40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 951: Show up again? (Fourth!)


A head of tens of meters high, covered with dark golden long hair, roared like a wild giant elephant, its sturdy and powerful four feet trampled fiercely, blasting a wave of invisible air on the ice field.

Dozens of prisoners were shaken by the air wave, and the rudimentary battle formation collapsed instantly!

The prehistoric giant elephant is like entering the land of no one, ramming among the captives, and its thick and powerful nose is like a whistling meteor hammer. However, all the captives that are rubbed by it will be broken and broken, and they will be burned!

With the giant elephant as the arrow, the heavily armored Youfu Army is advancing in an orderly manner like a steel city wall.

Any captive who tried to hit this steel line of defense in vain was like a wave hitting the coast, no matter how powerful it was, he was beaten back severely!

As more and more Youfu Army appeared around the prisoner-of-war camp through the teleportation array, forming black squares, and the black squares built a black wall with each other, and the space for the prisoners to be compressed became smaller and smaller!

After all, they had just experienced the bombardment of a high-voltage arc more than ten minutes ago, all of them were bruised and bruised, their physical energy was exhausted, and they didn’t have too many weapons to take advantage of. They didn’t have a tacit understanding of their cooperation. The courage is fighting.

When the Brigade Youfu Army assembled into a severe battle formation and appeared in their field of vision, it almost declared the failure of this treason frenzy.

And they almost numbly waved their arms and minions, and they were not fighting for a way out, but a vigorous death!

In mid-air, a behemoth slowly appeared, casting a shadow of despair on them.

A monster battleship flew over the captive camp!

Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba and Maelstrom, the three Youfu commanders, stood on the bridge, coldly staring at the violent tide below.

"Stun Beetle, cast! Hei Ba waved his hand fiercely.

"Puff puff!"

Below the demon warship, dozens of wet, dark spheres spewed out of the genital cavity-like pipe, which fell like a bomb to the sky above the prison camp, and exploded suddenly at a distance of more than ten meters from the ground. But there are some black beetles that look a little like crabs.

The wings of these beetles vibrated rapidly, stimulating ultrasonic waves that cannot be heard by human ears, but have serious effects on the central nervous system.

At the same time, their translucent abdomen was rapidly changing with red and green demon lights, stimulating the optic nerves of all the captives!

Ultrasound and colorful monsters can cause severe dizziness to creatures!

The Youfu Army had been prepared long ago. They all wore special protective chips on their eyeballs and special earmuffs on their ears.

Within the attack range of the Vertigo Beetle, many of the weaker prisoners swayed as if they were drunk, even kneeling on the ground, vomiting and losing their combat power.

"Slimy Beetle, cast it! The Black Lord said coldly again.

"Puff puff!"

This time, it was a batch of light blue beetles. They were about the size of a crystal magnetic ball, and the number skyrocketed to several hundred. After spreading their wings at low altitude, they automatically flew to the place where the prisoners were the most concentrated, "Papa Papa" It exploded several times, sputtering a thick liquid like yogurt!

Under the freezing cold wind, these liquids instantly solidified, and many prisoners were firmly stuck.

Even if a prisoner reluctantly tore the "yogurt" apart, they would pull out a single "silk thread", making the movement muddy and severely deformed.

The captive’s blood was about to be blown away by the cold wind. Under the suppression of the monster warship, the momentum was reduced to the extreme.

"The enemy has lost hope and has become a bunch of madmen who want to die."

Hei Ba keenly read the subtle changes in the battle situation.

"Take your time, try to minimize the casualties." Lu Wuxin sighed as he looked at the big hole in the ground in front of the prison camp.

This happened, no matter how beautiful the crackdown was, he couldn't get the least madness.


On the ice sheet, Han Tuhu, Suo Chaolong, and Yuchiba also knew that the situation was over. Instead of frustrating, they seemed to be back to light. The fighting spirit permeated from every pore, like a violent volcano, to be the brightest. All of his lives bloom, burn, and explode!

Since there is no way ahead, there is only one thing they can do.

Kill one is enough, kill two and earn one!



"Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!"

Han Tuhu was completely crazy, his minions and bone tails were covered with meat and blood. He no longer looked like Yasha, but the ancestor of Yasha! Even the Red Star Medal in the center of the field hat looks like it was condensed with blood, shining brightly, and a flood dragon would burst out of it at any time!

"Stand up, stand up, stand up for my mother, continue to kill, kill them all!"

Han Tuhu laughed, "Warriors of the Federation Army, we should be proud! We are the first batch of Federation soldiers in the blood demon world in 500 years to be so vigorous and slaughter in all directions! When our blood brings this piece of The ice sheet melted, and our souls returned to our hometown. Even if we meet the old people who established the Federation, we can brag with them with our heads high!"


Suo Chaolong was beside him, his blond hair was dyed red with blood, and his eyes were red. He already had six or seven flying swords and sabers stuck in his body. He was still rushing in with blood and blood.

"Dang Cang!"

In a match, the fangs war knife in his hand broke off. Without blinking his eyelashes, he drew a flying sword from his chest with his backhand, and directly inserted it into the heart of the opposing Youfu Army, squeezing his entire arm. They both pierced the opponent's chest, and instantly kicked a demon captive's ass, "Get up, continue to fight!"

"Have you seen, those hairless monkeys are flaunting their might under our noses. They all show off the bravery and courage of the Silver-Blooded Demon Race, let them see what a real battle is!"


The two of them, like spiny tops, threw themselves into the camp of the Youfu Army again and again, and then cleared the surrounding area. Unexpectedly, their moves were too powerful, and they chose the most dense Youfu Army. In this place, the swords of the two men were cut to the head of the same Youfu Army, and after splitting the hapless Tianling Cap, they collided together!

Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong looked at each other fiercely.

"Han Tuhu!"

Suo Chaolong's eyes rolled with the hot blood flames, "In the soft-handed armies of your Star Federation, that is, your'Flying Tiger Group', it can still make Lao Tzu a little bit of energy! The last time we were fighting, it ended up being disturbed by these craps. It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to fight you again! If you fight again, I will definitely take you to the whole group, not leaving one, and eating all of them. of!"

"You want to fight, I will accompany you!"

Han Tuhu drew a flying sword from under his ribs and turned it into an arc-winding white light, passing by Suo Chaolong’s ears, and nailing back a Youfu army who flew up behind him, "I can’t live. If we fight again, we will wait for death and become ghosts. Let's go to Jiuyou Huangquan and fight again!"

"We will not die!"

Although the Chaos Blade warrior under the command of Yuchiba was smashed to pieces, their mental state was the best of the three teams. Because of the explosion in the ground just now, they deeply felt the power of the Chaos God.

Yuchiba yelled, "Warriors of Chaos Blade, the Chaos God has shown its power just now, and now it's our turn to show our determination! Let these guys see that we are the Chaos God. The sharp blade, what a brilliant edge can it excite!"

Suo Chaolong rolled his eyes, and compared with the Federal Army, he disliked these "traitors" who were babbling inside the monster race.

Yuchiba laughed as he swung his knife, "Suo Chaolong, haven't you seen the power of the Great Chaos God clearly? Didn't you just say that as long as the Great Chaos God appears, you will become a believer of the Great Chaos God?"

Suo Chao Longshi blushed, and stalked his neck and said, "How can it count, but it happened that the ancient formation that fell into disrepair 40 thousand years ago was in disrepair and blew up! Why should I believe it, what chaos manifestation is that? Huh, if such an explosion can happen again, then it will be considered—"

Suo Chaolong stopped talking, curled up into a cat-sized mass, and dodged the attack of two Youfu army in a dangerous way. Then he bounced his body abruptly, and the sharp blade drew a nearly perfect arc. , Flashed past the necks of the two Youfu Army!

"That's it, Chaos Appears!"

Suo Chaolong licked the blood beads on the blade, moistened his frozen tongue with blood, and finished the second half of the sentence.

After saying this, he looked around nervously.

The surroundings were still shouting to kill. The brave performance of several of their masters could not restore the overall decline. Many prisoners were beaten back to the ground, and the ground was almost filled with the black of the Youfu Army.


Suo Chaolong smiled, and laughed a little sadly, "No gods will come to save us, whether it is the gods of the monster race, the gods of the human race, or the chaos gods you believe in, all of them are useless. After all, we cannot escape death!"

"However, being able to mix in such a way of death is already worth--"

So Chaolong bit his tongue hard for the second time.

He, Han Tuhu, Yu Chiba, as well as countless prisoners and Youfu Army, were all shocked into the air.

This second is extremely long in mid-air, and they are like bugs frozen in amber.

From a distance, in the southern part of the isolated island, big rocks bounced into the air like a sky-sweeping monkey, turning into rubble, and the goddess scattered flowers.

Thick billowing smoke, condensed into a mushroom shape, rose slowly, like a volcano that has been sleeping for thousands of years, awakening in this second.

Then, I heard a loud noise like a dam collapse and a flood rushing out from the depths of the earth!

Han Tuhu: "..."

Suo Chaolong: "..."

Yuchiba: "Suo, Suo Chaolong, are you sure that you are really not an extremely pious chaos believer?"


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