40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 892: World, are you ready?

Under the leadership of three instructors, Li Yao walked deep into the training camp, a silver-white inflatable greenhouse.

From a distance, this big shed looks like a giant egg inlaid on the ground.

The three instructors took the shape of "Pin" and surrounded him. The fat instructor "Venom" grinned and said: "Your performance this month is really shocking. It would be too wasteful for you to stay in the pathfinder team. So, a new task will be arranged for you next."

With that, the four came to the front of the silver dome.

A negative pressure metal door slowly opened after a chirp.

The fat instructor "Venom" entered first, but the other two instructors waited behind Li Yao.

Li Yao blinked, followed the "Venom" and walked into the silver dome. The cold air on his face made his eyelashes tremble, and then an unstoppable wind came!

"Your matter has happened!"

Accompanied by a piercing scream, a poisonous thorn pierced Li Yao's left eye, and the "venom" that had just twisted his fat **** in front of him, bounced back like a ball, in all the pores on his body. , All blasted out a stormy smelly liquid!

At the same time, behind Li Yao, the two instructors, the electric python and the hidden knife, also attacked at the same time!

The electric python is like a pool of mercury, silently spreading around Li Yao's legs!

The four blade limbs of the hidden sword turned out more than a hundred sword lights, which completely covered Li Yao's head!

At the critical juncture, Li Yao let out a low roar. The soft armor on his body suddenly came out like the second layer of skin, which contained most of the venom in front of him, and he also followed behind the soft armor, ignoring part of the venom and "chichichichichi" shot. When he got to the body, he rubbed his body and pushed forward, hitting the belly of the fat instructor's venom with a knee bump!

The venom looks fat, but the fat covering the surface of the body has a unique hydraulic defense system, so it will naturally not be hurt by this knee bump.

And Li Yao’s goal was not to put the poison on the ground, but to use the force of his fat abdomen and slam backwards. His body almost became a piece of white paper in mid-air, a dead leaf, just from the electricity. The strangulation of the python and the smashing of the hidden knife passed dangerously!

The door to the outside world hadn't been closed yet, Li Yao squatted on the ground, exerting force, like a sprint!

However, his seemingly sprinting posture brought about a second rebound!

The three instructors thought he was going to grab the road, and they all made the move to intercept the door. However, Li Yao's body completely violated the laws of physiology, and he ejected into the depths of the silver dome for the second time!

No one expected this change. The fat instructor’s venom's compound eyes were widened, and a mouthful of yellow-brown mucus was suddenly spit out, brushing the back of Li Yao's head, corroding the metal door frame beside it "creaking." !

Li Yao's ups and downs, sparks and sparks, rushed into the depths of the silver dome until he hit a tall and towering wall before stopping.

The Captain of Skull Island, Chiba, blocked the entire corridor and looked at him with interest.

Li Yao dropped his hands on his sides, did not launch an attack or escape, so he looked at Yuchiba.

The three instructors just caught up.

Yuchiba smiled and said, "Why don't you do it?"

Li Yao calmly said: "This is just a test. There is no need for Xiangdao to take the initiative. What's more, he can't beat it. It's better to save a little effort and deal with possible changes."


Yuchiba raised his eyebrows, "Why is it just a test?"

Li Yao said: "If it's not a test, there is no need to say something like'Your incident has happened', just do it silently."

The fat instructor "Venom" and the leopard-print female instructor "Electric Python" looked at each other with a little embarrassment.

Yuchiba continued to ask: "Why don't you run out, but choose to go in, so you are not afraid that there will be an ambush inside?"

Li Yao said: "Outside is a huge training camp. Hundreds of fighters are training. As long as you shout, all the fighters will surround you. I have the power to reach the sky and the earth, and I can't escape."

"Although I don't know if there is an ambush inside, no matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than outside!"

Yuchiba laughed and patted Li Yao on the shoulder: "Very good, it really is the talent I want!"

"Bloodclaw, do you know, in the past few months on Skull Island, what has attracted me the most about you?"

"Neither is your crazy cultivation method that is almost self-torture, nor is your strength rising like a tide, nor is it your innate control over biochemical beasts."

"Instead, your reading and judgment on the battlefield!"

"You are smart enough and calm enough to be able to find the most correct choice among tens of thousands of intricate choices in a crisis-ridden, rapidly changing battlefield!"

"In terms of strength, you are not an opponent of Venom, Hidden Knife, and Electric Python, but this calm judgment may make you more suitable for the next task!"

"Come with me!"

Yuchiba led the way. The silver greenhouse was originally a research center dedicated to the study of the Chaos God Tomb. In the core area, it was an artificial pool full of black water.

The black water was like oil and extremely viscous, but under the traction of mysterious power, stormy waves broke out, showing a horrible vortex.

Although it was an artificial pool between square inches, it still gave Li Yao a feeling of swift and swaying rain.

Surrounding the man-made pool is a circle of research rooms. Li Yao looked in through the reinforced glass and saw many experts wearing white robes or silver-colored fully enclosed protective suits, who were concentrating on research.

"Exploring the tomb of the Chaos God requires many warriors who are brave and fearless of death."

Yuchi was overbearing, "However, it is impossible to discover the true value of the Chaos God Tomb just by relying on us who are well-developed limbs and simple-minded martial artists!"

"So, among the exploratory team sent this time, there is a core team composed of many experts."

"This includes experts in paleontology and genetics, as well as experts in architecture, geology and even oceanography. Once they find something in the tomb of the Chaos God, they will even conduct research on the spot."

"These experts and scholars, of course, are among the best in the blood demon world in their fields of expertise. However, they often have no power to bind chickens and are not suitable for high-intensity adventures and battles."

"So, we have configured a strong guard for this core team."

"I hope you can also join this guard to protect two of the experts personally."

Yuchiba took Li Yao to one of the research rooms.

What came out was a pungent smell of earth and ink.

Li Yao's nose moved slightly. In this ink, he could distinguish the smell of golden color ink and rush.

Almost all the ancient inks with this composition were 40,000 years ago.

In the research room, there are piles of tattered scrolls and ancient books, and there are large blocks of stone slabs beside it. The stone slabs are winding with mysterious and complicated ancient spiritual patterns, almost 30,000 to 50,000 years old. The previous product.

Walking into this room gives people a taste of traveling through a time tunnel.

But for Li Yao, there was a kind of cordiality at home. He couldn't help but want to grab a volume of ancient books, bury his head in the pages of the book, and take a deep breath.

One old and one young, two figures huddled in the pile of old papers. Even though Yuchiba had a dry cough for more than a dozen times, the two figures did not react at all and were still immersed in research.

"Master Chu Zhengqing is the most prestigious historian and archaeologist in our blood demon world."

Yuchiba seemed to have been accustomed to their attitudes a long time ago, and he dismissively introduced to Li Yao, "His daughter, Chu Feiyinqing, who is born in blue, is also quite successful in this field."

"The main research fields of the two generations of father and daughter masters are mechanism studies, formation studies and psychic patterns studies 40,000 years ago."

"Before we were invited here as a guest to join the team exploring the Chaos God Tomb, the two masters were invited by Youquan Patriarch to preside over the work of the Chaos Research Center in Gusha City."

"In other words, the two masters are the top'chaosology' experts in the blood demon world!"

Li Yao blinked and instantly understood.

The Ancestor Youquan was very interested in Chaos God Tomb for a long time, so he gathered a group of experts to establish a secret research institute in Bonesha City, hoping to crack the secrets of Chaos.

And these two Chu masters are the heads of Youquan Ancestor Research Center!

The Blade of Chaos launched the "Blade of Chaos" and captured Bonesha City. The real goal was the research center of the Ancestor Youquan. After the research center was breached, these two experts naturally fell into the hands of Blade of Chaos.

In other words, they are actually prisoners of the Blade of Chaos, no wonder they are so indifferent!

Yuchiba leaned slightly towards the two of them, and said, "Master Chu, we will set off in one day, are you ready?"

The "Master Chu" finally straightened his waist from the scroll.

With wrinkles like dry bark, he looks like he is more than five hundred years old, and his turbid eyes give the illusion of blindness. However, Li Yao accurately caught the turbid eyeballs behind his eyes. That touch of ridicule. meaning.

"Lord Yuchi Island, I want to tell you a story."

Chu Zhengqing said slowly, the voice seemed to have been buried in the ground for decades before being dug out, "Ten years ago, the Pantheon Palace organized a large-scale exploration activity on a fragmented world."

"The nature of that activity is almost the same as the exploration you are planning. It was the excavation of an ancient tomb from 30,000 to 40,000 years ago."

"During that operation, the four major demon nations all sent countless elites to form a huge expedition, and even used the hyperspace launch system ‘Blood Demon’s Eye’ that can shatter the void."

"As a result, they were completely wiped out in that ancient tomb called'Bone Dragon Star'!"

"Even, they almost released a peerless fierce demon skeleton dragon demon 40,000 years ago, causing a catastrophe that would destroy the world!"

"Finally, it was under the self-sacrifice of a human hero named'Li Yao' that the bone dragon demon was suppressed, and the blood demon and the Tianyuan realms were not plunged into a whirlpool of destruction!"

"However, if my research is not too deviated, the skeleton dragon demon may be just a weapon modulated by'Chaos'."

"Just opening the tomb of the bone dragon demon almost caused a catastrophe, and now, whether it is the ancestor of Youquan or your Chaos Blade, you want to Want to open the sleeping place of'Chaos'?"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if I am ready."

"The important thing is, are you ready? Is this world ready for the rebirth of Chaos?"

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