40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 901: Vampire Secret Sword

A research room next to it is also where the "Weapon Man" was studied. Li Yao remembered that there were still a large number of rusty ancient flying swords piled up there.

As a master refiner, he deliberately wanted to figure out one or two, but Chu Zhengqing and his daughter were not experts in ancient magic weapons, so they hurriedly swept away and went elsewhere.

As their "bodyguard", Li Yao had no choice but to follow suit.

At this moment, across the thick blue stone wall, Li Yao felt a cold sword intent and a strong smell of blood.

"There is a flying sword, is it excited?"

The screams intensified, and there was a faint sound of smashing flesh and blood, the sound of "banging" from the stone wall, and the sound of "ding and ding" fighting!

Li Yao let out a cold snort and flashed out of the research room.

Outside the study room, in the narrow corridor, there is already a mess.

There are several members of Chaos Blade lying on the ground, many of them are holding their stumps and broken arms, and some are wailing, and some are lying in a pool of blood and unconscious, unconscious of life or death!

At the end of the tunnel, a group of dark red glowing lights, like electricity, rushing swiftly, surrounding an elite warrior of the Blade of Chaos, making a "hissing" wind cracking sound, but it is a flying sword!

Li Yao recognized that the elite warrior was one of the "Dead Tooth Guards" on Skull Island. He was called "Green Ape". His figure was the most agile. However, under the **** of the mysterious flying sword, Still left and right, tired of parrying.

"What an exquisite swordsmanship, he must be a master!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, his spiritual thoughts filled the surroundings like a tide, and he wanted to locate the mysterious master who controls the flying sword.

Very unexpectedly, he did not find any connection between the master and the flying sword within a radius of one hundred meters. The flying sword was empty and there was no entanglement between spiritual thoughts and spiritual silk, as if no one was manipulating it!

It's really weird. With Li Yao's current strength, even Yuan Ying or Demon Sovereign figures can hardly contain his aura and hide within 100 meters of his body!

After hesitating for a while, the scarlet flying sword pierced the shoulder blades of Deathtooth Guard "Green Ape" fiercely!


From the flying sword, there was a sound like a fierce beast eating!

Li Yao's pupils suddenly shrank, and it was only at this moment that he could see the full picture of this flying sword. The shock in his heart was beyond addictive!

This flying sword is an ancient treasure from 40,000 years ago. It has long been rusty, obscure, and incomplete, with several cracks in the front end.

Around the sword, there are countless black veins that look like charred vines, criss-crossing and condensing to the hilt, tangled into a knot-like mass.

At first glance, the ordinary flying sword, after piercing the shoulder blades of the dead tooth guard green ape, the "vines" wound around the sword actually wriggled like a living thing, thousands of bloodshots, like tiny worms, pierced in an instant. In flesh and blood!

This flying sword seemed to have a weird suction power, swallowing the blood of the dead tooth Wei Qingyuan with big mouths.

The shoulder blades of the green ape were attached to the chest, withered, collapsed, and shrivelled quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

For the tyrannical Dead Tooth Guard, the shoulder blade injury was originally a trivial matter, but the green ape seemed to be imprisoned by a mysterious force, showing a terrifying expression, dumbfounded, and looked at his shoulder blade. The decayed black hole keeps expanding.


After Li Yao stepped on his heel, a broken knife bounced into his hand, his arm was like a whip, the broken knife broke through the speed of sound, and it pierced the **** flying sword!

I thought that this blow would be able to shake the Scarlet Flying Sword apart. Unexpectedly, the hundreds of blood threads on the Scarlet Flying Sword instantly formed a "blooded cobweb" in mid-air, which completely entangled the broken sword and swallowed it. !

In half a second, the dead tooth Wei Qingyuan was sucked into a corpse!

After absorbing enough essence and blood, the withered vines entwined around Feijian filled and swelled one by one, as if turned into strong and powerful blood vessels.

The black tree tumor at the hilt of the sword burst apart after the "click" sound, with a drum and a suck, making a "pop" sound that pierced the soul, both like a bare heart. It's like a hideous secret eye again!

Li Yao secretly smacked his tongue. He had seen countless magic weapons in Hundred Refining Sect, but he had never seen such a weird flying sword. He actually combined magic weapons and flesh and blood!

"This flying sword with a long heart is probably one of the research results in the Chaos God Tomb. I didn't expect that after 40,000 years of dormancy, once it has sucked enough blood, it will be able to wake up!"

Li Yao secretly exclaimed. He can now be sure that this flying sword is controlled entirely by the huge hematoma at the hilt. Judging from the fast-flying trajectory, it is more powerful than the unmanned flying sword of the Xingyao Federation!


In front of Feijian, three or four strands of bloodshot like a small poisonous snake poked his head and shook his head slightly in the direction of Li Yao, seeming to perceive the sweet smell of flesh and blood, squeaking, turning into a **** streamer. Coming to Li Yao ****!


There were two screams from behind Li Yao, but it was Chu Zhengqing's father and daughter who hugged their heads and curled up in pain. This weird flying sword has the ability to attack mentally!

Li Yao snorted, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, the blood-colored pupils quickly rotated, and suddenly he reached out and grabbed it at the blood-colored Feijian!

Scarlet Flying Sword did not expect that he would be so bold, bloodshot all over his body swelled like an angry viper, and stood on its own, stabbing his arm fiercely!


Li Yao swiftly grasped the scarlet flying sword firmly in his palm.

The bloodshot wound around the scarlet flying sword also pierced into Li Yao's arm deeply, trying to do the same, absorbing Li Yao's essence and blood.

Unexpectedly this time, the power of "it" is like a mud cow into the sea. Not only can it not absorb a little blood, but there is a powerful force, following the bloodshot, rushing into the body of "it"!

"What a curious flying sword, it has the dual characteristics of a monster and a magic weapon at the same time. It can automatically secrete powerful corrosive bacteria, quickly erode the flesh and blood of the target, and devour the blood and blood as the energy to drive it!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon made a strange cry of surprise and joy in the depths of Li Yao's brain.

Li Yao's blood-colored pupils were spinning faster and faster, and powerful mental power kept pouring into the core of the blood-colored flying sword, trying to completely suppress this flying sword.

The Scarlet Flying Sword didn't expect the target to pierce his hands so sharply and make a sharp scream. A **** mist burst out of his body, like a wild horse running off the rein, shooting forward suddenly.

At this moment, Li Yao only aroused the power comparable to the demon general series, and naturally, he was dragged forward by the scarlet flying sword.

Li Yao is also very curious about this flying sword that incorporates the characteristics of monsters and beasts. He wants to see how strong its ultimate performance is. He is not in a hurry to suppress it immediately, and simply grabs the scarlet flying sword, letting it go. From it swiftly under the ground.

The tomb of Chaos God has several floors up and down, like a three-dimensional city, and Chaos Blade has only sent an exploratory team of a few hundred people, so it is naturally impossible to deploy defenses everywhere.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Li Yao was dragged by the scarlet flying sword, galloping horizontally and horizontally in the maze-like tomb of the gods, breaking through the explored area of ​​the Chaos Blade for a while, completely lost.

No matter how hard the Scarlet Flying Sword struggles, it can't get rid of Li Yao, like an anxious beast, it hits the wall straight!

The sound of "chichi" continued to linger, piercing through several walls, and I don't know whether it was corroded out of holes or directly pierced by it.

In front of it was a square that had never appeared before, and Yingying Chuuchuo was full of human figures, and a strong wind came towards Li Yao!

Li Yao's pupils, reflecting the figure in the square, reacted instantly, pretending to be terrified, screaming harshly and shouting "Help!"

The strong wind changed from a stab to a sweep, trying to sweep Li Yao down from the scarlet flying sword. Li Yao took the opportunity to let go and rolled on the ground twice, pretending to be exhausted, panting quickly.

The blood-colored flying sword was like a snake thrown into a pan, screaming tearing eardrums, and piercing towards the source of the strong wind.

But after a violent shout, he was blasted back abruptly, spinning quickly, and deeply nailed into the wall.


Around the Scarlet Flying Sword, curls of green smoke emerged, and the blood vessels that had just been swollen and filled, all withered, and even the huge hematoma that looked like a heart and an eyeball turned into a collapsed black. Brown, like a rotten eggplant.

This flying sword seemed to be "dead".

"It seems that this kind of half magic weapon and half monster weapon has very high requirements for essence and blood. It needs to **** blood at any time to maintain high-intensity operation."

Li Yao thought secretly, "Once it can't **** blood, it will fall into dormancy."

But, where is this again?

Li Yao quickly glanced around.

Just now, he was hit by mistake, and he seemed to have come to the east wing of the Chaos God Tomb. This area should be an unexplored area. In the hologram he received on his retina, this area was completely dark.

However, as far as the eye can see, the lights are brightly lit. Three or four huge airbags are filled in the center of the square, which seems to cover something inside, and outside the airbags, there are dozens of elite masters guarding them.

Li Yao faintly perceives that the strength of these masters is obviously higher than that of Yuchiba's Death Tooth Guard by a level.

Many of them involuntarily blasted out their strongest strength when the Scarlet Flying Sword struck. Judging from the richness of their demon qi, they are at least masters of the Demon King series!

"At least five demon kings!"

Li Yao murmured in his heart, "It seems that I have come to a place where I shouldn't be."

All the masters are wearing fully enclosed protective clothing with glittering silver. Their faces are wearing anti-poison helmets made of huge monster skulls and transparent spar, and their eyes are hidden behind the black spar. The hose is connected from the bottom of the neck to the back, and there is a huge Chaos Blade battle emblem on the chest and right arm, which is indescribable.

"It seems that this is the real exploration team!"

Li Yao was originally very strange. Could it be possible that with a demon king like Yuchiba and a group of Deadfang guards selected from among the gladiators, he could explore the entire Chaos God Tomb?

Isn't this too trivial?

It now appears that the exploration team led by Yuchiba may be just a cover, and this mysterious team composed of masters is the main force of Chaos Blade!

What are they discovering?

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