40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 876: Information bug

What Li Yao is most concerned about is naturally the dozen or so strong mutants of the Red Blood Copper Bull. After drinking a full bucket of strengthening potion, their bones burst and their stature skyrocketed. The horns on top of their heads also protruded to both sides. A few thick and strong bone spurs burst up and down on the elbow and knee, and even in the center of the forehead, there were black and shiny bone tumors, like a heavy siege hammer.

It is conceivable that with such a deadly weapon, their destructive power must be even more terrifying when they sprint at full speed.

The whole body was surrounded by scorching steam, the swollen muscles could hardly be wrapped by the tight skin, and the explosive force rushed in the blood, like thunder roaring and the waves surging.

The brawny men with horns were ecstatic as they watched their own changes.

The rest of the monster races have also undergone mutations. The half-human and half-snake man who used to ride the same flying scorpion with Li Yao, the blade of the right arm has become wider and larger, and there have been many jagged teeth. His small blade, faintly shining with metallic luster, with a light wave, almost broke the speed of sound.

The hunger for power of the monster race is almost an instinct. Perceiving the potential to erupt like a volcanic eruption, these monster races have completely forgotten the peril of the surrounding environment and can't wait to move their new bodies.

However, after a while, many demons were dizzy and fell to the ground.

A few staff members waved their hands, and immediately there was a brigade of servants, who delivered the fragrant sea of ​​fleshy meat.

"You just took the reinvigorating medicine for marrow washing and cutting the menstruation. Although your body has become stronger, it also consumes too much energy. You need to replenish food immediately to relax your appetite.

The staff member said coldly, "This is the first time you eat after you have stimulated your potential. It is to lay the foundation for the next step of strengthening your body. You must eat as much as possible!"

"If you really can't eat it, you can eat more'saro fruit' next to it to help digestion!"

These low-level monster races also lived a life without food when they were in their hometown. They were bumpy along the way. In order to prevent them from rioting, they were not given much food. They were already dizzy with hunger and smelled the tangy smell of meat. Hearing what the other party said again, no matter how hard I could bear it, a few anxious monster races just flew up and gnawed at them.

Li Yao is also unceremonious. Since he came to the blood demon world, he has always had a clear soup and little water. He has not eaten a full meal, especially through the use of the **** heart demon to transform his body.

Although the food on Skull Island was very crudely prepared, it was all monster meat rich in energy. Li Yao didn't care what it was like, and launched "Whale Swallowing Dafa". He swallowed the dates, his mouth was like a bottomless hole. The braised whales and dolphins more than two meters long were gnawed into a skeleton in three or two mouths, and then even the bone scum was chewed at will and swallowed.

It doesn't matter if you don't eat. With this eating, your taste buds open, your appetite skyrocketed, Li Yao's eyes shimmered, and the sound of "snoring" deep in his throat, like a wild beast, wandering between the food without anyone else.

Other monsters looked at him as if they had seen a hungry ghost reincarnate. Many monsters stayed farther away from him quietly, lest he could eat well, and if he didn't pay attention, he would treat them all as food and take a bite. Swallow.

Not far away, the dozen or so strong horns were still eating and chewing, and occasionally raised their heads to see the empty wooden plate in front of Li Yao. The horns grinned, showing the appreciation of "comrades in the same way".

This meal took more than an hour, and I don’t know how much food they ate. In short, the bones next to them are piled up like a mountain.

The staff member also put on a grinning face, and said, "You have already seen the benefits of joining Skull Island and becoming a gladiator? Next, there will be more violent strengthening potions and richer food offerings. If you enjoy it, you can transform you from a muddle-headed beast into a real master!"

"However, whether you are eligible to enjoy it depends on your performance tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow, it will be your first appearance, life or death, it's all up to you!"

"Next, I will provide you with a batch of information balls. Each information ball contains the combat experience of a master. There is only one night. For the sake of life, I hope everyone can get more combat experience, haha, Hahahaha!"

Several staff members brought up a dozen large tanks, filled with light green liquid, soaking countless pine cones and pupa-like objects.

Li Yao knows that this is the information ball modulated by the Yaozu with biochemical technology, which is equivalent to a biochemical brain with only memory and release functions, similar to human jade slips, and can store a lot of information.

Moreover, the information ball can be directly connected to the brain nerves, instilling information in all directions, and the transmission efficiency is higher than that of the jade slip.

The dozens of big tanks are all engraved with dense texts, and the staff also introduces those illiterate gladiators. These big tanks are all categorized according to the focus of speed, strength, and so on.

A brute force type such as a brawny man with horns naturally chooses to instill in combat experience that is more focused on strength.

The snake-blade guy should choose combat experience that emphasizes agility and speed.

These unshakable new blood gladiators also know that tomorrow’s battle will be extremely tragic. If you absorb more combat experience at this moment, you will have one more chance to save your life tomorrow. No one wants to waste time. Now they choose the one that suits them best. The big tank took out the information ball from it, stepped aside, and Gu Zi practiced.

Li Yao's current main weapon is the sharp claw of his left arm. He also chose an information ball that focuses on claw attacks. He chose an open corner, sat cross-legged, and stuck the information ball on his forehead.

Squeezing the two pieces of soft meat on the left and right sides of the information ball, squeezed it slightly, and three or four small fleshy touches immediately protruded from the information ball, like the tentacles of a snail, sticking to his forehead.

A stream of information rushed into the brain quickly, forming a vague illusion.

His soul seemed to be sucked into a whole new world in the information sphere.

This is a savage battlefield in a wasteland. He seems to have become a vigorous wolf demon, fighting fiercely with another tiger demon.

The two front claws of the wolf demon looked particularly sturdy, and the claws were like three shining scimitars, and even faintly agitated three beams of faint claws, which stretched one meter away and made a sharp sound of breaking the wind. .

In addition, there is nothing to tell. The wolf demon and tiger demon are both demon generals, and their fight is naturally full of loopholes in Li Yao's eyes.

Li Yao was watching with gusto.

Three people must have my teacher. Li Yao didn't understand the monsters' fighting method. These mediocre monsters used the most basic moves, which happened to be able to learn in depth.

Li Yao never ignores the importance of foundation. The shortest straight line between two points. The essence of battle is to blast the greatest force into the enemy's body through the shortest distance in the fastest time and with the smallest contact area. ——This is the philosophy that Li Yao has always adhered to, so he prefers drill-type weapons rather than more fancy moves.

The normal fighting between the wolf demon and the tiger demon just made him study the liger monsters, the most basic tactics.

In an instant, Li Yao’s computing power continued to soar, and the wolf demon and tiger demon seemed to have become a string of pure numbers. Through the analysis of the speed and angle of their moves, Li Yao continued to modify their moves. Filling up the loopholes between their attacks, extracting their fighting essence, and gaining a steady stream of experience in the process!

Half an hour later, Li Yao took off the information bug and smiled contentedly.

The battle essence of the wolf demon and tiger demon has been completely absorbed by him, and now he can perform exactly the same moves of the two demon races, even more fierce, faster, and more perfect than them!

Li Yao threw the information ball back, replaced it with a second information ball, and continued his research.

At this time, the rest of the monster races were still groping slowly and desperately in the world of the first information ball.

The combat experience contained in these information **** was a trickle for Li Yao, and it only needed to be absorbed in an instant, but for them, it was a vast ocean, and it would take several hours to barely comprehend one.

During the training, time is fast, unconsciously, it is late at night, the staff provided these gladiators with a large amount of food, which can be eaten at any time, and there is even an empty training room next to them for their practice. Combat experience.

Li Yao greedily absorbed the combat experience in more than 30 information balls. In addition to comprehending a large number of basic moves of the monster clan, there is also a very interesting discovery.

"Weird, all the combat experience is a fight between the monster clan and the monster clan, and even the fight between the bronze blood monster clan and the silver-blood monster clan!"

"Think about it carefully. It's weird. In the Tianyuan realm, our human race also uses the method of'virtual battle' to practice, but the opponents of virtual battle will always have monsters and monsters. Right?"

"On the other hand, the main enemy of the Blood Demon Realm is the Heavenly Origin Realm, so when the Blood Demon Realm is practicing through virtual combat, the enemy will have some human races to appear more or less, which is normal!"

"However, if'Skull Island' was originally a secret training camp for'Chaos Blade', then everything makes sense."

"Low-level monster races like Chaos Blood and Black Blood, after tens of thousands of years of brainwashing, must be full of awe for high-level monster races like Silver Blood. Even if they are really angry, they may not dare to attack the Silver Blood Monster Race."

"But now, through the Information Worm, they discovered that the Silver-Blooded Demon Race is just like them. They will bleed and mourn, even pierce their stomachs, and die on the spot!"

"They will even use their own hands to'kill' a silver-blooded monster race from the main point of view!"

"Such an impact can completely dissolve their fear of the silver-blooded and bronze-blooded monster race!"


Chapter Four is complete!

It's been a long time since there have been four chapters, I'm sorry everyone!

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