40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 924: Kunlun Shenshui

"You obviously promised me that every mortal who drank Kunlun Divine Water, after going to Green Wolf Star and Canghuang Star, can get his own land and mineral veins, and he only needs to pay 50 catties of spar as a tax every year!"

"However, the result of my secret investigation is that the mortals who went to the Blue Wolf Star and the Blue Yellow Star not only did not get half of the land, but also lost their freedom. They were confined as slaves, and they were still in the dark day and night. Excavating the depths of the veins of mine, each person will dig out a full 100 catties of spar in a month!"

"No matter how rich the resources of Green Wolf Star and Canghuang Star are, it is impossible for every miner to dig out so much polycrystalline stone in just one month!"

"Countless people under the mine veins were either exhausted or exhausted, or died of explosions and landslides because of too much haste!"

"Taiyi has concealed everything. Up to this moment, there are countless desperate mortals who regard Green Wolf Star, Canghuang Star and other barren planets as their last hope, drink the Kunlun Divine Water, and build a new home!"

"Why deceive these mortals, why deceive me? Why!"

Bayan was straight in ragged clothes, his nose was blue and his face was swollen. There was a broken flying sword stuck in his shoulder blade. Every step he took, he left a red footprint behind him.

He rushed into the mountain gate despite the obstacles, and had already paid a heavy price!


Numerous golden-armored monks rushed forward, with axes and hooks, intertwined into steel cages, and pressed **** Bayan's straight shoulders, "Little third-class deacon, how dare to break through the gate of the mountain and roar the Temple of Taiyi!"

Bayan’s straight knees creaked, but his teeth stood upright, his eyes breathing fire.

Above the main hall, the gossip of Taiyi's head sitting cross-legged has also been upgraded into crystal-clear crystal marrow carvings. It is radiant and faintly condensed into the appearance of a lotus flower, which is even more supportive of him. Luo Jinxian.

The head of Taiyi, driving the gossip, slowly flew in front of Bayanzhi, signaled the golden-armored monk to remove the sword, and said in a gentle breeze, "Be safe, don’t be impatient, Yanzhi, I know you have done a lot for the pioneering operation. , As the saying goes, caring is chaotic. When a ghost gets lost in the heart, it will hit the mountain gate. I don’t blame you."

"As for the heavy labor in the New World, it is also helpless."

"In these places, where the foundation was established and started from scratch, it is natural to make troubles and hard work. Now it is a decisive moment. The front line consumes a lot of materials every day, and the rear has to step up the collection so as not to make ends meet and lose money."

Bayan was stunned and murmured: "What'decisive battle', aren't we all going to truce with Xuan Yuezong and Tianlong Sect?"

The leader smiled slightly and said: "This is your credit, Yanzhi, originally we had been fighting with Xuanyuezong and Tianlong Sect for so many years together, and our strengths were comparable. We were all exhausted and some couldn't fight. There will be a truce."

"However, you found the Kunlun Shenshui and organized a pioneering operation, which greatly increased Taiyi’s strength. Seeing that our strength has far surpassed the two factions, how can you be a benevolent woman at this time? Raising tigers?"


Bayan took a deep breath, "Xuanyuezong and Tianlong Sect's domains are both resource-poor and bitter cold places. We now have so many resource-rich planets to discover. Why must Xuanyuezong and Tianlong be eliminated? Teach?"

"The evil spirit is outside, everyone gets it and punishes it. What reason is needed!"

"What's more, the two sides have been fighting for so many years. We are too many of our predecessors and martyrs who have died in the flames of war. We naturally want to avenge and pay tribute to their spirit in the sky!"

Tai Yi's head said with a stern face, "Furthermore, although the domains of Xuan Yuezong and Tianlong Sect are both places of bitter cold, don't we now have a large number of slave laborers who are not afraid of bitter cold? The value of the two factions has naturally increased greatly!"

The blood on Bayan's straight face faded away, and his rough big face became pale, and even the rattling beard turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye!

He seemed to be crying but not crying, and smiling but not smiling, and murmured: "So, it turns out that you have never thought about stopping this war. Even if Xuanyuezong and Tianlong Sect are really eliminated, you will also have more The great world goes to war!"

"This is why you turned all the pioneers into slaves!"

"This is why you used the pioneers to make the'Taiyi Slave Soldier'!"

Tai Yi squinted his eyes: "What did you say?"

"I know it all!"

Bayanzhi grabbed the left and right flying swords with both hands, his palms were split by the flying swords, and blood was flowing on the sword. He gritted his teeth and said with tears in his eyes, "Not only do you treat the pioneers as slaves, but you are also in Kunlun. Add all kinds of gu poisons to the divine water, and experiment on those hungry people!"

"Countless hungry people have been poisoned alive!"

"More hungry people, but you have turned them into monsters that are not humans, ghosts or ghosts!"

"If they just drink the Kunlun Divine Water, they will have small changes in appearance, clear thinking, know their relatives and home, and they will talk, cry and laugh!"

"But, under your modulation, they have completely turned into monsters, monsters!"

Tai Yi's face fell completely gloomy, and he coughed softly.

"shut up!"

Standing next to the head, the law enforcement elder in the golden helmet and golden armor, the mysterious light pagoda in his hand shook, and shouted, "Bayanzhi, you are a little third-level deacon, brother Dan, how can you talk to the head?

"Bayanzhi, you are unpredictable, frantic, roaring at the gate, with no respect, you have violated the rules of the gate, don't kneel down!"

Bayan laughed straight, with two lines of blood and tears left at the corners of his eyes, with a disheveled hair, like a madman, his knees as hard as iron, standing proudly.


The law enforcement elder pressed his hand, Bayan straightened his whole body bones and immediately made a "kaka" sound, "Kneel down, kneel down for me!"

"I don't kneel!"

Bayan was utterly mad, pointing at the respectable Taiyi head and cursing, "Wang Ganyi, Taiyi ruled all the people of Li people. They all regarded Taiyi as the'heaven', and all the practitioners of the Taiyi as the'god'. Come and worship! But how does our Taiyi treat them? Years of famines, changing children and eating, ten rooms and nine empty villages, are not all our cultivators' responsibility?"

"You who are the head, not only don't want to let the people under the rule of Li people live and work in peace, but also treat people as beasts. If you talk about evil spirits, I think you are the biggest evil spirits. I'm Bayan straight and kneeling pigs. Kneel the dog, kneel the demon, kneel the demon, and don't kneel you bastard!"


Above the main hall, all the monks of Taiyi took a breath of air-conditioning!

"Bayan straight, you are crazy, you are completely mad! Kneel me down!"

The big golden hand of the law enforcement elder squeezed, and every joint of Bayan Straight burst into bursts, and blood mist penetrated from the pores, forming a bright red blood mass all over his body!

But he fell headfirst, even though his bones were broken and limp to the ground, he did not kneel down, and he continued to yell at him until the golden tower crushed him to death.

The third act of illusion ended slowly in a **** light, and Li Yao was sweating and his heart was fluctuating.

When two thin red lines appeared in the darkness again, they slowly expanded into a scarlet light, but they changed to a ghastly dungeon.

Bayan’s straight shoulder blades and vertebrae are bound by chains engraved with spiritual patterns. His appearance has also undergone earth-shaking changes. On top of his head, two huge collision angles like war knives protrude, and his fangs shove out from his mouth. His arms crossed his knees, covered with fluff like steel needles.

In addition to Bayanzhi, countless strange creatures are also being held in the vast dungeon like a maze.

Some creatures can still see a trace of human characteristics. Other creatures, like deformed tiger wolves or worms that are magnified ten million times, can’t even speak, but just hit the solid wall in vain, pulling the chain "wow." "Wow."

Deep in the dungeon, there were screams from time to time, mixed in the gloomy wind, day and night.

In front of Bayan, there was a spotless, handsome monk wearing a white robe and golden awning body. Under the filthy and filthy environment, he was more like a banished immortal descended from the sky, indescribably refined.


Bayan’s bloodshot bronze bells and big eyes fixedly stared at this person, “Qing Xuzi, why do you want to do this? Why do you want to make all the innocent ordinary people look like this? Even the relatives can’t recognize them, and they can’t even stimulate the thoughts that a person should have!"

The elegant monk Qing Xuzi smiled and said, "These ordinary people, who are living a muddle-headed life, are no different from beasts. They don't need to talk at all, let alone have any thoughts, as long as they work for Tai together."

"They... are all human!"

Bayan went straight and hard.


Qing Xuzi said indifferently, "You have been a pioneer in a few days, and you should have seen what the hungry people look like, skinny, odious, uncivilized, and even eaten by changing children!"

"Give them a few bean cakes and come up to **** them like pigs and dogs. Our cultivators stretched out one foot, and they all rushed up to lick the soles of our shoes!"

"What is the qualification for something like this to be called a human being?"

"Only our cultivators, as well as our descendants, can be called humans. These things are nothing but grass, ants, and they were of no use at all!"

"Now, with the Kunlun Divine Water, they have at least a little use. They can repay Taiyi for nurturing and sheltering them for so many years. This is their great glory. Why are you angry?"

"I advise you to worry less about others and worry about yourself first!"

Qing Xuzi made a gesture and brought a jade bamboo tube from his entourage.

The bamboo tube was gently unscrewed, and a faint purple qi suddenly surged out.

The two entourages stepped forward and used special iron rods and mouthparts to forcibly break Bayan's straight mouth. With two "kaka" sounds, both jaws were broken.

"Thanks to your discovery on Hao Miao, now we have prepared dozens of different ‘Kunlun Divine Water’ with different Gu poisons and pills on the basis of that Black Spring!"

Qing Xuzi smiled and said, "I'm taking it for you, but it's the latest one. I'm also looking forward to seeing how you look after you have been reborn."

"Haha, with you loyal and powerful Taiyi slave soldiers, our Taiyi will definitely become the most powerful sect in the three thousand worlds, and even one day, the three thousand worlds, the only sect, and the only road. !"

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