40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 881: God grave

"Chaos believer?"

Mo Tiesheng snorted.

In the mythology of the Monster Race, Chaos is the enemy of the Pangu Race, and also the most evil existence in the Xinghai. Under the influence of ears and eyes, the general Monster Race has no good impression of "Chaos".

"You are all deceived!"

Seeing Mo Tiesheng’s face full of disdain, Ba Mingsong said with sorrow, “For a long time, those high-level monster races have deceived you to say that Chaos is the enemy of the Pangu race and is also the enemy of our monster race! In fact, the truth is fundamental Not so, this is just a lie made up by those high-level monster races in order to paralyze us!"

Mo Tiesheng frowned and said, "Then what is the truth?"

Ba Mingsong put his hands together in a triangle shape, made a very strange gesture, and respectfully said: "The Chaos God is not the enemy of the Pangu tribe at all. On the contrary, the Chaos God is the true successor of the Pangu tribe. !"


Mo Tiesheng and Li Yao simultaneously murmured in surprise.

Ba Mingsong lowered his voice again and said like a mosquito: "You must know that from the Pangu thirteen tribes in the Primordial Era to the 30,000-year-old Monster Beast Empire, there is a huge fault. For millions of years, not many demons existed, and there was no systematic civilization."

Mo Tiesheng nodded and said, "That was the time when humanity was prosperous in the ancient repair era."

Ba Mingsong blinked and said, "Yes, but have you ever wondered why it broke off the inheritance for millions of years, but suddenly awakened 40,000 years ago? Most of our modern monster races were born 40,000 years ago. In the past few decades, within a hundred years, it suddenly appeared like a big bang?"

Li Yao's heart moved. In the official statement of the Star Federation, it is naturally because a cultivator of 40,000 years ago inadvertently developed the "Demon God Virus", and made a large number of spirit beasts into a killing weapon "Monster Beast". ", and the monster beasts were fighting again and again, their spiritual intelligence skyrocketed exponentially, and finally the monster clan was born.

After devouring three thousand worlds, the monster clan relied on ancient civilization to create a huge monster empire!

When he was a teenager, Li Yao believed in such a statement.

However, after more than ten years of wandering and cultivation, he became a quasi-Natural Infant-level master, and he gradually became suspicious of this statement.

The most important point is that the road to evolution is very long. It took hundreds of thousands of years for humans to evolve the most basic intelligence. It took tens of thousands of years to learn to control the flames.

Even though the demon-god virus can give spirit beasts a powerful physique and powerful killing instinct, in just a hundred years, can beasts evolve similar humans, or even higher wisdom than humans?

It is difficult for Li Yao to accept this statement.

Ba Mingsong secretly said: "Tell you, it is the Great Chaos God who caused this'Monster Big Bang'!"

"At the end of the ancient repair era, the human race shattered the three thousand worlds, devastated, and countless worlds were ushered in catastrophes."

"The Great Chaos God came into being. He found the relics of the Pangu thirteen clan, unearthed the heritage of the prehistoric era, and finally created our modern monster clan!"

"Therefore, the Great Chaos God is our creator, our only true God!"

"When creating the modern monster race, the Great Chaos God didn't divide the noble and the low bloodlines at all. In his eyes, all the monster races are the same. Only according to the different work, it helps us to awaken the different bloodlines!"

"The purpose of the Great Chaos God is to replace the cruel humans, to repair the damaged world, and to bring the three thousand worlds destroyed by human war to life!"

"But, haha, the Great Chaos God is too kind and underestimates the evil and ambitions of mankind. He did not expect that part of the monster race he created, polluted by the evil and ambitions of mankind, would betray the Great Chaos God and even severely inflict him on him. , Suppression! Afterwards, established his own rule!"

"Originally, the bloodlines of all monster races differed only in their talent for awakening, and there was no high or low."

"However, these monster races, polluted by the ambitions of evil humans, used secret methods to imprison the bloodlines of other monster races, enslaving other monster races, and forcibly distinguished holy blood, silver blood, bronze blood, etc. Black blood and chaotic blood!"

"What is the difference between such an evil monster race and human beings!"

"Their rule lasted for 30,000 years, and finally repeated the same mistakes of the old mankind. The huge empire fell apart, and there were some remnants of defeated soldiers who could only hide in the corner of the star sea."

"It's ridiculous, even if they live in such a sea of ​​stars, they still cling to the decadent'four-pillar system', and hope to enslave us black blood and chaotic blood. They don't know that this is just drinking poison to quench thirst and kill themselves!"

"Now that the Blade of Chaos has risen, what we believers of Chaos yearn for is to sever the shackles that are tied to our bloodlines, so that all the monster races can return to the original appearance that the Chaos God created us. From then on, there will be no more distinction. Silver blood and black blood, copper blood and chaotic blood, that is our real'day of the first day'!"

Ba Mingsong's remarks set off a great storm in Li Yao's heart.

He originally thought that the so-called "Chaos" was just an evil **** in myths and legends, at most a foreign civilization that was hostile to the Pangu civilization hundreds of millions of years ago.

Unexpectedly, in the words of Ba Mingsong, the history of chaos is much closer than imagined, so far it is only 40,000 years.

Moreover, is Chaos the creator of the modern monster race?

Hidden in the fog, what is the real history!

Mo Tiesheng was silent for a moment, and said: "I heard that the Blade of Chaos has failed. All their uprisings in the Blood Demon Realm have been suppressed!"

"Hey Hey!"

Ba Mingsong laughed madly, "You don't understand that in the blood demon world, the Blade of Chaos will not fail. Even if it is suppressed a thousand times or ten thousand times, it will still come back! Do you know why? "

Li Yao and Mo Tiesheng looked at him with piercing eyes.

Ba Mingsong took a deep breath and said, "Because the tomb of the Great Chaos God is buried in the depths of the Blood Demon Star!"

"The Great Chaos God has not really died. Soon, the Great Chaos God will be reborn. At that time, he will once again lead all the monster races and create a truly perfect new world!"

The hairs on the back of Li Yao's neck are all standing up. What do you mean, isn't this "chaos" not just an illusory mythical figure, but a physical existence?

As Ba Mingsong said, he took out two small pendants from his arms, stuffed them into their hands, and said solemnly: "This is the amulet of the Great Chaos God. Under the brilliance of the Chaos, all monster races are brothers. I hope you two can live longer in the arena!"

Li Yao stretched out his palms with the flaming beast fat torch and saw that it was a very crude pendant made of yellow-brown beast bones. On top of a machete, countless double spirals were wrapped around, which looked like The gene chain is like the strongest shackles.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said, "Uncle Ba, you are here to promote the idea of ​​Chaos Blade. Are you not afraid of being taken away?"

Ba Mingsong smiled nonchalantly: "What about taking me away? The big deal is death. After so many years of tossing on Skull Island, I have already lived enough!"

The old man fluttered his wings, stood up swayingly, and walked away, regaining his slumped figure, and gradually disappearing into the depths of the jungle.

Li Yao and Mo Tiesheng looked at each other, and tacitly received the amulet of Chaos Blade to the most secret place.


The red lava is in full swing, sweat is spilled, turned into steam, and there are thorns from time to time, shooting out from the depths of the earth.

This is one of the most terrifying arenas on Skull Island, the Prison of Thorns! All floor tiles are polished by fire spar. The temperature exceeds three hundred degrees. The joints between the floor tiles will be driven by underground magma to spray rock thorns irregularly. Pierce the soles of the feet.

This was one and a half months after Li Yao came to Skull Island, and it was also his fourth battle.

In the past month and a half, Li Yao has become a legend who has risen like a volcanic eruption among the Skull Island gladiators!

"Skull Island's most fierce, powerful, and mysterious gladiator "Bloodclaw" in the past five years has appeared! In just one and a half months, in the three most dangerous battles, his performance is obvious to all!"

"In Thunder Prison, he killed a behemoth with only one move!"

"In the Ice Desolate Prison, he abruptly twisted off the three heads of a six-legged ice lizard!"

"In Heishuize, he escaped unscathed from the attack of dozens of deformed spider pythons!"

"Today, what a wonderful performance he will perform again? Let's wait and see!"

The screaming worms in the sky chattered endlessly, rendering his power to the screaming worms in all directions. Even without these extremely excited voices, the local audiences who often come to watch the battle of Chaos City are already extremely excited. There are countless bronze blood monsters. The clan was shouting the name "Blood Claw", and even many silver-blooded monster clan poked their heads out of the box, or pretended to be watching him with binoculars.

Li Yao's eyes drooped slightly. In his eyes, these ugly audiences were nothing more than a pile of rotten meat.

He didn't fight for the crazy roar of the audience, but the words of the staff of Skull Island, Ba Mingsong, that really aroused his deep curiosity.

From that moment on, he was absolutely certain that Skull Island was a secret training camp where Chaos Blade absorbed new blood.

And if you want to enter the magic eye of the Blade of Chaos, you need to show the strength to stand out.

From that day on, Li Yao calmed down, accelerated the pace of cultivation, and constantly released his strength. From the initial 7%, gradually increased to 7.5%, 8%. As he practiced life and death day by day, he progressed by leaps and bounds. When he finally increased his strength to 9%, even many veteran gladiators who had experienced dozens of battles were not his opponents, and he won the right to participate in the next round of gladiatorial battles.

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