40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 894: Silver Death Desert, Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars!

The vast ocean hides infinite secrets. Even the "sea clan" who dominates the ocean can only move in the coastal waters close to the continental shelf and rich in resources.

The Tracer sneaked in the deep sea for a whole day, ensuring that no one was tracking behind him, and finally jumped out of the deep sea, clinging to the undulating sea, flying fast!

After half a day, they arrived at the "Silver Continent" with the smallest area and the most infertile resources among the three continents of the Blood Demon Star.

In the cabin filled with buffer, a synthetic nerve that can be stretched and retracted at will is embedded in the bulkhead behind each passenger. Through the cell penetration of the interface behind the neck of the battle suit, the passenger’s The brain domain is connected with the entire skeletal warship to form a huge command and battle network.

There are dozens of huge biochemical observation eyes growing around the surface of the skeletal battleship. This type of biochemical eye, which is based on the eyeballs of the deep-sea squid as a prototype, has been modified by various genetic optimizations, and can be described as Tianyuan and Blood Demon. The most precise observation tool in the two worlds. There are more than one million cones per square millimeter of the retina that are used to perceive light. The perception acuity is hundreds of times that of ordinary people, and it can easily penetrate the bottomless ocean. , Spy into the environment several hundred meters under the sea.

When passengers connect their brains and skeletal warships through synthetic nerves, they can share the vision of all biochemical eyes and enjoy the majestic and majestic nature.

The Silver Continent, worthy of the name, looked like a glorious world cast out of silver.

They flew for more than two hours, not only did not see the half-headed beast, but also did not find half of the plant. As far as their eyes were, there were dull deserts everywhere.

The seemingly gorgeous environment hides an extremely cold murderous intent.

Because of the weather and the magnetic field, the entire Silver Continent is composed of a special kind of gravel "Bailiu Sand". It is a desert continent, also known as the "Silver Dead Desert."

The surface of Bailiusha is extremely smooth, almost softer than mercury. When the breeze blows, it will form horrible quicksand.

On this continent, the surrounding environment is changing almost every minute, and there is no fixed form at all. Any creature that touches the white sand will sink into it, and it will be completely submerged in a few minutes.

On the other hand, Bailiusha is highly reflective and can almost completely reflect sunlight. In this way, not only is it impossible for the Silver Desert to accumulate any energy, but also in every minute of the day, there is no blind spot in all directions. In the sunlight, it is a dead zone of glare.

No creature can survive in the Silver Desert. Even the monster race, known for its tough bodies and adapting to various environments, regards Silver Death Desert as a cemetery of heat and death.

Thousands of years of exploration have not found any important resources in the Silver Continent. The only thing this continent has is the overwhelming sand.

Therefore, the Pantheon Palace would rather take the risk to develop a new fragmented world than waste precious resources in this bottomless pit.

On the horizon, a black spot gradually appeared, which was the opposite of the silver death desert. It looked like a flat black hole, absorbing all the light in it.

That is the largest lake in the blood demon world-the Star Swallowing Sea!

Can be named after the "sea", one can imagine how vast the area of ​​this inland lake is.

In the middle of the dead silver desert, there is a huge lake, which in itself is a very strange thing, and the weirdness of the Star Devouring Sea is not only that.

The area around the Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars, like a city without chaos and a dark extremity, has an independent microclimate, with dark clouds everywhere, lightning and thunder, turbulent waves, tearing the world apart.

The lake in the Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars contains a lot of heavy metals. The lake is as thick and viscous as ink, and contains deadly poison.

The entire lake containing heavy metals stimulated the abnormal impact of the magnetic field. Not only does it form invisible turbulences above the Star-Swallowing Sea, it also disturbs the magnetic field of the brains of creatures, so that any creatures that go deep into it will gradually lose their way and become involved. The invisible turbulence fell into the Star-Swallowing Sea and was buried in the depths of the highly toxic heavy metal lake.

The Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars, from which it is named, is a terrifying lake that even stars can swallow!

In the past, there were also many Yaozu experts who were curious about the environment of the Star-Swallowing Sea and carried out large-scale exploration, but they were always toiled. In the worst case, they even lost a dozen skeletal warships and thousands of soldiers.

No matter how much we explored with great fanfare, we could not find any valuable mineral veins, heavenly materials and earth treasures or powerful monsters from the vicinity of the Star-Swallowing Sea, and even if the Star-Swallowing Seabed really contains rich mineral veins, with the current technology of the Monster Race The cost of mining is also astronomical, and the gain is definitely not worth the loss.

Therefore, since a few decades ago, the area around the Silver Death Desert and the Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars has been in the most primitive condition.

At this moment, the Tracer of Chaos Blade broke into the most dangerous waters in this **** demon world.

After digging into it, Li Yao understood why an inland lake can be called a "sea"!

Looking back through the biochemical eyes outside the skeletal battleship, there was only a shallow white line left in the silver death desert, and the boundless lake in front of them was no less inferior than the ocean they crossed yesterday.

The black lake water seemed to be connected with the dark clouds in the sky, like a blood basin slowly opened, trying to swallow them into the endless abyss.


"Boom! Click!"

Lightning is like thousands of fangs with big mouths of blood, piercing from the sky to the Star-Swallowing Sea, igniting a wave of waves that are higher than the waves, and each wave is like a mountain towering into the clouds. The little Tracer is easily swallowed!

Under the sudden attack of lightning and waves, the Tracer rushed to the left and right with difficulty, as if traveling at high speed in a deep valley. The huge waves were the cliffs on both sides. Even Li Yao couldn't help it and squeezed it secretly. A cold sweat.

Suddenly, hundreds of dotted islands appeared in front of them.

The diameter of each island is no more than tens of meters, and it is bare without any signs of life, like a dying fish, showing its head in the swamp.


At this moment, there were loud noises outside, the waves in the Star-Swallowing Sea became more and more turbulent, the anger became more and more violent, and huge vortices formed on the sea, giving Li Yao a feeling, like The bottom of the lake is full of huge drainage holes, and the water of the lake is swirling and leaking towards the ground!

No, it's not an illusion, it's true!

The Star-Swallowing Sea is really shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the lake's water is getting lower and lower. The evidence is those slightly outcropping islands!

Just now, there were only sharp peaks exposed above the lake, but at this moment, the real body was revealed in the hollow of the whirlpool. These islands are all mountains standing at the bottom of the lake!

The Tracer sank abruptly and descended into a whirlpool, below sea level.

The black lake around it is like a block of ten thousand high walls, which will collapse at them at any time, swallowing them completely.


There were several huge gaps in the abdomen of the Tracer, and black spindle-shaped pupae were thrown into the depths of the sea.

Li Yao knew that it was a special biochemical beast used to detect the topography of the lake bottom.

Yuchiba’s voice appeared in his ears through the neural network connected to the entire ship: “The biggest feature of the Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars is that the water level changes regularly every day. During the day the lake surface will continue to drop, but at night, the lake water will be crazy. Rising up, it's like... breathing!"

"No one knows where hundreds of millions of tons of lake water leaked between one breath and one breath."

"According to the conclusions of our experts and comprehensive analysis of various data, the entrance to the tomb of the Chaos God is very likely to be in a certain lake bottom mountain range."

"Usually, this mountain range at the bottom of the lake is completely submerged by the Star-Swallowing Sea, hundreds of meters away from the surface of the water, so it has not been discovered for thousands of years."

"Even when the surface of the Star-Swallowing Sea drops to its lowest level, this mountain range will surface in just one or two hours!"

"Locking down this mountain range at the bottom of the lake is the key to finding the tomb of the Chaos God!"

The Tracer was searching quickly hundreds of meters below sea level.

"Wave! Wave! Wave! Wave!"

The biochemical beasts that got into the depths of the Star-Swallowing Sea sent back monotonous messages, gradually forming an intricate graph of the lake bottom mountain range.

As the lake surface continues to decline, there are already countless lake-bottom mountains protruding from the water, and the high uplifting mountains sometimes crisscross and sometimes juxtaposed, just like countless flood dragons, winding in the depths of the Star-Swallowing Sea.

At this moment, Li Yao heard a burst of exclamation from all around him.

Looking around, from the almost steep black lake to their left, a giant beast that was more than ten times larger than the Tracer appeared unexpectedly. This giant beast was like a giant with jagged fangs draped in iron armor. There is no doubt that the whale of, as long as a light yawn, it can tear the Tracer to pieces!

However, this wild and wild beast has no chance of raging, because it is tightly wrapped around a pale golden squid. Each of the tentacles of the super giant squid is thousands of meters long, and several tentacles are tightly restrained by the giant squid. The bone armor of the beast smashed the carapace, but the other limbs were deeply pierced into the body of the giant beast, like a leech, frantically devouring the internal organs and flesh and blood of the giant beast.

The roar of the two giant beasts almost suppressed the roar of the whirlpool.

The vast majority of the combatants were so frightened that they watched the two giant beasts collide against the Tracer.

If they were really crushed by them, I'm afraid the Tracer wouldn't even be left behind.


The two giant beasts looked like air, and the Tracer passed directly through them, unscathed!

When I looked back, the figures of the two giant beasts gradually blurred, turning into streamers, disappearing into the depths of the black lake.

"Don't panic, this is the light and shadow information recorded tens of thousands of years ago from the special magnetic environment in the Star-Swallowing Sea. The two giant beasts were wiped out tens of thousands of years ago!"

Yuchi said overbearingly, "We believe that these two giant beasts are most likely the creations of the Great Chaos God!"

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