40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 934: "Crazy Doctor"!

After the "iron coffin" was closed, it was dark. A slightly fishy viscous liquid was injected from the top of the iron coffin. After filling the entire iron coffin, it quickly became extremely flexible, somewhat like the cushioning foam used in spar battleships. It can restrain the burst of power to the greatest extent.

With such strict monitoring, if there was no such thing as Li Yao, even Daluo Jinxian would not be able to escape.

Li Yao could only count the time silently. It took them 42 minutes and 33 seconds from the port where the monster warship was anchored to the final "iron coffin" being opened.

It can be seen that the scale of this war base on Yinfeng Island in the Arctic will not be much smaller than the Tomb of Chaos God.

When being dragged out of the iron coffin by the Youfu army, the Fire Ant King pretended to be weak, groaned, and took the opportunity to release Xiaolong from his mouth.

What appeared in front of Li Yao was a very special secret room.

It is like a combination of laboratory, interrogation room and operating room.

In the middle, there is a surgical bed embedded with spar, and dozens of robotic arms and flesh touches are connected around it.

In the showcase on the side, there are dozens of huge culture tanks, and countless shocking organs are immersed in the pale yellow liquid.

The fire ant king was carried to the operating table, and the fleshy touch on both sides of the operating table, like a poisonous snake smelling blood, immediately got into his blood vessel.

The mechanical arm also inserted silver needles deeply into his acupuncture points, and it seemed that a weak current was passed through, making him unable to move.

Ancestor Youquan carried his hands on his back and calmly watched his younger brother being pricked with holes, and said lightly: "I gave you five days, do you want to make it clear, do you want to cooperate with me?"

"Tell me the secret stronghold of the Blade of Chaos, as well as all the strengthening potion formulas you have, that we, brothers, will rise up in this troubled world together!"

Fire Ant King grinned and said: "Brother, do it, do you really treat me as a three-year-old child?"

Ancestor Youquan looked at him in silence for a long time, shook his head with some regrets, and seemed to be surprised, why the younger brother must choose a very painful way of death, and then nodded helplessly: "Okay, I don't have time for you. Waste, introduce you to an old friend, you guys relive the past, I believe you will tell him everything you know."

"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"

There was a polite knock on the door outside.

But the person who walked in with a face full of spring breeze really didn't seem to be polite.

Li Yao didn't know how to describe this person's appearance.

He is like a deformed child who has suffered excessive psionic radiation. His head is bumpy like a sweet potato, with green hair like a weed, his left eye is smaller than a quail egg, and his right eye is bigger than a goose egg. However, there are more than a dozen pupils in the middle, densely arranged, like compound eyes.

His right arm is like the sharp claws of a dragon, one meter in diameter and covered with hard cyan scales, but his left arm is like gathering seventeen or eight octopus tentacles together, flowing with lavender mucus. On the chest, two psychic prosthetic limbs were stretched out, and the ends were like multi-function sabers, inlaid with hundreds of surgical instruments.

Li Yao had sharp eyes and recognized it at a glance. This was a psychic prosthesis used in a certain military automatic operation cabin of the Xingyao Federation, but somehow he was connected to him by this person!

The gray-white body is covered with hundreds of criss-crossing scars, and dozens of translucent hoses, which are directly connected to various organs, just like external nerves and blood vessels. Suspicious liquid flows in it endlessly. .

This person was wearing a white robe with a bright red skull logo painted on it, and the crossed "leg bones" turned out to look like two lancets!

In Li Yao's mind, a name suddenly popped out. It was Jin Xinyue once described to that one of the dozen or so most terrifying and unprovoked figures in the blood demon world.

"Crazy Doctor" Lu Wuxin!

The so-called "least to provoke" is not necessarily the strongest.

Big figures such as the ancestors of Youquan and Jin Tuyi, the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, are the masters of a country and a clan. .

But there are still some terrifying powerhouses who are lonely and unscrupulous. They only look at their mood today, and they don't even know what they are thinking!

If you meet such a strong man, you really have to pray for God's blessing. If you have bad luck, it is really better to die than life.

"Mad Doctor" Lu Wuxin was the most typical of them. He was originally an underground doctor in the blood demon world.

The blood demon world, the weak and the strong, the competition is cruel. Even the silver blood demon races often fight each other for power and gain. Many losers in the power struggle, unwilling to become cannon fodder and go to the Tianyuan realm to die, often flee.

The so-called fleeing, of course, is indispensable for hunting. In cruel hunts and counter hunts, it is common for people to be seriously injured.

Lu Wuxin was dedicated to serving these losers who were hunted down.

Because he knows that since these people are fleeing, they will inevitably carry a lot of softness on their bodies, and they will be desperate, and they will not care too much about the "consultation fee".

More importantly, these lonely people, even if he does something frantic on them, no one will avenge them.

Although Lu Wuxin is insane and notorious, many exiles come to him for treatment.

On the one hand, these bereaved dogs really have no better choice. Not all doctors dare to offend the Pantheon Temple and take the risk of treating them.

On the other hand, Lu Wuxin's methods are indeed clever, even better than many of the holy doctors in the Pantheon Palace-as long as the slightest sequelae is ignored.

Lu Wuxin can bring back a severely injured person who has been severely corroded by acid and almost only has a bone frame, but the other party will come to him for a new skin graft every six months. Otherwise, the biochemical skin will still An inch by inch was festered, and his death was extremely miserable.

Naturally, the cost of every skin change is astronomical.

Lu Wuxin could also heal a living dead whose chest and abdomen were pierced by a crystal magnetic cannon and whose internal organs were missing, and replaced him with an unknown internal organ. Not only was it intact as before, but his strength was improved to a higher level.

However, for the rest of his life, this patient must take the anti-rejection medicine carefully prepared by Lu Wuxin every month to suppress the rejection.

Naturally, the price of this anti-rejection drug is dozens of times higher than that of general anti-rejection drugs.

There was once a patient who did not believe in evil and used other anti-rejection medicines. When he died, his entire stomach burst open. In the words of an eyewitness, "He seemed to have been eaten by his own internal organs!"

This is Lu Wuxin's style.

As long as the consultation fee is in place and the cure is guaranteed, whether any sequelae will be left depends on his mood.

If it were only like this, with his excellent medical skills, perhaps Lu Wuxin could still be pinched by the dark world of the Blood Demon Realm to endure it. After all, a good doctor is a hundred times more difficult to find than a good soldier.

But later, his two little "hobbies" were discovered.

First, if you encounter a patient who is alone and desperate, and this patient has some pleasing and incredible organs, occasionally, after the patient enters deep anesthesia, Lu Wuxin will directly remove the patient. Block, properly store, and then use the patient’s limbs and internal organs for the next operation.

Second, when performing operations on almost all patients, Lu Wuxin will leave a small "souvenir" in the other person's body.

Either place a very sensitive spar bomb in the opponent’s brain; or bury several extremely dangerous venom sacs next to the opponent’s heart; or seal a drop of extremely high concentration acid near the opponent’s central nervous system .

After more than a dozen patients refused to accept Lu Wuxin's "service", they all died unexpectedly, and Lu Wuxin's evil deeds were finally exposed.

It is said that his fate was very miserable. After being crushed to pieces, he was thrown into dozens of hungry ghost-toothed crocodiles and torn to pieces.

The leader who pursued and tried Lu Wuxin was the Fire Ant King!

Most of Lu Wuxin's patients were the targets of Wuluocheng's solicitation. Lu Wuxin's frenzied behavior seriously damaged the interests of the Fire Ant King.

According to Jin Xinyue, Lu Wuxin should have been killed by the Fire Ant King seven or eight years ago.

Unexpectedly, he was still alive and turned into this look like a living corpse!

"Fire Ant King, we meet again."

Lu Wuxin leaned slightly, dozens of scars on his ugly face wriggling together, grinning, "Eight years ago, you threw me into the'Devil Crocodile Abyss', that kind of incomparable excitement, until now. In the evening, I have to repeat it several times in my dreams. It's so exciting and so enjoyable!"

"Relax, what you did to me back then, how I will take care of you today, we still have a lot of time to recount the friendship in the past, ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"

Along with the grinning, Lu Wuxin's claws and tentacles shook together.

The Fire Ant King snorted and bowed his head speechlessly.

Old Ancestor Youquan said: "Teacher Lu, I'm going back to the Wanmon Hall headquarters to take charge of the overall situation, and everything in Youfu is left to you."

"The modulation of the Yaoshen-7 virus must be speeded up. If the modulation can be completed before the launch, it would be great. Otherwise, you can only use the Yaoshen-6."

Lu Wuxin stretched out her wet tongue, licked her swollen lips, and chuckled: "No problem, ancestors, you are so generous, and you have sent so many research materials and experiment materials, and even one Test material with the level of the Demon Emperor!"

"I have a hunch that we will definitely break through the difficulties we have been unable to overcome for a long time!"

Old Ancestor Youquan nodded and smiled: "I believe Teacher Lu's method, I will give you three days to squeeze out everything in my brother's mind, especially the information on the secret stronghold of Chaos Blade and what he has. All enhanced potion formulas."

"of course."

Lu Wuxin couldn't wait to rub his hands and looked at the fire ant king's gaze, like looking at a beauty stripped naked, indescribably obsessed, "I have long admired the way the fire ant king prepares potions. A long time ago, I wanted to peel off his brain, cut it into thin slices, and explore the mysteries of it!"

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