40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 929: Origin of evolution! (Fourth!)

This scene slowly solidified in the word "Kunlun".

Next, is the last scene of the virtual world.

Li Yao's soul appeared more than 20,000 meters underground, and stared at the viscous liquid in the crystal pool in mid-air in the secret room isolated from radiation and spiritual waves.

These liquids, like the restless sea, have their own lives, and from time to time there is a small wave, surging out thousands of spiritual thoughts.

Divine Mind condensed in mid-air into light golden dotted lines, the lines interlaced, and the intersections were shining stars. The stars gradually increased and expanded into planets and galaxies.

This is a star map, a star map that guides the latter to search for Kunlun.


Hundreds of millions of stars like the flood of a bank burst, a brain flooded into Li Yao's brain. The explosive force blasted him out of Bayanzhi's memory fragments, and reappeared in the depths of the silver death desert. .

Surrounded by radiance, it looked like an arc-shaped glass dome, and he was curled up inside the dome.

When Li Yao entered the depths, too strong a flow of heat gushed out of his body unknowingly, and the high temperature melted the gravel and condensed into such a weird "egg shell".


Li Yao broke out in a cold sweat, shaking like a pendulum, scenes of fierce war still flashing in front of him, and the sound of killing was still lingering in his ears.

After breathing for a full minute, he gradually returned to calm.

Since he formed the ultimate golden pill, this has never happened before!

Li Yao's gaze was a bit stagnant, holding the star box like a crystal brain tightly.

Even though he had guessed the origins between the monster race and the human race a long time ago, he didn't expect the truth to be so tortuous and so mysterious!

"In this world, there are no distinctions between humans and demons, gods and demons, only-winners and losers!"

The smirk of Tai Yi's head reverberated in his ears, and he couldn't help biting his lip tightly, biting out hot blood.

"It turns out that this is the truth."

Li Yao rubbed his cheeks vigorously and quickly stroked everything that happened 40,000 years ago.

First of all, Bayanzhi is indeed the "Chaos" and the creator of the Yaozu, but he, the "creator", can be a bit of a mistake.

Bayanzhi was originally the director of Taiyi on the vast star. This vast star, under the rule of Taiyi, is just a remote planet without too many resources, and birds do not shit.

Seeing Bayan's straight appearance, in Taiyi, I'm afraid that his uncle doesn't hurt, grandma doesn't love him, and he was sent to Hao Miao Xing, which probably meant a bit of exile.

Unexpectedly, Bayan was directly on the star of Haomiao, but found a relic of the Pangu tribe, in which there was a black spring left by the Pangu tribe, and a mysterious stone.

Li Yao didn't know what the purpose of Bayanzhi was. In short, he secretly hid the stone.

After that, it was the years of war. Heiquan possessed the miraculous effect of reviving the dead. Although the side effect was to make people grow horns, tails and thick hair, Bayan was helpless and promoted it on a large scale on Hao Miao. The first batch of "monsters".

Li Yao didn't know how to judge Bayanzhi's behavior, but thinking about it, if his relative was seriously injured, there is only this way, I am afraid he will use it for his relatives.

"Humans, what are humans? If there are only human souls, but with completely different bodies, are they still humans?"

This issue has caused heated discussions in the history of the Star Federation, and the purpose is to give the "ghost repair" a proper name.

Ghost repair is the human soul, a new life form formed by combining with psychic prostheses. Not all psychic prostheses are human forms. When Li Yao was in the Star Federation, he had a good friend "Wei Qingqing" who became a ghost. After repairing, I like to fly around in the form of a "blue bird".

In ancient times, when talking about "ghost repair", people often think of ghosts that linger in the shadows, which is abhorrent.

However, the situation of the Star Federation is different. The Federation has been fighting with the monsters all the year round. Countless Federation troops have died heroically on the battlefield. With the application of many medicines and magic weapons such as "Soul Soul Dispersion" and "Soul Collecting Apparatus", the soul However, more and more soldiers were rescued.

The souls of these soldiers who "sacrificed" for the country naturally cannot be treated as "villains."

In the history of the Federation, after decades of fierce debate, the "Soul Faction" won a great victory.

Since then, the law has stipulated that as long as you have a human soul, no matter what form your body is, you will be regarded as a human being, and in the legal sense, will be treated as a "natural person."

After more than one hundred years of development, the Federation people are now very comfortable with the emergence of ghost cultivation, and there is very little discrimination and fear. Professor Ding Yin, Wei Qingqing, Mo Xuan...These cultivators transform into ghost cultivation after death. Also continue to fight for human civilization with a new body!

So, what if it is not a psychic prosthesis made of spar and metal, but a bizarre biochemical body that has undergone cell transformation?

Are people with such bodies still considered "human beings"?

This question is too tricky, not Li Yao at the moment, it can be answered.

However, no matter whether they were human or not, in the eyes of Gu Xiu, who had been fighting for years and suffered from a shortage of troops, these mutants who had taken "Kunlun Divine Water" were obviously the best slaves and fighters.

Among them, the most foresighted ones, such as the many cultivators of Taiyi, even thought of the extremely difficult problem of cultivation in the Age of Domination, and transformed themselves into a monster race!

Perhaps the Taiyi Demon Race is the ancestor of the later Saint Blood Demon Race and Silver Blood Demon Race?

And the vast majority of ordinary people, the ants in their mouths, are reduced to the Bronze Blood Demon Race and the Black Blood Demon Race?

Taiyi's plan succeeded. In the era of the end of the magical energy, the monster race is indeed a brand new species that is more adapted to the harsh universe than the cultivator. Under the sweep of the blood demon battle banner, the cultivator world fell apart and completely perished.

In the last big battle, Bayanzhi’s demon army and the final power of the cultivation world, the "Tianjizong", were both defeated. One demon clan stole the fruits of victory without any effort!

It's just that Taiyi Yaozu didn't expect one thing.

Bayanzhi not only escaped, but he also discovered the secret of the "Kunlun God Stone".

"Kunlun, what exactly is Kunlun?"

Li Yao muttered to himself.

In myths and legends, Kunlun and Penglai are both fairy mountains in the prehistoric era, and even the residences of ancient powers.

However, in the deepest part of the cell, Li Yao has seen several giant starships called "Kunlun" and "Penglai" in the memory of his ancestors in the Primordial Era.

"Assuming that Kunlun is a starship left over by the Pangu tribe, that makes sense."

"In the ancient times, the Pangu tribe had a base on Haomiao. They left some information here, including the'Kunlun God Water' and the'Kunlun God Stone' containing the coordinates of the'Kunlun Battleship'."

"Perhaps, their purpose of leaving the'Kunlun Divine Water' is to hope that after the life on the vast star grows to a certain level of wisdom, they can drink the black spring, accelerate the evolution, and finally find the'Kunlun Battleship' and gain the inheritance of the Pangu tribe. ?"

"In any case, Bayan Zhi, who has lost everything, can only take a bet. With a group of remnants, following the star map in the'Kunlun Divine Stone', they found the vicinity of the'Kunlun Battleship' all the way, that is, here, blood. Demon Realm!"

"However, when he got here, Bayanzhi's body was extremely weak and he was unable to lead a new expedition."

"At the last moment of his life, he drank a brand new and greatly enhanced'Kunlun Divine Water', which activated more'preliminary cells' in the body, hitting the strongest realm, but also buried hidden dangers!"

"After that, his exploration should be successful, at least the first time. He really found'Kunlun' and unearthed the remains of the giant Pangu tribe from'Kunlun'."

"It is conceivable that there are a large number of inheritances from the Pangu tribe in Kunlun that were unearthed together with the remains!"

"After that, he has been in the center of the Silver Death Desert, under the Star Swallowing Sea, studying these inheritances, hoping to unearth the power to defeat the Taiyi Demon Race, and create countless dangerous biochemical weapons!"

Li Yao suddenly realized why Bayan wanted to build the base in this uninhabited place.

Because what Bayan has been studying here is extremely contagious and extremely dangerous things. Only in the depths of the Star-Swallowing Sea surrounded by the silver death desert, where there is no place where any creatures can survive, is enough insurance!

In this way, even if an accident occurs, the poisonous mist and miasma leak will not affect the outside world!

The accident really happened.

At the beginning, it wasn't the poisonous mist and miasma that leaked out, but Bayan's straight body finally couldn't support it.

He stimulated too many primitive cells, all the "gene locks" that controlled the body were broken, returned to the origin of life, and turned into a pool of viscous liquid.

Perhaps this is why he is called "Chaos".

No nose, no mouth, no hands or feet, and know nothing about the "chaos" of ancient times, isn't that the way it is?

However, Bayanzhi in the "chaotic form" has not yet died. With amazing perseverance, he supported the fire of life to continue to burn, continue to carry out various researches, and to study the truth of his life, the birth of the monster, and the search for Kunlun All of the ancient star maps are branded into the hidden star box.

Perhaps, his research could have been successful, and he had obtained a large number of direct tribes of the Pangu tribe, and they had a chance to defeat the Taiyi Yao tribe.

But a sudden accident destroyed the entire base. A weird virus spread on a large scale in the closed base. All the cultivators and monster races have undergone crazier mutations, and they all end up in cannibalism.

From then on, Bayanzhi, a demon clan, took all the secrets and was buried deep in the great desert of this remote world.

And he himself was also slandered as a terrible destroyer by those "winners", called "Chaos" by the rulers of later generations!


Four more changes, brothers~~Lao Niu is about to vomit blood~~Please subscribe, ask for monthly pass~~~

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