40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 957: Super Federation hero!

Li Yao dormant quietly for three hours in the icy waters 300 kilometers away from the isolated island.

Once a monster warship flew out from the island to hunt down the Chaos Blade Tracer, he could touch it unconsciously and wait for an opportunity to kill commanders such as Lu Wuxin or Maelstrom.

This is his favorite decapitation tactic.

However, there has been no sign of the demon warship being dispatched in the direction of the island. Perhaps the out-of-control variants in the ground are enough for Lu Wuxin to have a headache.

After three hours, Li Yao summoned the Black Wing, stimulating the speed to the limit, and it took another hour to catch up with the Chaos Blade Hunter that had been hiding in the depths of the ice sea.

The atmosphere in the Tracer was a bit strange.

The huge warehouse was originally used to store the remains of the biochemical beasts and the tombs of the Chaos Gods. The space is not small, even if it is crowded with thousands of prisoners, it is not too cramped.

But everyone was not fortunate enough to be left behind. Instead, they were full of violent hostility. They were divided into three camps and guarded each other. It seemed that a small spark could blow up the entire Tracer.

Han Tuhu, Suo Chaolong and Yuchiba are even more upright, highly guarded, and every muscle on their body is like a string that is so tight as to break.

The appearance of Li Yao caused a slight stagnation in the tense atmosphere.

He was still wearing a blood-stained profound bone battle armor, and a strong **** aura filled the entire space. The Federation Army prisoners looked at this crystal armor with envy and admiration in their eyes, almost bursting into flames.

Crystal armor, the highest crystallization of the technical power of cultivation civilization, at this moment, has become this lone army in the blood demon world, the biggest pillar in the heart!

The demon captives were in deep fear and awe.

Although the owner of this crystal armor had just rescued them, the sharp black feathers and scarlet crystal eyes that could not see the slightest mood swing made them involuntarily shudder from their bones.

"what happened?"

Li Yao frowned, perceiving the subtle atmosphere, took off the crystal armor first, turned his head and asked the fire ant king.

The fire ant king looked helpless: "What else is going on, the three forces are full of contradictions, and no one is convinced. They are only reluctantly pieced together to escape the prison camp. Now they have escaped, and the contradictions between each other have naturally intensified. "

"Suo Chaolong and I are also considered old acquaintances. We used to have a deep relationship with him because of the trading of potions. He also helped me a lot, and even... I used it several times."

"You know the bad temper of these silver-blooded monster races. He discovered that I turned out to be the mastermind of Chaos Blade. After being extremely shocked, I would not speak nicely, and worried that our Chaos Blade would take their silver What about the blood captives, they naturally confronted each other."

"The same is true for Federal Army prisoners. They are worried that they have only left Longtan and fall into a tiger's den. They are also extremely guarded. In short, you hate me and I hate you in the three parties. It is completely messed up!"

"and many more!"

Li Yao raised his hand, "The Silver-Blood Demon Race hates the Union Army and you, you hate the Silver-Blood Demon Race, and the Union Army hates the Silver-Blood Demon Race. I can understand all of these, but what is the deep hatred between you and the Union Army? "

"Of course there is!"

The Fire Ant King curled his lips and said, "It is impossible for the Federation Army to treat the high-level monster races and the low-level monster races separately. In their eyes, all the monster races are a whole."

"In the Battle of Dawn, the low-level monsters played the role of cannon fodder in the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters. They rushed to the front line. The ones who fought the most with the Federation Army were the low-level monsters. Instead, they were the Blood Lion Brigade led by Suo Chaolong 'This kind of pure silver-blooded unit, except for a few tough battles with the Federal Army during the final retreat, has not been dispatched much before."

"So, strictly speaking, the low-level monster race and the Federation Army are the old opponents. How can the Federation Army not hate the low-tier monster race."

"So complicated?"

Li Yao had a headache, and he found himself optimistic too early.

Combining these three forces that hate each other and deep distrust is ten times more difficult than rescuing them from the "Secluded Mansion".

"The most important thing is that neither the Captives of the Federation Forces nor the Captives of the Silver-Blood Demon Race understand why we want to rescue them."

The Fire Ant King looked at Li Yao, "To be honest, even I still don't know the cause and effect of the whole thing, but who are you and what is your purpose?"

Li Yao sighed, lightly placed his finger on his forehead, and began to take off the profound bone battle armor.

He also pondered this question for a long time, how to explain the whole complicated matter with the various forces.

In the end, he decided to tell the truth.

Facts are the most powerful. In the face of such a powerful and terrifying enemy as the "True Human Empire", he can no longer use lies one after another to tie anyone to his own chariot. Such a chariot , Is destined to be fragile and will collapse at any time.

"Hello everyone."

As the visor split one by one and disappeared into the Universe Ring, revealing a face that was too young in terms of strength. Li Yao blinked and smiled and said, "My name is Li Yao."

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and one sentence detonated the stagnant atmosphere in the warehouse.

The name "Li Yao" caused Han Tuhu's pupils to shrink suddenly. He looked at Li Yao's disappearing profound bone battle armor somewhat suspiciously. He seemed to have thought of something. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yao's face carefully. For a long time, his expression was unpredictable, stunned and ecstatic, and asked in disbelief: "Li Yao? Is it... Vulture Li Yao?"

This time it was Li Yao's turn to be stunned: "Do you know me?"

He remembered that he had never dealt with the "Flying Tigers" in the Federation ten years ago!

"Really, it's really you, Vulture Li Yao, Major Li!"

Han Tuhu no longer had the calmness of the Federal Army commander, he jumped up, his legs closed like calipers, his waist straight, "slap" a respectful military salute!

As the commander of the Flying Tigers, Han Tuhu has the rank of Colonel in the Union Army, but he took the initiative to salute Li Yao, not only for Li Yao’s life-saving grace, but also for the words "Vulture Li Yao" !

Behind Han Tuhu, all the Federal Army soldiers suddenly got up, and even the seriously injured Federal Army struggled to stand up with the support of their comrades, tears and trembling all over, saluting Li Yao!

Whispering, one after another among them.

"Yes, that Li Yao?"

"Yes, I have seen his three-dimensional photos, it seems...somewhat similar!"

"Isn't he dead? How could he appear here? Is he arrested for experimentation just like us? Impossible!"

"Only a strong like Major Li is worthy of such a powerful crystal armor, right?"

Li Yao didn't understand at all: "Wait, what does Major Li... mean? Is it a mistake?"

He has the status of a "veteran" in the Star Federation, but he is a big soldier at best. Where is the major?

Han Tuhu took a deep breath, restored the composer of the federal army commander, pondered for a moment, and asked: "Ten years ago, did you ride a starship left over from the Xinghai Empire era on the Skeleton Dragon and hit four The peerless fierce demon skeleton dragon demon leaping through the starry sky together left the Tianyuan realm?"

Li Yao nodded: "That's right."

"That's right!"

The flames in the eyes of Han Tuhu and many Federal Army soldiers are getting hotter and hotter. Even if Li Yao is a statue made of cast iron, they must be melted. "The deeds of Major Li were brought back to Tianyuan by the Secret Star Exploration Team After the world, it caused a sensation throughout the Federation!

"Everyone knows that if the bone dragon demon really restores its peak strength and transmits it to the Tianyuan realm in some way, the consequences will be disastrous, and perhaps the entire federation will be destroyed!"

"It's you who stopped this!"

"So, after investigating the entire matter, the Federal Government officially awarded you the title of'Super Federal Hero'. You are the first'Super Federal Hero' in the Star Federation in 138 years! And the Federal Army also announced You officially resumed active duty and were awarded the rank of'major'."

"Major Li, you are a well-known hero in the Star Federation, and the first person to rush out of the Celestial Realm and into the sea of ​​stars on behalf of the Star Federation!"

Li Yao got goose bumps.

He remembered that, in accordance with the practice of the Star Federation, the supreme honor of "Super Federation Hero" was always only awarded to the victims. Even if the fierce battle years of the founding of the Federation are counted, there are only nine people who have received this honor. All are posthumously awarded after death.

The federal government must have thought he was dead, so it promoted him with great fanfare to boost morale.

A super federation hero who is alive and kicking and walks up and down the street? It's so scary!

As for the silver-blooded prisoners of So Chaolong, after hearing the words "Vulture Li Yao" and "Bone Dragon Star", and after a moment of thinking, their complexion changed drastically, and they fought a cold war.

"It's that demon!"

Ten years ago, on the Bone Dragon Star, Li Yao killed more than the Bone Dragon Demon.

Before that, he was wearing the God of War suit "Dragon Scales" and killed the monster team headed by King Lion Slaughter "Wang Ji"!

That demon team is composed of all the masters of the younger generation in the blood demon world, and it is an extremely gorgeous lineup of noble children!

As a result, the entire army was annihilated and all was wiped out by Li Yao!

After Li Yao's title of "Super Federal Hero" was spread, the blood demon world naturally knew his "brilliant deeds"!

From that moment on, the word "vulture", like a stern blood curse, hovered over the heads of countless monsters.

Countless monsters gritted their teeth and vowed to take revenge.

But there were also more demons secretly shocked, deeply shocked by Li Yao's strength.

How strong is the man who can take away even the peerless fierce demon bone dragon demon 40,000 years ago?

Today, Suo Chaolong has seen Li Yao's strength with his own eyes, and has to admit that it is indeed so powerful that he despairs!

The fire ant king's eyes were also shining with awe-inspiring brilliance.

Skeleton Dragon Demon is very likely to be one of the ultimate weapons made by Chaos. Their Chaos Blade has naturally done some research on what happened on Skeleton Dragon ten years ago. They have heard the name "Vulture Li Yao".

However, according to his careful study and judgment, at that time Li Yao was just a foundation-building monk, and he was able to get it right only by relying on the spar battleship of the Xinghai Empire era.

The Fire Ant King did not regard Li Yao as a real powerhouse.

Unexpectedly, the person who secretly joined hands with him was the foundation-building monk ten years ago?

In just ten years, from building a foundation to being above Yuanying?

Such a speed of cultivation is really appalling, and it is more terrifying than any genetic modulation!

The Fire Ant King moved in his heart: "It seems that after Friends Li and the Bone Dragon Demon disappeared in the depths of the Star Sea, there must have been an incredible adventure?"

Han Tuhu's gaze swept across the faces of Fire Ant King and Li Yao, and he asked in a deep voice, "It seems that Major Li and the Federation have not been in contact yet? Then you did not follow the Federation's order to rescue. Ours? What the **** is going on, we are completely confused."

Suo Chaolong and all the silver-blood demon races also blinked quickly, pricked their ears, and waited for Li Yao to answer with bated breath.


Today is really dying, the old cow is tired and paralyzed. Let's let the old cow adjust, and think about how to make it more exciting and refreshing in the future~ Let's continue tomorrow~

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