40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 958: Hard first step

Seeing the strange appearance, but the same tense, highly guarded people, all staring at him, Li Yao suddenly felt like he was in an absurd drama.

The Silver Blood Demon Race, the Blade of Chaos, the Federation Army... these three forces that hate each other, but they themselves want to unite them?

It's crazy!

After letting out a long sigh, Li Yao slowly said: "What I want to say next may be a little absurd, and there is not much evidence to prove it, but please stay calm, even if you have any questions, Wait until I have said everything before asking, I can explain the whole thing, and even more--"

His gaze swept across the silver-blooded monster Suo Chaolong who looked like a strong human being, and stayed on the Federal Force Commander Han Tuhu who looked like a Yasha. He paused, and continued, "In you Everything that happened!"

Han Tuhu nodded: "Major Li, please say."

Suo Chaolong also made a gesture of "please", no matter what deep hatred the two sides had, the other side eventually saved himself and so many brothers.

Even if this matter is not counted, Li Yao's terrifying strength alone is enough to win his respect.

Li Yao scratched his messy hair, settled down, and said, "The whole thing is too complicated. I must start from the beginning. Ten years ago, I got a spar battleship from the Xinghai Empire era on the Skeleton Dragon. , And jumped into the depths of the sea of ​​stars with the skeleton dragon demon, where I discovered a new, vast world ruled by humans..."


Hearing this, Han Tuhu couldn't help jumping up, ecstatic, "A new human world?"

All the EFF soldiers are boiling!

Everyone knows what it means to discover a new human world in the war between the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm!

The silver-blooded demon captives commanded by Suo Chaolong, and the Chaos Blade low-level monsters commanded by the Fire Ant King, their complexions changed drastically, like being struck by lightning.

Regardless of their internal conflicts, they will be named "Demon Race" after all. The emergence of a new human world is definitely not good news for the Blood Demon Realm!

Suo Chaolong opened his mouth and wanted to question, but when the words came to his lips, his chest collapsed again.

Li Yao and the Bone Dragon Demon jumped into the depths of the stars together. This is something that has long been proven, and now he has returned gorgeously, and his strength has leapt to this level. There must be some adventure!

When Li Yao galloped horizontally over the isolated island and swept the audience, Suo Chaolong carefully observed the crystal armor he wore. The profound bone battle armor has been transformed beyond recognition, using a variety of materials and refining techniques that are not available in the Celestial Realm. The overall style is very different from the usual crystal armor style of the Star Federation.

Just because of the leap in strength, it can be said that Li Yao just discovered some ancient ruins.

But behind a brand-new set of super crystal armor, there is bound to be a large-scale cultivation industrial system to support it, and it can't be refined by just tapping it with a hammer.

Now, the blood demon world is in trouble!

Suo Chaolong's and Fire Ant King's faces were all dimmed, but the confusion in their hearts became more intense.

They didn't understand that if the Tianyuan Realm could really get the support of another human world, they would just kill him directly. Why did Li Yao go to the Blood Demon Realm to laugh at them?

Li Yao saw Han Tuhu’s excitement and Suo Chaolong’s frustration, and smiled bitterly: "Things are not as simple as you imagined. Brothers of the Federal Army, don’t be too happy too early, forget it, let me continue. Go on, and when I finish, you will understand."

He concealed some of the key points of his experience in the Flying Star Realm, but he explained the Tieyuan Star, the Palace of Eternal Life, the Immortal Cultivator, the Mystery of Heaven, the Dark Forest, especially the Star Child and the real human empire. .

This is more than an hour of endless talk.

At first, Han Tuhu, Suo Chaolong and others were full of doubts, and couldn't help but want to interrupt him several times.

But after hearing it, all that was left was dumbfounded and sweaty.

Use the robbery to seize the house? Dark forest? Seeing mortals as ant cultivators? And the real human empire that controls the core areas of the three thousand worlds and is far superior to them?

Compared with these unimaginable concepts, the war between the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world in the front of the Star Sea is as ridiculous as a fight among children in a kindergarten!

"My experience in the Flying Star Realm is like this."

Li Yao licked his chapped lips and concluded, "As soon as we speak, the expeditionary army of the true human empire is rushing towards us through short and continuous jumps, even according to the most optimistic estimate. , They will also reach the Tianyuan Realm in just one or two hundred years."

"At that time, the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm were completely integrated. In other words, under the raging fire of the Imperial Expeditionary Army, neither we nor you could escape."

"And before that, maybe a few years later, a weird'Little Heavenly Tribulation Strike' will come. At this moment, we still don't know the nature of this attack. Maybe it's the same as the'Star Child' who appeared in the Flying Star Realm. It is a kind of pure energy body attack with wisdom, perhaps even more weird and elusive."

"But it is certain that it will minimize or even deprive us of our ability to resist the Imperial Expeditionary Force!"

"This is the first thing I want to tell everyone."

"Now, everyone can calmly think about it. Is there any loophole in my words? Is it possible that I fabricated it for some purpose?"

The Federation Army, Chaos Blade, and the Silver-Blood Demon Clan camp continued to be silent for a long time.

The amount of information contained in Li Yao's words is so great that even if it takes an hour to not digest them, everyone maintains a dull look for five minutes, and some desperate murmurs gradually sounded from the corner.

Suo Chaolong's eyes turned strangely.

Li Yao keenly sensed his thoughts, and calmly said: "I know what many monster races are thinking. You must be thinking, since the real human empire is so powerful, and his primary goal is the cultivator, can he use it? Will the real human empire destroy the Star Alliance?"

"Of course it is possible."

"However, no matter how terrifying the true human empire is, it is still a human race after all. Their attitude towards the demon race can be imagined. Since those immortal cultivators can treat humans as ants, what can they regard demon races as?"

"It is estimated that when the real human empire really conquered the Tianyuan realm and the blood demon realm, if you are lucky enough to not die in battle, the best result is to be sent to the depths of the dark mine, and dig to death!"

"In the final analysis, in the eyes of the cultivator, we are all the same, we are all insignificant little bugs hiding on the edge of the star sea."

Suo Chaolong cursed secretly.

He knew what Li Yao said was right.


Seeing everyone scratching their heads and whispering, but unable to find the slightest loophole in this terrible story, Li Yao bit the bullet and threw a second bomb with a bigger equivalent, "Next, I want to tell you the second thing. , Something that may cause a greater shock to everyone."

"I don't know how to characterize this matter. I just want to tell everyone what it means. Let's think about it for yourself."

Everyone was stunned.

Is there anything else that would be more shocking than the existence of a real human empire or even the cold "dark forest theory"?

Li Yao glanced at the Fire Ant King and found out the "Chaos" Bayanzhi hidden star box from his arms.

Yesterday, he took the time to use a few components and made a very simple adapter to connect the hidden star box with his miniature crystal brain.

In this way, some key memory images of Bayan straight in the star box can be projected in front of everyone through three-dimensional projection.

"All of you, whether the Silver-Blood Demon Race or the Federation Army, have been tortured in the laboratory of Old Ancestor Youquan, and have become... completely different appearances."

"I don't know if you have ever wondered why a silver-blooded monster commander like Suo Chaolong turned into a human race, and a federal army commander like Han Tuhu looked like a... …Out-and-out monster race."

Suo Chaolong and Han Tuhu trembled slightly, looked at each other, and breathed quickly.

This problem is the past six months, they have been thinking about it painfully, but they have been reluctant to face it.


A huge light curtain was excited to the sky above the warehouse, and as the light and shadow slowly fell, everyone seemed to have appeared in the main hall of the cultivation sect "Taiyi" 40,000 years ago.

Bayan's straight and burly figure appeared in front of everyone!

"He is Chaos!"

Li Yao paused every word.

He intercepted some key memory fragments, speeded up the narration, and presented the discovery of the mysterious black spring, the reason for the birth of the monster, the whole picture of the annexed universe, and the split between the Taiyi monster and the chaotic monster. . ,

The expressions on everyone's faces are intricate, and the mottled light and shadow divide their faces into colorful areas, making their true mood hidden in the camouflage.

"This is the origin of the Yaozu."

Li Yaodao, "The demon race originated from the human race, and its original purpose was to survive better in the barren world of the doomsday era. In other words, the demon race is another form of the human race in the doomsday era. It's just that the whole thing Going, but completely out of control."

Silence, silence, everyone is silent.

"Open, what a joke!"

Contrary to Li Yao's expectation, it was not someone else who jumped up first, it was Han Tuhu, the commander of the Federal Army.

He grabbed the field hat buttoned on his forehead, and the red star medal in the center of the general's hat was firmly gripped in his palm, so tightly gripped that the medal was deeply embedded in his flesh and blood, as if to be with him. Humans merge into one, "Human race and monster race have the same origin? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

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