40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 952: All looted!

"Ahem! Ahem!"

The floor where the torture room was located was like a hurricane, and it was ransacked by magma again. A third of the floor slab collapsed directly. The countless Youfu army turned into coke before they even screamed, and the coke was at 0.1 second. It burned to ashes, and the ashes were blown in all directions by the impact, completely, and wiped out!

Even the still alive Youfu Army was severely hit by the shock wave and suffered serious internal injuries, like a marine fish that had just floated rapidly from the deep sea. The body expanded rapidly, and drops of blood leaked from the pores, and the brain was even more troublesome. It oscillates back and forth at high speed in the skull, "buzzing" non-stop!

Li Yao and Fire Ant King coughed loudly and got up from the ground. They looked at each other and found that each other had turned into black charcoal. Where is there a little bit of Yuan Ying and Demon Sovereign demeanor?


Regardless of complaints, the Fire Ant King knew that time was pressing, and Lu Wuxin and others would lead the Youfu Army's main force back to help at any time. Every second is extremely precious!

"call out!"

The two turned into two streamers and rushed to the original location of the torture room.

This place is like a steelmaking furnace that has just exploded, with a high temperature of thousands of degrees, and all the materials have melted into crystal clear glass.

The two of them looked down along the edge of the collapse. The floor slabs below a dozen floors were completely penetrated, as if a deep inverted cone-shaped well was drilled on the ground. They couldn't see to the bottom, but only heard a sorrowful sound from below. Screaming, as if this cave is the entrance of Jiuyou Huangquan!

Glancing at each other, the two of them jumped down at the same time, speeding to the limit!

Even if it is really Huangquan, they have to fight happily!

As far as his eyes could reach, the Youfu Army in almost every layer was deeply shocked by the explosion, shaking his head.

Li Yao took the opportunity to shoot out a large number of spar bombs and smoke bombs from Qiankun Ring. For a time, the entire "You Mansion" was smoggy, and the sight of the You Mansion Army was seriously disturbed, and the spar bombs continued to explode. It exploded countless building materials and turned them into ruins, completely sealing the holes that penetrated the floor.

Although these ruins are not solid, it will take a lot of time to find the holes buried under the ruins after the other party reacts!

Li Yao and Fire Ant King broke into the nineteenth floor!

After Li Yao's all-round surveying and accurate calculation of the entire "Youfu", the distance of the explosion was very successful. The ground-penetrating bomb just broke out when it reached the 18th floor of the floor, and it was extremely high-speed. The flow of metal, like a meteorite whizzing, completely penetrated the defensive talisman array, and blasted a hole the size of a basin.

For the super masters like Li Yao and Fire Ant King, who can control the muscles and bones of their bodies at will, such holes are enough!

More perfect, the strong shock from the ground-burrowing bomb caused all the Youfu army on the upper and lower floors to be seriously injured, the brain shook at high speed, the internal organs were overwhelmed by the river and the sea, temporarily losing their combat effectiveness!

The elite of the Youfu Army, including Lu Wuxin, Heiba, and Maelstrom, were all attracted by the captive riots. How could they have imagined that there would be a dangerous figure like Li Yao who has been hiding in the depths of the "Youfu", and he has a way to solve it. Open "Dragon Eroding Bone Piercing Heart Lock"?

In the control center at this moment, most of the operators of biochemical brains and crystal brains, even if they were not killed by the shock wave, in the eyes of powerhouses such as Li Yao and Fire Ant King, their combat effectiveness was almost zero.

The few Demon King level masters, who were still dizzy for a few seconds, became their primary target of attack!

"Huh! Huh!"

Li Yao and Fire Ant King, turned into two red lights, in the huge control center, drew a sorrowful death line, most of the Youfu army had not reacted, they were killed by the two!

Ten seconds later, there was dead silence in the control center!

The two of them took a breath and looked at the brain and heart of "Youfu".

Because a large number of crystal brains and biochemical brains are stored, a huge space for heat dissipation is needed, and it is like a special temple.

In the center is a biochemical main brain with a diameter of more than 20 meters. It is simply a towering meat mountain. Numerous biochemical nerves are dragged out from the depths of the brain, connected to a small biochemical brain, and then from the small biochemical brain. Extend the finer biochemical nerves and connect them to the brains of the operators of the Youfu Army.

On the outside of the biochemical brain, a circle of crystal brains surrounds it, stimulating hundreds of light curtains, which play a role in assisting management.

Outside the control center, there were rapid footsteps and the sound of swords.

A large number of Youfu army guarding the outside finally reacted from the strong shock, heard the screams in the control center, and hurried to rescue!

The fire ant king swept to the top of the biochemical master's brain, and his sturdy tail flicked back and forth, and a bone spur protruded from the tip of the tail, and it suddenly pierced into the biochemical master's brain!

"Take a walk! Go for a walk!"

He seemed to be drawing something from the biochemical main brain, and it was as if he was injecting something deep into the biochemical main brain. While communicating with the biochemical main brain, he shouted: "I am invading this biochemical main brain, trying to temporarily control the whole Can you withstand the defense system of the'You Mansion' for one minute? If not, thirty seconds!"

Li Yao aimed at the open door of the control center, took a deep breath, knelt on one knee, his left arm suddenly swelled to three times its original size, his entire arm was burning, and the crystal in his palm was like the rising sun. With a low growl, a "Cell Annihilation Cannon" blasted out wildly!

The dozens of Youfu army who were about to rush into the gate were pierced by him instantly, and the Cell Annihilation Cannon continued to advance, and a violent explosion occurred outside the gate!

"what did you say?"

Li Yao just focused on stimulating the "Cell Annihilation Cannon", and did not pay attention to the fire ant king's cry.

Fire Ant King: "...It's okay, go on!"

"Chichi! Chichi!"

His tail is inserted deeper and deeper into the biochemical master brain, and the biochemical master brain trembles more and more fiercely. It seems that a thrilling secret battle is going on on a level invisible to the naked eye.

After a while, the Fire Ant King cursed and said: "I'm almost about to break the defense of the biochemical mastermind, but it also uses the computing power of the surrounding crystal brains to set more than a dozen new restrictions!"

"Do you know how to break the crystal brain prohibition?"

Li Yao flew a kick and kicked a Youfu army who was as huge as a hippo, and by the way, hung three spar bombs in the gaps in the opponent's armor with his toes.

This Youfu Army first smashed the three or four Youfu Army behind him like a cannonball, and rolled to the narrowest doorway, where the Youfu Army was the densest place, and exploded!

Li Yao glanced around the biochemical main brain with the light, all the crystal brain models, layouts and the orientation of the transistors, again raised his left hand flatly, seven consecutive precise shots of the "Cell Annihilation Cannon", exploding seven crystal brains into powder !

Li Yao: "Understand a little."

Fire Ant King: "...really, really solved!"

Ten seconds later, the Fire Ant King temporarily controlled the defense system of "Youfu"!

Above the main passage, an iron gate weighing tens of tons fell, and hundreds of defensive amulets shone at the same time and merged together!

This is the control center, the highest level of security mode. It can only be used when the "You Mansion" is under a large-scale attack. Once it is turned on, it will take at least ten or twenty minutes even if the Demon Emperor is bombarding it outside. In order to explode the defensive talisman array.

Now, the only hole is the hole in the ceiling.

However, such a small hole can only accommodate one person at a time. Whoever dares to come in from here really took the initiative to give away Li Yao and the Fire Ant King.


The Fire Ant King laughed, "It turns out that there are still several teleportation formations that can lead to all directions of the island, including the docks where the monster warships are anchored!"

"Of course."

Li Yao said, "In case of a large-scale attack, the important people in the control center must find a way to escape. It is impossible to stay here and be caught in a urn. Of course, a secret teleportation formation must be set up here!"

The Fire Ant King eagerly said: "Very well, in the next ten minutes, this control center will completely belong to us!"

He closed his eyes and once again concentrated on invading the depths of the biochemical mastermind, looking for the most secret plans and information of the ancestor Youquan.

Li Yao's eyes shone, looking at dozens of high-level crystal brains around him.

"Guangwu-9, Haiyan-7, Athlon-4, Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk, are all super-class crystal brain models of the Star Federation, and they are all things that are qualified to be equipped by large sects and crystal armor refining centers!"

"Hey, what model is this? "Light Magic-3"?"

"I remember this is the main control crystal brain used in several large war bases of the Federal Army. It is highly classified by the Federal Army. Moreover, when I left the Federation ten years ago, I had just reached the ‘Light and Magic-2’ type, right?"

"Ancestor Youquan really has hands and eyes open to the sky, even such a high-level master crystal brain can get it!"

"By the way, the'poisonous scorpion piercing heart lock' refined by Jiang Shaoyang is also a magic weapon of the'Heavy Weapon of the Country' level, and from the perspective of the polishing of the key chips, it is all made by Jiang Shaoyang himself, and it is absolutely impossible to mass produce. , So he will refine a few or a dozen sets at most, right?"

"Old Ancestor Youquan, he can get one of them, how did he do it?"

This is not a good time to dig into the roots. As an avid fan of crystal brains, with so many crystal brains of the highest level of the Star Federation in front of him, there is only one word that Li Yao can do.


Throwing away the cheeks and the back teeth, what is the wind and stubborn cloud, what is the locust crossing the border without a blade of grass, Li Yao took out all the rings of the universe, but all the smaller crystal brains will be swallowed whole, if it is larger in size The big master crystal brain will disassemble the most critical computing chips and storage chips and pack them away!

Suddenly, the ancestors of Youquan worked hard for more than ten years, and all the super-high-level crystal brains that it took so much effort and resources to get were all looted by Li Yao!

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