40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 917: In the dark


Half an hour later, the first batch of insect monsters for reconnaissance were dropped under the shaft. After special genetic modulation, these insect monsters all possess developed visual and sensory organs, and a pair of compound eyes glowed in the dark. .

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters...

Under the control of the masters of insect control, the insect monsters dive deeper and deeper.

However, when it went below five kilometers, all the worm-like monsters lost their spiritual connection with their masters, and the mud cow entered the sea without a trace.

The result of the second batch of insect beasts was also the same. Originally, these beasts could be dropped at least 100 kilometers away and still maintain a weak connection with their masters. However, in the weird shaft, they insisted on more than 6,000 at most. M, the connection is cut off, no matter how secretly used to increase the amplitude, it will not help.

The third batch of puppet war beasts from the Tianyuan realm were put in.

But these magic weapons composed purely of machinery, spar and talisman formations are the same. At a distance of five or six kilometers, they have lost contact with the manipulator.

"It seems that the hiding place of Chaos is built with special anti-radiation and wave materials, coupled with a special magic circle, which can isolate all spirit waves and spiritual connections, and interfere with all communications!"

Several experts in organ sciences and structural sciences studied for a long time, and then put several detection magic weapons into the shaft, and finally came to a conclusion.

"In other words, we are on the ground, it is impossible to know what is happening deep in the shaft?"

Old Ancestor Youquan said calmly, "Then we can only send people down and conduct field surveys."

"Ancestor, let me go!"

The "Hei Ba", the big bull worm, was the first to stand up, and the urn sounded qi.

"Your physique is too strong. You alone will take up half of the shaft. In case of abnormal changes, it is extremely difficult to escape."

The magic butterfly demon girl "Vortex" said lightly, "I'll go."

The ancestor Youquan pondered for a moment: "Go to the whirlpool, deep in the tomb of chaos, I don't know how dangerous is hidden, and other organs can be resolved one by one, but if it is a mental attack, it will be extremely difficult."

"The whirlpool is an expert in mental warfare, and his flying skills are more superb than the black fighter. Even in a narrow shaft, it is relatively convenient to move around."

"Vortex, you remembered--"

The ancestor Youquan gathered the voice into a twisty sound line, and directly guided it into the whirlpool's ears, shaking her eardrums, "After reaching the bottom, other relics and treasures can be slowly unearthed, but it must be the first time. To find out the'that thing'."

"Subordinates understand!"

Maelstrom said respectfully, "Please show me the details of this thing."

The ancestor Youquan pondered for a moment, and said: "That thing should be a piece of mysterious and complicated information. It's extremely large. It may also include an activation switch like a'key'. It is absolutely impossible to carry on the ancient jade slips 40,000 years ago."

"Before performing this mission, I asked you to carefully study the many magic weapons used to store spiritual information in the ancient repair era. According to my guess, it is not a'hiding star box' or a'yuntian pot' or something like jade. An ancient magic weapon with a hundred times larger capacity!"

"Subordinates understand!"

The whirlpool and Youquan ancestors discussed for a while and finalized many details. They selected 30 Youfu Army who were relatively thin and possessed flying talents, and let ten prisoners clear the way in front.

"Aren't you the most loyal chaos believers? The bottom is the burial place of your chaos god. Maybe you can see the chaos corpse with your own eyes. This is your supreme glory!"

Maelstrom grinned and said, "If your gods really bless you and complete this excavation smoothly, you and your companions can all survive!"

"If someone hesitates, shrinks back and hums, not only will he die, but we will also grab ten of the remaining prisoners and bury him!"

"If you don't want to kill yourself and your companions, then pray silently to your Great Chaos God, hoping that he will not jump out and be tricky!"


The shackles of the ten Chaos Blade prisoners were all opened, and they were also given some strengthening potions to restore their physical strength, and even given them a set of protective clothing of the same standard as the Youfu Army.

It's not that the Youfu Army cares about their little fate, but if they are poisoned by the Gu poison, they will be killed by the poison. If they are like those fluorescent flying insects, they become powerful and frantic monsters, wouldn't it be a bad thing?

The ten Chaos Blade prisoners looked at each other. Although their freedom was temporarily restored, under the suppression of the many Youfu army, they couldn't make half a wave. What's more, there were still a large number of companions on it, including their leader, Fire Ant King. They were all imprisoned, and they were powerless to resist.

"The Great Chaos God, bless us!"

Ten prisoners of Chaos Blade, silently remembered in their hearts, under the threat of the minions of the Youfu Army, they jumped into the shaft.

The bottomless shaft, as if it went all the way to the heart of the earth, was shrouded in a faint black mist, like a mass of black cotton wool drifting by.

A faint air current blows from bottom to top, like a pair of invisible big hands slightly supporting them.

No matter the Chaos Blade prisoners or the elites of the Youfu Army, they are all good at lightening the body. The smooth walls of the cave are also inlaid with a circle of threads that can take advantage of them, but they can't help them.

A lot of communication flying insects hovered around each of the Youfu Army, but after five or six kilometers deep underground, the communication flying insects lost contact with the above and could only be used for internal communication.

The deeper the earth, the thicker the black mist, and in the end he could barely see his fingers.

Even if they carry a lot of searchlights and fluorescent flying insects, they can only vaguely outline each other.

The exploration team descended in the shaft for more than half an hour, and finally landed to the bottom of the shaft.

There was a buzzing sound from all around, and the light of the searchlight turned to dim yellow. I swept towards the sound, but saw that the scouting insects and monsters that were dropped into the shaft just now were all like flies without their heads. Turn around in circles.

Seeing the searchlight, many flying insects slammed into the light headlessly, "pupupupupu" knocked out the light and shadow.

"The magnetic field here is extremely chaotic, and it is not clear at all to distinguish between east and south. It is no wonder that these monsters will lose control."

A Youfu Army was holding a multifunctional compass refined by the Star Federation, and the pointer on it turned as fast as a fan.

"The air quality is acceptable. Although the oxygen content is only 2.5%, no deadly toxic ingredients have been detected."

Another Youfu Army used the crystal brain proficiently.

War is the best means of communication between the two civilizations. In the years of chaotic battles with the Tianyuan realm, a large number of magic weapons and cultivation techniques have flowed into the blood demon realm and become popular.

"First use the sonic detector for surveying and mapping, and then explore in a counterclockwise direction. The view here is extremely poor. Pay attention to everyone gathering together, including prisoners, to report every five minutes to prevent anyone from being left behind."

The whirlpool quickly said.

The surrounding area was black, and the searchlight could only shine up to ten meters away, and then it was swallowed by cloud-like black. The fluorescent flying insects lost their control and hovered around them.

Fluorescence flickers, not only fails to effectively illuminate, but it renders the atmosphere even more tense.

"Bo! Bo! Bo!"

The monotonous sound wave echoed more than 20,000 meters underground, quickly outlined the general environment around them, and fed back into the biochemical chips attached to their eyeballs.

From the results of sonic mapping, this is a space with a length of five to six hundred meters.

Compared with the magnificent and vast underground temple above, it is naturally insignificant.

The space is completely integrated, there is no column, but there is a huge bulge in the center, which looks like a boulder and a throne, more like a huge coffin.

The entire space is covered with knee-deep water, and I don't know if the space is broken, the groundwater pouring in from all around, or it was accumulated here 40,000 years ago.

After 40,000 years of transpiration and fermentation, this stagnant water has turned into a viscous liquid that is almost grease, and every step taken will pull out filaments.

However, in addition to the high level of bacteria content, it is not too toxic and corrosive.

"Five captives in front, five captives behind, start exploring!"

The exploration team reached the edge of the space and moved counterclockwise, but the walls were made up of huge black stone blocks, with rows of tiny tiny prints engraved on them.

"what is this?"

Seven or eight searchlights were shining up, but the black rock wall of forty to fifty meters high, from top to bottom, was filled with words, numbers, and runes the size of rice grains.

Some texts are written neatly and neatly, but some texts are very scribbled, and some texts are like ghost paintings and celestial scripts, which makes people dizzy at first glance.

However, judging from the structure of the font and the angle and strength of the carving into the rock, they are all made by the same person.

"It seems to be some kind of cultivation method, it's not right, it's some kind of secret method for modulating Gu poison, it's not right, how can it be like a flow chart for refining magic weapons?"

"Understood, it is a mixture of many chaotic and wonderful skills. These skills are intermittent, scribble, and there are many traces of smearing and modification. It should be...draft!"

"It seems that this secret room is really a chaotic training room and a research room. He took the surrounding walls as drafts to think about new exercises. Whenever he has any ideas, he will engrave it on the wall through his true energy. !"

"Quickly, scan all the traces on the wall, transport it back to it, and let the experts analyze it carefully, and try to resolve a few useful secrets!"

On the four walls, there were a lot of chaotic thoughts and thoughts, in addition to these, there were a lot of beast-like claw marks, destroying many words and formulas.

Many claw marks, a few meters deep into the wall, resemble extremely tyrannical beasts, raging and surviving.

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