40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 930: The only hope!

It is hard for Li Yao to imagine how sad, painful, and hopeless it would be when Bayan’s cells collapsed and turned into a muddy “gene soup” that could only hide 20,000 meters underground in the dark.

It's crazy to think about Li Yao's own words.

For this reason, Bayanzhi still did not give up resisting. He took dozens of different "Kunlun Shenshui" feelings for himself, all in tiny tiny script, densely engraved on the wall of the secret room, hoping to bring some to future generations. Inspired.

While the Youfu Army was scanning these tiny small prints, Li Yao also took the opportunity to have a panoramic view of all the content, keeping in mind.

Bayanzhi's writing style has a strong color of the ancient era. Modern monsters and cultivators may not be able to analyze it immediately, but Li Yao has an insight.

In addition, at this moment, I have obtained Bayanzhi's memory inheritance, and I have benefited a lot and realized a lot of things.

"Senior Bayan, his aspirations are unpaid!"

Li Yao sighed, and his thoughts flew farther away.

After Bayan became "Chaos", he apparently continued to resist, causing a lot of trouble for the Taiyi Demon Race.

It is recorded in the history book of the Star Federation that after the collapse of the cultivation world 40,000 years ago, the Yaozu also had a civil war for hundreds of years for the control of the three thousand worlds.

The ancient fierce demon "Bone Dragon Demon" Li Yao once encountered on the Bone Dragon Star was one of the contenders at that time.

Now think about it, the so-called civil war is very likely to occur between the "Chaotic Monster Race" and the "Taiyi Monster Race", and from the form of the bone dragon demon, it is likely to be the "Chaotic Monster Race" or the "Taiyi Monster Race". "'S generals, even some kind of tyrannical test weapon, but for some reason, such as the destruction of the "Chaotic Monster Race", they lost control and formed their own system.

With the fall of Bayanzhi, the result of the civil war was, of course, that the Taiyi Monster Race won a complete victory. They established a huge Monster Beast Empire and ruled Galaxy for 30,000 years in the end of the era when their spiritual power was exhausted.

Over the long years, the Taiyi Monster Race gradually evolved into the Holy Blood Monster Race and the Silver Blood Monster Race, continuing to live a life of extravagance and extreme desire and dominance, while the mortals of the past were made into the Bronze Blood Monster. The clan and the black blood demon clan, mining, farming, and fighting.

This kind of system has developed to the extreme, it is the Pantheon Temple, the "four pillar system", claiming that every class of the monster race is born and destined, holy blood is always holy blood, enjoyment is their natural welfare, black blood It will always be black blood, and slavery is their eternal destiny, and no one can resist!

It's a pity that a lie is a lie after all. No matter how different their appearances are, they are all humans in their bones. They are all genetically modulated to show different cellular characteristics.

Therefore, monsters of different classes can mate and give birth to descendants. These descendants contain a large number of different genetic characteristics and conflict with each other. Instead, they may show the original face of the cell or stimulate more powerful forces. Expose the lies of the Holy Blood Demon Race and threaten the rule of the Holy Blood Demon Race.

Therefore, these "hybrids" are called "chaotic demon races" and become the dirtiest untouchables, "untouchable ones"!

"Such rule is terrible, terrible!"

Li Yao's chest was undulating, and 40,000 years of history had been condensed into a sharp sword, which completely cut away the mist that lingered in his brain, and made him think of a new problem.

"Holy Blood Demon Race, is it really extinct?"

The history books of the Xingyao Federation and the Flying Star Realm say that after the establishment of the Xinghai Empire, the emperor ruled the army in the southern and northern wars, slashing the roots of the holy blood demon tribes in various worlds, and finally exterminated all the holy blood demon tribes. !

But now, Li Yao has new doubts.

"As the saying goes,'Rotten ships have three-point nails.' The Holy Blood Demon Race ruled Xinghai for 30,000 years and gathered all the wealth of the three thousand worlds. It must have left a huge legacy.

"Even after the dynasty changes again and again, there is no reason why the astronomical inheritance and the treasures of heaven, material and earth will all disappear!"

"With such a huge resource, the masters of the holy blood demon tribe must be in an endless stream. Why, when the Xinghai Empire rises, the holy blood demon tribe seems to be vulnerable and defeated like a landslide, making the emperor within a few hundred years Dominate Galaxy?"

"Will it—"

Li Yao thought of a terrifying possibility, and his whole body was cold.

"The former Taiyi monk, the Taiyi Demon Race, and the Holy Blood Demon Race, didn't actually go extinct?"

"As the'One Master' said, forty thousand years ago, it was the era of the end of spiritual energy exhaustion. The old cultivation methods and life forms are no longer in line with the changes in the environment. They have to evolve into a brand-new form and adopt a brand-new form. The cultivation system can continue to survive in a world where spiritual energy is exhausted, resources are poor, and the environment is harsh!"

"After more than 30,000 years of recuperation and rejuvenation, the aura in the star sea has gradually become stronger, and under the transformation of the lowest-level Black-blooded monster tribe with countless lives, the barren world that was destroyed by ancient repairs in ruins once again reappears. Vigorous."

"Naturally, those rulers have to evolve again and evolve into a life form more suitable for this new world!"

"Therefore, the Holy Blood Demon Race is not extinct at all. It just feels that the potential of the Demon Race has been exhausted, and it no longer adapts to the environment, so it makes a trick to'escape the golden cicada' and becomes a human again, even some kind of... …A more powerful life form!"

"Think about it, it's possible."

"The rise of the Xinghai Empire was completely short-lived. The strongest period was only a short century, and it fell apart after a failed great expedition, and this'great expedition' is entwined with too many mysteries, it is really strange!"

"Who dare to say that the Holy Blood Demon Race did not fan the flames secretly?"

"Perhaps, the chaotic world after the collapse of the Xinghai Empire is the best ‘cultivation vessel’ for the Holy Blood Demon Race to continue ‘evolving’!"

"In the universe today, although the Holy Blood Demon Race no longer exists, there are many'winners' in the door of Taiyi Master. What is the difference between the real human empire's cultivators and the Holy Blood Demon Race? ?"

In an instant, in front of Li Yao's eyes, the leader of the Taiyi monster clan wearing a dragon scale armor and Xiao Xuance's image gradually overlapped, and he smiled triumphantly at Li Yao.

"In this world, there are no distinctions between humans and demons, gods and demons, only winners and losers!"

"You are all ants!"

Li Yao only felt that his blood was rushing towards the sky, as if he was about to open a fountain on his forehead. He was so depressed to the extreme, he let out a low growl, and with a violent win, he jumped out of the seven or eight meters deep gravel!


Li Yao lay on the desert in a "big" shape, looking up at the stars.

The galaxy is vast, and the **** moon is ferocious.

Perhaps in the depths of the vast universe, the former Taiyi Demon Race has established a vast force with a brand-new appearance, but in the bones it is exactly the same!

Perhaps this force, like a tumor and a virus, swallows the endless sea of ​​stars and infects the entire universe!

Li Yao watched quietly, thinking, but the same hot flame was burning in his eyes of different colors.

Suddenly, he got up and placed the crystal brain containing Bayan's thousands of spiritual thoughts upright on the desert. Then he knelt down, respectfully, and knocked three heads at the hidden star box.

Li Yao didn't know why he did this.

Perhaps it is for Bayanzhi's ridiculous ideal, and hope that out of ten thousand people, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dream dreams can be fed!

"Senior Ba, thank you. Under your guidance, I finally know what I should do!"

Li Yao muttered to himself, the flames jumping deep in his eyes gradually condensed and turned into two sharp sharp edges, "Since many innocent ordinary people 40,000 years ago were deceived, they were transformed into Monster Race, and now, Xinghai has gradually stabilized, its aura has gradually become strong, and the environment has not been so bad!"

"The era of the end of the law has passed, and I want to restore ordinary people to their original colors!"

"Since Jin Xinyue can turn from a demon to a human, then other demons must be able to do it too!"

"Those self-proclaimed silver-blooded monster races are noble. I will not tolerate it. A human being is forcibly turned into a big bug that cannot speak, think, crawl all over the floor!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Yao's face was serious, his eyes suddenly dull.

Wait, blood moon?

"I actually lay here for twelve hours!"

Li Yao jumped three feet high.

Originally, I just wanted to get a general idea of ​​the star box, but I didn't expect the power of the star box to be so powerful that it made him enter a deep meditation state for a whole day.

But he didn't know what was going on with Youquan Ancestor and Fire Ant King.

Thinking of Youquan ancestor, Li Yao's heart moved.

He finally knew what Youquan ancestor was looking for.

The ancestor of Youquan is not a historian, and the origin of the Yaozu is not worth his investment of so much manpower and material resources.

What he was looking for was the star map of "Kunlun"!

"The ancestor of Youquan's purpose is the Kunlun battleship. He wants to obtain the Kunlun battleship. He believes that the Kunlun battleship can help him achieve the rise of the'third life form'!"

Li Yao was hot all over and his mouth was dry. According to Bayanzhi's memory fragments, the Kunlun battleship was buried or fell somewhere in the blood demon world.

Even if it is not on the Blood Demon Star, it is in a planet, satellite, or a fragmented world adjacent to the Blood Demon Star!

Judging from the research project of the Tomb of Chaos God, the Kunlun battleship does hide many mysteries, and many technologies are superior to the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Flying Star.

"I only wanted to end the war between Tianyuan and the blood demon as soon as possible, and use the main force to deal with the vanguard forces of the true human empire."

"However, judging from the terrifying power presented by the'Star Child', even if the three realms of Tian Yuan, Blood Demon and Fei Xing join forces, they may not be the opponents of the forerunner of the true human empire."

"Even if the vanguard is defeated, we are doomed to a dead end when the true imperial expedition fleet arrives a hundred years later!"

"Kunlun! Kunlun is the only hope!"

"I want to find Kunlun!"

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