40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 938: Test body!

What entangled Li Yao most was not the strength of this Youfu Army, but the reinforced collar he wore on his neck.

Li Yao saw that in the research room separated by a transparent crystal wall, dozens of collars of the same style were placed on the display shelf, and dozens of different colors of strengthening potions were next to them.

Strengthening potions and collars can be combined freely. In addition to the crimson potions, there are also light gray, dark purple, dark blue and so on. Each potion emits a magical luster and rippling with a strong aura.

In other words, this kind of strengthened collar is very likely to not only stimulate fire supernatural powers, but also dozens of different supernatural powers such as frost, poison, corrosion and so on.

"If all the Youfu Army are wearing reinforced collars of different nature, coupled with the'biochemical firearms', its strength will absolutely sweep any main battle group in the Federation!"

The Xiaolong passed by over dozens of research rooms and weapons testing grounds one by one, and Li Yao was more shocked as he watched.

The strength of the ancestor Youquan is far beyond his imagination. His so-called "the rise of the third life form" is indeed not a dream, but a terrifying future that is very likely to happen!

In the passage ahead, there were a few exhausted Youfu Army who had just finished the test.

They are walking towards the lifting platform at the end of the passage.

Li Yao moved in his heart, following these Youfu Army and getting into the lifting platform.

On the console of the lifting platform was a detection symbol array. A Youfu army placed his right hand on the detection symbol array. A burst of light red mysterious light swept across and turned green before the lifting platform slowly started.

Judging from the sparkle of the spar engraved on the lifting platform, the scale of "You Mansion" is extremely large, and this building alone has dozens of floors.

They were on the third floor underground, but now they are on the twelfth floor underground.

The twelfth floor underground is a huge training camp. Hundreds of Youfu Army practice high-intensity training here. Even the soldiers of the Youfu Army with only three or five demon pills inlaid will be on their wrists. , Hundreds of kilograms of weight are tied to the ankles and practice under three to five times the gravity.

Even so, their boxing power often reached thousands of kilograms.

When their demon pill burst into a strong light, they can even break through the speed of sound with a single punch, bursting out tens of thousands of kilograms of power, and completely penetrate a steel plate with a thick palm!

Such power made Li Yao smack secretly.

Perhaps the newly formed full crystal armor battle group of the Star Federation can contend with it, but for the same reason, the Youfu Army will inevitably be equipped with biochemical beasts!

Several Youfu troops entered a dark room next to the training camp.

The temperature in the dark room was extremely low, and there was dead silence, like a grand cemetery, surrounded by a faint icy mist, there were thousands of deep sleep cabins of different sizes.

"This is... the military deep sleep capsule of the Star Federation, but it has also undergone the same biochemical transformation, with many unexplained blood vessels, biochemical brains and vegetation added to it!"

The four Youfu Army found their own deep sleep cabin and lay down. On the light curtain on the surface of the sleep cabin, the numbers and runes changed rapidly. Looking in through the crystal observation hole, the inside was quickly filled with blue gas. , Frost flowers appeared on the eyelashes and nose tips of the four Youfu Army soldiers, and they immediately entered a state of extremely low temperature hibernation.

"Understood, through modification, these deep sleep cabins all have an effect similar to'hibernation'."

"But why?"

Li Yao tapped his head lightly, thoughtfully, "Yes, after all, the demon pill is an extremely unstable psionic polymer, and it will leak or explode if it is careless. It must enter the hibernation state every once in a while. , To stabilize the psychic energy in the demon pill!"

"There are a total of 505 sets of deep sleep cabins, but it should not be the only camp of the Youfu Army. There seem to be two or three similar camps next to them, and there should be on each floor."

"It is preliminary estimated that the total strength of the Youfu Army should be around 5,000, which is more in line with the size of a secret army. No matter how large the number, the supply of materials on the Arctic Yinfeng Island will be too large, which will increase the possibility of exposure. Sex."

Li Yao faintly had a toothache.

The individual strength of the Youfu Army is far superior to that of the Taixu Warriors, and it has a variety of terrifying biochemical magic weapons. Moreover, the Youfu Army is a smart creature with autonomous consciousness. There is no such thing as a command center being destroyed. The possibility of disarming and surrendering.

No matter how much he can fight, dozens or a hundred are the limit, and it is absolutely impossible to kill all the 5,000 Youfu troops.

What's more, there are "crazy doctor" Lu Wuxin, a master of the Demon Emperor series, and the commanders of the two quasi Demon Emperor series, Hei Ba and Maelstrom.

Moreover, Ancestor Youquan might still be here, leaving behind some secret weapon.

"This battle is more complicated than the previous battle against Xiao Xuance!"


Li Yao's eyes turned, and he manipulated the Xiaolong to make a circle over the rest area of ​​the Youfu Army, especially following the various pipelines of the deep sleep cabin, following the vines, and found the end of all the pipelines.

Each deep sleep cabin is plugged into dozens of pipelines for different purposes, some of which are responsible for inputting psionic energy into it, while others are responsible for inputting high-energy nutrients into it, so that the users of the sleeping cabin can be all in their sleep. Can be cultivated, and body functions can be restored instantly.

More importantly, there is a crystal wire that connects these deep sleep chambers with the master crystal brain.

Unsurprisingly, the lines extending from each deep sleep cabin are finally condensed together, leading to deeper underground.

"In this secret base of Old Ancestor Youquan, a lot of magic weapons from the Xingyao Federation are used, so besides the biochemical brain, he must have a very high-level master crystal brain with super computing power!"

"These deep sleep cabins are all controlled by the master crystal brain!"

"Assuming that this base adopts a ‘dual-core control’ method. If a biochemical brain and a crystal brain are controlled in parallel, they will not be too far apart, and they are likely to be installed together.”

"As long as you find these two'brains,' you can control the entire'You Mansion' and dig out all the bezoar and dog treasures of the ancestors of Youquan!"

It's a pity that the crystal line and the pipeline are tightly closed, and even a small gap is blocked by biochemical nerves, and the Xiaolong can't get into it at all.

Li Yao secretly memorized all the crystal line layouts in the sleeping area, driving the Xiaolong to continue to wait outside the lifting platform door, taking advantage of a few Youfu Army to enter the lifting platform, up and down with them.

In this way, Li Yao spent several hours walking around most of the building.

The building is in the shape of a pyramid, and it gets bigger as it goes down, and only the tip of the iceberg is exposed.

The top few floors are the barracks of the Youfu Army, and down is a large test area and weapon test area. The torture room where the Fire Ant King is held is also set up here.

Next are the barracks and deep sleeping areas of the Youfu Army on several floors, and below is the biochemical beast warehouse.

The Thunder Python that Li Yao hid was stored here.

And below the biochemical war beast warehouse, there is another large-scale, highly confidential test area.

This is like a lifeless prison. On both sides of the cold corridor are independent prisons, sealed with solid crystal glass. The crystal glass is often reinforced with cross steel beams, and the steel beams are engraved with dense lightning. Fu Zhen seemed very afraid of the prisoners inside to escape.

In several consecutive prisons, there were people who were sitting or lying down with gray skin, black eyeballs, and melting pupils.

There are both standard humans and monster races with distinctive characteristics.

Both the human race and the demon race were lifeless, staying still for a long time, and there was no ups and downs in their chests, which made Li Yao wonder if they were already dead.

Several demon races wearing white robes stood outside and pointed, burying their heads in record.


At this moment, the door of the lifting platform opened again, and "crazy doctor" Lu Wuxin strode in, with a relaxed and happy expression on his face.

Li Yao was startled slightly. Calculating the time, Lu Wuxin should have completed the first torture of the Fire Ant King.

I hope that the fire ant king's nerves are strong enough to survive it!

"Show me the combat status of Test Body 66778."

Lu Wuxin didn't talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly to a white-robed demon race.

Subject 66778 is a human with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Next to his left eye, there was a scimitar tattoo around the eye socket. Li Yao knew that this was a popular tattoo in the Starry Federation army, representing that this human being was an expert with swords.

However, the man's face was gray and covered with corpses, and he did not breathe for more than half an hour.

More importantly, there was a big hole in his left chest, and he could directly see his back, so he could not die anymore.

Li Yao's fists were clenched and tightened.

Even if he died, he did not want a Union soldier to be so insulted by the enemy!

Above the cell, an iron cage was slowly hung down. The restrictions around the iron cage had just been removed. With a "bang", the barbed wire was torn apart, and a canine monster with a scorpion venomous tail sprang out.

"Scorpion wolf!"

Li Yao recognized at a glance that the scorpion wolf is not a very high-level monster, but it is extremely fast, the scorpion tail is very poisonous, and it is very alert, which is quite difficult.

The scorpion wolf is a kind of scavenger beast. Seeing a corpse curled up in the corner, his eyes lighted up and he barked twice before rushing towards the corpse of the EFF soldier.

Unexpectedly, at the moment the scorpion wolf jumped up, the Federal Army soldier's black eyeballs suddenly seemed to be injected with scarlet venom, and his body suddenly bounced up in a stiff posture!


The EFF soldier's mouth split to the base of his ears, and his jaw was pulled to his chest. A cloud of poisonous mist spurted from the depths of his throat, condensed into a beam of bright red light, and instantly penetrated the scorpion wolf from head to tail.

The scorpion wolf, known for his agility, was too late to dodge and died on the spot!

However, after completing this blow, the EFF soldier also seemed to have exhausted the last drop of power in the cell, and the body withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, especially the abdomen, which was sunken like a whirlpool, falling on its back, and the body quickly foamed.化.

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