40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 885: Gene throne

In Thousand Corpse Abyss, the turbid waves are overwhelming, and the evil spirits are vertical and horizontal, and the blind-toothed sea monsters are vying for the first. Escape from the rock formations.

Gladiators such as Mo Tiesheng are really in a state of suspended animation, more like puppets that have cut a string, with their hands and feet spread out and falling freely.

Seeing that many gladiators were about to turn into a delicious meal in the belly of the blind-tooth kraken, the black rock formation on one side of the cave wall silently slid away to the sides, revealing a few corridors, and one half of the corridor was **** The sticky glue net like a spider web sticks all the gladiators into the tunnel.

In the other half of the tunnel, hundreds of corpses of monsters spurted out, replacing the gladiators and becoming the delicacy of the blind-tooth sea monster!

The whole process is smooth and flowing, with extremely proficiency, unless you lie around the big pit and look with your eyes wide, you will never see the slightest clue.

In this way, these gladiators who were supposed to be buried in the belly of the blind tooth sea monster were stiffened by Li Daitao and dragged into the depths of the earth!

"Quick, inject the antidote!"

"There are quite a few good seedlings in this batch of new blood. They must not die. They will be sent to the biochemical tank for healing!"

Sensing the cold needle tip gently poking into the blood vessel, injecting a cool and transparent potion, slowly flowing throughout the body, Li Yao smiled slightly, knowing that he had successfully penetrated the inside of the chaos blade.


One day later, in the depths of Skull Island, three hundred meters underground, in the secret base of the Blade of Chaos.

"Where did this kid come out of the monster? His body is too strong!"

"It's not obvious from the outside. It's obviously no more than three meters tall and no more than 1,000 kilograms in weight. However, the strengthening potions he swallowed are more than the five red blood copper cow variants!"

"Strange, I extracted his blood for analysis, and found nothing unusual, it's just the most ordinary **** monster race."

"This is the legend, is it talented?"

"As mentioned above, increase the concentration of the'Tiger Demon Forging Tendons' by three times, and look at the reaction of this monster. Perhaps this time, we really picked up the treasure and discovered a tyrannical warrior!"

Li Yao closed his eyes slightly, suspended in a huge biochemical tank, and soaked his body in a slightly reddish liquid. This liquid is as thick as gum and contains a variety of strengthening ingredients. Under the action of weak pressure, it slows down. Slowly penetrate into his pores.

He listened to the conversation of the members of Chaos Blade outside by sensing the faint vibration of the biochemical tank glass.

It sounds like Chaos Blade is not malicious, it is really recruiting powerful newcomers.

This is exactly what Li Yao wanted.

The Scarlet Heart Demon yawned boredly in the depths of his brain: "These healing potions are really as light as water. It takes a whole day and a half to repair such a minor injury? Replaced by me, if I stimulate the potential, the repair will be completed in minutes. !"

"The'Tiger Demon Forging Muscle Powder' they developed is barely enough, but the concentration is too low, three times? At least ten times, it's exciting enough!"

"However, hehe, there are many good things in the secret base of the Blade of Chaos, and this trip is right!"

Li Yao agreed with the statement of the Scarlet Heart Demon.

He is not the only biochemical tank in the base. He is in a vast natural cave under the ground. Hundreds of biochemical tanks are lined up densely all around, and there are many biochemical tanks inlaid like worms. In the rock wall, there is a strong man lying quietly among them.

Despite being wrapped in layers of viscous medicine, Li Yao could clearly perceive that the aura of a statue of a deity's biochemical tank is constantly getting stronger every minute.

In the area of ​​500 meters to his left, the height of the giant biochemical tank is even more than 20 meters. The monster race immersed in it to receive modulation is almost like a dinosaur that has traveled from the prehistoric era to the modern era. Even Li Yao saw it. Secretly smacked his tongue.

The strength of the Chaos Blade is really not as simple as the surface, the so-called "Blood Blade Chaos" is by no means their real outbreak!

Li Yao didn't have the patience to wait any longer, his eyelids quivered slightly and opened slowly. Deep in his pale red left eye, there was a brilliant light that could penetrate the strengthening potion, tempered glass and the thick rock layer.

"He is awake!"

"The poison in him is the heaviest among all gladiators. He woke up so quickly? What a monster!"

"Quickly, change the composition of the medicine and enter the tranquilizer!"

Soon, Li Yao saw an old man with white wings and a childlike look, smiling and standing in front of the biochemical tank.

The old man was wearing a white robe, and a bright red Chaos Blade battle emblem was painted on his chest.

Seeing the sharp blade that cut the gene chain again, Li Yao suddenly tasted a completely different meaning.

"Am I... dead?"

Li Yao pretended to be very weak and clumsy, and used his fingers to draw strokes on the tempered glass.

Perhaps countless awakened gladiators had all raised the same question, and the old man quickly recognized his problem.

"Do not."

The voice of the old man came through the warm strengthening potion, and it seemed a little fuzzy and chaotic, "You have been reborn."


The eighteenth hour after Li Yao's "rebirth".

In the first fifteen hours, Chaos Blade conducted a series of rigorous physical examinations on him.

Under the cover of the Scarlet Heart Demon, it was naturally successful.

After a short rest, he was led by two Chaos Blade members through a long corridor to a quiet underground hall.

There is nothing in the main hall, but huge murals are decorated around it, but it is neither the glorious and holy image of the gods and demons, nor the scene of the heroes fighting in blood, but a series of mysterious and mysterious gene chains, each in each form. Different cells, as well as the fossils of countless ancient creatures.

These frescoes add a bit of mystery and solemnity to the hall.

Except for Li Yao, one after another, the same group of "tragic death" gladiators all appeared, including those swallowed by the swamp.

Li Yao was stunned and reacted instantly. Underneath the so-called "Netherbone Ze", there are obviously hidden mechanisms. Once the gladiator gets caught in, he will be dragged away from the secret tunnel below. It only takes a few days before secretly throwing it away. A few bones similar to the body shape can be mixed up.

These gladiators did not have the violent physique of Li Yao. Although they barely awakened, almost all of them were wrapped in thick bandages, carrying seven or eight packs of healing potions, and some were even immersed in a portable mobile biochemical tank. Push over slowly.

They were "resurrected from the dead", feeling a little muddled, and seeing their companions who were also supposed to have died in the Dark Bone Ze, standing upright like them, was even more shocked.

Only a handful of gladiators, including Mo Tiesheng whose chest was wrapped in heavy green plaster, looked like a bronze statue, thoughtfully, vaguely aware of what had happened.

"Congratulations, brothers, for being reborn!"

Along with a faint laughter, there was a rumbling sound from the bottom of the hall at the end of the hall, the ground spread out like a crab claw chrysanthemum, and a throne rose slowly.

The shape of this throne is very peculiar, like countless gene chains crisscrossed and woven, these gene chains are crystal clear, from the inside to the outside, exuding magnificent luster, making the huge palace full of life in an instant Breath.

There was no one on the gene throne, and three tall figures stood in front of the throne.

Standing blankly on both sides were two Dead Tooth guards who personally "killed" them.

The majestic and burly figure in the middle belongs to Chiba, the captain of Skull Island!

Li Yao had expected it a long time ago and was not surprised, but the other gladiators were caught off guard and exclaimed in surprise.

At this moment, Yuchiba faded away from the gorgeous brocade robe he wore in the arena, instead he put on a slightly simple bone training armor, wearing a chaos blade battle emblem made of black iron on his chest, and a black surface. The upper part was faintly covered with blood-colored flow lines. I don't know if it was refined, or if too many enemies were slaughtered, blood soaked in.

Yuchiba was not angry and pretentious, step by step, slowly walked among the crowd, his eyes quickly swept through the wounds of the crowd, staying on Li Yao for a long time, finally stared at Mo Tiesheng, and said calmly: "I I know, brothers must have a lot of confusion in their hearts. Since I show my true colors today, I must answer every question!"

"Before unraveling everyone's confusion, let me introduce my identity again. I, Captain Chiba of Skull Island, are a chaos believer. You can regard me as the highest representative of Chaos Blade in the City of Chaos!"

Many gladiators with bright minds had already broken their clues from his attire, but they were surprised to hear him admit it so frankly, and it was another commotion.

Many gladiators have subtly accepted the thought of Chaos Blade in the training camp. At this moment, they are "resurrected from the dead", and they are quite moved to find the organization. For a while, tears filled their eyes, and they didn't know what to say.

Only Li Yao and Mo Tiesheng had their expressions unchanged. Mo Tiesheng even raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Island Master Yuchi, so you arranged it from beginning to end?"

"You deliberately arrested us, let us accept the harshest training and life-to-death fight, choose the strongest from us, and then let us join the Chaos Blade?"

Yuchiba carried his hands on his back, his face was calm, and said indifferently: "When many brothers wake up, they see me and the first question they ask is the same."

"And every time I answer, it is the same, yes, all of this is arranged by me alone, you can even say that I used scams, abductions, and shameless means to force everyone here!"

"On Skull Island, you have undergone the most severe training. You have received dozens of times or even hundreds of times the normal range of enhanced potion injections. Many brothers went crazy, cells collapsed, and countless brothers died tragically in the arena. It fell to the end of no bones!"

"I did all of this, and I accept it all!"

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