40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 963: Yuan Ying? Demon King?

Han Tuhu explained: "The full name of the Blood Lion Brigade is the'Blood Lion Independent Brigade.' The reason for adding the word'independence' is because the members of the Blood Lion Brigade are all exiled nobles from the Tianyuan realm."

"Exiled nobleman?"

Li Yao thought of what Suo Chaolong often advertised, that his ancestors came from the Great Wilderness.

Han Tuhu nodded and said: "The Heavenly Origin Realm was once a world ruled by the Monster Race just like the Blood Demon Realm. After the rise of the Star Yao Federation, it competed with the Monster Race for living space and slaughtered countless monster kingdoms, among which the two most powerful ones. The power is the'East Pole Demon Country' located in the sea east of the Tianyuan Continent, and the'Thirty-Six Demon City Alliance' above the Great Wilderness."

"When the two forces were eliminated, the fusion of the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm had begun, and many temporary wormholes appeared."

"A part of the demon race of the Tianyuan realm, after losing the battle, fled through the wormhole to the blood demon realm and became exiles."

"The demon races who are capable of fleeing are mostly nobles in the Tianyuan realm. They are authentic silver and blood, and they carry a lot of softness and resources, including the secret treasures and demon cultivation methods accumulated for thousands of years, and they are implementing the'four pillars system'. In the Blood Demon Realm, regardless of their bloodline or the many benefits they bring, their existence has been accepted."

"And for a long time, the blood demon realm's invasion of the Tianyuan realm was all under the banner of'revenge the demon brothers of the Tianyuan realm, and regain the homeland.' After all, the demon race is also famous for being a teacher!"

"However, the resources of the Blood Demon Realm were not rich in the first place. It is conceivable that after the initial honeymoon period, the resources and secrets they carried were slowly emptied, these exiled nobles from the Celestial Realm, of course, were not very good. popular."

"Unfortunately, some of these exiles are still alive and well. For example, the exiles from the East Pole Demon Kingdom have even established a'Tianyuan Exile Government' in the Blood Demon Realm. They are really sick."

"They were quickly swallowed up by the native monsters of the blood demon world, and found an excuse to completely annex them."

"Suo Chaolong's ancestors are different. They come from the Great Wilderness's'Thirty-Six Demon City Alliance'. Their initial strength was much weaker than the former Eastern Demon Nation, so they are very clear about their own importance."

"After exiled to the blood demon world, they knew very well the principle of being a demon with their tails sandwiched between them. They kept a low profile, hugged their thighs, barely survived, lived a life under the fence, and through generations of marriages, they finally got a firm foothold in the Lions heel."

"However, no matter how low-key they are, the imprint of the'exile' on them will be hard to erase, especially now that the Blood Demon Realm is fully attacking the Tianyuan Realm. If you really want to kill the Tianyuan Realm, these' The exiles' how to deal with it? Really give them the entire Great Wilderness to build a nation? What a joke!"

"Even if they don't have this mindset, do others believe it?"

"Therefore, the native monster races of the blood demon world have always had a grudge against these exiled nobles."

"A very simple example. In the late stage of the Battle of Dawn, almost all the main forces of the Silver-Blood Demon Race turned around and fled because of the frontline mutiny."

"However, this information was not notified to the Blood Lion Brigade, commander-in-chief of Suo Chaolong, and later logically asked him to perform the task of'breaking the queen', asking him to withstand the pressure of our three full crystal armor groups. I want him to die."

"Suo Chaolong and his blood lion brigade, in the eyes of the top of the Pantheon Palace, what kind of role are they, you can imagine."

"The reason why Youquan ancestor chose to attack the blood lion brigade, I am afraid that he also knew that in the blood demon world, no one cares about the fate of these exiles. If the silver blood demon clan is needed as experimental materials, then these exiles are the best. the goal!"

"Understood, Suo Chaolong these'exiles' have their own interests, and their interests may not be exactly the same as the interests of the high-level Pan Demon Temple."

Li Yao squinted his eyes, his **** eyes circled and nodded slowly, "Understood, it seems that I have to think about how to "convince" Suo Chaolong, the "exiled nobleman"."


In the cargo warehouse where the Blood Lion brigade was located, the air pressure was so low that a dark cloud would condense on the ceiling at any time, causing a downpour of rain.

Hundreds of silver-blooded monster races were sitting or lying on their bodies, coughing and vomiting blood constantly, and their faces were sad, their eyes widened, and they couldn't see the way ahead.

"You said, is what the'Vulture Li Yao' said true? Human race and monster race really have the same origin?"

"False, it must be false, a complete lie!"

"Even if it's true, it's all 40,000 years ago. Who cares, who cares? I just want to know, what should we do next? Do you obediently follow these traitors to the Blade of Chaos? Base, let them kill?"

"Otherwise? Do you think that people will send you back to the Lion Tu Nation?"

"What's more, look at what we look like now. Many brothers show several different characteristics of the monster race. They are more chaotic than the **** mess! There are many more brothers, even the last bit of the monster race characteristics Deprived, completely transformed into a human appearance!"

"Even if people really let us go back to the lion slaughter country, do you dare to go back with such a face? Dare you!"

The desperate "buzzing" sound, like a mosquito carrying a deadly virus, whirled above everyone's heads.

Suo Chaolong shrank in a corner of the warehouse, staring at the floor in a daze.

There was a little ant on the floor, crawling away leisurely.

He looked at it, feeling irritated, and stretched out his fingers to crush the ant to death, but he couldn't get any further when he stabbed it in the air.

"Big Brother!"

One of the most trusted blue-haired lion demon whispered, "Xiao Feng just left, please ask us to cut off one of his fingers when we leave, and one day bring it back to the great wilderness and bury it on the site of the'Hundred Lan Demon City'. There... is his hometown."

"Now, there are a total of 423 brothers left, 12 of them, it is very likely that they will not survive today."

"Got it."

Suo Chaolong whispered, "Just do as Xiaofeng said. If there are brothers left, the same is true. Cut off a finger and give it to me together."

The dark golden lion eyes gleamed, as if the next task was to support the only meaning of his survival. Suo Chaolong lowered his voice and gritted his teeth and said, "I swear that one day, I will bring them all back to the Great Wilderness. Back home."

"Big Brother."

The blue-haired lion demon hesitated for a moment and couldn't help asking, "Do you think everything'Vulture Li Yao' said is true? Our ancestors were really humans?"

Suo Chaolong glanced at him and asked, "Is it important?"

The blue-haired lion demon was startled, his instinct was to blurt out: "Isn't it important?"

This is related to their origin, their identity, and who they are! How could it not matter?

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is really not that important.

Whether it is a human or a demon, what about? Is there any slightest help in resolving their current predicament?

The blue-haired lion demon was deeply confused and muttered: "Brother, the demon clan exiled from the Celestial Realm to the Blood Demon Realm in the past had more than 30,000 in its heyday. Today, hundreds of years later, count our family members. There are more than 1,000 left, and among the elite, there are almost more than 400 of us. What should we do?"

In front of Suo Chaolong, the ant seemed to feel the vibration of their words, turned around and crawled towards him.

His finger, which was about to crush the ant, turned into a bridge, twisting the ant up.

The ants crawled hard in his palm.

Suo Chaolong kept changing his gestures, causing the ants to fall into the center of his palm again and again.

The ants that met the wall on all sides were not discouraged and continued to crawl slowly.

Suo Chaolong looked at it blankly, and suddenly envied the ant, because the ant definitely didn't know what despair was.

At this moment, Suo Chaolong's pupils suddenly shrank and his eyes became sharp.

He felt a fierce evil spirit!

Is a master comparable to the Demon Emperor!

"What's going on? The Fire Ant King has overdrawn his life, consumed too much, and is recovering. It is absolutely impossible for him to emit such a strong evil spirit!"

"Could it be that the other party is catching up?"

In an instant, Suo Chaolong's slumping air swept away, and he jumped up from the ground, licking sharp canine teeth, and making a silent gesture: "Prepare to fight!"


The soldiers of the Blood Lion Brigade who were still groaning and complaining to each other in the last second, all their hairs stood up in the next second, bowed their waists and stared their eyes wide, raising their killing intent to the limit!

They all sensed the huge demon energy that was so real that it was difficult for them to breathe, like a flood that exploded the gate, rushing in from the gate!

boom! boom! boom!

The other party obviously did not make any footsteps, but it was like a peerless beast, trampling on their hearts severely, many people's eyes jumped, cold sweat beaded from their foreheads, and they covered their hearts and gasped with difficulty. With.

The powerful source of demonic energy that slowly appeared at the gate stunned them, and many people couldn't help exclaiming: "Vulture Li Yao!"

It's that demon, even a peerless fierce demon bone dragon demon that can take away in a wave!


Isn't he a cultivator, why does he exude such a strong demon spirit? Moreover, his appearance!

At this moment, Li Yao was not wearing a profound bone battle armor. On the contrary, he activated a large number of primitive cells in his body, showing the strongest side.

His left eye is like a volcanic crater filled with magma, with extremely dangerous red lights blooming. A long row of bone blades grows on his left arm, and the bone blades extend all the way to the back of his hand, like a set of gorgeous The armor, and the lens in the palm of the palm used to shoot the cell annihilation artillery, is surging with strands of strong monster energy.

Even the air was distorted, making his figure shrouded in a faint mist, appearing unpredictable, mysterious and powerful!

Completely, it is a posture of a demon emperor's appearance!

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