40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 874: Gladiator

For the brawny horns, this rift came just right. They were able to fully explode the speed of the gallop and unleash the most violent destructive power, just like seven or eight spar chariots ramming and smashing in the blink of an eye. The slave hunters then ran into those fat "caterpillars" again!

These mucus-spitting caterpillars are fat and awkward, and have the same steering. They are standard long-range troops. They are opponents of horns and brawny men. They were knocked into their stomachs and rolled all over the floor.

The "crackling" electric whip slammed on the brawny man with horns, and the nets full of barbs were deeply embedded in their leather armor, and they couldn't stop them from releasing the most agitated wildness.

Under their infection, many of the black blood and chaotic blood monster races who were caught are ready to move, and the Black Rock Square is like the stagnant ocean before the storm is approaching!


The surrounding Fire Ant King’s guards drew out their swords and showed their minions, ready to step forward at any time to suppress.


The leader of the slave hunting captain, seeing that his subordinates were so useless, seemed to have suffered a great humiliation, and on his arms, the black wind was blowing, and suddenly opened, like a black high wall, abruptly resisting the collision of two horned men!


It was as if three fast-speeding crystal rail trains slammed into each other. The bear demon was able to fight with one enemy and two. It made waves of grinning, grabbed the horns on the opponent's head, forced the opponent back abruptly, and then his arms fiercely. With a flick of the ground, he even threw two strong men over three meters tall and weighing several tons into the air!

This is the terrifying power of the Intermediate Demon General!

The astonishing power made the violent red-blooded bronze bull tremble. The slave captain laughed loudly, leaped gently, and jumped in front of the brawny leader with horns and white hair around his neck!

"Huh! Huh!"

Both sides are surrounded by hot air currents, rubbing against each other, as if sparking sparks.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two burly men like black iron towers, their arms entangled fiercely, inflated like a balloon.

The fragments of black rock beneath his feet burst and were entangled with an astonishing momentum, breaking free from the control of gravity, and slowly floating!

The brawny leader with horns, after all, has not received any special training, he is not the opponent of the bear demon, and with two "slaps", the roots of blood vessels on his arm burst, and a cloud of blood is scattered!

But he stared at the bull's eyes, gritted his teeth and insisted. When the pain was extreme, blood seemed to flow from the broken horns!

"Get me down!"

The demon bear drank like thunder. Under strong suppression, the straight spine and legs of the brawny man with horns made a "click, click" sound. If you don't lower your head, your bones will burst!

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

No one noticed that just now, he was hit hard by seven or eight electric whips, convulsed violently, and rolled all over the floor, like Li Yao, who was "unconscious", and rolled to the side of the bear monster.

At this moment, the scene was very chaotic. Hundreds of feet, claws and hooves stepped on him, already submerging him in the demons.

At the most critical moment when the bear demon and the bull horned leader reached the stalemate, Li Yao suddenly rose from behind the bear demon, lying on the back of the bear demon, his left arm slammed forward, and the middle and index fingers swelled and hooked. The left eye socket of the bear demon!


The bear demon never thought that someone would sneak attack from behind, and under the pain, he flicked desperately!


Li Yao pretended to be shaken by his vigor, and spewed blood, but took the opportunity to completely draw out the bear demon's left eye!

The bear demon was in pain, dizzy, his mind relaxed for a while, his arms "clicked" twice, and he was completely twisted by the leader of the horned man.

The leader of the brawny man with horns yelled violently, and his entire leather armor was torn apart, revealing crimson muscles. When he bowed his head, pushed hard, and picked, he even flew the bear monsters high!

On Black Rock Square, there was a sudden chaos.

The fire ant king's guard finally entered the battlefield to suppress it.

The members of this guard are all fierce monsters from all parts of the blood demon world, carrying big crimes, and their strength is several levels higher than that of the slave hunting team. The number of arcs released by the electric whip is also several times stronger.

Li Yao pretended to be injured by the bear demon and bleeding from his seven orifices, lying on the ground honestly, hugging his head, and letting the electric whip slam his head over his body.

However, the innermost clarity of mind was at its extreme, and the spirit was secretly released, observing the situation around him.

He saw that on the back of a **** beast not far away, several silver-blooded monster races were pointing and whispering to him, and they all wore a strange-shaped skull emblem on their chests.

Jin Xinyue said that that is the symbol of Skull Island.

"This is enough to be'rebellious', right?"

Li Yao pondered secretly.

If this level is achieved and he still can't mix into Skull Island, he can only find a way to escape, and then use the simplest and rude method to approach the Skull Island Captain Chiba.


Three hours later, to the southwest of Wuluan Peninsula, a few huge flying scorpion scorpion flew across the sky and glide toward the black sea.

The body of the flying carp is wide and flat, like a flying carpet with a length of hundreds of meters, with countless monsters crowded on it.

Li Yao sat coiled on the center of the back of a flying carp, with three or four chains **** on his body. The barbs of the chains were deeply embedded in the flesh. With a slight movement, a series of dazzling arcs would burst out of the chains.

For him, this level of current is not as stimulating as digging out his ears.

However, he still grinned with a grin of face.

There were many black blood demon races and chaotic blood demon races all around, all of whom had just participated in the riot and dared to resist.

However, these sturdy monsters would rather be out of breath than daring to get close to Li Yao, looking at him like a terrifying monster.

After all, not everyone can pick out the eyeballs of an intermediate demon general.

The two silver-blooded monster races were sitting in front of the flying scorpion scorpion. They looked at Li Yao with interest, and from time to time they made a burst of greedy laughter. They seemed to be thinking about how much this sturdy monster can perform How much benefit did a wonderful matchup bring to Skull Island.

Soon, Skull Island was near.

If Wuluan Peninsula is a fang piercing from the mainland to the ocean, then Skull Island is a drop of blood at the tip of this fang.

Looking down from mid-air, Skull Island really looks like a distorted skull head. On the upper part of the island, there are a lake and a swamp, like two eyes, one black and one white. Half of it is the stone forest area with interlaced canine teeth, like the fangs of a skeleton.

The monsters advocate the concept of the weak and the strong, and the winner is king. Watching and even participating in gladiatorial battles is the most popular sport of the monsters. The noble silver-blooded nobles are proud to fight every other way to show themselves. The bravery and brutality.

Therefore, during the 30,000 years that the Monster Beast Empire ruled Xinghai, various arenas and arenas have spread across three thousand worlds. So far, many relics have been left.

The simplest example can illustrate how prosperous the fighting spirit of the Monster Beast Empire is-the peerless and powerful "Emperor" who established the Xinghai Empire and led the revival of the human race was initially a gladiator in the arena!

The arena is the most important practice and social place for the monster race. It is not just a simple arena, but also includes a series of luxurious facilities such as training rooms, medicine baths, and clubs.

The most high-end arena in the blood demon world, of course, is located in the capital of the four great demon kingdoms and the headquarters of the Pantheon.

However, Wuluocheng is a trading center for slave trading and strengthening potions. Every day, countless silver-blooded monster races come here to select slaves and purchase potions. During this period of stay here, they will appreciate gladiatorial fights as entertainment.

Therefore, Skull Island is considered to be among the best in all arenas of the blood demon world, and it also has a large special test field, where you can use savvy gladiators to test the combat effectiveness of various powerful biochemical beasts.

"Now that you are on Skull Island, don't think about it anymore!"

The flying carp ray lowered its height and slowly landed on Skull Island. A staff member of Skull Island stood up, slapped the electric whip lightly, and said loudly, "Look at you, there is a vast ocean with all over the sea. The most ferocious monster beast, waiting hungry all day long, to escape, there is absolutely no way to escape!"

"However, if you are smart enough to show your bravery on Skull Island, then maybe you have a chance to completely reverse your destiny!"

"In the past, you were all the cheapest black blood and messy blood, all day long working hard in the crevices of the deserted mountains and ridges. What kind of life did you live?"

"Just now, your bloodliness and sturdiness won a small opportunity for you. Right now, it's up to you whether you can grasp it!"

"Next, on Skull Island, you will take the most powerful potion of madness, and you will get the guidance of experts, and what you have to do is the same as what you did in the mountains and forests in the past, go hunting and fight! "

"Every time you win a game, you can enjoy the delicacies and delicacies you have never enjoyed before, and you can get higher-level potions and cultivation secrets!"

"If you win five games in a row, you will be free again, and you will be received by the island owner and recommended by the island owner to those powerful nobles. From then on, you will reach the sky in one step!"

"Hey, if this is not enough, then I tell you, as long as you fight here honestly and win five games in a row, even your family can be free again!"

At the beginning, most of the monster races were downcast, and no one wanted to listen to this silver-blooded monster race's instigation. Until the last sentence, all the monster races finally raised their heads, and their eyes glowed with excitement.

Whether it is the bear monster, tiger monster, lion monster covered with black hair, or the snake monster and lizard monster covered with scales, or even the weird and ugly worm monster, when you hear the word "family", All raised an inexplicable hope!

Li Yao secretly observed the reactions of these monster races, the extremely human expression and light once again made his heart tremble, and he was deeply bewildered.

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