40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 878: Precise control

Looking at the tide of beasts surging like a tsunami, and feeling the earth trembling under the roar of iron hoofs, many gladiator's new blood changed their faces.

They are faced with a dilemma.

If you want to enter the bronze gate in the north, you must pass through the raging wave of monsters, but if you rush up first, you will definitely be besieged by monsters.

However, if you hold on to the idea of ​​"picking up the bargain", you may be preempted by others to pass through the bronze gate. When there are fewer and fewer gladiators in the Thunder Prison, the monster beast will treat the remaining gladiators as the only ones. prey.

The more you shrink, the lower your chance of survival!

at last--

The dozen or so brawny horns couldn't bear it. Under the leadership of the leader, their muscles were stretched, and a violent aura spewed out from all over their bodies. Their sturdy and incomparable bodies were lowered, like a dozen heavy spar chariots. Soar the speed to the limit and hit the wave of monsters head-on!

The arcs rushing across the ground smashed **** them, their skins and flesh spattered, and blood was flowing, but they were ignorant and did not even slow down much. Li Yao secretly smacked his tongue. The demon clan’s talent was powerful, sure enough. It is not comparable to ordinary people.


The brawny man with bull horns collided head-on with the monster beasts and burst out a series of earth-shaking loud noises. Dozens of monster beasts were picked by them and flew into the air. There were even one or two monster beasts that were picked into the auditorium, and they were bloodthirsty. The Bronze Blood Demon Race was torn to pieces, and some of the Bronze Blood Demon Race who mixed with them even ate the flesh and blood of the Monster Beast on the spot, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

"Go! Go over!"

Encouraged by the brawny man with horns, the rest of the new gladiators are also full of enthusiasm, knowing that there is only a dead end to stay in place, and only if you go forward desperately, you may be able to make a way to survive!

Being able to be selected to become a gladiator was originally the unruly and rebellious generation of slaves, and once the vitality was aroused, it was simply stronger than the monster beast.

At the moment, all the new blood of gladiators is like an arrow from the string, rushing out and rushing into the chaos!

The chaotic fight was staged.

The number of thunder and lightning monsters is over a thousand, and in the thunder prison, it is even more like a fish in the water. Whether it is thunder snake, lightning lizard or behemoth of soul splitting, it continuously releases shining electric arcs, bringing new blood and electricity to gladiators. Seven meat and eight elements, then waved sharp minions, tearing them to pieces.

The new blood of the gladiator is also frenzied. It brings out the combat experience that was just learned last night to the fullest, like wedges, forcibly nailed into the tide of beasts!

The strong smell of blood rose to the sky, stimulating the nerves of the monster race in the auditorium. Many copper blood monster races, fascinated with drunkenness, intertwined with grinning laughter and shouts, rushed straight into the sky, turning into masses of **** clouds. Wriggling and twisting in midair.

Li Yao was the last to rush up.

In his eyes, these thunder and lightning monsters are just terracotta dogs, vulnerable to a blow.

However, seeing such a chaotic scene of fighting, he moved in his heart and suddenly wanted to try a brand-new tactic.

"Although my combat power can match the Nascent Soul and the Demon Emperor, in the future battle between the Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm, or even the battle between the Tianyuan Realm and the Flying Star Realm, and the real human empire, the victory or defeat will definitely be determined by thousands of troops. Horse showdown."

"On the desolate land, in the vast ocean, within the boundless galaxy, tens of millions, billions of troops and warships exchanged fire with each other. Even the Demon Emperor and Yuan Ying may not be able to play a decisive role. !"

"So, relying on your own strength is not enough. For the precise control of the entire battle situation, being able to absolutely control the entire battlefield around you is the key!"

"I should practice this ability more!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, trying to hide the flickering light under his eyes, calculating like an invisible octopus, deep in his mind, stretching his tentacles to the limit.

On the chaotic battlefield, within a radius of 30 meters, every monster and every gladiator was covered with a pale golden outline, and then a series of pale golden numbers were parsed out.

That is their speed, distance, position and strength

Li Yao condensed two calculation units in his mind. One of them is responsible for calculating the moves and attacks he should perform, and the other is responsible for calculating the offense and defense of the other gladiators and monsters within a radius of 30 meters. Conversion.

All the pale golden numbers outline a virtual battlefield that does not exist, repeatedly calculating the direction of the battle situation under different choices.

When a series of numbers smashed into small sparks, Li Yao suddenly slid a step to the left, and the bone spurs in his palm were silently passed out, which happened to pierce the left eye of a Razer, completely covering the entire brain. Run through.

Razer's central nervous system is condensed at a position of seven inches. Just destroying the brain is not enough to completely lose its attack power.

According to the best choice in the past, Li Yao might directly penetrate its seven inches with bone spurs, damaging the central nervous system, and cut off its spine by the way, making it completely paralyzed, and it would not be able to spit out half of the arc.

But now, Razer, whose brain was damaged, was under the control of the central nervous system and issued a heart-piercing scream, followed by a violent blast, rushing to the back of a lightning crocodile next to it.

Razer's brain completely lost the ability to think, and acted entirely on the most primitive instinct, and immediately wrapped the lightning crocodile tightly, strangling it hard, and "cracking" at the same time, releasing an electric arc!

The lightning crocodile, although not afraid of its arc attack, was severely restrained, and the pain of bone crushing came in an instant!

This lightning crocodile was opening a mouthful of blood to a brawny man with horns, but at this moment it was rolling all over the floor, struggling desperately.

The brawny man with horns stunned slightly, and he immediately picked up the big hammer covered with spikes. With a "chih", the lightning crocodile's brain burst and died tragically on the spot!


Li Yao cheered in his heart, one of his own attacks precisely changed the direction of the next duel.

However, this is not enough!

Li Yao's eyes were piercing, especially deep in his left eye, as if crisscrossing blood lines appeared, turning the chaotic arena into a chessboard.

Both the monster beast and the new blood of the gladiator have become his chess pieces!

"Next, try to manipulate more complex battle changes!"

Li Yao felt that an electric arc was condensing under his feet.

He could have easily avoided it within half a second, but he caught a glimpse of a soul-splitting behemoth rushing towards him, his computing power bloomed like fireworks, and he chose not to move!

In a moment, an electric arc entangled his whole body like a poisonous vine. He pretended to grin and couldn't move. Then, he was severely hit by the soul-splitting monster and knocked out!

Li Yao danced in mid-air, adjusted his posture stiffly, and slammed into another monster that was covered with white hair and resembled a giant orangutan, staggering this monster!


A chain saw sword suddenly cut into the aorta of this monster beast's neck.

The new blood of the gladiator holding the chain saw sword was a little ignorant-his target was not originally the gorilla, but the other party somehow took the initiative to hit the tip of his sword.

The badly injured gorilla jumped like thunder and danced wildly with both arms, but Li Yao's fingers were like claws, grabbing its spine and twisting it fiercely. The gorilla roared and rammed, which once again triggered a series of chain reactions. The weapons and minions in the hands of the monsters or gladiator's new blood that were hit by him changed their directions inexplicably.

The minions who had attacked the vital points of the gladiator passed by in a dangerous and dangerous way, but the swords and bone blades that would have been blocked by the monster beasts, after a series of inexplicable collisions and squeezing, accurately penetrated the most. The key to fragility!

Seeing the monster beasts rolling across the ground and the monster clan with a surprised face, Li Yao's thoughts turned and he faintly grasped the trick.

"In a mass fight, the important thing is not how many enemies I can kill, but how much positive influence I can make on my team."

"A strong man’s psychic energy and cell potential are ultimately limited. You can’t burn your life, overdraw your soul, and destroy your cells every time you fight, right? In that case, one or two battles will lead to death. It's gone!"

"Consumption of the least force, precise guidance of the battle situation, and stimulating the full potential of the team, this is a strong, the most effective and cost-effective way of fighting among thousands of troops!"

"To do this, you must continuously improve your computing power, take one step, look at ten steps, think about a hundred steps, and calculate the changes in the battle situation after hundreds of choices!"

"The world is like chess, but I am not a pawn, but a chess player!"

Li Yao's nerves became more and more relaxed, and his expression became more and more calm. The indifference of the left eye and the indifferentness of the right eye were mixed together, and he had a subtle feeling beyond the chessboard.

Through precise positioning, covert shots, and just right dodge or push, he didn't even exert the power of a high-level demon soldier, but only exerted the equivalent of the strength and speed of an intermediate demon soldier, and precisely controlled the whole body. The battle within thirty meters.

Within thirty meters, all the new blood of the gladiators were surprised and delighted.

They feel that they have a divine help-the monster beast that is best at dealing with it will always appear in front of them in the most suitable position and in the most clumsy posture, allowing them to calm down and aim at the vitality of the monster beast!

And when new monsters appear on their flanks, they are always just right, and a new gladiator blood will appear to help them out!

Even the thunder that bursts out of the ground from time to time has a heart with them, or passes them dangerously and dangerously, or when they hit them, there is no monster around, so they can spend a few seconds smoothly. The paralysis period.

For a while, thirty meters around Li Yao, a "demon beast cavity" appeared abruptly. All the beasts in this area were killed by gladiators!

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