Looking at the empty control center, Li Yao's mood was so refreshed that he flew up. He placed a lot of insidious spar bombs in the remains of the master crystal brain that could not be dismantled and taken away, to ensure that even half of the heat dissipation talisman array was not available. Will be left to Youquan ancestor, only then turned around to check the situation of the fire ant king.

The fire ant king's tail became thicker and thicker, like a round watermelon, pouring into his body from the biochemical master's brain.

Finally, the biochemical mastermind trembles, and at the "prefrontal lobe", a light gray, egg-like ball is highlighted.

"Get it!"

Li Yao lifted his spirits. He knew that the structure of the biochemical brain and the crystalline brain were different. They were composed of biochemical "units" with different functions, and this gray "egg" was the memory and storage unit of the biochemical brain!

A lot of secrets and information in "Youfu" are stored in this unit!

"Let's go!"

Li Yao shouted at the Fire Ant King.

The bombardment outside the defensive talisman array became more and more fierce, and there was also the sound of some kind of drill-shaped magic weapon continuously drilling. Li Yao extended his divine mind through the hole in the ceiling and felt that at least hundreds of Youfu army gathered outside. , And more people are coming one after another.

"hold on!"

The fire ant king sucked the memory unit of the biochemical main brain into his palm, but did not pull out his tail. Instead, he continued to half-squint his eyes to communicate deeply with the biochemical main brain.

"What are you doing?" Li Yao was puzzled.

"I was communicating with the demonized plants outside the captive camp, trying to control them."

The Fire Ant King faintly said, with a somewhat ethereal voice, as if it was coming from a very distant place, "These demonized plants are a certain frost variant of'Storm Flower'. They will blast out spores with extremely strong frost psychic powers. The deadliest air defense weapon!"

"Among the captives, many people have the ability to fly. Ancestor Youquan set up a circle of frost storm flowers outside the captive camp, presumably to prevent them from escaping from the air, right?"

"But now, what is parked in mid-air is a monster battleship!"

Li Yao was startled slightly and saw the situation in the northern part of the island from the surveillance picture.

As he and the Fire Ant King wreak havoc in the depths of the "You Mansion", the elites of the You Mansion Army seemed to be a little lost. I don't know whether to suppress the prisoners' riots first, or to return to the "You Mansion" with all their strength.

The monster warship has been suspended in mid-air, but the bow of the ship has been turned to the direction of "Youfu".

The spirit of the fire ant king penetrated into the depths of the biochemical master brain through the nerves in the tail, and through the shock and increase of the biochemical master brain, followed the biochemical nerves to the demonized plant "Frost Storm Flower" in the northern part of the island, rushing towards the demonized plant "Frost Storm Flower" in the north of the island. If you merge with these demonized plants!

Li Yao was surprised: "Can you control these demonized plants?"

Fire Ant King smiled: "You forgot, who am I?"

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered when he first arrived in Chaozhou City, he saw a large swath of demonized plant communities.

Fire Ant King was originally the master of the entire blood demon world, the best at cultivating demonized plants, and now he has invaded the biochemical mastermind. It is easy to manipulate this small piece of Frost Storm Flower!


Over the captive camp and inside the monster battleship, Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba, and Maelstrom's expressions were ugly.

"A huge explosion occurred in the Youfu, the new weapon test field was completely destroyed, several floors below were penetrated, and there were heavy casualties!"

"The center of the explosion is the torture room where the Fire Ant King is located!"

"No, the control center was invaded, and the communication between us and the control center was cut off!"

"The control center has activated the highest level of defense mode. We were blocked outside and couldn't get in for a while!"

The bad news came one after another, like nails covered with rust, nailed to the three people's foreheads one by one.

The most terrible thing is that until this moment, the three of them have not figured out what happened!

At first, Lu Wuxin thought it was the poisonous scorpion on the fire ant king who had exploded.

However, this kind of imprisonment magic weapon explosion is by no means so powerful!

When news came that the control center was invaded, he was even more thunderous, and immediately wanted to return for help.

However, the second explosion of the swaying mountain was like a shot of super stimulant for the prisoners of the riot. Not only did the Chaos Blade warriors charge undauntedly, the other demon races and the EFF prisoners also "aow wailing." "Scream, Killing God possesses!"

On the other hand, on the side of Youfu Army, the morale dropped to the bottom in an instant!

If the first explosion can be explained by coincidence, then the second explosion proved 100% that the existence of a mysterious enemy!

What the Youfu Army did here was originally a shameful deed, and his secrets are very likely to be exposed. This psychological blow is almost fatal!

The black city wall, which was originally as hard as iron, gradually appeared gaps and flaws. Many Youfu Army's movements were obviously slowed down, and they turned their heads frequently, trying to find more clues from the twisted mushroom cloud above the "Youfu".

People with a little bit of military knowledge can see that if the order to "retire" is issued at this moment, the entire Youfu Army is very likely to collapse!

Lu Wuxin gasped "huhhhhhhhhhh", every centipede-like scar on his face jumped up, his expression becoming more and more ferocious.

"I go!"

The black bully stood up suddenly, "I will take my direct squadron and go back to solve the trouble in the'You Mansion'!"

"and many more!"

Maelstrom suddenly stopped him, "Don't go! Now no one knows what happened in'Youfu'!"

"Since the other party invaded the control center and cut off our contact, it must have taken over the entire defense system!"

"All the passages in the Youfu must have been closed, and all the lifting platforms have also stopped operating. How long will it take for you to enter the control center rashly?"

"What's more, do you know what level of master the opponent is to make such a big mess? Only by joining hands can you exert the strongest combat power. You are alone and you just go in and die!"

"Aim our main gun at the dock, ready to fire!"

Hei Ba was taken aback: "What?"

The whirlpool sneered, her colorful eyes rippling with strange colors, "No matter who the other party is and what the purpose is, they will eventually face the problem of escaping from the control center. Do you think they will go from the ground to the ground stupidly? ?"

"No, they will definitely find our secret teleportation array set deep in the control center!"

"So, aim at the dock, adjust and shoot Zhu Yuan, and firmly lock the exit of the secret teleportation array!"

"All the acid cannons, gas cannons, and demon light cannons are all prepared. Once the slightest change in the teleportation array is detected, they will be hit hard!"

Hei Ba rolled his eyes and slapped his breastplate: "Awesome, as expected, it caught the opponent's fate!"

"Before the other party causes serious damage, we are destined not to regain the control center. In that case, we can only focus on what is in front of us!"

Whirlpool bit her lip lightly, her seductive face enveloped in a layer of frost, "Let the ground troops inject a larger dose of maddening potion, and at all costs, suppress the prisoner's riot as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry about the prisoner's life anymore, kill, kill, kill!"

"As for the mysterious characters in'You Mansion', unless you plan to hide underground for the rest of your life as a rat, you will definitely get out of the secret teleportation formation, right?"

"Moreover, your goal is definitely to capture the monster battleship, otherwise, you won't be able to escape the island in the middle of the ice sea!"

"Wait, the control center...control...not good!"

Suddenly an expression of desperation appeared on the face of the whirlpool, as if he had been stabbed in the heart.

At the same time, the harsh alarm sounded!

Before everyone could react, the demon warship shrank like a frightened insect, igniting the automatic evasion of supernatural powers, and desperately dodge.

However, it's too close, it's too late!

The monster battleship just hovered over thousands of Froststorm Flowers.

These ugly demonized plants, which are as ugly as the internal organs of fierce beasts, are already in an active state, ready to strike a fatal blow to the captives flying into the air.

Therefore, when a large amount of psychic energy was condensed deep in their torso, the monster warship did not sound an alarm.

Lu Wuxin and others did not notice that the spore ejection ports of all the demonized plants were slightly adjusting the direction and angle.

Thousands of frost storm flowers swelled crazily at the same moment, tearing ice patterns on the surface, and then with a "poof", they sprayed thousands of violent frost spores at the monster battleship that was close at hand!

These spores were originally the essence of their lives. In this way, Storm Flower sprayed its own "seeds" far away, allowing their offspring to continue to multiply on the vast land.

The farther the firing range, the larger the "territory" of the storm flower. Wild storm flowers can eject spores for tens of kilometers. These frost storm flowers, which have been genetically modulated by hundreds of generations, have a range and power that are more powerful than those of a comprehensionist. The sword is not too much.

The demon battleship was caught off guard, and even before the demon energy shield was opened, it was hit by thousands of pale ice streams. The center of the battleship was instantly frozen at extremely low temperature, its strength and toughness were greatly reduced, and it could no longer withstand the weight and pull of the front and rear ends. With a "click" sound, there is a faint sign of breakage!

The biochemical nerves between the bridge and the power unit were also frozen, torn, and shattered by the extreme low temperature. The out-of-control monster warship screamed, spinning, falling from mid-air, impartially, and hitting thousands of people. In the severe battle formed by the Youfu Army.

Dozens of hapless Youfu Army screamed before they could make a scream, they were smashed into meatloaf, and the remaining Youfu Army fled to the west, how could they maintain a strong line of defense?

Han Tuhu, Suo Chaolong and Yuchiba were stunned, staring at each other, looking at the collapsed Youfu Army front, and the monster battleship that "clicked and cracked" in the blue ice mist, like a dream.

Suo Chaolong: "...Again, it's your Chaos Great God who did it again?"

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