40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 925: Full-scale war! (Fourth!)

Perhaps after Bayan had taken "Kunlun Shenshui", the body and brain had undergone strong changes, and the following memory fragments were fragmented and fragmented, like a kaleidoscope rotating rapidly, in mottled fragments. In the middle, there are countless scenes of **** war.

In every fragment of the war, Bayanzhi is surrounded by countless strange creatures. Many creatures are no different from modern bronze monster races and dark iron monster races.

Their vital points are pierced by chains and connected in series, converging into an overwhelming sea of ​​worms and beasts. Under the pressure of long horns and sharp swords, they charge towards the opposing army of cultivators!

Swordsmanship shot in all directions, sword aura, Xuanguang continued to explode among them, blasting a large number of demon soldiers into blood and blood, but the remaining demon soldiers were still driven by a strange force, and continued to attack until they rushed into cultivation. In the battle formation of the warrior, all the cultivators who looked everywhere were torn to pieces!

Li Yao saw that the battle flag embroidered with the "Xuanyue" and "Tianlong" spirit patterns on each side was toppled and vanished under the burning flames!

Lights and shadows crossed, the stars shifted, and the new war continued. After the Xuanyue Sect and the Tianlong Sect were destroyed by the demon soldiers, the battle flag of Taiyi was inserted into the wider world.

There are more and more demon soldiers appearing beside Bayanzhi, their physique is getting stronger and stronger, and their faces are getting more and more hideous. With the deepening of the modulation, a variety of more powerful Kunlun divine waters are formulated, constantly stimulating the demon soldiers. The most bloodthirsty, cruelest gene, gradually, they no longer need to be bound by chains, just by hearing the sound of the horn and smelling the special aura, they can launch a bold and deadly charge.

They appeared in different worlds aboard a huge immortal boat, or through the teleportation array left over from the prehistoric era.

Or the scorching sun and magma everywhere; or the snow-covered and cold weather; or the primitive forests full of swamps; or row upon row of prosperous towns.

Every world, under the invasion of the sea of ​​insects and beasts, will become a barren, full of death and despair.


"Tai Yi Demon Soldier is here!"

Gradually, when they appeared on the battlefield, the cultivators of the opposing sect always wailed in horror.

Taiyi relied on these demon soldiers to invade countless worlds and flourished for a while!

Bayan was lucky. In the suicidal charge, he survived tenaciously even if he was shocked and injured, as if there was a certain powerful force hidden in the depths of his unrecognizable body. Waiting for the moment to wake up!

Taiyi has not forgotten this bold disciple. Every time the battle is over, Bayanzhi will be "specially treated" and sent back to the dungeon where he undergoes terrifying and cruel modulations again and again.

With dozens of different "Kunlun Divine Waters" injected into his body, he became stronger and more ferocious, and the spark of thought, like a torch falling into a swamp, was gradually swallowed by darkness and plunged into extinction. edge.

at this time-

On a new battlefield, on the vast prairie, millions of Taiyi demon soldiers lined up again, anxiously waiting for the drums of war to sound.

However, this time, the one who appeared opposite them was surprisingly the same as them, a monster soldier with a bronze head and iron forehead, horns and fierce horns!

"Too one, all of your secret methods have been seen through!"

"Unexpectedly, our Nine Faction Alliance, after so many defeats, captured a lot of Taiyi Demon Soldiers, and figured out all your activities!"

"Now, our Nine Faction Alliance has also formulated its own demon soldiers!"

"Hmph, the number of mortals under the control of our nine factions is three times more than the number of demon soldiers we can concoct, and the number of demon soldiers we can concoct is three times more than you. You are too one, and How to fight our Nine Faction Alliance?"

The horns of howling ghosts and wolves finally sounded around the battlefield.

They were all made by ordinary people, almost exactly the same tide of insects, seas and beasts, violently colliding from both sides of the battlefield!

Perhaps it was an illusion. At the moment before the two tides collided with each other, Li Yao clearly saw a drop of crystal clear tears in the scarlet eyes of the opposite demon soldier!


The kaleidoscope-like chaotic memories were finally torn apart by this decisive battle of demon soldiers.

Li Yao clearly felt that Bayan's straight thoughts were surfacing one after another, condensing together, regaining self-awareness and clear memory.

Soon, a new scene of imaginary realm appeared in the depths of Li Yao's mind.

This is a planet with a lavender sky, the atmosphere is very thin, and you can faintly see the shining stars in the vast sea of ​​stars.

Pale green miasma flooded the surface, and from time to time there was a poisonous mist spraying from the cracks in the rock, which was not suitable for ordinary people to survive.

Bayan stands upright on a rising rock. He is at least five meters tall and covered with oily scales. His feet are like eagle claws, deeply embedded in the rock. There are only four left hands. Fingers, each finger has blade-like nails, only the right hand is relatively normal.

He has a fierce face, his eyes are red, and the three giant horns on top of his head rise up into the sky, as if wearing a ferocious crown.

A sturdy animal tendon was wrapped around his waist, and a dozen flying swords were hung on it "dangling". Behind it was a colorful and hunting cloak. Take a closer look, the cloak actually used dozens of them. The flags of the face cultivating sect are put together!

Bayan's face was solemn, looking far away.

The deep canyon in front of him was crowded with black and crushed insects, seas and beasts, strange monsters, like monsters that only appear in nightmares, but they were suppressed by Bayan’s astonishing aura, without saying a word. The formation is distinct, like rows of silent statues.


Bayan’s straight voice is like a tenth-level wind roaring through the canyon, and even the surrounding rocks are shook, "All the brothers standing here come from different worlds and have different In the past, a completely different face has grown!"

"However, one thing is the same as everyone."

"We are all broken up by the cultivators, our families are destroyed, and we have nothing!"

"Those high-level cultivators, for their own cultivation and longevity, usually squeeze mortals in every way, ravage them arbitrarily, and regard mortals as weeds and ants!"

"For their own self-interest, they killed each other in the name of'Great Way' and'Good and Evil', and in the end they wanted the mortal army to be the forerunner of the king and act as cannon fodder!"

"Countless worlds have been destroyed by the civil war of the cultivators, and the homes of countless mortals have completely collapsed under the bombardment of the magical powers of the cultivators!"

"Which world does not have hundreds of millions of mortals who died in the hands of cultivators? Which one of you, without relatives, was killed by cultivators!"

"In the end, the resources were exhausted, the spar was exhausted, the spiritual energy was thin, and it was really impossible to fight. They hit the mortal head again, and turned countless mortals into terrible monsters, and continued to let us Kill each other, or collect and mine for them in the harshest environment!"

"Even, they use Gu poison to corrode our brains, causing many of us brothers to lose the ability to speak and think!"

"Can we endure such a day?"

"Can we still bear that our father and brother were sent to the depths of the mines on the barren planet and worked till they died?"

"Can we still tolerate that our wives and daughters were robbed by the cultivators and turned into slaves and even medicine pots in the sect?"

"We can still tolerate that we have been concocted as an inhumane, ghost or ghost soldier, to fight with the brothers who had no grievances in the past, and who have had no grudges in the past, to die on a strange land one hundred and eighty million miles away from our hometown. , Don’t even have a tombstone?"



In the tide of insects, seas and beasts, there is a mountain whistling and a tsunami!

Bayan stretched his arms straight, pressed lightly, controlled the emotions of everyone, and continued to yell: "The cultivator is the biggest cancer in the world in three thousand! Only to kill all the cultivators, our father, brother, wife, daughter, brothers and sisters , Have a good life!"

"Hehe, those cultivators who turned us into this look contemptuously call us'monsters'!"

"Very well, demon soldiers are demon soldiers, but from today, we demon soldiers will never fight for any sect, any **** cultivator!"

"We are fighting for ourselves, our loved ones, and our brand new race!"

"Bring up all those who cultivate!"

Bayan waved his hand straight, and several demon tribes of great cattle and horses lifted up dozens of cultivators who had been **** with five flowers.

In the open space behind Bayan, a dozen or so trebuchets have been erected, and the five-flowered cultivators have been stuffed into the belt at the end of the arm.

"Ba, Brother Ba, Uncle Ba, Master Ba!"

A cultivator was so scared that he leaked urine, but it was Qing Xuzi who was responsible for the preparation of "Kunlun Shenshui" in Taiyi. He shuddered, his tongue was fighting, and he wailed, "Master Ba, let me go, I know I was wrong. , I, I am willing to abandon the dark and join the command of Master Ba, I know that there are countless secrets in Taiyi, I am useful, I am very useful!"

Bayan's straight gaze swept away from Qing Xuzi's rather handsome face, and he took a sip, his big hand was like a ghost sword, and he slashed: "Sacrifice the flag!"

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Several demon soldiers kicked the trebuchet's tenon fiercely. A dozen cultivators, including the howling Qing Xuzi, were thrown out high and fell into the sea of ​​insects and beasts. The angry demon soldiers were overwhelmed, and there was not even a bit of bone scum left.

The second batch of cultivators were put on the trebuchet again, and many people’s bones were soft, like chickens and ducks with their necks cut open, and there was a "gurgling" sound deep in their throats, where there was still a little fairy wind. What does Dao Bone look like?

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

More than a dozen cultivators threw it out again, and they were still in the air. They were shot with acid and poisonous needles, riddled with holes, torn apart, and blood was raining!

Behind Bayan straightened up, a big banner rose slowly and fluttered in the wind. There was only one big blood-red character on the black banner: Demon!

Under the banner, a man who is four feet tall, covered with scars and missing a right eye, looks like a bull-headed man who is pieced together from hundreds of fragments, staring at the blood demon battle banner intently, as if he is holding himself All of his lives are integrated into the battle flag.

Bayan slapped the person on the shoulder hard and whispered, "Zhang Niu'er, I, I'm sorry!"

The bull-headed man with scars all over his body and one eye was blind grinned, and a hoarse voice came from deep in his throat: "Moo..."

Zhang Niu'er could not speak anymore.

In Bayan’s straight eyes, two lines of hot blood and tears flowed again, and he murmured: "Last time, I told you that it would definitely make your whole family live a good life. As a result, I broke my promise. I really don’t know. Become like this."

"This time, I won't break my promise anymore. What I promised you must do!"


The pale bone blade made from huge beast bones unsheathed, and the murderous aura rushed through a **** vortex in the lavender sky. Bayan roared like thunder, "Kill, kill, kill, kill all the cultivators, kill all A peaceful world, the heavens and the earth!"


Roar, the long-lost four watch, cool!

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