40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 937: The terrifying secluded mansion!

However, Li Yao did not let Xiaolong pass through the diamond grid of the ventilation duct rashly, but first excited a beam of detecting mysterious light, constantly adjusting the frequency of the mysterious light, and scanning against the diamond grid.

Sure enough, when he adjusted the profound light to a very low frequency, dozens of mysterious magic lights appeared on the diamond-shaped grid, crisscrossing, chaotically, and moving irregularly.

Once Xiaolong touched these scarlet demon lights, it would definitely trigger the alarm system.

"The defense is very tight!"

Li Yao let Xiaolong stay under the ventilation duct for five seconds, and quickly calculated the moving speed of the demon light and the changing angle of the gap.

Five seconds later, Xiaolong traversed the diamond-shaped grid unhurriedly, like a lazy goldfish, with scarlet demon lights, as if it had an aura and a tacit understanding with it, with the gap of a strand of hair, dangerous and dangerous Pass by!

Xiaolong penetrated the demon light and invaded the ventilation duct!

The scene inside the ventilation duct surprised Li Yao.

I did not imagine the airtight demon light scanning the defense system, but the pipe wall is covered with densely packed flying insects. At the corner of the pipe, there are very thin spider webs and colorful spiders, dormant in the dark. .

Flying insects, spiders, and dark gray dwarf vampire bats that seem to be integrated with pipes form a complete ecosystem of ventilation ducts.

Li Yao couldn't help but slap his tongue. Even if someone compresses their muscles and bones to their limit and gets into such a pipe, they are afraid that they will be helpless in the face of dense insects.

Even the small biochemical beasts cannot invade here without alerting these worms.

"Ancestor Youquan is truly a master of bugs, and the defense here is more stringent than the Supreme Council of the Xingyao Federation."

Fortunately, Li Yao possessed the magic weapon refined in the peak era of the Xinghai Empire, Xiaolong!

Xiaolong continued to remain invisible, suspended in the middle of the pipeline, silently observing the operation of the entire ecosystem.

The small midge-like flying insects on the wall of the tube are flying irregularly all the time, capturing the floating particles in the air as food.

There are also many midges sticking to the spider web. When the "food" accumulates to a certain extent, the colorful spiders will be dispatched to swallow all the food on the spider web.

At that time, the mosquito midge will be a little bit sturdy for a few seconds, revealing a tortuous gap.

That is Li Yao's only chance!

He waited patiently for the spider to come out to hunt three times, and calculated the average time for the gap between the midges. When the spider was dispatched for the fourth time, he drove the Xiaolong and rushed over!

His speed must not be too fast, otherwise it would interfere with the flow of air, and he would also be found. The black mist composed of mosquito midges is like a big mouth of blood, slowly closing behind Xiaolong, "fangs" almost To plunge into Xiaolong's ass.

Ahead, the spider web blocked the entire pipeline, and lethal mucus smeared on the shiny spider silk.

Fortunately, the holes in the web are not uniform, especially when some larger prey is struggling violently, the web will be torn apart.

The colorful spiders, after devouring enough food, begin to repair the web.

Li Yao held his breath and patiently searched for the biggest hole.

This is also a great test for his skills in steering starships.

At first glance, the hole he found was almost exactly the same diameter as the Xiaolong. A slight tremor during the crossing might be useless.

The colorful spider crawled over to this hole, preparing to repair the biggest hole first.

"Come slowly, relax, there is still a lot of time, and..."

Xiaolong made a light leap, and successfully passed through before the spider spit out the first strand of silk!

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, and his whole body almost melted into the stomach of the Thunder Python.

Next, he did the same, passed through the blockade of seven layers of spider webs, and finally reached the entrance of another ventilation duct.

Looking down through the diamond-shaped grille, you can faintly see that it is a huge laboratory or factory.

The huge space was divided into several different areas. Below the Xiaolong, there was a weapon testing area.

I saw a thin body with a jackal-like head in the Youfu Army, holding a slender, long, and strangely shaped firearm, aiming in a kneeling position.

"This is the sniper version of the'Routo-7' Psionic Blast Gun!"

Li Yao recognized at a glance that the opponent was using an assault rifle very popular in the Star Federation. After adding a high-precision kit, it can become a general-purpose sniper rifle with fairly good performance parameters.

However, in addition to the high-precision kit, the surface of this "Routo-7" is also entwined with thick blood vessels and flesh touches. Around the psionic box, there are two tumor-like vegetations attached to it. On the left and right of Gu, two scarlet eyeballs were highlighted!

It is like being infected by some kind of deformed monster, assimilated, swallowed, and turned into a strange weapon similar to the blood-sucking flying sword Li Yao has seen in the tomb of Chaos God, half magic weapon, half life!

What's more terrifying is that from this sniper rifle, seven or eight "vessels" or synthetic nerves were born, which penetrated deeply into the arms, chest and temples of this Youfu Army sniper, as if they were connected Merged together!

"Using the method of direct neuron control to manipulate this magic weapon? In this way, it can be easily controlled without too strong spiritual thoughts, and various performances will be greatly improved!"

Li Yao thought secretly.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Around the test site, strong winds were blowing, and there were even patches of artificial snowflakes, which seriously interfered with the sniper's sight and perception.

According to the EFF Code of Practice, such weather is extremely unsuitable for sniping.

The Youfu Army sniper, however, remained motionless, still maintaining a kneeling posture, just like an icy statue.


Hundreds of meters away, a faintly blue fountain came out, and the sky girl scattered flowers in mid-air, turning into dozens of blue stars.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

The Youfu Army sniper shot calmly. Even after completing five shots, he shifted to one shooting position and changed to six shooting positions in just half a minute. The interference of wind and blizzard had no effect on him, and almost no shots were missed. , Dozens of blue stars, suddenly extinguished!

Li Yao was secretly surprised.

"The sniper version of the'Routo-7' assault rifle, which has been secretly improved by the ancestors of Youquan, is greatly improved in terms of activation speed, ammunition load, stability and anti-interference. !"

"What's more frightening is that it not only stimulates psionic bombs, but also contains a bunch of deadly venom!"

"I'm afraid, this is the function of the two tumor-like neoplasms next to the psionic box, that is the venom sac!"

Li Yao can fully imagine the purpose of this design.

First of all, using a penetrating and destructive psionic bomb to destroy the target's shield, carapace, and armor, exposing the most fragile interior.

The venom or acid that immediately follows can directly damage the naked people and internal organs!

Regardless of the human race or the monster race, it is considered an extremely vicious weapon!

"Since even the sniper rifle has undergone such a transformation, the assault rifle with a simpler structure must have undergone the same transformation a long time ago."

"The Youfu Army, which is full of demon pill, is already very tricky. If they were all equipped with such powerful weapons, it would be unthinkable!"

Li Yao secretly kept the performance parameters of this "biochemical sniper rifle" in mind, and drove the Xiaolong away on tiptoe.

In the second test field, there is a strong man of the Youfu Army with a big cow and a big horse. He is surrounded by dozens of bullet chains all over his body, and the bullet chains are covered with scarlet palm thunder.

Li Yao noticed that his neck was as thick as a tree trunk, and he was wearing a special collar with a special dark red potion stored in the collar.


The fine needle inside the collar gently pierced the neck of the Youfu Army, and the dark red medicine was all injected into the body.


This Youfu Army broke out with a terrifying roar, and his skin was cracked, and from under the crimson skin, a strong flame surged out!

He quickly became a fire demon three to four meters high. The flames changed from red to white, and the temperature became higher and higher, like a tuft of molten steel!

The strange thing is that in such a high temperature, this Youfu Army didn't even die, but instead rushed towards a heavy spar chariot that served as a target.

And this heavy spar chariot, under the remote control of the staff nearby, roared with full force, and rushed towards him!


The Youfu Arms Demon is like a crazy rhinoceros. Every step it makes a deep footprint on the ground, its speed reaches its limit, like a rambling meteor, holding the heavy spar chariot abruptly. The two sides fought for three seconds, and wisps of smoke appeared on the buttocks of the heavy spar chariot, and he was actually pushed out!


The Youfu Arms Demon leaped up, his hands seemed to have turned into two flaming sabers, piercing the reactive armor of the spar chariot fiercely.

Under the scorching heat of the flames, the reactive armor was like a piece of paper, and it exploded and torn easily by him, exposing a hole the size of a basin.

The strong man of Youfu Army took off the seven or eight palm thunders from the bullet chain, threw his brain into the spar chariot, and blocked the hole with his chest.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

The spar chariot jumped up like a spring, and the turret flew up into the sky. The strong man in the Youfu Army was also blasted out dozens of meters away by the powerful impact, but a gulu climbed up. He brushed the gunpowder smoke from his chest and let out a deep laugh.

"Such a monster, as long as it has one, can cause great trouble to an armored battalion in the Federation. Even if this armored battalion has its own battalion cultivator, it is extremely difficult to deal with it."

"If it is used to attack fixed firepower points and destroy the city, such monsters will be even sharper. It is impossible to have a cultivator in every firepower point, right?"

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