forces of Demons calmly mobilized and defeated them in one fell swoop. Great opportunity."

"In the beginning, the younger generation thought that the Blade of Chaos was just a group of mobs. After they captured a city, they were dizzy and at a loss."

"But now, what if their goal at the beginning is the kind of mysterious potion that can turn demons into people?"

Li Yao's pupils dilated slightly: "Huh?"

Jin Xinyue said: "Assuming that Chaos Blade knew that Youquan ancestor had a secret laboratory in Bonesha City a long time ago, and in the laboratory he concocted a mysterious medicine that could change the world."

"So, their real purpose in launching the'Blood Blade Rebellion' to capture Bonesha City is to find this kind of medicine."

"Then, they guarded the city, and the reason for their massive destruction was very simple, because they were digging three feet in the ground, looking for the laboratory of the ancestor Youquan, to find the mysterious potion!"

"In this way, the secret hidden by this medicine must be more amazing than we thought, and that's why the ancestor Youquan was chased and killed desperately!"

"If that's the case, in addition to Youquan Ancestor and the Four Great Demon Kingdoms, Chaos Blade should also be looking for this mysterious potion!"

"Now, the mysterious potion has been absorbed by me, and it has produced incredible changes in me, so I think that I may have become a valuable bargaining chip, and I can exchange something with Chaos Blade."

Li Yao thought for a while and nodded: "It makes sense, but where are you going to find the Blade of Chaos? Now the entire blood demon world is suppressing the rebels, and the Blade of Chaos has become a frightening bird. Even if you are not caught, I'm afraid Wouldn't it be easy to show up again?"

Jin Xinyue let out a sly light in her eyes and smiled and said: "The junior once had inadvertently obtained a piece of intelligence to catch the wind, knowing where a secret stronghold of Chaos Blade is located. It is even possible that it is the headquarters of Chaos Blade. !"

Li Yao was stunned for a moment: "You know where the headquarters of the Blade of Chaos is, and you haven't reported such important information to the Pantheon Palace?"

Jin Xinyue laughed dryly: "What benefits can I get from reporting to the Pantheon? It's better to hide this information first. When necessary, maybe you can change to something more valuable and play a greater role. For example, it’s like this."

Li Yao gave her a deep look.

Jin Xinyue said frankly: "There is no way. In the blood demon world, if you want to survive, you must survive well enough. You always have to master some little secrets that others don't know."

Li Yao calmly asked, "So, where is the secret stronghold of Chaos Blade?"

Jin Xinyue said: "There is no chaotic city."

Li Yao chewed the name carefully, chewing out a faint smell of blood, in the village of Dry Leaves, he had vaguely heard of this place.

Jin Xinyue said: "Wuluan City is an independent demon city, not affiliated to the four major demon kingdoms. It may be the most dangerous, chaotic, smoky, lawless place in the entire blood demon world. It is said that it belongs to the blood demon world. Malignant tumor is not an exaggeration."

Li Yaoqi said: "Will the Temple of All Demon actually allow such a'cancer' to exist?"

Jin Xinyue explained: "Because the city lord'Fire Ant King' who rules Wuluocheng is a mid-level demon emperor, and his strength is quite powerful."

"The Fire Ant King is a strange species among the Demon Emperors. His strength and power are clearly on par with several of the Twelve Demon Emperors, but he has never shown that he wants to compete for the position of the Twelve Demon Emperors. He is just in Wuluo Peninsula. Separate the regime, build a city of its own, and put on a posture that people will not offend me and I will not offend others."

"After the establishment of Wuluocheng, it attracted fierce monsters and ruthless people from all over the blood demon world. Many fierce monsters committed heinous crimes among their own tribes, or were the losers of the power struggle, and were unwilling to be sent to them. When the Tianyuan Realm goes to die, he flees to Wuchao City. As long as he enters the Wuchao City area, the Fire Ant King treats them equally and protects them."

"As time passed, a group of cruel and extremely cruel fierce monsters gathered around Fire Ant King. The momentum was established, and other monster races would not dare to provoke them easily."

"On the other hand, the fire ant king is not just brave and fierce, and even extremely smart."

"His Chaotic City has two major businesses."

"One is to capture and concoct the Chaos Blood Monster Race."

"The chaotic blood demon race is despised by the demon races of all classes. They often live in poor rural areas and on the fringe of civilization. Over time, they are born with natural qualities, do not obey Wang Hua, and are untamable in their wild nature."

"The Fire Ant King sent a slave hunting team to hunt the blood demon race on the corners of the blood demon world. Once caught, they will all be brought back to Wuluocheng to be modulated, or concocted into loyal slaves, or It is made into cannon fodder that is not afraid of death, and there are even gladiators who specialize in fighting for the pleasure of high-level demons."

"After completing the modulation, these slaves, slave soldiers and gladiators will be sold to the high-level monster race as their pets, tools and weapons."

"Through this business, the Fire Ant King not only has a lot of money, but also took the path of high-level tribes, and soon became the largest **** monster hunter and slave trader in the blood demon world."

"The Fire Ant King has worked so hard to provide slaves to the high-level monster race, and put on a neutral attitude that only needs money, regardless of other neutral attitudes, why should others provoke such a monster emperor for no reason?"

"Especially before and after the'Battle of Dawn', the demand for cannon fodder surged. The Fire Ant King helped to prepare cannon fodder, which was more efficient than the major demon kingdoms. He is simply a guest of the major demon kingdoms. It is too late to welcome. Why bother to suppress him?"

"The second job is to make various kinds of demonized plants. The Fire Ant King possesses secret techniques and is particularly good at making demonized plants, and extracts hallucinogenic and maddening potions from demonized plants.

"These potions are extremely important military supplies. Many haunting monster races, especially herbivorous monster races, have weak personalities and have no instinct to actively attack. They all need to use hallucinogenic and maddening potions to make them hallucinate, as if Only when their children are being killed by humans will they go wild and slaughter humans."

"The demonized plants prepared by the Fire Ant King and the killing potions refined by the Fire Ant King are extremely effective. This business also brings him a lot of wealth and the goodwill of the major demon kingdoms, making his Chaos-Free City become blood. An extremely special existence in the demon world."

"More importantly, the fire ant king and Youquan ancestor are brothers, born of the same mother!"

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment: "What?"

Jin Xinyue said: "According to the practice of the Yao tribe, if two brothers in the same tribe are strong, there will be a battle between dragons and tigers to fight for the control of the tribe."

"But back then, the Fire Ant King took the initiative to withdraw, leaving Youquan Country, flying far away, and handing over the entire Youquan Country to the ancestors of Youquan, to start a new business on his own."

"Even when Ancestor Youquan was fighting with other brothers, the Fire Ant King provided a lot of help and helped Ancestor Youquan take control of the entire Zerg race."

"In this way, whether Youquan Ancestor is grateful for his affection or wants to use his power, it will not be easy to turn his face with the Fire Ant King."

"Nowadays, the Fire Ant King is in the Temple of All Demon, with the help of Youquan ancestors, and countless fierce demon races under him, and he is also in control of the wealth of the enemy's country. He is even more powerful than the middle-level demon emperor. Who is there? Dare to attack him easily?"

Li Yao thought for a while, and said: "According to you, Fire Ant King made his fortune by hunting the blood demon tribe, and Wuluan City is also the base camp of the blood demon tribe. So for the blood demon tribe, why? Not the most dangerous place?"

"The ancestor was right."

Jin Xinyue smiled and said, "This is the brilliance of Chaos Blade. The most dangerous place is perhaps the safest place. Now the entire blood demon world is hunting for the blood demon tribe, looking for strongholds of the blood demon tribe. , But no one would have imagined that the most important secret stronghold of the Blade of Chaos is actually in the city of Chaos, under the tentacles of the Fire Ant King!"


Li Yao's thoughts turned, and the Scarlet Heart Demon instantly released hundreds of curious ideas in his brain. He made up his mind, "It seems that we have to go to Wuchaocheng to find the headquarters of Chaos Blade. Explore all the secrets of this mysterious potion, even..."

After a pause, Li Yao gently rubbed the undulating left temple, and said lightly, "I'll be the fire ant king for a while!"

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