40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 932: Li Yao in the dark

When Li Yao came, he was on board the Tracer. When the Youfu Army raided the tomb of the Chaos God, it apparently wounded the Tracer anchored in the sky above the Star-Swallowing Sea.

Perhaps in the initial plan, Old Ancestor Youquan did not need this Tracer, but now he wants to abandon the Tomb of Chaos God. The more things he can take, the better. Naturally, he will use this Tracer. .

"If you dive into this Tracer, you don't have to swim to the center of the Star-Swallowing Sea, and the safety factor is greatly improved!"

Li Yao observed the terrain and made a large circle, approaching the Tracer from the east.

When it was dozens of kilometers away from the Tracer, it completely dived into the gravel, like a sandworm, sneaking in the gravel.

In order to avoid showing clues on the surface of the desert, his moving speed was extremely slow, and it took a full five hours to sneak to a place three kilometers away from the Tracer.


On the surface of the desert, a thin and long crystal tube that looked like a bean sprouts pierced out. At the end of the crystal tube was a small crystal eye.

The transistor bends freely, and the crystal eyes scrutinize the surroundings.

Li Yao was hiding in the depths of the desert, his right eye was closed tightly, and his blood-colored left eye was placed on the other end of the transistor, as if he was looking around through a periscope.

The main force of the Youfu Army is concentrated in the center of the Star Devouring Sea. There are not many Youfu Army around the hunter. Judging from the number and size of the demon pills inlaid on them, the level is far lower than that of the Fire Ant King. The elite of Youfu Army.

The vast majority of these Youfu Army are transporting the piles of cargo onto the Tracer, and only a dozen Youfu Army patrols around.

Li Yao quickly calculated that with his own speed and concealment ability, there is a 99.7% chance of evading the detection of these Youfu Army and sneaking into the Tracer.

However, it is still an old question, even if it sneaks into the Tracer, where should it hide?

Li Yao is completely unfamiliar with the structure of the Tracer. He has no idea what can be hidden inside the Tracer, and what defense system is there, and whether the old ancestor Youquan will put a new alert system in it. .

To sneak in rashly is to throw in the net. Li Yao is never willing to gamble. It is possible that the ancestor Youquan is negligent for the second time!

"How to sneak in..."

The crystal tube protruding out of the ground suddenly froze, and Li Yao's gaze firmly nailed the piles of goods beside the mountains, rows of silver biochemical slots with skull patterns engraved on the surface.

If he remembered correctly, these biochemical tanks were all used to store biochemical beasts.

The powerful biochemical beasts are more valuable than the super-class crystal armor. Since they have become the spoils of the ancestors of Youquan, they will obviously not give up easily.

Li Yao’s heartbeat is getting faster and faster. A new plan is like a jumping Mars, which quickly ignites most of the brain cells. The flames condense into a kaleidoscope of images, which are repeatedly deduced in the depths of the brain. Hundreds of times, the success rate is extremely high!

"It's decided, that's it!"

Li Yao licked his chapped lips and continued to sneak.

When he arrived under the Tracer, he extracted pieces of handy tools from the Universe Ring, and began to make small modifications to adapt to the next operation of the electric light stone fire.

After half an hour, it was ready.

The next step is to wait.

Three or four meters above their heads, groups of Youfu troops were dragging heavy cargo boxes to and fro, unaware that four or five meters below their feet was the most dangerous hunter.

Li Yao was like a stone stele buried deep in the gravel, converging his breath and heartbeat to the limit, and every muscle on his face seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

He waited motionless for six hours, thirty-two minutes, fifty-five seconds, and finally waited for what he wanted.

It was a gust of wind.

In the unobstructed Silver Death Desert, as long as a breeze, after rushing for thousands of miles for a long distance, it will easily turn into a storm of flying sand and rocks.

Strong winds come every day, but the scales are different.

The violent wind that Li Yao waited for, according to the standard of silver death, may be just the cool breeze of summer afternoon, but it was enough to confuse the eyes of the Youfu army, interfere with their work, and more importantly, cover a lot breath.

"It's now!"

Li Yao's slightly squinted eyes instantly rounded, and strands of divine thoughts rushed out of the ground among the flying sand and walking rocks, spreading in all directions, allowing him to accurately grasp all changes within a kilometer!

"The Thirty-seven Youfu Army is on the other side of the Tracer, their sight is blocked by the Tracer, and they are busy fixing the Tracer, avoiding the wind and sand, and it is impossible to go around this side within 42 seconds. !"

"Thirteen Youfu Army are using animal tendons and iron ropes to reinforce the crumbling cargo. It is expected to be completed in 33 seconds!"

"Huh, did they call on five Youfu troops who were patrolling nearby to help?"

"In this case, they might complete the reinforcement work within twenty-six seconds, but the Youfu Army who insisted on patrolling nearby are left with only nine people. Their sights are greatly disturbed by the wind and sand, and the monitoring range is greatly reduced!"

"Especially in the vicinity of the biochemical war beast storage tank, only three Youfu Army patrols. From their patrol route and security point of view, after three and three seconds, there will be a cross dead corner!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, sandwiching the thin magic weapon between his fingers, wriggling silently to the top of the desert.

Three and three seconds later, of the three Youfu Army patrolling above him, two of them just turned their heads to look at the other side, but the sight of the last one was blocked by a huge biochemical beast storage tank!

Li Yao is like a crocodile disguised as rotten wood, emerging from the swamp, slowly floating out of the desert, with a wave of his left arm, a soft psychic energy turned into a strong wind, towards the crumbling cargo box. Rushed.

The cargo boxes overlapped seven or eight stories high, filled with the remains and magic weapon fragments transported from the tomb of the Chaos God, the center of gravity was originally extremely unstable, under the raging wind, it was about to collapse suddenly, but it was used by the Youfu military. The iron cable and the beast tendons were held on tightly.

The dark energy that Li Yao blasted was aimed at the most unstable part of the cargo box's center of gravity. When the dark energy erupted, a beast tendon burst with three "pops", a huge cargo box. Smashed down!

"No, the cargo box was blown down by the wind!"

The gazes of the many Youfu Army were all drawn by this startled breath. Among the Youfu Army that was patrolling, three people were transferred to help.

Their guard range has shrunk even smaller, and their patrol routes have become sparser, just like a big tattered net.

Li Yao took the opportunity to jump up, like a backflow of mercury, and instantly climbed up to the largest storage tank of a biochemical beast.

"There are still three seconds left before the opponent patrols to see where I am!"

Above the biochemical beast storage tank, there are a dozen densely packed hatches. Some hatches are used to put medicines, and some are used to replace nutrient solutions. All hatches are locked.

Li Yao's hands turned into two **** of white light, and his movements were sparkling and soft as feathers, as if pulling out a white hair from a tiger's head, and one of the hatches was unlocked instantly!

The hatch opened, and there was an amber-colored viscous liquid inside. There was still a huge beast coiled in the liquid, but it was a dormant biochemical beast.

It is still a second before the Youfu Army patrols to find his location!

Li Yao didn't hesitate, holding his breath, got into the biochemical beast storage tank, gently closed the hatch, and locked the hatch with a magnetic magic weapon in his hand.

He was in the darkness.

Put your ears on the wall of the tank and listen carefully, except for the howling of the violent wind, there is nothing unusual.

Infiltrating is half the battle.

But there is still half the possibility of failure.

Li Yao groped carefully in the dark, and beside him was a biochemical beast resembling a dragon. Judging from the head shape of this biochemical beast, it was the thunder python controlled by the leopard-print female instructor "electric python". .

Li Yao remembered that during the battle in the Underground Temple, the Thunder Python was wounded by several Youfu troops, and he was captured at that time.

This Thunder Python is indeed the best among the biochemical beasts, perhaps it has also been specially modulated by the Fire Ant King, from which we can see some of the chaos blade secret techniques and modulation techniques.

No wonder the Ancestor Youquan was reluctant to discard it and wanted to transport it back to his old nest.

Next, is the most critical step!

Li Yao fumbled to the big mouth of the Thunder Python's blood basin, and slightly opened the upper and lower jaws covered with fangs, resisting the stench, and got in!

Thunder pythons are hundreds of meters long and three to four meters in diameter. It is easy to hide a person in the body.

However, the biochemical beast is not a dead thing. In the dormant state, it just has no autonomous consciousness, but its bodily functions still exist. In human terms, it is somewhat similar to a "vegetable".

Li Yao brought his hands and legs together, trying to shrink his size as much as possible, relying solely on the squirming of his muscles, carefully avoided the fangs, and slipped into the throat of the Thunder Python!

He can't stay here for a long time, because the throat is extremely sensitive, and staying here for a long time will definitely cause some physiological abnormalities of the Thunder Python, and even the vomiting reaction, which will be noticed.

Li Yao went all the way, followed his throat and slipped into the stomach of the Thunder Python!

The stomach of the snake monster is extremely flexible, and it often swallows prey that is larger than its own body, slowly digesting it in a year and a half.

Therefore, if a "little" prey like Li Yao falls into the belly of the Thunder Python, it will not cause a strong reaction.

However, in the stomach of Thunder Python, Li Yao was about to endure the erosion of super corrosive stomach acid.

At the beginning, it was just unbearable, as if there were a hundred feathers, tumulting his skin unhurriedly.

But soon, the feathers became embroidered needles with barbed hooks, burrowing into the skin one by one, even piercing the flesh and blood deeply, piercing the bones, and sucking his bone marrow.

Li Yaoqiang endured the pain without saying a word, mobilizing his whole body psychic energy, slowly repairing his body, waiting patiently in the belly of the Thunder Python.

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