40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 893: Goal, tomb of chaos god, go forward!

Facing this shuddering question, Yuchiba’s small eyes showed a zeal and determination. He opened his arms and looked drunk. He said loudly, "Of course, for this day, we have been waiting for forty thousand years! We are all. I'm ready, once again bathed in the radiance of the Great Chaos God!"

The criss-cross wrinkles on Chu Zhengqing's face did not tremble, just like cracks spread over the rocks. He said lightly: "You don't need to put on such a glorious coat for your actions. In fact, you and Youquan ancestors, They are all raccoon dogs, all for the purpose of obtaining the powerful weapons left by the chaos. As for what chaos is, whether it will be reborn or not, you won't care!"

"Even, as long as you can get the power of Chaos, neither you nor the Ancestor Youquan, do not want the so-called'Chaos' to be truly reborn in this world, right?"

Yuchiba smiled slightly and said, "Of course we and Youquan Ancestor are different."

"If Old Ancestor Youquan gets the inheritance of Chaos, he will only enslave the lower-level monster race even more vigorously and create a terrifying world that belongs to him!"

"However, we have obtained the inheritance of chaos, but we can break the chains that have been imprisoned on low-level monster races for tens of thousands of years and create a new world where all monster races are equal!"

"How can we and Youquan be the same?"

Chu Zhengqing snorted softly and stopped talking.

But his daughter Chu Feiyin turned her head.

If Chu Zhengqing still slightly concealed his emotions and thoughts, then Chu Feiyin almost wrote deep mockery on his face.

She has a pair of huge eyes that occupies half of her face. The eyeballs are covered with a transparent film, which exudes magnificent brilliance under the light.

"Lord Yuchi Island, your Chaos Blade worships'Chaos' as a god."

Chu Feiyin's voice was a little deep, as if it came directly from his chest, "But in the eyes of us historical researchers, whether the gods of the human race or the gods of the demon race have the greatest common denominator, you know What is it?"

Yuchi overbearing: "I would like to hear the details."

Chu Fei said: "Mood and anger."

Yuchiba was startled slightly and turned to Li Yao: "You see, the two masters are the key to this exploration. They both have very unique insights into chaos. After arriving at the tomb of the chaos, your task is to be personal. Protect the two masters."

"Such a major task, of course, will not be done by you alone. You only need to raise your intuition and perception to the limit, and react according to your instinct."

"Now, get close to the two masters. If they have any requirements, tell the outside in time to satisfy them all."

Yuchiba turned and left, leaving only Li Yao and two experts in the research room.

Li Yao looked at the surrounding book collections and ancient fragments with great interest, and found that most of the contents were from 40,000 to 35,000 years ago.

This period of history is not involved in Ou Yezi's memory fragments. It is also the time of the decline of humanity and the rise of the monster race.

The newly emerging demons are just like the vast majority of barbarians who conquered the central civilization through violence. Although they defeated the central civilization in martial arts and military power, they were completely overwhelmed by the vastness and profoundness of the central civilization in terms of culture and system. , So as to fully accept all the inheritance of the central civilization.

Therefore, in the early days of the rise of the demon clan, most of the language, culture, system, cultivation system, and even the development methods of the cave, and the construction of the palace, all retained the style of the ancient world.

In fact, even today, 40,000 years later, compared to the human civilization that has completely entered the modern society, the demonic civilization still retains a lot of traces of the ancient world.

Compared with modern people, it is a monster race, which is more archaic.

Li Yao was very interested in seeing these cultural relics.

He didn't dare to rush through the mottled ancient books, but he was immersed in studying the slates.

These slates were supposed to be the funerary objects in the tomb of a certain strong man in the early days of the Monster Beast Empire, with vivid brushstrokes and concise spiritual patterns, depicting the great achievements of this strong man.

For ordinary people, the spirit patterns of these tiny tiny prints are no different from the heavenly script, but for Li Yao, they are just simple variants of ancient scripts. He concentrated his attention and quickly analyzed most of them.

Judging from the intermittent content of several stone slabs, this strong man should have been born after the human race has been suppressed. The greatest achievement of his life seems to be fighting against Chaos, or the Chaos Army, and eventually will Chaos Deported to the edge of the Xinghai.

On the stone slab, the image of Chaos is a big round ball of meat, with long tentacles growing all over the body, and between the tentacles, the eyes are densely covered.

On the stone slab, dotted lines are used to draw a line of light from the eyes, which represents the incredible magic of the chaotic sight.

However, what bothered Li Yao the most was a pattern engraved beside the chaos, which looked like the sun.

Li Yao is very clear about the meaning of this kind of pattern in the funeral objects.

That is the reference that the ancients often used to express the size of an object, meaning that chaos is as huge as the sun!

This does not necessarily refer to the true size of Chaos, but at least it shows that Chaos has power comparable to stars!

Li Yao's thoughtful expression caught the attention of Chu Zhengqing and his daughter.

They thought that Yuchiba would send a five-skilled martial artist, but this one, the five-skilled man was true, but the deep gaze seemed to understand the ancient spirit map on the stone slab?

How can it be!

The two father and daughter looked at each other, did not speak, once again buried their heads in the vast ancient books, and went all out to analyze the secrets of chaos.


Two days later, in a secret launch base on the bottom of Skull Island.

Li Yao looked up and saw that there was a sky dome made of huge crystals above his head. Hundreds of millions of tons of sea water were weighed down on the sky. There were countless weird whales and squids swimming around outside the sky, giving people a feeling of being in the underwater dragon palace a feeling of.

Moored in the center of the launch site is a "Seven Star Dragon" class tracer.

Skeleton battleships of this level are similar in size and purpose to human destroyers. They use the skeletons of giant sea beasts as the framework, and then use genetic technology to cover them with a solid layer of flesh and blood. The spar is decomposed to release a large amount of hot gas, which is sprayed back to gain driving force.

In addition, two power rune arrays for warships imitating the Star Federation were also installed, which belonged to hybrid propulsion.

Because of its easy handling and flexible steering, it can fly short distances on the seabed, water surface, sky and even outside the atmosphere. This type of tracer has been favored by all major forces in the blood demon world, and some powerful arenas and slave hunting teams will be equipped. One or two.

Hundreds of Chaos Blade members are transporting a large amount of materials on the hunter, especially the huge biochemical storage tanks, which are immersed in the dormant state, are hundreds of biochemical beasts.

These biochemical beasts, unable to constrain with the Universe Ring, almost packed most of the Tracer.

Li Yao wore a black battle suit, which looked flimsy, like a film covering his body, making his smooth muscle lines fully stand out, appearing extremely heroic.

This battle suit is also the crystallization of the biochemical technology of the Blood Demon Realm. It is made from the essence of dozens of monster skins and scale armor. It is as thin as a cicada's wing and possesses the defense power comparable to that of a crocodile skin. In case of being torn, it also has the ability to self-heal.

It can be said that in terms of certain performance parameters, this cell-permeable combat uniform is better than the mustard combat uniform used by the human race.


Yuchiba also wears a cell-permeable battle suit. The black film is extremely malleable and can adapt to all kinds of weird monster physiques. Even if it stretches more than ten times, it will not tear, and it can still maintain more than 95% of the performance.

Yuchi's domineering spirit, his face flushed, waved his hand, as if he was about to split the sea.

Li Yao watched coldly, the exploratory team behind Yuchiba was clearly divided into two parts. One was combatants. All combatants were loyal chaos believers. At this moment, they were about to explore the holy land in their minds. Everyone showed their faces. The exuberant expression of a fanatic believer's standard.

The other is the researcher.

Compared with the simple fanatics, the faces of the researchers have obviously increased a bit dignified, but most of them are still confident, and their eyes are full of ambition and can't wait.

Looking at the combatants and researchers one by one, Li Yao's heart moved, and he began to think about a question that had been lingering in his mind a long time ago.

According to his observations this month, Yuchiba was at most a high-level Demon King, and never reached the level of the Demon King.

However, the combatants of Chaos Blade would only be weaker, including many Deathfang Guards, reaching the sky is the rank of the Demon King.

Is there no better master in Chaos Blade?


Before coming to Wuluocheng, Li Yao's most important opponent was Youquan Old Ancestor’s brother, Fire Ant King, the owner of Wuluo City. However, in the past two months, this Wuluo City Master has never appeared in Skeleton. Over the island.

Yuchiba was right under his nose and had such a big battle. Does the Fire Ant King really know nothing about it? This is not like a demon emperor, the level it should be!

With full of doubts, Li Yao boarded the Tracer. He belonged to the core team's **** and was able to live in the same room with Yuchiba, Chu Zhengqing and other exploration cores.

Even so, in order to carry a large amount of supplies, their cabin is extremely small.


After all the members boarded the Tracer, a large amount of light yellow oily liquid was suddenly injected into the hole above the cabin, which soon covered their bodies and filled the entire cabin!

This is a buffer solution, similar to the buffer foam used by the human race, and it is used to eliminate the impact of fast flight.

The first crystal dome above the Tracer slowly opened. They slowly ascended to the interlayer between the two crystal domes. Then, the crystal dome under them closed again, and a large amount of seawater was injected around them. When the internal and external pressures were the same , The outer crystal sky dome slid open to both sides.

The Tracer is like a slender whale, dashing towards the unfathomable depths of the ocean, towards the tomb of the Chaos God!

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