40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 889: Training beast trap

"Really majestic!"

Li Yao's eyes were inextricably linked, greedily washing the Thunder Python, and he secretly admired.

Although the high-end crystal armor can completely compete with the powerful biochemical beasts in terms of combat power, it is even worse than that, but the wild, fierce oppressive power, and magma-like predominant aura, it is impossible for crystal armor. Released.

Unlike the crystal armor that is worn close to the body, the range of biochemical beasts is much wider, divided into different levels such as small beasts, armor beasts, medium beasts and large beasts.

Small biochemical beasts, such as poisonous bees and poisonous mosquitoes, may only be the size of a thumb, in groups, relying on brain waves to control them.

Armored beasts, somewhat similar to crystal armors, have no offensive power, but are specially tailored according to the size of the rider, like a second layer of strengthened flesh and blood tissue wrapped around the body, a layer of life-bearing armor!

On the Bone Dragon Star, Li Yao once slayed with King Lion Tu and Wang Ji. At that time, Wang Ji obtained a batch of armored beasts from the era of the Monster Beast Empire, which killed Li Yao and other cultivators. Later, he still relied on the spark and A pair of God of War suit "Dragon Scales" won the game.

The medium-sized beasts are between ten and thirty meters in size and are the most common biochemical beasts. The "Phantom Golden Eagles" that hunted down Li Yao and Jin Xinyue in the Hundred Desolate Mountains are typical medium-sized beasts.

As for the large beasts, the thunder python controlled by the leopard-print female instructor in front of her is just over a hundred meters in length. It can open mountains and smash rocks by waving her tail at will. Even an army can be easily wiped out!

In a sense, the monster battleships and skeletal battleships of the demon race can also be regarded as a super large aggregate of biochemical war beasts, which is a terrifying existence that even the spar battleship of the human race must be shocked!

"Biochemical beasts are the ultimate weapon of our monster race. As long as they are proficient, they can increase their combat power by more than five times in a short period of time!"

The leopard-print female instructor "electric python" who stands tall on the snake's head said coldly, "However, it is not easy to control the biochemical beasts perfectly. The requirements for spirits are very high, and the impact on the brain is also great. If you are not careful, you will even go back and make your brain collapse and become idiots!

"So, for the next month, you will cheer me up, practice hard, and remember that what you carry on your shoulders is not only your own life, but also the fate of your companions and family!"

The leopard-print female instructor raised her tail, and several brawny horns with muscles, "Hey Hey Hey" carried dozens of silver iron barrels about one meter in diameter. The barrels were also painted with extremely dangerous skeletons. In addition to the logo, a bottle of dark purple potion was given to each person. "

"The biochemical tanks in front of you store the lowest-level training beasts. When you can use the training beasts like an arm, you can choose a real biochemical beast based on your control ability and characteristics! "

"However, you have never received the cultivation of biochemical beasts. Some brain cells are still in a dormant state. This strengthening potion can help you and activate your brain!"

"Drink the potion and open the biochemical tank!"

Li Yao unscrewed the bottle cap of the fortified medicine, and a faint sweet and greasy smell came out. Before pouring the medicine into his throat, his tail finger went in first and sucked a small amount of medicine for analysis.

"This strengthening agent is weird. It does have a certain activating effect on brain cells, but on the other hand, it will also relax your nerves, and memory cells will be particularly excited. It will reflect the past scenes of memories. In my mind!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon analyzed for a moment and said with a grin.


Li Yao blinked and thought of it immediately.

"Almost, I said, how can an organization such as Chaos Blade tell a group of newcomers the most core secrets as soon as it comes up, and even let you get to the key easily!"

"If among us, there are one or two Anzi of the Ancestor Youquan, wouldn't it be a loss?"

"It turns out that it's here waiting for us!"

"Think about it carefully. Although Yuchiba has been talking about it for a long time, he is talking nonsense. Since the ancestor Youquan has lost the map fragment of the Chaos God Tomb, he must know that the next action of the Chaos Blade is to explore the Chaos God Tomb. !"

"Even if there is really a dark child of Youquan ancestor among us, it is impossible to analyze more valuable information from Yuchiba's words."

"However, in the recruitment plan of Chaos Blade that is full of loopholes, Anzi's vigilance will definitely be reduced a lot. Until this moment, after drinking the secret Veritaserum, even if there is no response on the surface, his mind I can't help but think about it!"

Li Yao frowned: "But how does the Blade of Chaos dig out the thoughts in our minds? There is always such a terrifying ability to read the mind, right?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon "hehe" smiled and said, "Don't forget, soon, our brain will be connected with the biochemical brain of the training beast."

Li Yao's heart shuddered, but there was nothing strange on the surface, and he took the activating agent by mouth.

Even without the help of the Scarlet Heart Demon, with his current powerful brain cells, such activating agents would have minimal impact.

However, Li Yao still released any part of his brain cells, which was activated by the medicine. In the depths of his brain, scenes of floating light and glimpses appeared.

Lifting the cover of the biochemical tank, inside curled up is a furry biochemical beast, with long fluffy yellow hair, and a round body that looks like a meat ball. The pink features are all squeezed together, some of them seem to be popular in the Tianyuan realm. "Puff Beast", a pair of short and stupid wings, shaking awkwardly.

The training beast's forehead, like two bean sprouts, has translucent tentacles, trembling and dangling.

And in the compartment next to the biochemical tank, there is a thicker antenna immersed in the culture solution.

After the instructor's explanation, Li Yao knew that the biochemical beasts had three manipulation methods.

The first is like a leopard-print female instructor, digging into the biochemical beast, using biochemical synthesis of nerves, directly connected, just like a human entering the cockpit of a spar chariot or a battleship.

In this way, a large number of neural commands can be transmitted instantaneously to control relatively large and medium-sized biochemical beasts. The disadvantage is that it always needs to be connected through synthetic nerves, which will cause certain restrictions on the activities of the rider.

The second is to use this kind of brainwave transmitter and receiver similar to "tentacles" to wirelessly remotely control the biochemical beasts within a certain range.

Needless to say, the advantage of this approach is that the disadvantage is that wireless transmission is easily interfered or even cut off. Although the Yaozu powerhouse has developed a powerful instant disconnection and reconnection technology, however, even on the ever-changing battlefield, A delay of 0.1 second may cause unpredictable consequences.

The third is to directly condense the brain waves into a "silk thread" without even using a brain wave generator to control the nearby biochemical beasts.

Needless to say, this is a method used only by real masters.

Li Yao felt that the biochemical beasts and the Heavenly Tribulation Beasts on Tieyuan star had some similarities, and he couldn't help asking: "In the past, what method did Yanxibei use when manipulating the Heavenly Tribulation Beasts? "

Scarlet Heart Demon said: "When Yan Beibei manipulates the Heavenly Tribulation battle body, of course, it uses the first method, which is the nerve connection; when manipulating ordinary Heavenly Tribulation monsters, the third method is used, directly through brain waves. It's time to send the order."

"However, the use of brain waves to transmit commands is very limited. Generally speaking, only simple commands such as ‘offense’ and ‘defense’ can be transmitted, and more refined commands cannot be transmitted!"

"Otherwise, even if you have a way to instantly output a massive flow of information, the weak brains of biochemical beasts or heavenly catastrophe beasts cannot be accepted and digested."

When Li Yao thought about it, he took out the soft tentacles from the biochemical tank and pressed it gently against his forehead according to the instructor's instructions.

Immediately, there was a refreshing feeling on the forehead, as if there were countless invisible filaments digging into the brain.

In the brain, thoughts are like intertwined tree roots, continuously extending outwards, building a thinking bridge between him and the training beast in the biochemical tank!


This is a very wonderful experience, just like when he put on the crystal armor for the first time, he felt that he had grown countless brand-new organs, condensed into a clone independent of the body!

Li Yao was dizzy and felt like he was divided into two, while standing on the ground and curled up in the biochemical tank.

This feeling once appeared when he was driving the Xiaolong, and he quickly reacted.

Li Yao keenly perceives that part of his memory is being drawn by some subtle suction, following the invisible spiritual connection, and spreading to the biochemical brain of the training beast.

This kind of traction is very subtle, just intercepting a few fragments of his memory.

What's more, in order to control the training beast, he was originally sending information to the biochemical brain continuously. These subtle information were mixed in, and the ordinary monsters could not perceive it at all.

"Sure enough, this is both training and testing!"

Li Yao is now a master of mental warfare. He has outstanding ability in creating illusions and three-dimensional rendering. Now that he has sensed the other party’s temptation, it will of course not be the real memory that he has just forged, but the vivid fictional memory he has just forged. .

Regarding the growth experience, on the way to Wuluocheng, he and Jin Xinyue had repeatedly scrutinized countless times, and Jin Xinyue, the saint of the Pantheon Temple, personally made up every detail.


When most people were still frowning their eyebrows, rubbing their temples vigorously, trying to get a brain wave connection with the training beast, Li Yao had already manipulated the training beast to fly!

The number of neurons in the training beast is horribly low, and the driving difficulty is not at the same level as the Xiaolong. For Li Yao, the difficulty is not how to control the training beast, but how to make the training beast fly more "clumsy", to cover up own ability!

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