40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 965: Red tide, erupt! (Fourth!)

Li Yao gave him a step down: "If you are not ready to do it, I suggest that you don't waste your precious time on who is right and who is wrong five hundred years ago, and the positions are different. There is no point in discussing these issues. , It’s better to discuss some more constructive topics."

Suo Chaolong pricked his ears: "For example?"

"such as-"

Li Yao slowly glanced around again, making every Silver-Blood Demon Race feel that he was talking to himself, "Assuming that everything I say is true, when facing the threat of the real human empire, Xing Yao The Federation is helpless, and will inevitably choose to contact and cooperate with a certain part of the monster race."

"So, which part of the monster race can cooperate with the Star Yao Federation first will definitely have a great say in the blood demon world in the future, and even influence the entire situation of the blood demon world!"

"What do you think?"

Suo Chaolong narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Are you asking me to betray the benefits of the Blood Demon Realm?"

Li Yao shook his head: "I want you to take the Blood Demon Realm on the right track, defend the interests of the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm as much as possible, don't hug each other and roll off the cliff, after all—"

He smiled bitterly: "The Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm are merging. After a few decades, there will be no Blood Demon Realm and Tianyuan Realm. There is only a whole new world that contains two habitable galaxies! Everyone who lives in this new world, It's a relationship that is both prosperous and all ruined!"

Suo Chaolong bowed his head silently, thinking silently.

Li Yao continued: "Even if we put aside the threat of the real human empire, let's talk about the ancestor Youquan first. The ancestor Youquan is obviously planning a earth-shaking conspiracy secretly. This conspiracy is very likely to harm both the human race and the monster. The interests of the clan!"

"At least, on Youfu Island, didn't you and the Federation Army be tortured together!"

"I think, in the blood demon world, you always have someone you love deeply. Perhaps you are not afraid of death, but you hope that your loved ones will also be tortured by the pain you have suffered, and be turned into terrifying puppets by Youquan Ancestor. Slave?"

The breathing of all the silver-blooded monster races started to rush.

What happened in the past six months, they don't even want to think about it for half a second, let alone imagine if it happened to their loved ones?

Li Yao said, "I know it's important. You must be in a mess right now. You need time to think carefully. Okay, I'll give you ten seconds. After ten seconds, I will tell me the answer. After all, everyone is fighting or making peace!"

Suo Chaolong was taken aback: "Ten seconds?"

No, that's right, I'm still thinking about it in ten seconds!

Li Yao showed a fierce light in his eyes, and his demon spirit burst out. With a "pop", he actually slammed and pinched the demon fireball, and said coldly: "It's not ten seconds, or a year and a half!"

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Zero!"

"Okay, time is up!"

"Or, just for all the old and new hatreds of each other's past, rush up to die!"

"Or, just come with me to find out the truth, take revenge for everything that I have suffered in the past six months, and take out the messy bezoar dog treasure of Old Ancestor Youquan!"

The astonishing momentum caused the surrounding bulkheads to make a twisted sound of "squeaky", and the scales on many of the silver-blooded monster race also made a "crack" trembling sound. Where did the slightest war intent come from?

Suo Chaolong was also like a nail. He was deeply nailed to the ground. Under Li Yao's suppression, his heart was upset, his lips trembled for a long time, and he glanced at his brother who was vomiting blood behind him.

"by the way."

Li Yao said lightly, "Among your brothers, twelve of them should have lost too much blood, damaged their internal organs, and will definitely die, but seven of them, if they are treated with a mysterious ancient recipe, they may be saved."

Suo Chaolong trembled, his hard eyes finally shattered.

Blood Demon Realm, Heavenly City!

This is a city above the clouds.

Hidden in the colorful clouds, there are more than five hundred towering floating mountains, like giant war chess suppressing the entire continent, and like five hundred loyal soldiers guarding the center, a magnificent and beautiful place. A magnificent aerial temple.

In the resource-poor and desolate blood demon world, only here is the perennial fairy clouds, the spring flowing, the spar hangs between the pavilions like crystal clear grapes, and all kinds of rare birds and animals roam freely in the clear stream and Between the magnificent waterfalls is a paradise on the ground.

Here is the supreme power center of the blood demon world, the center of faith, the glorious Pantheon temple in the depths of the stars, and the projection of the real world!

In the depths of the Pantheon Palace, in a secret strategy research room guarded by countless elites.

Jin Tu Yizhuo, commander of the Allied Demon Army, stood in front of a huge light curtain. The three-dimensional virtual shadows of two planets were projected on the light curtain. It can be clearly seen that one of the blood-colored planets is obviously bigger than the other blue planet. In the big round, between the two planets, in the form of countless dotted lines, densely packed semi-permanent wormholes were marked.

As the light and shadow intertwined, the two planets swallowed each other like cells. First, the scarlet planet had the absolute upper hand, continuously infecting the dazzling blood on the azure planet, but the azure planet quickly survived and moved towards the opposite side. The counterattack finally swallowed a larger scarlet planet.

Beside the magnificent main light curtain, hundreds of smaller light curtains bloom like snow flakes, the flow of information is pouring down like a torrential rain, and various data and combat power contrasts flicker crazily.

Jin Tuyi carried his hands on his back, and studied the subtle changes of every data on the light screen attentively. He was so focused that even the performance of the power rune array of the latest derivative of the Xingyao Federation of Bone Armor was improved. , He greedily and eagerly swallowed all the data, plunged into the depth of his brain, almost borderless computing library.

Behind Jin Tuyi, eleven high-level monsters with different appearances, but the same luxurious clothes and the same strong aura, silently watched the data changes on the light screen.

The light in everyone's eyes was gleaming like stars under the interference of a star sea storm, falling into crazy calculations.

The ruler of the Golden Crow Kingdom, the leader of the feather tribe who controls the sky, and the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, Jin Tuyi!

The master of Youquan Kingdom, the master of the zerg who controls the underground, the ancestor of Youquan!

The Supreme Emperor of the Lion Slaughter Kingdom, the master of the claw tribe who controls the ground, the blood-robed ancestor!

Behind the scenes of the overlord of the sea, the master of the sea clan who controls the ocean, Hong Yuntao!

The four giants of the blood demon world are all due!

The other eight demon emperors beside them either control a large-scale and powerful demon city, or possess extremely special abilities, which can contend against an entire army by themselves, or possess weird ones. The secret technique can deduce the changes in the battle situation in the next few years, and they are all outstanding among the demon kings.

The twelve of them are the twelve demon emperors in the Ten Thousand Demon Hall standing at the pinnacle of dividing all the power of the blood demon world!


The door of the strategy research room closed behind, and the commander of the Allied Demons Jin Tuyi slowly turned around. His movements were a bit slow, as if he was pressing an invisible heavy burden on his body, sunken deep in his eye sockets, with bloodshot eyes. , Bursting out a cold light, calmly said, "The latest and most comprehensive information about the flying stars world, everyone has carefully read it."

"According to our calculations, once the'Xinghai Bridge' between the two realms of Fei Xing and Tian Yuan is completed and consumes very little resources, it will be possible to transfer super-heavy spar battleships over 20 kilometers long, as well as masters of the Yuan Ying level. , Projected over in an instant!"

"The flying stars are a starship civilization. In the vast sea of ​​stars, they have developed extremely powerful spar battleship refining technology and crystal armor popularization technology."

"They and the Tianyuan people are highly complementary. It is estimated that as long as one to two years of contact, the level of cultivation of the Tianyuan realm, the comprehensive national strength and military strength of the Star Federation, will have an explosive leap!"

"So, it is no exaggeration to say that the Blood Demon Realm is already at stake!"

"From the last daybreaking battle, we can see the resilience and determination of the Federation people, and the speed at which they refine the crystal armor makes us terrified!"

"Even at the current rate, the strength of both parties will be reversed in just ten years, not to mention that they have received assistance from the flying stars!"

"Now, it is no longer a question of whether we can conquer the Starlight Federation, but how we can ensure that we are not subjugated and exterminated, and how to keep the blood demon civilization alive!"

"Our world is at stake!"

"The only option is to unite the monsters of all races and all classes, seize the last chance, and gather all the forces within a hundred days at most to start a war of annihilation!"

"The construction of the'Xinghai Bridge' requires two great worlds to work together, and it also requires the construction of a large number of star torches in the Tianyuan realm as a beacon in the sea of ​​stars!"

"As long as we can defeat the main force of the Star Federation with lightning speed, and threaten their most elite hinterland, forcing them to reach some kind of agreement and destroy all the star torches in the Tianyuan realm, we can prevent flying to the maximum. The stars are here!"

"In order to survive, this is the only choice!"

The remaining eleven demon emperors were silent.

A demon emperor with purple hair growing on his head, like blood vessels clinging to the top of his head, frowned and asked: "After the Battle of Dawn, although all the obstacles on the great wilderness have been cleared, the Star Federation can lay down the burden instead, including the whole thing. The heavy soldiers, including the twelve full crystal armor battle groups, are all thrown into the front line of the giant blade pass."

"The defense on the front line of the Great Sword Pass is solid. How can we break through in a short time? Who can guarantee that when our elites are exhausted under the Great Sword Pass, the Federation will not come up with a second "Cancer Project" from the two wings. Outflank us?"

"After all, the Great Wilderness is too vast, and our logistics supply pressure is too great!"

Jin Tu smiled confidently: "Why do we have to attack from the Great Wilderness? Next, I will introduce to you the Red Tide Project!"


The fourth one is sent again!

After reading some posts, many of my friends said to tell the old cow not to fight like this, because the body is important, and the future will be long.

Lao Niu is really touched, and please rest assured, everyone.

Let me introduce the current situation. Just at the beginning of this month, for various reasons, Lao Niu just quit his job. For the time being, he has no job constraints, and he can devote himself wholeheartedly to the creation of "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension".

Resignation does not necessarily mean that it is for creation, but the game is in the middle of the game. It is complicated and the pattern is getting bigger and bigger. If possible, Lao Niu still hopes to concentrate on writing this book first and portray the world in his mind. Then consider how to go next.

Therefore, the current energy can still be guaranteed.

Of course, in this way, a large amount of stable income is lost. For a veteran who is in his thirties, there are young and old, and all of them are waiting to be fed, the economic pressure must be great.

Therefore, I still hope that if you have the ability, you can help the old cows and come to the starting point to subscribe to the original Chinese website. You can't expect any monthly pass. You can subscribe every day and it will cost a few cents. You can relax your fingers. But the old cow is waiting to buy rice and put it in the pot to feed his family.

The profession of writing is actually similar to street performers in the old society. Whether it is good or not, it depends on everyone for forgiveness, support, and publicity. Thank you brothers and sisters for your support!

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