40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 895: The tomb of God is open!

The moment the two sides passed by, Li Yao indeed found some kind of curse-like lines on the two giant beasts. They were not acquired torn scars, but innately grown on the body surface, like scales and markings. The presence!

Even if it is a phantom, the two giant beasts that cover the sky and the sun are still suffocating, and they also made Li Yao understand why the Blade of Chaos and the ancestor of Youquan wanted to discover the inheritance of chaos at all costs.

The Tracer continued to gallop in the depths of the Star-Swallowing Sea.

Because the lake water drops at different speeds, turbulent torrents are often formed.

They sometimes seem to be surrounded by dozens of waterfalls, falling into the center of the waterfall, and sometimes as if galloping in a deep canyon. The "rocks" on both sides are all heavy metal lakes, and under the sun, they are colorful. The lines are like dragons and snakes fighting, the thrilling picture, just like a doomsday journey.

At the beginning, Li Yao didn't know what the Tracer was looking for in circles in the Star-Swallowing Sea, until after more than three hours of galloping, he finally found a shallow light from a "mountain" on the right. Scratches.

It was not formed naturally, but it looked like some kind of prehistoric behemoth scraped out, and even though it had been eroded over tens of thousands of years, it was not completely flattened.

The Tracer stayed near this scratch for a long time, scanning every detail of the scratch through the giant biochemical eyes before moving on.

Li Yao thought about it, and immediately understood what the Chaos Blade did.

If the Chaos God Tomb really exists at a certain point in the depths of the Star-Swallowing Sea, and there have been countless huge behemoths in the Chaos God Tomb, then these behemoths will inevitably collide with the mountains at the bottom of the lake after being released. There are clues.

As long as you find these clues, combine and analyze them, you can slowly lock the coordinates where they were released.

That is the entrance to the Tomb of Chaos God.

Finding traces of scratches tens of thousands of years ago under the vast sea of ​​giant lakes is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Soon, night fell, and the tens of thousands of whirlpools in the depths of the Star-Swallowing Sea all made a loud "gurgling" sound. The water level that had fallen rapidly began to rise again, and one by one the lake bottom mountains were swallowed, and countless peaks were completely submerged in black. Lake water.

Although the Tracer can travel in ordinary seawater, in the Star-Swallowing Sea, it will not take long for the shell to be corroded, squeezed, and crushed.

Moreover, the penetration of light in the Star-Swallowing Sea is extremely poor. Once the Tracer dives in, it will almost blindly blind its eyes. It is impossible to see the entire lake bottom by relying on the few biochemical beasts for detection.

Therefore, they had no choice but to give up, rest all night between the stormy waves and the thunder of the sky over the Star-Swallowing Sea.

After that, for three full days, they kept coming out at night, searching in the depths of the Star-Swallowing Sea, but never found anything. Not only did they find no traces of half of the prehistoric giant beasts, but even the electromagnetic illusion of the predecessor beasts. Haven't seen it.

The phantom like that mirage is everyone's imagination.

Yuchiba's nerves were always as cold, hard and unshakable as a steel cable. He commanded the team patiently, searching back and forth among the mountains at the bottom of the lake.

In the fourth day, the brilliance of the Great Chaos God finally came to this exploratory team.

Although Li Yao didn't know too many details, he clearly felt that the Tracer's flight had become more regular, and it seemed to have been spinning around a certain area of ​​the bottom of the lake.

Looking around, the lake dropped to the lowest point, revealing hundreds of folds, like the arched back of a dragon.

Perhaps it was an illusion, Li Yao abruptly discovered that these ridges seemed to condense together, forming a howling and howling face torn apart.


The Tracer swept towards one of the ridges. On the seemingly unremarkable ridge, there were traces of hundreds of giant beasts crawling across it.

The ridge on the left was even rubbed by the scales as smooth as a mirror. Looking down from mid-air to find the right angle, it was like a gem set in the Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars, shining brightly.


The two small boats separated from the lower abdomen of the Tracer and swept toward the ridge. Before they landed, dozens of figures jumped out and rushed up the ridge.

Li Yao's heart shuddered, knowing that these talents are the true core of Chaos Blade, and the information they have about the tomb of Chaos God is probably dozens of times that of Li Yao.

The elite members of these Chaos Blades are all equipped with armored beasts with several limbs, which is like combining the advantages of dozens of giant insects in one.

Their minions and blade limbs are deeply embedded in the hard rock, even if they move on the smooth and steep surface like a mirror, they are still walking on the ground and moving like flying.

Li Yao noticed that at intervals, they would forcefully insert some straight metal rods deep into the rock formations, and then connected them with synthetic nerves, and finally, connected to a huge group of biochemical brains.

"It should be some kind of space detection device modulated by bat genes. It can detect the size and structure of the underground space by releasing a directional shock wave into the depths of the earth, and then absorbing the feedback waves."

The Star Federation also has a similar magic weapon, which is an indispensable tool for underground exploration.

Suddenly, the entire ridge was filled with metal rods, like a crocodile with spears inserted.

The buffer in the cabin began to drain quickly, indicating that the journey had come to an end.

Yuchiba’s voice was full of joy: "We found the tomb of the Chaos God, and the teams began to gather and prepare for homework!"

In the next hour, more bizarre monsters were thrown around the mountains at the bottom of the lake, and they performed complex operations around the ridges.

The only thing Li Yao could understand was that some of the monster races, relying on the trend of the ridge, were planting powerful directional bombs.

Judging from their installation methods and the size of the bomb, it may be possible to explode a layer of hundreds of meters thick.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! We have to finish our homework before the lake rises, or everything will be wasted!" Yuchiba went to the island himself, roaring again and again.

Even from the perspective of Li Yaochao's first-class experts, this blasting team is absolutely well-trained. They completed a series of extremely complex drilling and burying operations in just over four hours. , And other operators around the ridge also finished their work.

All the operators evacuated to the Tracer again.

At this moment, dusk has arrived, and it's time for the lake to rise again.

In less than an hour, the lake will submerge the island again.

When the Tracer flew out several kilometers in a hurry, there were seven loud noises behind Li Yao, red, orange, red, green, blue, and purple. Seven profound lights rose into the sky, condensing into a group of mysterious and complicated patterns in mid-air. , But like a shooting star, once again fell heavily on the islands and reefs!

Hearing a loud "boom" sound, a group of colorful mushroom clouds rose up, and the mushroom cloud made a "creak" scream, like countless demons, grinning and escaping from the tomb of the chaos gods.

The hunter made a forcible spin in mid-air, and the main gun was steadily aimed at the source of the mushroom cloud. Li Yao and other combatants were all ready for battle. If there is a slight change, they can connect to their own biochemical beasts. .

However, the screaming sound stopped abruptly after three minutes. It was just the underground that had been closed for 40,000 years. The gloomy airflow was nothing but sound waves and thermal energy detection showed no signs of more living things.

The Tracer then boldly approached.

The mushroom cloud with teeth and claws gradually dissipated, and the upper part of the ridge was almost completely lifted away, revealing an irregular black hole. As a result of approaching the scan, there is an extremely vast space below, and many cross-sections of the space show an absolute The precise plane proves that there are traces of manual excavation.


Cheers in the cabin!

Immediately afterwards, around the island and reef, one by one, translucent vesicles that looked like fish bladder and soap bubbles bulged up.

These vesicles swallowed each other, merged with each other, and became bigger and bigger, and finally turned out to be like a crystal cover, covering the entire island reef inside.

When the black lake water floated again, it was always isolated from the vesicles, and there was not a drop of lake water that could seep into it.

When the Tracer flew over the crystal cover, a translucent hose extended from the abdomen, like an umbilical cord, connecting the cabin and the crystal cover together.

Subsequently, the Tracer slowly rose with the rising speed of the lake, flew above the sea level again, and anchored thirty meters above the Star-Swallowing Sea.

Now, the entrance of the tomb of the Chaos God, which is hundreds of meters away from the seabed of Swallowing Stars, is connected to the Tracer via an "umbilical cord".

"In the Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars, our carefully refined ultra-high-strength water shield can last three to five days. We must complete the first phase of preliminary exploration within this period of time!"

Yuchiba did not break his promise. After confirming that there was enough fresh air in the Chaos God Tomb, he was the first to lead a large number of Pathfinders into the Chaos God Tomb through the long "umbilical cord".

Li Yao’s mission was to follow the "chaos" experts Chu Zhengqing and Chu Feiyin closely. They had tormented in weird silence for more than two hours before they were allowed to enter the tomb of the Chaos God!

"Go, Master Chu!"

When Li Yao thought, his brain was rippling, and a layer of transparent vesicles slowly rose from around his neck, covering his entire head inside.

Behind him, a small piece of skin was inhaled, filtering the outside air layer by layer before sending it into the vesicle.

Although it was detected that the air in the tomb of the Chaos God was normal, it was a relic of 40,000 years ago. Who knows if there will be some deadly viruses or microorganisms in the air, so everything should be careful.

Li Yao, Chu Zhengqing, and Chu Feiyin were wrapped in a blob of light yellow buffer, and they fell quickly along the "umbilical cord". After a dozen seconds of sliding, they snapped and fell into the chaos. Near the entrance of the tomb of the gods.

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