40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 886: The true meaning of chaos

Yuchiba paused with a single word, decisively, and with a burning momentum, Mo Tiesheng was stunned.


Yuchiba turned the conversation and said loudly, "Brothers, might as well recall your past experience, and think about how many obstacles you have encountered on the way you flee from home. You think, even if I don't take you by force. , Do you have a way to survive?"

"No! In the current Blood Demon Realm, being the Black Blood Demon Race and the Chaotic Blood Demon Race is the original sin of your brothers. There is no way to survive at all, it will be left to everyone!"

"The arena of the blood demon world is not just our Skull Island family, but the major demon nations are desperately recruiting soldiers and excavating slaves. Even if I did not take you away, you will inevitably be caught by other slave teams. Even the army just took it away!"

"On Skull Island, while practicing rigorously, you can get the best fortifying potions and plenty of food, and in the seemingly dangerous battle, I also try my best to rack my brains to save your lives! Only let you guys' Fake death' once can make your past completely disappear from this world!"

"And in other arenas, or even in the army, you don’t have such good luck! The bloodblade chaos has not yet completely subsided, presumably you have heard a lot of rumors, know that in the army, the black blood monster race and What kind of role does the Blood Demon Race play!"

"So, do you really think I did something wrong?"

"Yes, on Skull Island, many brotherhoods die every day, die in harsh cultivation, die under the over-injection of strengthening potions, die in the extremely dangerous Thunder Prison, Thorns Fire Prison, and Netherbone Zee. ! If there is a silver lining, I don’t want even one brother to sacrifice for nothing!"

"However, this is Wuluocheng, a Wuluocheng full of Silver-blooded Demon Race! Sacrificing some brothers can save the lives of others, making them the main force to cut the shackles and rise up to resist! I, No choice!"

Yuchiba's words caused waves among the gladiators. They whispered to each other, but they couldn't understand their clues, and finally turned their eyes to Mo Tiesheng and Li Yao.

Mo Tiesheng also pondered deeply, and did not respond for a long time.

Yuchiba opened his sturdy arms and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, the shackles bound to us have been bound for forty thousand years. Seeing that the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world are about to embark on an unprecedented battle to determine who will be It is the master of the new world after fusion, but no matter who wins or loses in this battle, we cannon fodder is doomed to a dead end!"

"If we don't stand up yet to resist, we will either torture to death in the dark mines, or kill each other in the arena. At most, the nobles will have a chuckle, or become worthless cannon fodder, and become a'beast tide'. A member of'and' Chonghai', in front of the Tianyuan Realm's crystal magnetic cannon and spar battleship, was wiped out and turned into dust!"

"If you don't want yourself and your family to suffer such a fate, then join the Blade of Chaos, fight together, smash the so-called'four-pillar system' to pieces, and personally earn a real way to survive!"

Yuchiba's words seemed to be invisible flames, igniting the eyes of many gladiators.

Even Mo Tiesheng, who was still silent just now, had a loose expression on his face.

However, after Li Yao pondered for a while, he raised a rather sharp question: "Island Master Yuchi, you seem to be... neither black blood nor chaotic blood?"

This question suddenly caused all the gladiators' eyes to focus on Yuchiba's body again.

Yuchiba smiled faintly, and said calmly: "Yes, according to the division of the blood demon world, my blood is indeed pure silver blood, but in fact, this division method is extremely ridiculous! Next, let everyone see. Let's get the truth!"

"the truth?"

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and moved slightly.

"In those wildly fabricated myths and legends, the so-called holy blood, silver blood, copper blood, and black blood are all born and immutable. Anyone who tries to make a little change will become the most humble. The cheapest, even inaccessible messy blood!"


Yuchiba's whole body suddenly spewed out a strong and substantive demon energy, entwining in circles on the sturdy body, like a mysterious and complicated war pattern.

From the depths of Yuchiba’s throat and in his body, there were bursts of horrible tearing and condensing of flesh and blood. After a while, the release intensity of his demonic energy was obviously increased by a step, and on his fist, which was bigger than a casserole, it was impressive. Five black blades that resemble the blades of a mantis have grown!

"this is!"

All the gladiators were all shocked. This was obviously a characteristic of some kind of Zerg or Claw, but Yuchiba was an out-and-out horned race!

Yuchiba gently waved the five blades, drawing ripples in the air like a stream of water. His eyes passed through the claw blades and spread to everyone: "Did you see clearly, brothers, my pure silver blood? The monster race also showed two different characteristics of the monster race!"

"There is only one truth. The so-called distinctions of holy blood, silver blood, copper blood, and black blood do not exist at all! Our external differences are just a certain'form' that changes with the environment, a monster race , It should be able to inspire different'forms' to adapt to different battlefields or production tasks, and complete the mission assigned to us by the Chaos God!"


All the gladiators were talking about it.

Yuchiba slowed down and said in a low voice, "Yes, on Skull Island, you must have all heard the legend that the great chaos **** created the monster race. That is not a myth of nothingness, but actually happened 40,000 years ago. History!"

"Forty thousand years ago, it was the end of the ancient repair era. Mankind was finally backlashed by their greed and ambition, and a protracted civil war started in three thousand worlds. Countless worlds fell into a whirlpool of destruction, torn apart and transformed. For the Stardust, even if you escaped from a catastrophic planet, the ecosystem is completely destroyed, lingering in the flames of war."

"At that time, the three thousand great worlds, smog, thunder and fire, were no longer suitable for the survival of most living creatures."

"The Great Chaos God came into being, unearthed the relics of the Pangu tribe of the Primordial Era, found the inheritance of the Pangu thirteen tribes, and created our demon tribe. The purpose is to repair the damaged world like the ancient Pangu tribe!"

"The Three Thousand Worlds at that time were no longer a paradise of beautiful mountains and clear waters, birds and flowers, full of volcanoes and earthquakes, miasma and poisonous fog everywhere, many worlds lost their atmosphere, and countless worlds were completely covered by the ocean."

"That's why the Great Chaos God has given us powerful supernatural powers, allowing us to awaken the ancient powers in our bodies, fight against the harsh environment, and slowly transform the world like the ancestors of the Primordial Era!"

"The external form does not represent anything at all, it only represents the task we were initially given."

"If our ancestors were dropped on a planet completely covered by the ocean, it would naturally arouse the form of the'sea race'."

"If our ancestors were put on a planet where the ground was incomparably desolate, and all resources were hidden in the ground, it would naturally take on the form of a ‘Zerg’!"

"If on this planet, the wind is raging all the year round, then in order to make the most of the wind, our ancestors will inspire wide wings to fight the sky and soar into the sky!"

"This is the original monster race 40,000 years ago."

Yuchiba sighed and said, "It's a pity that the ambition for power not only erodes humans, but also erodes the hearts of some monster races. In the process of cleaning up the mess and transforming the world, they were created by humans. Shocked by the glorious civilization, worshipped the majestic caves and powerful magic weapons left by humans, and learned to enjoy the fun of conquering and killing from the remaining humans. They began to gradually become dissatisfied with day after day, seeming to never stop repairing Work, they aspire to be the masters of the stars!"

"Slowly, these monster races betrayed the idea of ​​the Chaos God, and with the abilities that the Chaos God gave them, they gradually evolved countless talents and features specially used for killing. They regarded themselves as the rulers of the monsters. Conquer and enslave other monsters arbitrarily, and even use weird secret methods to solidify all the cells and genes of the conquered monsters, so that the conquered will always be fixed in a relatively low-level form!"

"The remaining human beings have taught them treacherous cunning and conspiracy. They secretly formed a large-scale army in the depths of the planet until the time is right. Taking advantage of the weakest moment of the Chaos God, they brazenly launched a sneak attack!"

"Under their sharp swords and claws, the Great Chaos God failed to resist, and was forced to live in a small world on the edge of the star sea, falling into a deep sleep for forty thousand years!"

"This is the truth."

"So, I never thought that there is any difference between silver blood and black blood. Under the brilliance of chaos, all brothers and sisters are the same."

Although many gladiators have heard the legend about chaos many times on Skull Island, they have never heard so many details, and they all stared at each other and dumbfounded.

Yuchiba continued: "Although those high-ranking holy blood and silver blood are doing everything possible to solidify the blood of other demon races, they did not expect that once different types of demon races are combined, the remaining offspring are inherently easier to break through the entanglement. Wannian's yoke!"

"And this is the reason for the low status of the Blood Demon Race."

"Not because of humbleness, but because of fear. The Silver-blooded Monster Race fears that the Blood-Chaotic Monster Race will completely cut off the shackles and assume the strongest form to overthrow their rule. That's why the name of'untouchable' is applied to chaos. On the head of the Blood Demon Race!"

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