40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 890: Bloodclaw Confidential File

The training beast flew slowly into the air, drawing a figure-eight circle like a clumsy bee, and suddenly fell to the ground as if its wings didn’t know how to flap it, seeing that it had to fall completely to the ground before it re-emerged dangerously. Flop.

"Compared with the crystal armor, the biochemical beasts react faster, give more timely feedback, and have a more sensitive perception of airflow and temperature."

"It's no wonder that, after all, the biochemical brain is originally modulated by imitating the biological brain. Compared with the crystal brain, it may be slightly inferior in computing power, but it is naturally more unimpeded when it is connected with the human brain!"

"It would be great if the advantages of the biochemical beasts can be applied to the crystal armor."

Li Yao’s enthusiasm for crystal armor, no one in the Tianyuan realm or the flying star realm can match. Now his research on crystal armor has reached a bottleneck. It seems that it is difficult to deal with the profound bone battle armor from a technical level. After making a significant improvement, I came into contact with the biochemical beasts that can compete with the crystal armor, and I couldn't help but start to think about this. If some of the advantages of the biochemical beasts can be applied to the crystal armor...

As he thought deeply and unconsciously, he relaxed his control on the training beast. Under the control of his subconscious, the training beast became faster and faster, and its trajectory became more and more beautiful and quicker.

When he reacted, the training beast had just continuously rotated more than thirty times in mid-air, and another somersault with a very small radius, faintly seeing the rippling air currents in the air.

The three instructors and all the new blood stared at him dumbfounded.

Li Yao blinked, his face calmly opposed to the audience.


After the first day of special training, deep in the training camp, three instructors were reading the memory images stored in the information ball one by one.

Yuchiba sat in the shadows behind them, leafing through a pile of materials thoughtfully.

"These two guys really have a problem!"

Suddenly, a few strange memory messages attracted the attention of the three instructors. The female leopard instructor "Electric Python" was full of scorn and said viciously, "I will kill them now!"

"and many more."

Yuchiba made a gesture, "Be safe and not irritable, don't startle the snake."

"Anyway, they are here, they can't send the news out, just leave it alone and monitor closely."

"I'm more interested in—"

Yuchiba flicked the information in his hand, "Who is this'Blood Claw'? He left a deep impression on me."

The female leopard instructor "Electric Python" said: "He is indeed the best one among the new blood. It can be seen from the first five fights. He has a calm personality and decisive action. He is the best hunter, and, He has a strong affinity with the biochemical beasts. The first time he came into contact with the training beasts, his control reached more than 90%!"

Yuchiba let out a thoughtful "um", and his stubby fingers slowly rubbed the big horn in the center of his face.

The fat instructor "Venom" smiled and said, "Such a guy is not a true genius, or a conspirator who hides deeply. However, we conducted a close investigation on him and found no clues. The training beast also stole his A lot of memory pictures are all pictures of hunting in the wilderness, and all the details can correspond to his origin one by one."

"Furthermore, we were also observing his sister secretly, and we didn't find anything wrong."

The instructor with four blades, "Shadow Knife" said: "More importantly, we have conducted the most rigorous analysis of the five battles he participated in, as well as his usual practice scenes. He almost every second Cultivation and fighting have been slowed down by us dozens of times to study."

"All the dead tooth guards, as well as the training experts and motion trajectory experts in the organization, agreed that Blood Claw hadn't really been exposed to a little bit of monster combat skills training before. At the beginning, he didn't know anything about the most basic moves. It is purely fighting with a tyrannical physique and amazing perception, which is completely in line with the characteristics of a wilderness hunter."

"If you are the ancestor of Youquan, or the dark child of the Pantheon Palace, then you must have received the harshest cultivation, mastered many basic combat skills, and no matter how disguised, it will be difficult to escape our analysis."

"However, the blood claw at the beginning was really ignorant and ignorant. With the battles and the crazy practice every day, his strength has increased rapidly!"

"The most important thing is that after taking the activation potions that manipulate the biochemical beasts, his body and brain did indeed experience the first ‘micro-resistance’ to control the biochemical beasts."

"If you have controlled a biochemical beast before, this kind of reaction will never occur."

"Whether it is the ancestor of Youquan or the dark child trained by the Pantheon Palace, it is absolutely impossible that he has never been in contact with a biochemical beast!"

"So, there should be no problem with the identity of Blood Claw."

The three instructors spoke in unison.

"That's good."

Yuchiba nodded in satisfaction, "Next, we must closely monitor and perform multiple tests to see where this blood claw can go!"


Blade of Chaos, secret file, "Hong" class secret.

No. 93455, "Blood Claw" file No. 017.

Recorder: Yindao.

"Bloodclaw's talent in the control of biochemical beasts made everyone amazed. In just one afternoon and one night, his control of the training beast reached more than 99%, and he can control the training beast for various thrills. Extreme action."

"We arranged a standard thirteen action test for him. The completion time for him to control the training beast was an astonishing 17 seconds. This time is beyond half a month's training for most of the trainees."

"According to Bloodclaw's self-report, after his brain waves were released, there seemed to be a white light in front of his eyes. He smelled a scent of burnt dead leaves in his nose, and then his consciousness extended to the biochemical beast, as if he was a biochemical beast. Like a beast."

"This kind of phenomenon has been discovered by the organization before. Monster races with this kind of phenomenon are often geniuses who control biochemical beasts!"

"Blooclaw also said that since he was a child, he occasionally suffered from a faint headache. This very strange dull pain does not go from the outside to the inside, but from the inside to the outside, as if there is a volcano in his head about to erupt. ."

"According to the experts in the organization, this phenomenon is very likely to be that a certain part of his brain has a disease, which squeezes the nerves, which in turn stimulates unusually strong mental power. At the same time, the expansion of the diseased area brings about the intracranial overstress."

"And this also explains his near-breathing danger prediction ability and tactical reading ability in the arena."

"By connecting with the biochemical beast, it is like opening a hole in his head, releasing a part of excessive pressure."

"However, the brain is the most mysterious part of a living thing, and it is difficult to prove this without a destructive dissection."

"For now, it is recommended that he enter the next stage of special training and learn to control real biochemical beasts."


Blade of Chaos, secret file, "Zhou" class secret.

No. 93455, "Blood Claw" file No. 019.

Recorder: Venom.

"Blood Claw is an incredible genius!"

"After only a few days of cultivation, he can control the **** bear!"

"Bloodflame Bear is a heavy biochemical beast weighing more than 30 tons. Not only is it extremely difficult to control, but it also has a powerful impact on the driver's brain."

"Generally speaking, only the monster race with bear blood can control this kind of biochemical beast of the same origin."

"However, Bloodclaw is driving a blood-flaming bear, successfully completing a small range of irregularly changing to one hundred and three training subjects within a minute. Although there are still some stumblings, it does not react at all. Discomfort!"

"However, he seems to be dissatisfied with the **** mad bear. He also wants to attack the more advanced biochemical beasts. He is really a terrifying guy."

"It seems that it is necessary to probe this guy in a deeper level."

"I don't know why, when I see this guy, especially when I see his eyes of different colors, I will jump in my heart."

"Even when facing the owner of Yuchi Island, I never gave birth to such an almost instinctive vigilance!"


Blade of Chaos, secret file, "mysterious" class secret.

No. 93455, "Blood Claw" file No. 022.

Recorder: Araki.

"Today, I hosted an in-depth hypnosis test on Blood Claw."

"At the beginning of the hypnosis process, he showed a certain resistance, but he quickly accepted the hypnosis and completely let go of his entire brain."

"The hypnotic questioning of the blood paw did not find any abnormalities. All the details corresponded to his memory picture one-to-one, and when he probed in his brain, no abnormal findings were found. Instead, he found his left frontal lobe. There is a mutation area where blood vessels are particularly concentrated."

"This area explains his headache and the root of his mental strength."

"It's very common to have genetic mutations in the Blood Demon Race, and the brain is too mysterious to conduct a more in-depth study of this area at this time."

"It can only be said that through this hypnosis, conclusions can be drawn."

"Bloodclaw, either is a chaotic blood monster race with no background, just because of genetic mutations and brain abnormalities, who has mastered a powerful talent."

"Or, he is a powerhouse of Demon Emperor rank!"

"Only the Demon Sovereign can resist my hypnosis!"


Blade of Chaos, secret file, "mysterious" class secret.

No. 93455, "Blood Claw" file No. 027.

Recorder: Electric Python.

"Today is the twenty-seventh day of the start of the special training. Bloodclaw has become a master at mastering biochemical beasts."

"Today, he drove the'Big Flame Iron Lion' and smashed a higher-ranked'Purple Electric Flying Ring Python' cleanly, and the one who controlled the Purple Flying Ring Python was the strongest student in the training camp.' Feng Tianhua', that is a master who has been dispatched from other branches and has experienced many battles!"

"Bloodclaw acting as a simple path-finder or combat role is too wasteful. In the task of exploring the tomb of the chaos god, he may be able to play a more important role!"

"Suggestion, promote him to a more core action team!"

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