40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 879: Choppy laughter

Regarding the "hot field" before the start of the official gladiatorial battle, most of the silver-blooded monster races did not report their serious attention. Even the master of Skull Island, Wei Chiba, chatted with the bodyguards at first .

However, the weird changes in the battle situation quickly attracted his attention, and after a surprised whisper, he looked at the two blood vortexes in Thunder Prison with interest.

One of them was a battle formation of fifteen brawny men with horns.

These giants from the same tribe, under the leadership of the leader, advance and retreat with a certain degree, not blindly rushing forward, and occasionally killing a carbine to defeat the group of monsters gathered together.

Monster beasts also possess a certain amount of intelligence, and under strong pressure, they will still have feelings of fear. After being washed away and crushed by them, they will not be able to gather for a long time.

Other wise-minded gladiators took the opportunity to follow behind these brawny horns, and under the protection of the brawny horns, launch long-range attacks.

At first glance, it looks like a cover assault tactic that combines spar chariots and skirmishers that humans often use.

Gradually, more and more gladiators gathered around the brawny man with horns, reaching the number of sixty to seventy.

"The leader of the Red Blood Bronze Bull has a certain ability to dominate, and he gathered his team so quickly."

Next to Yuchiba, a leopard girl with a bumpy figure covered with colorful leopard prints squinted.

Although he was smiling, his eyes were like two scimitars, giving people a cold and merciless feeling.

Yuchiba nodded, but the voice that came out of his wide mouth was sharp and thin, "The commanding gladiator is not so easy to find. I hope he can stage a few more games in the next battle. 'Good show'!

There was a deep light in Huang Dou's small eyes, and no one could guess what Skull Island Captain Chiba was thinking.

However, when his gaze turned to another vortex, he couldn't help shrinking, revealing a trace of suspicion.

The dozens of gladiators in this vortex did not seem to have the strong physique and violent power of a red blood bronze bull, nor did they have any coordination and command. The whole one was chaotic and fighting each other.

However, for some reason, their killing efficiency is always very high. Any monster beasts entering their circle seems to be caught in an invisible quagmire, stumbling and stumbling, pushing and shoving each other, and taking the initiative to their claws. Hit the tip of the knife.

At first glance, they didn't have the Red Blood Bronze Bull at all, so they had a clear formation and a clear tactics, and they were basically a mob.

However, looking at the results, there were more monsters falling around them than there were on the side of the Crimson Bronze Bull.

"this is……"

Yuchiba was startled slightly, his thick fingers rubbed the huge rhino horn, and he laughed, "These guys, are you lucky today?"

The rest of the gladiators were not fools, and soon discovered the abnormality of these two "vortexes" and desperately moved closer to the two big groups.

More and more gladiators gathered around Li Yao, and the data he had to calculate and manipulate exploded geometrically. When the scope of manipulation was further expanded, he soon felt incapable of doing what he wanted.

"No more, now I can control the fight within 35 meters of my side at most!"

"I haven't studied formal battlefield command and coordination. If I rely solely on ad hoc calculations, it is still too reluctant."

"Think about it carefully. The so-called'array technique' may be a high degree of crystallization of precise control of the battlefield. It seems that there will be opportunities in the future, and it is still necessary to learn more knowledge about the formation technique!"

Li Yao and the Red Blood Bronze Bull, the two big groups moved forward at the same time, like a magnet constantly attracting small nails, and more and more gladiators joined them along the way.

Although there were still several times more monsters around than them, once they broke into the two small circles, they seemed to have fallen into a flesh-and-blood grinding disc, and they were instantly ground to the point that no bones were left.

After seeing his companions torn apart in the gladiator circle, even the most ferocious monster beasts were afraid to move forward.

The two gladiator groups flocked to the only open bronze gate on the north side of the arena almost at the same time.

This gate was more than three meters long and wide. For ordinary people, it was not small, but it was still too small for these monster races who stood up to three or four meters, and had strange bones and peculiar shapes.

Moreover, behind the gate is a long corridor. As long as a gladiator with a slightly larger figure is blocked in the corridor, it is easy to completely block the escape route.

This is the most challenging moment of xinxing.

In the past, countless gladiators successfully broke through the monster's fury, but they refused to yield to each other and killed each other before the bronze gate. Finally, they were counterattacked by the monsters, and none of them escaped.

The two teams of gladiators were slaying their heads at the beginning, unable to observe the surroundings, until now, except for Li Yao, the gladiators found each other one after another.

The two teams confronted each other quietly, and the static sparks that struck each other seemed to be brighter than the arcs.

This is also the most enthusiastic part of the audience.

These copper-blooded demon races like to see the black blood and chaotic blood who are lower than them, killing each other, blood flowing in a river in their shouts.

"Kill! Kill!"

"Through this door, you can escape, run away!"

From the audience, there was a very perverted grinning laughter.

Li Yao clearly saw that the blue veins on the forehead of the strong man with horns awakened like a viper after hibernation. He shouted angrily and waved his big iron hammer and said: "One side, pass quickly, don’t panic, everyone can live. Go down!"

Li Yao was startled. Apart from him, the fifteen brawny men with bullhorns were obviously the strongest armed group on the court. If they had to escape forcibly, no one could stop them, but they just gave up this opportunity. Why?

"Have you seen it?"

The leader of the horned man smashed his hammer to the ground and roared, "Those monsters are not our opponents at all. As long as we are united and don't kill each other, we can all escape!"

"Don't mess up, one on each side, leave the weapons, and pass through the bronze gate as quickly as possible!"

"Don't worry about these monster beasts, we will have fifteen, we will hold the line for everyone, and finally pass!"

With that said, the horned and brawny leader waved his hand, and he actually led 14 of his subordinates, strode to the end of the queue, and faced the monster raging wave, roaring like thunder, forming a solid high wall!

The aura of the fifteen brawny men with bullhorns, in a short span of time, almost suppressed all the monsters that were furious.

Li Yao was really stunned, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Perhaps it was inspired by the brawny man with bullhorns, or perhaps it was realized that there were too many gladiators breaking through the monster group this time. If everyone swarmed, the only result would be to completely block the bronze gate.

Many sturdy gladiators turned around silently and stood beside the brawny men with horns, filling their gaps!

The smaller and thinner gladiators handed their weapons to the gladiators behind, without saying a word, and passed the bronze gate as quickly as possible.

One on each side, in order, all gladiators are naturally divided according to their size, forming two neat teams!

This is a scene that has never happened before on Skull Island!

The auditorium, which was still full of enthusiasm just now, was full of grinning and shouting. At this moment, there was no sound, so quiet that you could hear a needle falling on the ground.

The Bronze-Blood Demon Races with exuberant expressions and distorted faces were all dumbfounded, and even the Silver-Blood Demon Races poked their heads out of the box, muttering doubts and dissatisfaction.


The monster beast on the field, the prey who was not reconciled to the mouth, fled like this, and launched a counterattack again.

The brawny man with horns is not blindly defensive. Facing the surging tide of monsters, they sprinted again, like a red mace, rammed through the group of monsters, crushing red blood!

After several fierce counter-charges, the remaining monster beasts all shrank and froze.

However, the brawny man with horns was not cast with copper and iron, and was the result of many heads-ups with monsters. Almost every brawny man with horns was incomplete, bloody, and he did not know what strength to rely on to support them and still stand.

Perhaps, touching them lightly, or even a breeze, would blow them down, but for a long time no monster dared to try.

Under their guardianship, there were fewer and fewer gladiators behind them, and most of the gladiators escaped smoothly.

It seems to be aware that if the stalemate continues, the last prey will slip away, and finally a few bold soul-splitting beasts once again attack this "bronze wall and iron wall"!

The horned men's hands were trembling, their legs were trembling, their mace and sledgehammer were stuck on the ground, and they couldn't even move.

Only the air flow gushing out from the nostrils is getting more and more intense, it is almost like bursts of magma!

At this moment, a black shadow passed by them, and the left arm instantly stretched twice, like a leather whip breaking through the speed of sound, and slammed it fiercely!

In a sharp whistling sound, a javelin polished from the thigh bone of a giant monster beast was slammed out. The sharp sound had not yet been emitted, and it had hit the center of the soul-splitting giant beast's eyebrows and deeply pierced into the brain. , Drilled out of his throat again, and nailed this behemoth to the ground!

Although the head was nailed to death, the huge body continued to move forward under the action of strong inertia. As a result, the body hit the head and the neck burst into pieces, turning into a pool of soft flesh.

While everyone was stunned, Li Yao dragged all the weak and brawny men into the bronze gate, and then exhausted all his strength to close the gate fiercely.

"Thank you, today and yesterday."

In the darkness, the voice of the horned man leader became thick and gentle.

"Why do you do this?"

Li Yao asked.

The other party gasped for a long time. In the dark, the bull's eyes were like yellow sapphires the size of an egg, emitting a very mellow light.

The leader of the horned man said: "I just don't like listening to those cluttered laughter in the audience."

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