40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 882: Meteor salamander

In the hot thorn flame prison, Li Yao's indifferent gaze penetrated the invisible aura that was hotter than the fire crystal floor, and shot towards the highest point of the auditorium.

The master of Skull Island, Wei Chiba, is still aloft. Two Feather girls shield him from the scorching sun with wide wings, shaking their wings from time to time to bring cool breeze, and standing upright like javelins are eight loyal guards, all of them. They are the kings of gladia who once dominated on Skull Island, and now they have a new name, "Skull Island, Death Tooth Guard!"

Although Yuchiba's small eyes were blocked by the wings of the feather girl, Li Yao could still perceive a touch of interest and scan him.

Li Yao knew very well that Yuchiba and his Death Tooth guard were paying attention to themselves, whether in the past few battles or in every minute of daily practice.

And this was exactly what Li Yao needed. He had to convince Yuchiba and Death Tooth that he was really a natural hunter with amazing talents, and the person they were looking for.

"Are you ready?" Li Yao asked without looking back.

Soon I heard a cold muffled hum from behind him, and that was Mo Tiesheng's determined response.

Li Yao smiled slightly.

Except for those super masters who have dozens of victories, there are very few death fights on Skull Island alone, because the greater the number of gladiators and monsters, the more varied they are, and the more unexpected they are. the match of.

In the past few battles, Li Yao has been fighting side by side with Mo Tiesheng, even if they practice privately, both sides often learn from each other.

For Li Yao, suppressing his power at about 8% and fighting against a "mad cow" like Mo Tiesheng is also a very good practice, just like his senior brother Demon Dao Peng Hai suppressed his power at 5% and asked him It's the same as duel practice.

After a month, Li Yao had to admit that on the battlefield, Mo Tiesheng was a natural commander. He seemed to have an extremely special aura, which made everyone, even those who were stronger than him, a natural commander. Willingly obey his command.

And even when there are loopholes in his naive command art, he is often quickly blocked by his violent power, amazing aura and **** nature.

Li Yao asked himself, he is not a person who likes to show his face to direct others, he prefers to hibernate in the shadows, secretly manipulate everything, and calmly establish the sense of victory.

In the arena, the two turned on and off, Mo Tiesheng commanded the situation on the bright side, and Li Yao was an assaulter who was free from the battlefield.

In the dark, Li Yao is constantly testing how to implement more "interference" in the battle situation on his own.


In the center of the arena, a ball of fire rose into the sky, condensed into a deformed mushroom cloud in mid-air, and then scattered and turned into a deformed skull, slowly rippling and dissipating.

The bronze gate on the opposite side had just opened a gap, and it was slammed open by countless giants surrounded by flames. About thirty or forty monsters stalked out.

They are all about three meters tall, like a large lizard standing up heads up. Their thick and long tails are covered with bone spurs, and a thick and heavy bone hammer hangs on the tip, just like they are. One block after another.

This time, Li Yao's opponent was not a monster, but a copper-blooded monster clan.

Skull Island will not only arrange for gladiators and monsters to fight, but also welcome the monsters who come to the city of Chaos to fight in person. As the warrior class, the bronze blood monsters are particularly keen on this entertainment, and their masters, the silver blood The nobles are also very proud of the **** glory their minions have achieved in the arena.

When Gladiators such as Li Yao and Mo Tiesheng gained fame on Skull Island, they were favored by many monsters. One of the silver-blooded monsters who went to Wuchao City to purchase potions paid a high price and got him The guards, come to shred the power of these gladiators.

These fierce monsters, known as "Meteor Salamanders," are also notorious among the copper-blooded monsters. There are naturally high-temperature glands that absorb and spray flames in their bodies. The bone hammers on their tails hit the ground fiercely. It will set off a large-scale agitation of the fire system psionic energy, just like a spar bomb exploding.

The battle between the Bronze Blood Monster Race and the Gladiator is definitely not fair. Except that the battlefield environment is naturally suitable for these meteor salamanders to play, they are all wearing sturdy armor, and their claws are polished with spar. The incomparable crystal claws and the swords worn by them are also superb demon weapons refined by the top craftsmen of the blood demon world.


In Li Yao's eyes, the Meteor Salamander armed to the teeth is nothing more than a terracotta dog with a more gorgeous painting!

"Yuchiba, take a good look with your eyes wide open, let me act!"

Kill, start!

In the eyes of Li Yao at this moment, the arena is no longer a pure three-dimensional space, and the opponent is no longer a living creature with flesh and blood. The huge battlefield, the meteor salamander on the opposite side, and the gladiators behind him all turn into a series of The most basic data flow, the data are connected with each other by intricate, mysterious and profound formulas and theorems. Every change in the number will cause a series of chain reactions and bring subtle feedback to the rest of the numbers.

With regard to combat, Li Yao had a deeper understanding. When he suppressed his power to the limit and no longer relied on brute force and level to crush the enemy, the importance of combat wisdom increased to the limit.

He no longer only focuses on his primary target of attack, and no longer thinks about specific moves. Instead, he calculated that after dozens of steps, when the ninth salamander was killed by him, the position where the corpse fell will affect the situation of the battle. What a subtle influence.

Through the fine perception of the breathing, heartbeat and body temperature changes of both parties, Li Yao even vaguely grasped the mentality of both parties to a certain extent, and could vaguely distinguish which meteor salamander was particularly excited and anxious, and which one was. The fighter was slightly fatigued because of over-training.

All the information is integrated instantly in the brain.

When dozens of salamanders were brandishing swords and spitting flames while charging up in the roar, Li Yao gently took three steps to the left.

"Blood Claw" has been well known by these Bronze Blood Demon Races for a long time. His fierce performance in the previous battles has also been seen countless times by these Bronze Blood Demon Races.

Cruel by nature and keen to fight, they are not synonymous with "low-powered and mentally retarded." On the contrary, they can have the last laugh in hundreds of life-and-death fights. These Bronze-Blooded Demon Races are the most cunning and cautious fighters.

They immediately reacted to Li Yao's lateral movement, and the original crystal diamond formation had undergone a subtle change.

Li Yao stepped lightly, and after moving fifteen meters laterally, he suddenly stopped and changed direction, as if he was going to go around behind the Meteor Salamander and attack their leader.

The formation of the Meteor Salamander changed again, but the new formation had not yet solidified. Li Yao mysteriously changed for the third time, as if he was going straight to the core of the Meteor Salamander.

In just three seconds, dozens of changes, even the body stayed still, just relying on the breath and the change of eyes, the formation of the meteor salamander was gradually torn open a very secret gap.

Originally, between each meteor salamander, not far or near, the bone hammer on the tail could echo the distance.

But now, the dozens of meteor salamanders are too crowded. Once the bone tails are swung up, they will easily collide with each other and can't show their speed. The other dozen meteor salamanders are too far apart. Once Mo Tiesheng waits. The red blood bronze bull rushes to speed, and the formation is extremely easy to be completely penetrated!

And Mo Tiesheng also quickly discovered this delicate gap, and led many Crimson Bronze Bulls to launch an assault!

The two torrents collided fiercely, intertwined into the favorite music of the Yaozu, blood and bones.

Until the sixth salamander fell in front of him, Li Yao still didn't really make a move.

He has given up now, using stupid ways to directly push or block to manipulate the battle. Every time he moves, every raise of his hand, and even every look, can exert a subtle influence on the battle.

And all of this consumes the smallest amount of power and psychic energy.

Li Yao couldn't help thinking of the days when he was surrounded by countless Taixu regiments in the Flying Star Realm.

At that time, he only knew that he was stubbornly aggressive, slammed and slammed, and consumed his precious strength in vain. However, he was surrounded by a large group of Taixu warriors with the most strength during the base-building period, and almost died in it.

"At that time, I had the combat power of a quasi-nature infant, but I didn't know how to use it. It was so stupid!"

"In the future, I will encounter more battles on a larger scale, and I should honed out new tactics as soon as possible!"

"The most important thing is the ratio of killing an enemy to the power consumed by oneself!"

"We must strive to find a fighting method with the highest cost-effectiveness, so that we can be a thousand riders in the vast sea of ​​stars!"


Li Yao flashed past the bone hammer that was slammed by a salamander fiercely. When he was short, he exposed another salamander that killed him behind him. The bone hammers of the two salamanders had their tails fiercely. They collided hard, and burst out a series of bursting sparks.

The two meteor salamanders shook their bodies and numb, unexpectedly a bunch of python-like black shadow lightning flashed through their hearts, and they pecked their breastplate three times at a speed that was as fast as they were shocking, the first one. Break through the breastplate, tear the bones in the second time, and pierce the heart with a faint air current in the third time!

The two meteor salamanders stood still like statues.

When they were finally blown down by the scorching waves, there were very few meteor salamanders still standing on the arena, preparing to face the impact of the red blood bronze bull's rage.

The outcome has been divided.

Li Yao heard the long horn sound from outside the arena, as well as the shouts that were a hundred times louder than the horn. The sound revealed a strong smell of blood and killing. Almost everyone in the audience, including the silver-blooded monster clan, He stood up, beating his chest while letting out a distorted howl.

With great difficulty, Li Yao distinguished a sharp and sharp voice from the howls. It was the captain of Skull Island, Chiba, who was speaking.

They, these new bloods who came to Skull Island less than two months ago, because of a series of amazing performances, have obtained the power to challenge Skull Island’s strongest gladiator, the "Death Tooth Guard"!

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