40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 954: Xuangu, come on again!

At the same time that the monster battleship fell to the ground, Li Yao and the Fire Ant King appeared next to a huge piece of ice floes through a secret teleportation array.

Ahead is the dock.

At the moment, there was a mess on the pier. A dozen or so guards sparsely looked at the smoky northern part of the island dumbfounded. In the semi-submersible dock, there are three huge monster battleships, like three belly-facing whales. , Was not ready to take off at all.

These guards were naturally not the opponents of the two, and they were quickly cleaned up.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the two of them found the chaos-blade's tracer behind the three monster battleships.

After carrying a large amount of cargo from the tomb of the Chaos God, this tracer has been parked here, and seems to be ready to undergo a series of transformations and be incorporated into the battle sequence of the Youfu Army.

The fire ant king pondered for a moment, but decided to break into the tracer.

Although its level is a few rounds smaller than the other three monster warships, it is more familiar with its own warship after all, not to mention the smaller size means easier operation.

On his own, he is still too reluctant to manipulate a large, unfamiliar battleship.

"You are alone, can't you?"

Li Yao looked at the small black spots that were flying over here not far away, and asked anxiously.

Those were the Youfu Army who rushed to the dock to control the monster battleship.

They must activate the Tracer before these Youfu troops arrive. Once the Tracer is destroyed, it will be in trouble.

"Just insist on flying from here to the captive camp, just a few kilometers, no problem!"

The Fire Ant King gritted his teeth and said, "However, give me a few minutes to activate the Tracer's biochemical mastermind!"

Before the words finished, "Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!" From the cold water, hundreds of monsters, like a mixture of jellyfish and octopus, were drilled. They waved dozens of crimson tentacles with suckers, and they were OK. A strong air current is ejected from the back of the body, which can swim quickly on the bottom of the sea, or fly in mid-air for a short time, sweeping to the surface of the battleship, and firmly adsorbed on it!

These monsters named "Eight-Clawed Barnacles" are guards in the sea of ​​ice. They not only possess strong corrosiveness and piercing ability, but once they have gathered in sufficient numbers, they can also stimulate ultra-high-intensity biological currents against warships. Caused serious interference and greatly reduced the performance of the warship.

The fire ant king's face changed.

After all, their number is too small, and the Fire Ant King himself has to focus on the control of the monster warship, and it is impossible to prevent the enemy's invasion.

Li Yao took a deep breath of cold air, and sneaking into the control center was only the first step. The real battle was to rescue most of the prisoners. The next battle was all tough, and it was impossible to make opportunistic tricks.

"It will take a few minutes for you to start the battleship?"

Fire Ant King thought for a while: "Five minutes!"

"Okay, I'll help you last for five minutes, go!"

The Universe Ring worn on the right **** trembled slightly, and the crystal armor contained in it was already unbearable, hungry and thirsty, like a flying sword that uttered a roar of tigers and dragons in its sheath.

In the past, Li Yao fought alone, surrounded by enemies, and had to hide his identity.

But now, his identity has been seen through by the Fire Ant King, who has made the matter so big, and rescued so many Union Army brothers, it seems unnecessary, and it is impossible to hide it anymore!

Then, have a good time!

In the depths of Li Yao's eyes, surrounded by dark and blood red eyes, strands of golden light swirled quickly, strands of psychic energy fluctuating like invisible flames, permeating from the pores, causing his messy hair to stand up. It started, slowly changing the luster of the hair tips, and surrounded by a "crackling" electric arc.

The Fire Ant King snorted, his expression getting more serious: "No, the other party seems to have dispatched a very powerful master again. This person has brought great pressure to me before he even appeared on the stage, and there is even some kind of pressure. The weird mental attack method invaded my auditory nerves, causing me to faintly have auditory hallucinations, as if I heard a very weird, very violent music!"

"Wait, it's not auditory hallucinations, but there is really a violent sound of music, have you heard it?"

"What a terrible monster Youquan has raised, and it still makes such a terrifying sound—"

The fire ant king's voice stopped abruptly, and his weird gaze fell on Li Yao's belly.

Without changing his face, Li Yao said lightly: "Yes, it came from my stomach."

Fire Ant King: "Why, why do you have music in your stomach?"

Li Yao: "When fighting, I like to play some songs to cheer up!"


"Boom boom boom!"

Among the fragmented wreckage of the monster battleship, the furious Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba and Maelstrom jumped up and suspended in mid-air!

The scene on the ground made them dizzy and almost never fell down again.

Interfered by the fall of the monster battleship, the formation of the Youfu Army was disorganized and messed up, and it was crushed by the imposing prisoners.

More Youfu Army was blocked by the wreckage of battleships in the narrow strip in the middle of the island, unable to come for reinforcements for a while.

For a prisoner, every time you kill a Youfu Army, you can take his weapon, put on his armor, and increase your combat effectiveness exponentially.

And under the roar of the two commanders Suo Chaolong and Han Tuhu, the prisoners' original scattered formation showed signs of recondensing!

Before Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba and Maelstrom reacted, there was a roar from the direction of the southern pier of the island, and the tracer seized from the Chaos Blade jumped into the air, drawing a crooked trajectory at low altitude. Flew towards the captive camp!

Countless eight-clawed barnacles hovered around it, but they were torn into pieces by the lines of fire shot above it.

And the Youfu Army leaped into the sky, trying to break into the Tracer, but it was shot by feather-like black flying knives, so scarred and blood filled the sky!

"No, it's impossible, where did these guys come from!"

Lu Wuxin roared loudly, "How could there be a whole team of people hiding in the'You Mansion' and waiting for an opportunity to seize a battleship?"

"Where are our monster warships? Hurry up and shoot them down!"

Before the words fell, there were two "booms", a violent explosion occurred at the dock, and a small mountain of floating ice flew up in the air, and then fell into the ice sea, and thick black smoke rose into the sky, like a piece of ice. The huge grimace laughed at him in mid-air.

It seemed that no matter whether the remaining three monster battleships were completely damaged, they would definitely not be able to take off for a while.

"Look, there are people on the battleship!"

Maelstrom pointed at the top of the Tracer's bow and exclaimed.

Lu Wuxin and Hei Ba had their eyesight to the limit, and they exclaimed in unison.

Well, what is that!

Could it be--

Above the bow of the Tracer, amidst the harsh wind swept through, Zhuo Li stood a dark black crystal armor like the descending of gods and demons!

Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba, and Maelstrom had never seen such a crystal armor with such a strange appearance and such a powerful aura.

The deep black shell showed a translucent and crystal clear feeling, as if it was polished from the purest black jade, with no gaps in sight.

The surface of the crystal armor, following the direction of the muscle lines, is inlaid with wisps of dark red light patterns, which gather at the joints into a light wheel. In the light wheel, a dark red rune array is shining and blooming. Fairy light.

Six dragon heads painted in the same dark black, from the back of the crystal armor, over the shoulders, stretched forward, in groups of three, forming the left and right shoulder armors. The dragon heads constantly swam, blasting out a breathtaking ball of light. For each Youfu Army that was unfortunately affected by the light ball, annihilation is the only ending.

There is also a stronger metal flood dragon, but it hovered on the right arm of this crystal armor. The sides and forehead of the dragon's head were inlaid with three scarlet crystal marrows, emitting extremely dangerous gloom.

On both sides of the crystal armor, the black wings formed by the condensation of psychic energy extend all the way to dozens of meters away. These wings are not ornaments, but are deadly magic weapons that can be split into pieces of black flying blades at any time. A Youfu Army tore to pieces.

In addition to the sixteen floating three-piece six-tube rotating Vulcan cannons lingering beside this crystal armor, hundreds of lines of fire formed a bullet storm, sweeping the surrounding airspace, and the monsters and Youfu army involved in it. Turn into mashed meat!

This is a crystal armor, it is a fierce battle fortress!

Behind the black crystal armor, a blood-red cloak that was hundreds of meters long left a strong stroke in the dark gray clouds.

This stroke also seemed to have cut six **** wounds in the pupils of Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba, and Uzumaki!

"This, what type of crystal armor is this, why have you never seen it before?"

"Powerful, too powerful, the Youfu army of the demon general rank is cut one by one by him, just like cutting melons and vegetables!"

"Where, where did the music come from? Did I get a mental attack? Is it an auditory hallucination?"

The trio are terrifying!

Han Tuhu, Suo Chaolong, Yuchiba and all the captives also discovered the Tracer flying over in midair.

When they discovered that the Tracer had even mercilessly opened fire on the surrounding Youfu army, they all felt astonished for a moment.

However, in the next second, from the prisoners of the Federal Army, there was a roar like a mountain whistling and a tsunami!

"Crystal armor, it's crystal armor!"

"A powerful cultivator has appeared here!"

Li Yao’s brilliant figure flickered in the depths of their tears, Han Tuhu was even more stunned. He couldn’t figure out why such a powerful cultivator appeared here, and this set of crystal armor was also stunned. what's going on?

As the commander-in-chief of the Federation Army, he is very familiar with the most sophisticated crystal armor of the Star Federation. This type of crystal armor is something he has never seen before. It combines elegance, tyranny and dominance, combining speed and firepower. And the power has been brought to the extreme, and it is almost stronger than the crystal armor used by some Nascent Soul powerhouses.

Of course, the opponent's strong strength, fierce methods, and turbulent aura are completely worthy of this crystal armor!

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