40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 887: Explore the tomb of the gods and awaken the chaos!

Yuchiba's claws slowly retracted into his body, and there was nothing strange on the outside. He looked at the gladiators very calmly, his eyes full of expectation.

Mo Tiesheng frowned and said, "Lord Yuchi Island, we heard that the'Bloodblade Rebellion' led by the Blade of Chaos has been suppressed. The Blade of Chaos has been hit hard, and several elders have been caught. , And the dead members of the Blade of Chaos are piled up into a sea of ​​blood!"

"Now, how much strength is left of Chaos Blade, even if we join, what effect can it play?"

Yuchiba grinned, showing shovel-like teeth: "First of all, the idea of ​​the Great Chaos God has been secretly circulated in the blood demon world for thousands of years, and our'Blade of Chaos' has been established for nearly a hundred years, and it has been dormant for a hundred years. Planning, how could it be uprooted so easily?"

"Secondly, Bloodblade Chaos is not a failure, but a great success. Our goal was completely achieved!"

"Do you think that Chaos Blade wants to overthrow the existing rule of the Blood Demon Realm through the'Blood Blade Rebellion'? That is simply impossible! Our purpose is very simple, it is Bonesha City, more precisely, it is In Gusha City, a secret laboratory of Old Ancestor Youquan."

"Forty thousand years ago, the Great Primordial Chaos God was betrayed by a part of the demon race, and he fell into the blood demon world. He never forgot to destroy this part of the betrayed demon race. He established a vast underground palace in the depths of the blood demon star as an experiment. Laboratory and research center."

"It's a pity that Chaos Great God suffered too much injury. He fell asleep before completing the research, and this laboratory became his mausoleum."

"For thousands of years, a few words about the tomb of the Chaos God have been circulating in secret. According to legend, whoever can open the tomb of the Chaos God and get the inheritance of the chaos can change the entire monster race!"

"The Zerg is best at developing the underground. According to the information we have, Youquan Ancestor has always been obsessed with the legend of the Chaos God Tomb. He holds a batch of extremely important Chaos God Tomb map fragments. He secretly built one in Bonesha City. The research room is trying to repair and complete these secret fragments to find the precise location of the tomb of the Chaos God!"

"The Tomb of Chaos God!"

There was another commotion among the gladiators.

Yuchiba continued: "As chaos believers, we have a lot of clues to the tombs of the chaos gods by the blade of chaos. With these map fragments, we can accurately calculate the location of the tombs of the chaos gods, and even roughly guess the layout of the tombs. And organs, and then explore the tomb of the chaos god!"

"This is the real purpose of our **** chaos at all costs!"

"We are very clear-headed, knowing that we are fighting head-on. We are definitely not the opponents of the Pantheon. However, once we open the tomb of the chaos, even if the chaos **** cannot be awakened, we can get the chaos inheritance in the tomb and explore the evolution of the demon race. The source of the world, comprehend the original magical powers!"

"So, I hope to form a powerful expedition with you brothers, and explore the tomb of the chaos **** together!"

The gladiators did not expect that Yuchiba would be straightforward and tell such secret things, and even more that such an important task would fall on their shoulders. They were both excited and confused, dumbfounded, and didn't know how to respond.

Li Yao was very calm: "Island Master Yuchi, why should we give us these ignorant new blood for such an important action?"

"Three reasons."

Yuchiba frankly said, "First, it is not just to give you these new blood. The Chaos God Tomb was originally a testing ground for the Chaos God. The unfathomable palace requires a lot of manpower to cover it completely."

"So, this is an ultra-large-scale operation, with a total of more than 500 Chaos Blade members participating. You are just as an aid."

"Secondly, the map fragments of the Chaos God Tomb are the most secret treasures of the ancient Ancestor Youquan. In order to capture these fragments, we stormed Bonesha City, and after that, we fought countless battles with the ancestors of the Ancestor Youquan, which caused a lot of damage Experts, these map fragments were safely escorted back."

"To be honest, after such a loss, we really can't dispatch too many senior masters to explore the tomb of Chaos God."

"Third, and more importantly, there are of course many masters within our organization, but these masters all have legal and false identities on the bright side, and need to show up frequently, just like my'death tooth guard', of course. They are all the elite of the elite, but if they all disappeared at the same time, wouldn't they just tell others that there is something weird in it?"

"At the moment, the sound of the outside world is very tight. Since the old ancestor Youquan has lost the map fragment of the Chaos God Tomb, he can surely guess our purpose. Any large-scale elite mobilization and assembly is very likely to be detected by him! Therefore, we have no choice but to start more new blood!

These remarks are reasonable and reasonable, even Li Yao pondered for a moment, but couldn't analyze too many flaws.


Yuchiba raised his voice and said, "The exploration of the Chaos Temple is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be crushed. I can't promise you anything. I can only promise you that I will participate in this operation personally and keep going. In front of everyone! As long as we succeed and get the inheritance of the Great Chaos God, we will have the capital to compete with the Pantheon Palace. That is the real way out for us and our family!"

The gladiators talked a lot, eager to try, many people were incited by Helianba.

Explore the tomb of the Chaos God, find the source of the monster race, and get a powerful inheritance 40,000 years ago!

This is something they couldn't even think of a day ago.

But now, it is very likely to come true!

Li Yao still asked calmly: "Island Master Yuchi, can we refuse? If we refuse, what will happen?"

"Of course you can refuse!"

Yuchiba categorically said, "Even if you are going to pat your chest, you have to go through rigorous testing and screening. After all, you are going to explore the chaotic tomb of the gods in danger. A slight mistake will not only ruin your own life, but also It may hurt others!"

"How can we take a group of unwilling slave soldiers to take an adventure in a place where they will die forever? Isn't that a dead end?"

"If you refuse--"

Yuchiba pondered for a moment, then slowly said, "I don't want to deceive you. Now that I have arrived at the secret base of Chaos Blade, I have seen my true face, and heard such important secrets. It is impossible for you to go out for a while. "

"If you are willing to join the exploration of the Chaos God Tomb, you will receive special training for a period of time in the future."

"Otherwise, you can stay here, do some work within your capacity, receive regular training, and wait for other tasks to be arranged."

"During this period, of course the monitoring of you will be tighter, but when the exploration of the tomb of the chaotic **** is over, or my identity is completely exposed, then it will be different."

Although this choice is harsh, it is not unreasonable. Engaging in an armed rebellion is not a treat for dinner. It has a discipline like steel.

Li Yao continued to ask: "Our family may still be in Chaos City, can we meet them?"

"No way."

Yuchiba shook his head and said categorically, "You are all'dead' under the eyes of everyone. They are soul-returning corpses that don't exist in this world. If you and your loved ones want to see you rashly, what would they think?"

"Your relatives may not have such strong nerves as yours. If clues are revealed in peacetime, our organization will certainly suffer devastating damage. Even your relatives themselves will be sent to the Pantheon Palace. In his secret prison, torture and squeeze every drop of oil from the bones!"

"I assure you that the methods of the Pantheon Palace are something you absolutely can't imagine, and you won't be willing to face it even if you die!"

"So, for the sake of your loved ones, it's better not to meet each other."

"However, the organization can help you hand over one or two'relics' to them, and then bring them a message or two."

"At the same time, the organization promises that whether you participate in the exploration of the Chaos God Tomb or not, starting today, the organization will find ways to take care of your relatives, use the organization's influence, and let them get rid of their past lives and live more comfortably!"

"When this task is completed, perhaps, at the right time, the organization will arrange for you to see their new lives in the distance!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in a commotion. During the period of time when many **** monster races were acting as gladiators, the only driving force that supported them to fight for life and death was to miss their families!

Hearing that the Blade of Chaos can actually improve the lives of their families, all gladiators are excited!

Join the Blade of Chaos and explore the Tomb of Chaos God. Not only can you gain a powerful inheritance of supernatural powers, you can also reverse the fate of your family, and even become the hero of all the chaotic monster races!

On Skull Island, they have long been used to seeing death, and they have "dead" once. The perilous tomb of Chaos God doesn't sound so terrible anymore!

"Lord Yuchi Island, I'll join!"

A chaotic blood monster clan with a thin body and claw-like hands yelled.

"We are also joining, and we are willing to explore the tomb of the Chaos God with the owner of Yuchi Island!"

More than a dozen brawny men with the blood of a red-blooded bronze bull, under the leadership of Mo Tiesheng, took a step together, and the hooves of the bull slammed down, and there was a roar in the hall.

Li Yao squinted his eyes, took a step forward, and nodded, "I am willing, too, to explore the tomb of the Chaos God!"

Things are getting more and more interesting.

Most of what Yuchiba said was the truth. At least Li Yao didn't perceive any abnormal changes in his heartbeat, blood flow rate, and eyeball rotation frequency.

However, telling all the truth is totally different from telling all the truth.

At least, Yuchiba didn't tell them, what happened to the mysterious potion that was injected into Jin Xinyue's body and turned Jin Xinyue from a demon into a human?

This answer, just wait for Li Yao to go to the tomb of the Chaos God, and explore it yourself!

"Regardless of Human Race, Pantheon Palace, or Chaos Blade, it was an extremely important node forty thousand years ago. I really want to know what kind of existence is the so-called'Chaos'!"

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