40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 955: Put Wushuang! (Fourth!)

"Who is he?"

Han Tuhu wanted to break his head, and couldn't think of such a crystal armor in the Xingyao Federation, and such a Nascent Soul!

But at the moment, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is-


Han Tuhu laughed, marching forward, brandishing a knife, bloody, like a broken bamboo!

For a time, the situation was completely reversed, and many captives not only seized the weapons and armor of the Youfu Army, but also several biochemical beasts.

More importantly, under Li Yao's crazy firepower, the Tracer broke through the barriers and broke into the prison camp!

All hatches are open!

"Evacuate now!"

Li Yao's voice, like rolling thunder, came from mid-air, "Among the Chaos Blade warriors, those who can control the Tracer get on the ship first and control the weapon system!"

"The rest, hold on to the front and step back!"

Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba, and Maelstrom burned in the air, no longer caring about the formation, led hundreds of guards, swept into the air, and attacked the Tracer: "Stop them!"

"Only you?"

Li Yao shot out angrily from the Tracer and swept in front of hundreds of elites of the Youfu Army. The psionic wings stretched to the limit, like two big hands, firmly blocking each other. The bright red cloak hunted and shot into the sky. It turned into a flame that burned through the sky!

The powerful aura formed a heavy aura within a radius of several hundred meters, making the thin air seem to have turned into stagnant sea water.

Just a few words made many Youfu's elite snorted, feeling numb on their scalp, like sitting on pins and needles.

In the depths of the dantian, the trembling sound from around the golden core is more like a heavy drum beat, blasting in the depths of their hearts!

This is the true power of the ultimate golden core!

"I said, can you go there?"

The surface of the helmet of the black bone battle armor is smooth as a mirror, with four rows of scarlet crystal eyes distributed in a diamond-shaped pattern, concealing the existence of the eyes, making Li Yao even more unpredictable.

This sentence seemed to come from the back of every You Mansion Army's head, even if it was a master like Hei Ba and Maelstrom, they couldn't help but shudder coldly.

"He, who is he!"

"There is such a terrifying master among the Nascent Souls of the Star Federation!"

Behind Li Yao, a large number of Chaos Blade warriors rushed into the Tracer smoothly.

And the Federal Army and Yaozu prisoners also changed their formations and prepared to retreat!

Lu Wuxin gritted his teeth and shouted wildly, "Even Yuan Ying, there is only one, kill!"

His tentacles and claws slashed fiercely, and a dozen loyal Youfu army ignited a raging flames of war all over and rushed towards Li Yao under the effect of the madness potion.

Lu Wuxin retreated at a high speed, calmly observing the battle.

Li Yao sneered, his black wings turned into wisps of black air, retracted his back, and wrapped it around his right arm along the shoulder blades, and continued to extend. In front of the right arm, the feathers condensed into a handle more than ten meters long. A super war knife surrounded by black energy!

This is the perfect combination of the Psionic War Knife and the Chainsaw War Knife, the main weapon of the profound bone battle armor, chasing the dragon and turning the feather knife!

Composed of tens of thousands of flaming feathers and thousands of the sharpest flying blades, they were suddenly scattered into black whirlwinds, and then twisted and transformed into a long whip hundreds of meters long, covering more than a dozen Youfu army completely. In a black mist.

After a while, the black mist burst, and dozens of You Palace troops were torn apart, but Li Yao turned into a black streamer, charging towards Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba and Maelstrom, as well as hundreds of You Palace troops!


On the periphery of the profound bone battle armor, streams of light emerged from the void, solidified into pieces of crystal-like carapace, as if covering the profound bone battle armor with a stronger glass shell. Inside the "glass", there was a The profoundly complex and gorgeous spiritual patterns appear and disappear from time to time, and are constantly changing.

God of War suit!

This is the Xinghai Wushuang exclusive set of Xinghai Wushuang jointly produced by Li Yao and the "War God Research Laboratory", the first God of War suit refining organization in the Fei Xing world!

Xuan Bone Dragon King, Xinghai Wushuang!

This is the ultimate form of the latest version of the Xuanbone Battle Armor!

The "super soft steel" material used in the Wushuang suit has the wonderful magical powers to absorb the enemy's attack and then bounce back. It is most suitable for group battles where one rides a thousand!

Li Yao is like a red-hot scalpel, cutting into the tenderest piece of water tofu!

Ordinary Youfu Army’s attack, he did not dodge at all. He relied purely on the strong performance of super soft steel to absorb, and then bounced back. There was no need for a real knife. The whistling sword energy alone was enough to kill a few You. The government army was directly cut in half.

In his eyes, hundreds of Youfu Army were turned into a series of fast jumping numbers. Dozens of virtual battles were unfolding in the depths of his brain at the same time. He drove his computing power to the limit and coordinated the entire battle. Deduction, moving, pulling and pulling again and again, even hiding behind the ignorant Youfu Army, occasionally released one or two smoke bombs and flash bombs to delay the time as much as possible.


The black tyrant roared wildly, rushed into his own person, and appeared in front of Li Yao. The center of the two halberd horns condensed an extremely dazzling ball of lightning, which turned into a long and narrow arc saber, smashing it fiercely!

With Li Yao's speed and agility, he could completely dodge this knife, but he did not dodge, and sprinted against the arc saber!

He wants to abolish the black bully!

He knows very well that he seems to be in a man's land, but at the cost of super high consumption of psychic energy. His psychic energy is fading at the speed of the flood breaking through the dam. Such consumption will never last!

Therefore, he must hurry up and abolish one or two masters from the other side!


The arc sword slammed into the left shoulder blade of the Wushuang suit.

Cobweb-like cracks immediately appeared on the shoulders of the crystal-like battle armor.

Even with the dual protection of the Wushuang suit and the profound bone battle armor, Li Yao's left shoulder blade still "clicked", splitting subtle lines.

However, a large amount of arc power is also stored in the super soft steel.

"Huh! Huh!"

Lu Wuxin and Maelstrom flashed out from behind Hei Ba.

The two of them who hadn't done anything were reading Li Yao's battle mode carefully, and then hiding behind the burly body of the black bully, waiting for the opportunity to launch a deadly attack on Li Yao.

The weapon of the whirlpool is a colorful snake-shaped soft sword, which is covered with blood vessels that make the scalp numb.

Lu Wuxin's weapon was hidden deep in his tentacles, a long hollow needle, and a long hose was dragged behind the long needle, which was connected to a suspicious sarcoma on his body!

In their plan, this attack may not be effective, but it can definitely force the opponent to retreat.

Afterwards, the three naturally had a series of endless killer moves that could plunge each other into a devastating ocean!

Unexpectedly, Li Yao still didn't dodge, he drove straight in, letting the Wushuang suit be penetrated by the two!

He took a violent step in the void, and a strong flame spurted out from under his feet, bringing a powerful impulse. He clasped his hands tightly to chase the dragon into a feather knife. From the bottom to the top, he lifted up a perfect arc, and black The second arc war knife that Ba blasted out collided fiercely!

However, the strong shock wave that Hei Ba expected did not occur, and the moment the dragon chasing Huayu Knife collided, it turned into black feathers and spread out.

The black bully was like a slash in the air, uncomfortably unspeakable, and the whole person involuntarily tilted forward slightly.

Li Yao wrapped around the dragon’s right hand and just pressed it gently on his heart. The six dragons with their teeth and claws on their backs flew to the right arm at some unknown time, and together with the seventh dragon, they formed a team that had rotated to the limit. drill!


Feeling a strong death threat, every carapace on Hei Ba's body was erected, and the whole person was abruptly curled up for half a minute. The Xuanguang drill that was originally aimed at his heart also moved up slightly by half an inch.


A fierce and incomparable beam of light wrapped around the demon energy that had just been absorbed from the attack of Hei Ba, Maelstrom, and Lu Wuxin. It erupted from Li Yao's palm, completely piercing and evaporating the Hei Ba’s left shoulder blade and left arm. Even the huge heart was exposed to the air, beating tremblingly!

Before Lu Wuxin and Maelstrom's fierce counterattack, Li Yao kicked the black bully's chest fiercely, like a wisp of smoke, from the gap in the You Palace army, he swiftly drilled out.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Li Yao hovered in the airspace tens of meters away from the Youfu Army, panting for breath, staring at them coldly.

The Wushuang suit completely collapsed, peeling off one by one, revealing the deep black brilliance of the profound bone battle armor again.

Under the cover of the crystal armor, every pore in Li Yao's body was filled with small drops of blood, his eyes turned black for a while, ears also heard piercing buzzing, and the psychic energy deep in his eyebrows , It was like being screwed hard, and there was a sense of emptiness.

This is a sign of excessive consumption of psionic energy.

However, when thousands of black feathers reunited behind him and the two ferocious wings re-expanded, the frightened and frightened You Palace army on the opposite side did not dare to step forward.

Lu Wuxin and Maelstrom, looking at the shocking wound on Hei Ba's body, they panted quickly.

"He can't hold it anymore!"

Lu Wuxin gritted his teeth and said, "Even Boss Nascent Soul, it is impossible for the three of us to perform such domineering tricks under the onslaught of the three of us, without being hurt at all!"

"Yes, give it to me and kill him!"

The whirlpool screamed, taking the lead and taking guards, approaching step by step.

Li Yao's right arm was raised horizontally again, and the seven psychic water dragons revolved quickly, but this time the mysterious light rippling from around the psychic water dragon was dimmed a lot, and the speed of the mysterious light drill was also lower than before.

at this time--


An acid bomb suddenly exploded on the left side of Youfu Army, turning into a group of extremely corrosive acid mist!

Lu Wuxin and Wuxi's expressions changed drastically, and their most worried thing happened!

As more and more Chaos Blade captives escaped into the Tracer, they completely mastered the weapon system of the warship and brought the combat power of the Tracer to the limit!

Now, this mysterious and powerful enemy has a battleship as fire support!

What's more terrifying is...

A streamer shot out quickly from the Tracer, flew to Li Yao's side, and stood side by side with him.

Leader of Chaos Blade, Lord of Chaos, Fire Ant King!

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