40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 933: Arctic wind!

In the center of the Star-Swallowing Sea, on the gray-white monster battleship, the ancestor Youquan's eyebrows seemed to have three flying swords inserted, as if thousands of stars were condensed on the retina, countless streams of information continued to converge, process, and diverge.

Suddenly, Ancestor Youquan's "Flying Sword" flicked: "Squad 6 has a change?"

The whirlpool stepped forward and said: "A sudden gust of wind blew the cargo box down, but it has been re-fixed. The cargo inside is not damaged. They will try to make up for the delay."

"The strong wind blows the cargo box down?"

The ancestor Youquan chewed the word "gale" several times, and suddenly his eyebrows crisscrossed, and he said coldly, "Maelstrom, you personally take the third team to the Tracer of Chaos Blade, and All the cargo boxes and biochemical beast storage tanks piled up there are searched closely. Remember to scan one by one in perspective. If there is a slight change, report it immediately!"

The vortex was slightly startled, legs close together, a salute, and hurriedly left.

In a moment, dozens of swift white lines were spit out under the demon battleship, riding the wind and waves in the sky over the Star-Swallowing Sea, and whizzing towards the anchorage of the Tracer!

"The ancestors ordered to conduct a thorough investigation of the Tracer!"

Uzumaki's face was cold, and a large number of black beetles swept the Tracer from all directions like a storm, creeping in through the strangely-shaped gaps.

The other well-trained elites of the Youfu Army gathered together the Youfu Army who were originally stationed here, and asked them to repeat the entire process of overturning the cargo box by the gale just now.

Whirlpool herself, together with several confidants, was holding seven or eight Xuanguang perspective instruments smuggled from the Xingyao Federation and scanning them on the piles of cargo boxes and biochemical beast storage tanks.

Bunches of invisible mysterious light swept across the cargo box one by one. After wearing the special display lens glasses, we could clearly see that the mysterious light penetrated the outer wall and reflected everything in the cargo box.

Three or four confidants scanned the same cargo box from different angles. Even if a bed bug was hiding in it, there was nothing to hide.

All the cargo boxes were scanned and no abnormalities were found.

Next, is the storage tank for biochemical beasts.

"Huh! Huh!"

After beams of mysterious light were repeatedly brushed, what appeared on the manifestation chip was a sleeping monster.

Every monster beast has been carefully observed for at least a minute, and still nothing is noticed.

"Report, there is nothing found in the Tracer."

"The report, the on-site replay has also been completed. Judging from the wind speed and the placement of the goods at that time, there is indeed a possibility of an imbalance in the center of gravity."

"The broken beast tendons have also been carefully checked. They were indeed torn apart by gravity, not by sharp weapons!"

The whirlpool nodded, the indifference on his face unchanged, and coldly said: "Very well, continue to maintain a high level of vigilance, even if a fly flies over, count me clearly, how many hairs it has on its legs!"




Dozens of Youfu Army, with their chests and stomachs upright, were murderous.

Whirlpool faced the communication flying insect and reported to Old Ancestor Youquan: "Old Ancestor, everything is normal and there is no change."

The other side was silent for a while before a voice came: "How long will it take to take off?"

The whirlpool quickly calculated: "Eleven more hours."

"There is not so much time, I always have a bad premonition."

Old Ancestor Youquan said, "I'll give you eight hours. After eight hours, I will blow up here!"


Eight hours, twenty-three minutes, and thirty-three seconds later, Li Yao felt in the super corrosive belly of the snake, and the demon energy around him suddenly became rich.

Immediately afterwards, there was a moment of weightlessness, and the monster battleship tilted upwards, racing wildly all the way.

Afterwards, there was a series of loud thunder bangs, which seemed to destroy the world, even if it was wrapped in a thick python, it still heard clearly.

"It's a huge super explosion."

Li Yao, an expert in blasting, immediately judged it.

With joy in my heart, Youquan ancestor should have retreated.

It was only at this moment that Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief, condensing his spiritual thoughts into a bundle of thin silks, which together strengthened the connection with the Xiaolong, and opened a second picture deep in his brain.

The Fire Ant King is still being held in the Fangs Cage, no different from the day before. It seems that the Ancestor Youquan was busy carrying the remains in the tomb of the Chaos God, but did not have time to greet this younger brother.

Li Yao did the same and got in touch with the Fire Ant King.

The fire ant king trembled all over, his breathing was visibly quicker, and he drew lightly with a demon spirit: "You haven't left?"

Li Yao said, "I'm sorry, but the plan of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain did not succeed. The Ancestor Youquan noticed it in advance, but I'm still thinking of other ways to save you."

The fire ant king said: "The ancestors of Youquan kept me very close. Every other hour, a poisonous mist will be placed in the fangs cage. My strength is almost exhausted just by resisting this poisonous mist. It’s hard to escape!"

Li Yaofei said quickly: "The situation outside has changed. I believe Old Ancestor Youquan won't put too much thought on you. Right now he has more important things to do. When it comes to his lair, let's see what happens."

After a pause, he pondered for a moment, and then said, "Also, I know the secret of Chaos, and why he created the monster race!"


The Fire Ant King couldn't help screaming, "What is the origin of the Great Chaos God, and how did our monster clan create it?"

"That's a very long story. After I rescue you, let's talk about it slowly."

Li Yao said, "During high-speed movement, to maintain stable communication and not be disturbed by supersonic speeds, it is necessary to stimulate very strong psychic energy fluctuations, which can be easily detected by masters, so I have to cut off communication."

"Before cutting off the communication, I just want to ask you one question."

"Do you really believe in the'Great Chaos God' and stick to his ideas?"

"of course!"

The Fire Ant King categorically said, "I firmly believe that when the Great Primordial Chaos created the Monster Race, he absolutely treated them equally, and would never distinguish between holy blood and chaotic blood, high and low!"

"Of course I will implement the concept of the Great Chaos God until I die!"

"Very well, it seems that everyone has a basis for cooperation."

Li Yao smiled slightly, "When we arrive at the lair of Ancestor Youquan, let's talk all night long!"

Li Yao cut off most of the connections with the Xiaolong, and only retained the weakest divine mind, putting the Xiaolong in a state of concealment and alert, hiding behind the Fire Ant King.

The monster warship went all the way up, seeming to have penetrated the atmosphere directly, and was moving at extreme speed on the synchronous orbit of the blood monster star outside the atmosphere.

When the monster battleship cut into the atmosphere again, a full twenty hours had passed, and Li Yao felt that the outside world was roaring, and Zhou Tian was cold.

"Where are we?"

"The outside temperature is very low, the magnetic field is also very chaotic, and all kinds of interference are extremely strong!"

Li Yao quickly retrieved all the data of the Blood Demon Star, looking for a topography that matches the characteristics of the outside world. After a while, his eyes sparkled and he had an answer.


This is the North Pole in the blood demon world, called the "Yinfeng Islands"!

The North and South poles of the Blood Demon Realm. The South Pole is an ice continent, relatively stable, but the North Pole is a fragmented archipelago. It seems that in the ancient times, it had been bombarded by huge meteorites, fragmented, strangely shaped, and the magnetic field and weather were also disturbed. Shrouded by a violent storm, surrounded by a roaring ocean of ice.

Like Baiyin's Death Desert, it was a place of horror that was inaccessible to all monsters and beasts.

No, the Arctic Yinfeng Island is more terrifying than Silver Death Desert.

The Silver Death Desert is only lifeless, but the magnetic field is relatively stable, and the warship can fly freely without losing its way.

The North Pole sea area is surrounded by huge vortices, the magnetic field is disordered, and it is extremely cold. For thousands of years, countless monsters and powerful men have lost and perished here.

In the bottomless ocean, I don't know how many bones are piled up.

"Ancestor Youquan actually set up his secret lair on the Arctic Yinfeng Island. No wonder you can unscrupulously modulate the Youfu Army here without worrying about being discovered by the Pantheon.

"Yes, it is very likely that this place is another war base left by Bayanzhi that year. It has the same characteristics as the Silver Death Desert and the Star Swallowing Sea."

The biggest similarity between the Arctic Yinfeng Islands and the Silver Dead Desert and the Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars is that the two places are inaccessible, and the environment is harsh, even if there is any poison or miasma leaking out from here, in the hot desert and dead ice sea, Absolutely cannot survive, let alone proliferation.

These two locations were obviously carefully selected by Bayanzhi and would not affect others. Since the old ancestor Youquan got the war base on the Arctic Yinfeng Island, there must be some clues to the tomb of the chaos.

That is the origin of everything!

The monster battleship landed slowly.

Li Yao hid in the darkness, couldn't see the external situation clearly, and felt like a cat scratching in his heart, but he could only hold back his curiosity and wait silently.

The unloading operation continued for a whole day, and all the biochemical beast storage tanks were carried deep underground.

At this point, Li Yao could finally increase the psionic fluctuation again and get in touch with Xiaolong.

What he worried the most was that Old Ancestor Youquan didn't plan to imprison the Fire Ant King here, but took him back to the headquarters of the Pantheon Palace.

However, this possibility is unlikely. After all, the Fire Ant King is a demon emperor. Even if he is highly venomous and can be captured with his hands, it is also a time bomb. If there is a mistake, it will cause trouble.

Sure enough, not long after Li Yao and Fire Ant King got in touch, Hei Ba and Maelstrom came in with four Youfu Army in heavy armor.

They first injected 17 or 8 paralytic poisons and inhibitors into the fire ant king's body, and then used a special steel cage like an iron coffin to enclose the fire ant king in it.


The whirlpool swept lightly on the talisman formation outside the "iron coffin", and hundreds of spikes popped out from the inner wall of the iron coffin, piercing deeply into the fire ant king's body, making him immobile.

Xiaolong was the first step. Before the arrival of Hei Ba and Maelstrom, it got into the mouth of Fire Ant King!

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