40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 902: True head

These chaotic blades, who are wearing fully enclosed protective armor, are also looking at each other. It seems that they did not expect that an ordinary guard would suddenly come in.

Li Yao obviously felt more than a dozen eyes condensed on him, and under the masks of many monster bones, the murderous aura was also rapidly increasing.

Li Yao's appearance and heart are as opposite as ice and fire. He is thinking about the current situation very calmly.

He wasn't afraid that the other party would kill people, and the words of five or six demon kings couldn't help him at all.

But if you tear your skin prematurely, you may not be able to figure out what the other party is looking for.

The words of Chaos Blade Elder Ning Zhongze still echoed in his ears. It is said that the secret of the tomb of the Chaos God is very likely to influence the fate of the blood demon and Tianyuan.

This is the only reason why Li Yao is willing to go deep into the tomb of the Chaos God.

"I don't know, behind these Demon Kings, are there any more powerful masters?"

Li Yao waited calmly.

At this moment, from an inflatable greenhouse in the very center, there was a screaming howl, which was a hundred times more ear-piercing than the sound made by the blood-sucking flying sword just now!

Li Yao obviously felt that the aura of dozens of elite masters suddenly changed, and the murderous aura that had just gathered was swept away, and they all became a little flustered.

"do not move!"

A three-meter-tall man pointed at Li Yao and shouted sharply. Two scimitars whizzed out from the scabbards that crossed behind, and surrounded him with two silver-colored streams, and the dignified fighting spirit once again soared. , Not at Li Yao, but at the things in the greenhouse.

"Tear it!"

At the same moment, a swollen figure rushed out of the greenhouse!

Li Yao took the opportunity to look inside along the crack in the greenhouse. A large gray-white corpse piled up in the greenhouse, which was firmly sealed with a frozen talisman array. A coffin-like biochemical tank was erected beside it. The chaotic blade elite, wearing a fully enclosed protective armor, is carefully stuffing the corpse into the biochemical tank.

At this moment, the biochemical tank that had just been built was half collapsed. It seems that the blood-sucking flying sword suddenly blasted in, making these highly tense Chaos Blades sharp, and there was a small omission.


The figure whizzing out from the greenhouse surprised Li Yao's small snack.

This "person" was wearing a fully enclosed protective armor that was exactly the same as the Chaos Blade Elite, but the silver armor was bulging and seemed to be two sizes smaller, from the inside out, being pushed up.

From the gaps in the armor, some gray-brown granulation shoots out, which looked like tentacles and vines, dancing wildly.

Under the helmet made of monster skulls, there was an inhuman roar, two "bangs". The two black crystals embedded in the eyes of the mask burst to pieces at the same time, and bunches of tentacles emerged from the eye sockets. Come out, jumping like a strange flame!

The strange form made Li Yao feel numb in the back of his head when he saw it.

The Blade of Chaos is sharp, and even more like an enemy, jumped away one after another.

The speed of this weird man instantly reached its limit, and he rushed towards a companion next to him.


The Chaos Blade who was reduced to prey was sharp and caught off guard, and instinctively reacted, a blade of sword light came out, blooming in front of him like a firework, and the brightest blade of blade light was slashed at the arm of the weird man!


The elite Chaos Blades nearby shouted in unison, but it was too late.

The blade light flashed, and the strange man’s arm fell in response, but the broken hand was supported by the tentacles, scurrying around like a lizard, and from the strange man’s broken shoulder, a large amount of poisonous poison was sprayed. fog!

Suddenly, the poisonous mist has life, spreading its teeth and claws in mid-air, and rushed towards everyone separately!

"Use fire and ice!"

The members of Chaos Blade standing on the periphery finally reacted, and wisps of purple flames shot out from their shoulders, forming a hot barrier in mid-air.

The strange hand crawling all over the floor was also severely frozen by a cloud of blue profound energy.

However, the weird man was tyrannical to the extreme, completely fearless of the invasion of ice and flames, even if the whole body was on fire, the speed remained undiminished, like a ball of splashing magma, raging and roaring!

"Don't touch him, or you will be like him!"

Many Chaos Blade elites panicked and shouted one after another.

Li Yao was also secretly frightened. He could see that the chaotic blade's elite **** came out of a different kind of fire called the "Purple Mansion Underfire", which was similar to the real fire of the Samadhi used by the cultivator. Melting steel in an instant.

However, this weird man burned for more than a minute in the Dark Fire of the Purple Mansion, and he was still alive?


Li Yao's nose shook, and his blood pupils circulated secretly. Although the weird man was still jumping up and down and roaring like thunder, he did not feel the slightest aura of living from the weird man.

There is no demon qi gushing in his body, nor spiritual energy surging like a cultivator, even his heartbeat and breathing do not exist, but there is a very strange power that supports him to stand tall.

This is...a dead body!

"This, what kind of power is it that can still stimulate such a powerful cell activity after a person's death!" Even the Scarlet Heart Demon was shocked.


Far from being able to completely burn this weird to death, Zifu Netherfire caused his armor and helmet to burst in the flames, and a dead gray figure stood out from the wreckage, as if an octopus also stretched its minions around. !

Seeing that neither the wall of fire nor the ice can stop this weird person, just at the moment of the moment, a few "puff" sounds, from a large shed next to it, dozens of small black shadows were shot out, like a bullet, and the brain got into the weird person's body. !

These "bullets", but like plant seeds, took root and sprouted instantly, spreading rapidly on the surface of the strange human body.

The skin that was originally full of vitality suddenly turned into dry bark, which greatly restricted the movements of the weirdo.

At this time, using the Purple Mansion Underworld Fire to burn again, the flame instantly penetrated into the depths of the strange man's body, and the flesh and blood of the strange man turned into ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A faint red streamer came out of the greenhouse and hovered over the head of the strange man.

The strong pressure caused the ashes produced by the weirdo to condense into a small mass, and none of them leaked out.

The ashes were quickly frozen into a crystal clear mass, exuding a magical brilliance.

The weird riot finally subsided.

Li Yao's vigilance has been elevated to the extreme.

He clearly sensed that the newly-appearing mysterious figure was far superior to the general demon king, and the chaos blade demon king he had locked up just now was the only one looking forward!

He is the Demon King!

This person is probably the core figure of Chaos Blade, and he is also the real commander of this exploration operation!

The other party's gaze hidden behind the helmet stayed on Li Yao for a long time.

Li Yao even sensed that a subtle killing intent was fleeting.

However, after pondering for a while, the other party slowly landed, and even lifted the helmet up, revealing a fully transparent protective airbag.

In the airbag, there is a beautiful face. On top of the bright eyes like black diamonds, there are two flaming eyebrows. There are two light red tentacles growing on the forehead. With the heartbeat, slightly Trembling.

Li Yao has seen this face countless times in Jin Xinyue's depiction.

A maverick master of the Demon Emperor series, the younger brother of the Ancestor Youquan, the Lord Fire Ant King of Chaos City!

"In this case, everything makes sense!"

Li Yao suddenly realized, "Just relying on a Skeleton Island Master in Yuchiba to control a arena, how could it be possible to build such a huge Chaos Blade in the dark?"

"How can the Fire Ant King say that he is a demon emperor. If he can build a chaos-free city single-handedly, he can see his wisdom and strategy. How could it be concealed by Yuchiba for so many years?"

"If it is the Fire Ant King's'guard and steal', that would be much more reasonable!"

"His Chaotic City is the slave trading center of the Blood Demon Realm. As the so-called goose flies and plucks hair, so many slaves pass through each year, from which they select a group of low-level demon who have the potential for cultivation and have unforgettable enemies with the Pantheon. It's easy to come out of the clan!"

"Only the wealth of money he brought from the slave trade and the preparation of strengthening potions can support the daily operation of a huge organization!"

"He is the younger brother of Old Ancestor Youquan, and the most famous slave trader. I'm afraid no one would have thought that he is the master of Chaos Blade!"

The Fire Ant King glanced at Li Yao lightly, did not put this insignificant ordinary member in his eyes, and whispered: "Do you know me?"

Li Yao nodded.

Fire Ant King is the lord of Chaos City. His portraits are everywhere on Skull Island, especially in the largest arena. It is not a good idea to deny it at this time.

"No need to be afraid, my brother."

Fire Ant King opened his arms and smiled and said, "As you can see, I am also a member of Chaos Blade. I am a brother who fights side by side in order to make all the monster races live together equally, just like you.

His voice is as gentle as jade, which makes people naturally trust.

The Fire Ant King continued: "What you just saw was the most perfect weapon given to us by the Great Chaos God, but now, this weapon is still slightly unstable."

"However, when we thoroughly analyze the secret of this weapon, that is the real rise of Chaos Blade!"

"Perfect weapon?"

In the bottom of Li Yao's heart, there was an uproar.

The Fire Ant King obviously knew that he had such a "perfect weapon" in the tomb of the Chaos God. On the surface, the action to unearth the tomb of the Chaos God was a cover. His goal of action has always been very clear, and this is it!

What a terrifying weapon this is, it can turn a dead body into a terrifying warrior!

And judging from the elite shouts of Chaos Blade, the venom sprayed by the dead corpse is extremely infectious?


Three shifts in place!

Roar, brothers, please support me!

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