40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 875: new blood

"You...what do you say?"

Asked a **** monster clan who was covered with scales, his lower body looked like a giant python, and the front end of his right arm gradually transitioned into a sharp bone blade.

His tongue is strangely long and the front end is forked. It is very difficult to speak, but the urgency revealed between the lines can even be distinguished by Li Yao.

The Skull Island staff member smiled and slowly said: "The reason why we Skull Island can become the biggest arena in Chaos City is based on the word'rules.' No matter who can win five games in a row, they can regain it. Freedom, this is what our island owner personally promised to the fire ant king. Even if you don’t believe our island owner, at least you should believe in the fire ant king!"

The staff gestured around for a while, and continued, "On Skull Island, there are many gladiators fighting as free players. They have won five games in a row, and then they come and go freely. If they don’t want to be the nobles’ subordinates. , Then continue to stay on Skull Island, while serving as an instructor, while participating in the fight, a victory, you can make more money than the past ten years! When you see it, you might as well ask them!"

Whether he believed his words, or realized that Skull Island was in a desperate situation and there was nowhere to escape, the demon races who were still rebellious just now finally calmed down and obediently landed on a clearing in the southeast of Skull Island.

The monsters on dozens of flying manta rays came at once, and only a handful of them were smashed in shackles that were "crashing".

Li Yao found that on the other flying manta ray not far away, the dozen or so strong men of the red-blooded copper bull variant, also shackled in the same shackles as him, were walking staggeringly under the guard of the staff carefully. Down.

The brawny man with a ring of white hair on his neck and half of his horn broken, sensed Li Yao's gaze, grinned at him, showing teeth larger than Li Yao’s big toe, and then raised it again. The shackles on his hands were slightly kind in his smile, but more sorrowful.

Li Yao also raised the shackles and shook the opponent slightly.

At this time, the two staff members walked up to Li Yao with a vigilant look, looked at him with slanted eyes for a long time, and said, "Hey, you can see the surrounding environment clearly. Instead of running away, you might as well fight and win. The odds of five games, right?"

Li Yao looked around. Skull Island was a primitive jungle, ten times more gloomy than the Magic Island where he had fought. The big trees covering the sky and the sun stood upright like swords, spears and halberds, and at the end of the jungle, I can faintly hear the roar of the sea.

In Wuchao Peninsula, the magnetic field is extremely chaotic, and there are countless invisible turbulences above the sea. Even if the monster race can fly, it is easy to fall into the turbulence and get involved in the sea for no reason.

In the eyes of ordinary Yaozu, this is indeed a desperate jedi.

The other party said again: "We found out that you still have a younger sister. It's refreshing to run away by yourself and be buried in the sea, but it's not good for your sister to be tortured all day long, right?"

Li Yao secretly smiled in his heart, and there are not many people who can torture Jin Xinyue, looking at the entire Blood Demon Realm.

On the surface, he naturally nodded.


The other party was very satisfied, "Looking at your shot, it can be considered a cruel character, but hunting in the wilderness all the year round is a waste of your talent. Fighting on Skull Island, although it is extremely dangerous, you can still come into contact with it. With powerful exercises and potions, there is also a chance to get advice from experts, and the strength will increase very quickly!"

"When you win five games in a row, you and your sister will both stand up. With the shelter of Skull Island and even Wuluocheng, no one will dare to move you even if you go outside in broad daylight! You must think clearly about the risks. Right?"

Li Yao nodded for the third time.

The other party stared at him earnestly for a long time, without seeing any clues from the trembling of his facial muscles, and finally believed him temporarily, and threw a key far away: "Untie it yourself!"

This key was refined into a solidified worm shape. Once it reached Li Yao's hand, the worm gradually regained consciousness, twisting and making a "hissing" cry, which made him amazed.

Although this kind of shackles could be broken by Li Yao with a slight stroke, the lock core refined by the secret method of the monster clan still opened his eyes.

Suddenly, all the dangerous characters were confessed by the staff. The vast majority of the monster races accepted the reality, but a small part of them were still rebellious and furious.

Most of them are Black Blood Demon Race.

The black blood monster clan is actually the lowest among the monster clan. Most of them have extremely low wisdom. If they don’t undergo cultivation and are not "opened up", they will look like giant hills and may not be as smart as a seven or eight-year-old child. .

Therefore, it is difficult for this part of the Black Blood Demon Race to understand the coercion and temptation of the staff, and they are still struggling desperately.

In a short while, dozens of staff members tied it up and sent it to other places for preparation.

On Skull Island, there has long been a set of procedures for how to deal with new blood. Soon, they were taken to the bluestone halls hidden in the primitive jungle.

Li Yao noticed that these particularly violent and dangerous elements were all arranged in one place. Thinking about it, they are the most attractive "goods" in the arena and they deserve careful care.

However, if what Jin Xinyue said is true, then they are the "alternate members" of the "Chaos Blade" that are most worthy of attention.

There was a damp atmosphere in the bluestone hall. Several shallow pools were dug deep in the hall, and several demon races like octopus-like octopuses were immersed in it.

Their eight tentacles are holding some medicines and medical equipment, and they are checking the body of the newly arrived newcomer to see if the newcomer's body is strong and whether he has suffered serious injuries in the middle of the road.

With the assistance of the Scarlet Heart Demon, Li Yao has carried out a series of small changes to his body along the way. He has formed a'meatme' composed of primitive cells in his body, connecting the dantian and the "second brain" at the end of the spine. "If you wrap them all up, you don't have to worry about being detected by the outside world.

In addition, sharp claws can grow from his left hand, and the back of his hand is covered with a layer of faint scales, which at first glance is the characteristic of the chaotic blood monster race.

Of course, if it is a master of the Silver-Blood Demon Race, and he has been carefully examined, he might still be able to see a hint.

It's just that, in the face of a gladiator with the same consumables, how can such a detailed inspection be carried out?

Sure enough, there were too many newcomers to be checked. Each newcomer simply checked the appearance, and listened to them whether they had suffered any injuries, and then collected a drop of blood for a rough check and let them go.

Li Yao sent a drop of blood containing primitive cells to his fingertips, was picked up by the opponent, and was soon released.

In the side hall at the back of the main hall, thick torches were burning on the four walls, and the warm atmosphere made the nerves of all the monster races tense to the extreme loose.

Li Yao distinguished that these torches contained a lot of calming ingredients, which not only acted on his nerves, but even directly acted on his mind, and he also thought of so many hallucinogenic and maddening plants planted by the Fire Ant King. I couldn't help but linger in my heart.

In the competition between humans and monsters, humans are good at psionics, and monsters are good at cytology. For the cultivation of various natural treasures and the refining of strengthening potions, the monsters are slightly better than humans, at least in Tianyuan and The blood demon two worlds are like this.

Soon, some slender servants of the chaotic blood demon clan sent them buckets of light green potions. According to their respective body types, the amount of potions varied.

A staff member gesticulated and asked them to drink the medicine.

Naturally, Li Yao would not give up easily. He first put his thumb into the medicine, and absorbed a small amount of medicine through the skin into the body for analysis.

"The composition of this medicine is very complex, not only for restoring strength and repairing internal and external injuries, but more of it is for directly bombarding cells."

The Scarlet Heart Demon carefully tasted the taste, "Its effect is probably to stimulate the potential deep in the cells to the greatest extent, so that the wildness of these monster races can be fully released, and the combat effectiveness can be greatly improved in the shortest time."

Li Yao said: "Are there any side effects?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon "hehe" smiled and said: "Any practice has side effects. If you hit the target, your fist will also be injured. It's just a matter of degree."

"This kind of medicine is very ingeniously prepared. It contains a lot of solid foundation, repairs the body's ingredients, and should be able to suppress the side effects to a minimum."

"Weird, according to my intuition, these ingredients for strengthening the body and repairing the body should be extremely expensive. Why should they be used by gladiators like these consumables? How is it not worthwhile?"

Li Yao smiled and said: "It is not cost-effective to use it on gladiators, but it is worth it if it is used on the alternate member of'Chaos Blade'!"

He no longer hesitated, holding up the big bucket, and drank it in one fell swoop!


It was like a bucket of hot magma, poured into the throat, through the stomach, and penetrated into the odd meridian, eight channels, limbs, skeletal limbs, nerve endings and every cell are all transparent, releasing a steady stream of power!

"Whirring whirring!"

With the help of the Scarlet Heart Demon, the essence of each drop of the medicine is accurately injected into the primitive cells, making the mitochondria in these cells swell even larger and can instantly output more energy. And the shape of the cells, Also more stable!

On the outside, Li Yao's skin showed faint golden glow, as if a cloud of air flowed out of his pores, making him present a confusing, illusory and true form!

The rest of the monster races drank the strengthening potions one after another, and amidst bursts of violent roars, the changes they had experienced were even more exaggerated than Li Yao!


Don't go away, there will be a chapter in a while, roar!

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