40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 918: Don't believe him!

"Strange, since this is the place of Chaos's training, and the defense is so tight, there is definitely no possibility of an alien beast intruding in. Who left these terrifying claw marks?"

The appearance of the huge claw marks made the exploration team more vigilant, and it took more than two hours to complete the surveying and mapping of all four walls.

During the period, two correspondents were also sent back to the ground to contact, and ten more powerful Youfu troops were dispatched from the ground, carrying more monsters, magic weapons, and surveying tools.

Afterwards, they marched towards the center of the Chaos Tomb.

Lost the wall as a support, after only a dozen meters, they are like sinking into a black ocean, all sides and the top of their heads are covered by the black mist that cannot be removed. The only thing that can be seen is the knee-deep product. In the water, ripples rippling in circles.

"Ziz! Ziz!"

All the Youfu army activated the demon pill embedded in their bodies, and a series of demon energy, electric arcs and flames surging faintly in the demon pill.

"Be careful, we are only more than two hundred meters away from the huge object in the center of the space. There is no obstruction in front. Keep in a straight line and move forward at the slowest speed. Don't leave everyone behind!"

Maelstrom is an expert in mental warfare, and circles of phosphorous powder are released from her body, like colorful ripples rippling, which has the effect of calming and calming.

at this time--

"Wow! Wow!"

Suddenly a strange sound came from the stagnant water!

"There is something in the water!"

Accompanied by a scream of exclamation, "swish swish swish", dozens of mysterious black shadows sprang out from the stagnant water, and lightning shot at everyone!

It was the blood-sucking flying sword that Li Yao had encountered before!

These flying swords seemed to have not sucked real blood for 40,000 years, and their blood vessels had shrunk so badly that they were drooping on the sword like dried earthworms.

Because of this, their screams are extraordinarily hungry, extraordinarily fierce!

"Stop them!"

The vortex flicked with ten fingers, dozens of phosphor powder shot out from the fingertips, and turned into a colorful rainbow in mid-air, rubbing against the air at high speed, and it burned with a "whoo"!

The radiant flames criss-crossed, weaving into an airtight net, all over the head, covering all dozens of flying swords!

The Youfu Army also showed their abilities, the fully enclosed protective clothing opened up gaps, revealing one after another demon pill.

The demon pill vibrated, condensed into a psychic shield and a long sword of light in the whole body, transformed into hundreds of sword auras and sword lights, and severely slashed at the blood-sucking flying sword!

These blood-sucking flying swords had been silent for a full forty thousand years. They were already at the end of the crossbow. Under the slash of the Youfu Army, they broke and fell weakly into the stagnant water.

The stagnant water was like boiling, and there were bursts of "hissing" noises.

However, a Chaos Blade captive was panicked and left the formation. A broken blood-sucking flying sword hit his arm, separating a shallow wound.

The blood-sucking flying sword was like a tarsal maggot, drilling into the prisoner's body, and for a while, sucking half of the prisoner's body into a muck.

However, before the blood-sucking flying sword flew out again, dozens of sword-qi swords smashed their heads, and even the swords of people were cut into pieces!

"It seems that your Great Chaos God has taken special care of you!"

Uzumaki said sarcastically.

Before the words were over, the sudden change occurred. In the waters around everyone, a few tower-like giants suddenly sat up, and they were illuminated by a searchlight, but they were made of bronze, and the whole body was engraved with densely engraved metal puppets of spiritual patterns!

These puppet giants were all fragmented, separated from the upper and lower body, and soaked in the deep water, so they were not detected.

Even without the lower body, they are more than two meters high, with arms spread out, and seven or eight meters long. In their black cylindrical arms, there are countless weapons and magic weapons hidden.

The puppet giant, driven by the spar inlaid in the chest and joints, is about the same as the blood-sucking flying sword, it will wake up from the dormant state when it senses the breath of a living thing.

They let out a low growl of "Hoho", they turned their rusty joints with difficulty, spread their cold and gleaming hands, and rushed towards the Youfu Army.

"Don't panic, attack their spar!"

The whirlpool shouted sharply, the speed of the ten fingers flicking suddenly increased by a step, and the pieces of phosphorous powder turned into dancing butterflies, spinning around the giant puppet, stopping on the shining spar.

Phosphorus butterfly, instantly infiltrated the spar, the original sparkling spar seemed to be mixed with too many impurities, dull and obscure, turbid.

The fragmented puppet giant stopped working again, and amidst the rusty body, he let out a last hollow sigh.

The remaining few puppet giants were also divided by the Youfu Army.

Except for a Youfu army who was seriously injured, most of them were intact.

"These puppet giants are not like special guards, but rather some...servant-like characters, Chaos' assistants."

After examining the many magic weapons hidden in the puppet giant, Maelstrom came to a conclusion.

Most of these magic weapons are non-aggressive, and they are used for dissecting, refining, repairing, and conducting various experiments.

The small episode did not interfere with their exploration. After a short break, the exploration team continued to move forward, paying special attention to the stagnant water along the way, and did not encounter much trouble, but from the stagnant water, a lot of jade slips and magic weapons were obtained. wreckage.

Fifteen minutes later, they finally fumbled around the huge "coffin" in the center of the space!

Both the Youfu Army and the Chaos Blade prisoners held their breath, and a dozen searchlights shot toward the center.

Unexpectedly, what was presented to them was neither a towering throne nor a gloomy coffin, but a facility similar to a "pool".

This "pool", made of pure and flawless crystals, is three or four meters above the ground, nearly ten meters in length and width, engraved with dragons, flying and phoenixes, and densely packed spiritual patterns, forming a vast array of profound complexity to the extreme. What is it for.

Above the "pool", there is a cover made of the same material, which is connected to the "pool" by a slide rail and can be closed with very little effort.

After closing, it is tightly closed to form an airtight whole.

Around the crystal pool, there are mouthfuls of large urns, some are directly connected to the crystal pool, and some are connected to the crystal pool with a hose.

As the years went by, the hoses made from the intestines and stomachs of monsters all rotted. .

At first glance, this crystal pool looks like a biochemical cultivation tank commonly used by monsters, but it is empty inside, with nothing but crystal clear liquid, not to mention chaotic corpses, not even bones. Half root.

"It's really weird. All the evidence shows that this is the burial place of Chaos. Why didn't you find a little bit of corpse?"

Whirlpool frowned slightly, "If there is no corpse, where would the'that thing' that the ancestor wanted?"

At this moment, under the illumination of a searchlight, the vortex keenly discovered that there seemed to be an agate in the liquid filled in the crystal pool, and it flashed!

"what is that?"

With a move in the whirlpool's heart, he took a step forward and leaned over the edge of the crystal pool to observe carefully.

At this moment, behind the whirlpool, there was a screaming scream, a prisoner of Chaos Blade, as if possessed by a demon, the joints of his hands and feet were twisted unnaturally, and he jumped up!


Outside the bronze gate, the big bull worm "Hei Ba" paced restlessly back and forth for several hours.

"Shaoan, don't worry, Heiba, I let the whirlpool release a liaison officer back here every ten minutes. At least ten minutes ago, everything was intact."

The ancestor of Youquan was calm and composed, even making a pot of tea in a leisurely manner, and chatting with the chaos expert Chu Zhengqing.

At this moment, there was a strange cry from deep underground!

This strange scream made everyone's expressions change drastically, and the Hei Ba eagerly wanted to leap into the shaft.

"and many more!"

Old Ancestor Youquan shouted sharply, "The situation is unknown, don't go in rashly!"

Suddenly, the strange cry became clearer and clearer and more and more messy, just like a madman's scared gibberish.

A figure gradually emerged from the depths of the shaft.

The halberd horns on the top of Hei Ba's head once again wrapped around a circle of dazzling arcs, and wisps of electric light spread down the walls of the shaft.

More than a dozen searchlights were also placed on the top of the shaft, shooting the strong light straight down, just on top of a **** figure!

"Is a prisoner!"

Hei Ba gritted his teeth with a hideous face.

The protective clothing around the prisoner was torn to pieces, and even his body was bloody, his entire left arm was torn off, and he didn't know what force supported him to escape to the ground!

He seemed to be chased by an extremely ferocious nightmare beast, swiftly fleeing on the wall of the well, and then rushed out of the ground under the cover of blood, and fell to the ground with a "patter", splashing blood!

"Disinfect! Isolate!"

The Ancestor Youquan quickly backed away.

"Puff puff puff!"

The turquoise foam disinfectant and stabilizer completely wrapped the chaos blade captive with the broken arm. In the foam, there was still a terrifying scream:

"Dead! All dead! They are all dead!"

Hei Ba was anxious, stepped forward, and sternly shouted: "What is going on below, tell me!"

"No, don't come over!"

The prisoner of Chaos Blade really frightened his soul to disperse. He didn't even know Hei Ba and Youquan Ancestor. He wriggled on the ground with foam all over, fleeing desperately, dragging a long bloodstain on the ground.

"Ancestor, it seems that the following situation is really bad, let me lead the team to check it out!"

Hei Ba has red eyes and panting like a cow.

"Wait, something is wrong."

The ancestor Youquan smelled a mysterious breath, narrowed his eyes, and muttered.

At this moment, several communication flying insects hovering above the shaft suddenly used the crazy vibration of elytra to form a piercing scream from the depths of the shaft.

"Don't believe him!"


Tomb-sweeping in the morning at Qingming Festival today, so the update is late, but fortunately the three chapters are finally in place.

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