40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 964: Awe-inspiring!

"how so!"

"He, isn't he the cultivator of the Heavenly Origin Realm'Vulture Li Yao'? How could such a strong demon spirit erupted!"

"Could it be that he was lying just now, he is a demon emperor at all?"

"Idiot, how is it possible? We clearly saw him wearing a crystal armor, bursting out strong psychic energy fluctuations, the sword energy formed by the condensation of psychic energy, it is a full 100 meters long!"

Li Yao smiled faintly, his smile looked particularly cruel under the reflection of the blood eyes, his eyes were like red tide, and he slowly scanned all the silver-blooded monster races.

Every demon clan shivered fiercely.

Li Yao spread his sharp claws, and the lens of his palm was facing upwards, steadily burning the cells in his body, condensed into strands of purple-red flames above the lens.

The different fires are like snakes, constantly intertwined, entangled, and condensed, turning into a crystal-clear purple-red fireball!

He gently grasped the fireball in his palm, played slowly, making a "crack" popping sound, as if to absorb all the air in the cargo hold.

The breathing of the Silver-Blood Demon Race became more and more difficult, and everyone's spirits were deeply attracted by the fireball, and the eyes were full of blurred colors.

The mitochondria burned wildly, and a large amount of exhaust gas was emitted, covering the fireball with a hazy burr, like a corona and a moon halo, making this fireball present a spiritual fire that is completely different from the spiritual fire used by the cultivator. Traits are more secretive and evil.

This is... the out-and-out "demon fire"!

In a world where the weak eats the strong and the winner is king, the monster race's worship of the strong is almost innate.

On the battlefield, the appearance of such a powerful evil spirit often means that a super power of one's own side will appear on the battlefield, and what follows is a brilliant victory!

In a daze, many of the silver-blooded demon races had weakened legs and almost wanted to kneel down on one knee to express their respect to this "demon emperor"!

"You, are you a man or a demon!"

Even Suo Chaolong's face changed drastically and raised a ridiculous question.

"How about you?"

Li Yao asked back.

Suo Chaolong was speechless for a while.

Now that he occasionally looks in the mirror, he will be startled by his "strange" appearance. He has become completely the same as the most hated enemy in the past!

He wanted to straighten his chest and yelled: "I'm a demon!"

However, under Li Yao's cowardly suppression, these words could not be said anymore.

Touching his conscience, Li Yao at this moment is more like a demon ten thousand times more than him!

Could it be that he was also a victim of that weird experiment?

Suo Chaolong was puzzled, thinking about it, there was only one possibility.

He couldn't help but feel a subtle feeling of sympathy and sympathy, and his tone slowed slightly: "What are you going to do?"

Li Yao looked at him: "It's not what I'm going to do, but what are you going to do? This is the chaos-blade's tracer, which will fly to the chaos-blade's secret base. As a silver-blooded demon clan, you bring a Help the bruised, half-dead brother, on this ship, do you know what to do?"

"While cursing that the Blade of Chaos is a lowly messy blood, do you enjoy other people's treatment and services?"

Suo Chaolong's face blushed.

Now his face is not covered by thick hairs, it is burning like a sunburn and it is very eye-catching.

Li Yao unscrupulously released his evil spirit to the surroundings and looked directly into Suo Chaolong's eyes: "Captain Suo, I made a special trip to find you because in the battle of dawn, your blood lion brigade is the only face. Facing the monster army of the three full crystal armor battle groups in the Star Federation."

"I can tell you without evasiveness that within one year, the Flying Star Realm can jump through the long-range starry sky and support three to five Yuan Ying masters in the Tianyuan Realm, plus ten to fifteen ships that are comparable to the Haohai Class. 'The heavy spar battleship."

"More importantly, the Flying Star Realm has a special ‘crystal card’ technology. After being inserted into the crystal armor, ordinary soldiers can wear crystal armor, which greatly improves the efficiency of combat and construction!"

"I hope that you will use your personal experience of fighting against the Union Army and your professionalism as a professional soldier to analyze objectively and tell me and all my brothers around you, does the blood demon world have a chance of winning this war?"

Li Yao's aggressive posture completely angered Suo Chaolong.

The blue veins on his forehead burst out one by one, gritted his teeth, abruptly turned Li Yao's gaze back, and categorically said: "The victory or defeat of a war depends on many factors. It’s determined by the calculation of combat power, what more battles are there!

"I can only say that if everything you say is true, then at this moment is the moment when the blood demon world has the highest winning rate. The blood demon world's best strategy is to attack immediately!"

"If I were the commander-in-chief of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, the moment I heard the news, I would immediately assemble the army, and within one and a half months at most, I would have to launch a desperate war against the nation!"

Li Yao was slightly startled, and looked at Suo Chaolong in surprise.

He began to understand why Han Tuhu would take this opponent so seriously.

Li Yao smiled and nodded: "Yes, but you are not the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, but the leader of the former Tianyuan exiles, and all the warriors among you exiles are the only remaining defeated soldiers around you. ."

"Suppose, when we fly to the land, we will find a place to put you all down so that you can return to the Lion Slaughter Nation."

"Do you think that in the next battle of the nation, what kind of role will your blood lion team be assigned? Even if the blood demon world really wins, any one of you, even one in ten thousand Opportunity, see the dawn of victory?"

Suo Chaolong was silent, every muscle on his face was beating, and every breath was as painful as a cut in a lung lobe.

The silver-blooded monsters around, looked sad.

The descendants of these former exiles have tasted the flavours of being under the fence in the blood demon world. Many times, they have an extremely clear but extremely painful understanding of the future.

"Aren't you all caused by you!"

Suo Chaolong finally broke out, "It was your Star Federation who invaded the Great Wilderness first, drove our ancestors out of our homeland, and drove our ancestors out of the blood demon world. Only then will we live a life of five hundred years of wandering, without a hometown, and under the fence of others! The chief culprit of all this is you, the Star Federation!"


Li Yao admitted frankly, "Everything you said was done by the Star Federation. It is indeed the Star Federation who conquered the Great Wilderness first. It is the so-called opening up and expanding the territory, killing demons and slaying demons. Since you have done it, you are not afraid to admit it!"

"And I happen to be a cultivator of the Star Federation, at this moment, I should be able to represent the entire Federation!"

"So come, take revenge!"


Suo Chaolong was dumbfounded, somewhat unable to keep up with Li Yao's rhythm.

"You have a total of four hundred and twenty-three people here. One hundred and eighty-eight of them still have a little bit of power to fight. Now I will rush to avenge you. I promise to give you a vigorous and brilliant death. If you believe in The'Palace of Demons' really exists. Seeing your way of death, you will definitely be assigned to the VIP area!"

Suo Chaolong and the many silver-blooded monster races looked at each other.

If it was half a year ago, even if they faced a Nascent Soul master wearing a super crystal armor, they would rush forward without hesitation under the firm belief in "destruction, rebirth, and immortality" to fight for the most glorious death. !

However, in the past six months...

First abandoned by the main force of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, and become an ‘abandoned son’, with a squad that is not strong enough to block the enemy’s three full crystal armor battle groups!

They are not afraid of sacrifice, but they are the only ones who sacrificed. Other silver-blooded monster races patted their **** and slipped away. What the **** is this?

After that, he was inexplicably captured in the weird secluded mansion and subjected to various brutal and inhuman experiments.

And the one who modulated them was not the evil Federation, but his compatriots, the Monster Race!

After accepting the modulation, they showed a variety of weird characteristics, and even gradually showed the characteristics of the human race!

The most frightening thing is that there are still a group of Federation troops who accepted the modulation with them, but they have become the appearance of the monster race!

Under the strong impact again and again, the originally extremely firm belief gradually collapsed. Many brothers even went completely crazy before their bodies were destroyed, tried every means, and broke themselves.

"Holy blood, silver blood, bronze blood, and black blood, the great four-pillar system, wasn't it established by the Pangu tribe in the prehistoric era? Why, our noble silver blood, will become the appearance of the chaotic blood monster race, even the human race !"

"Why, those hateful human races can become like us again and use our abilities!"

"What is the difference between humans and demons? What are we fighting for!"

Cracks appeared in the indestructible fortress of faith. For countless nights, So Chaolong had passed through these cracks, staring into the darkness, and asked himself silently.

To this day, Li Yao told him the origin of the monster race.

He was completely convinced when he was furious, and the roar at that time was not so much anger as panic and dazed!

And now, Li Yao still appeared with such a face, with irrefutable evidence, breaking the boundary between the human race and the monster race.

A cultivator can also burst out such a strong demon spirit!

Suo Chaolong seemed to feel that an invisible false world suddenly collapsed, and a brand new real world was slowly opening the curtain in front of him.

Could it be that the legendary "Taiyi Demon Race" really exists and has been manipulating everything for forty thousand years, and these self-proclaimed silver-blooded demon races are just people's dolls and chess pieces in the end?

Before figuring out everything and figuring out why you are fighting, are you really going to die meaninglessly for a phantom Pantheon Palace?

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