40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 966: The courage to set fire!

Li Yao's practice log, March 12.

Since coming to the blood demon world, in order to conceal his identity, there has been no systematic practice. After reaching the Skull Island, the Tomb of Chaos God and the Arctic Yinfeng Sea, they have continued to fight and fight, and there is no time to stop and take a breath and think deeply. .

To this day, I finally got a stable environment where I can restart systematic training.

The battles in Skull Island, the Tomb of Chaos Gods, and the Arctic Yin and Wind waters gave me a deeper insight into the mystery of activating primitive cells and manipulating mitochondria, and inspired me to explore new combat modes.

The cultivator takes the path of pure energy, mainly relying on the psychic energy to stir up the heavens and the earth to fight, while the Yaozu takes the path of emphasizing the flesh, focusing on digging the power deep in the cell.

So, is it possible to perfectly combine these two cultivation methods?

After all, in my opinion, there is no fundamental contradiction between them. On the contrary, they complement each other. Energy and matter should be one.

After preliminarily persuading Han Tuhu, Suo Chaolong and Fire Ant King, I set out to analyze the crystal brain memory chip that I grabbed in Youfu.

In the depths of these memory chips, there are extremely powerful spiritual prohibitions. I am only good at violent cracking, not good at bypassing the prohibition. Fortunately, there are many prohibition experts in Han Tuhu’s Flying Tigers. The cooperation took only two days and a large amount of data was analyzed.

These materials have benefited me a lot, and I have a deeper understanding of the relationship between cells and psychic energy.

In the next step, I will try to transform the "Golden Pill" from the cellular level.

The so-called "Golden Pill" is, on the energy level, a group of ultra-high compression psychic energy crystals condensed in the Dantian.

However, at the cellular level, it is a mass of spinal enlargement that grows from the end of the spine, or the second brain.

In the past, cultivators only regarded this "second brain" as an organ for manipulating the golden core and condensing the Nasal Infant, but ignored the in-depth development of it.

Since the "first brain" can continue to develop and increase the activity of brain cells, why can't the second brain?

If the second brain can be cultivated to be extremely powerful, even surpassing the first brain, what will happen?

Having figured this out, I am less anxious about my delay in entering the Nascent Soul Realm.

From the very beginning, my cultivation path was destined to be different from ordinary cultivators.

If you think of cultivation as climbing a high mountain, the "Nascent Infant Stage" is a higher mountain than the "Pill Formation Stage".

The vast majority of cultivators are tilting their heads up, going up, going up desperately.

But I stopped for a while, marched sideways, and headed towards the depths of the mountainside called "Pill Consolidation Stage".

Who knows, is there any treasure hidden in the depths of the mountainside?

On the other hand, I also began to think about how to upgrade the profound bone battle armor.

The current profound bone battle armor, technically speaking, almost reached the peak level of the two realms of Tianyuan and Fei Xing, and there was no way to change it.

But it is no longer suitable for my new body and new combat mode.

For example, the arm armor of the profound bone battle armor is fully enclosed, but in my new combat mode, it is possible to stimulate the bone blade and scale armor from the arm at any time, and the left palm is more likely to highlight the lens. Launch a powerful cell annihilation cannon!

At this time, wouldn't it be embarrassing if the palm of your hand was wrapped in crystal armor?

Could it be that my Cell Annihilation Cannon must burn a hole in the palm of my hand before it can blast towards the enemy?

That's too ridiculous!

Therefore, I need to modify the Xuanbone Battle Armor. The initial idea is to add a series of movable components to the arm armor, and a complete set of psychic power amplification system stimulated by the crystal marrow, to maximize the performance of the Cell Annihilation Cannon!

Thinking deeper, now I have a deep understanding of crystal armor and biochemical beasts. These two ultimate weapons have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Is it possible to combine them together?

The synthetic nerves, immortal proliferation cells, and full-cycle medical agents used on the biochemical warfare beasts, if they can be used in large quantities on the crystal armor, can greatly improve the size of the crystal armor, the endurance combat ability, and the protection and reinforcement of the rider. !

Perhaps, the future crystal armor will be a perfect combination of psionics and biochemistry. It uses super-strengthened alloy as its skeleton, wrapped in biochemical nerves, wrapped in self-repairing muscle bundles and mustard-grade liquid metal armor, and inlaid with spar and demon at the same time. Dan, using the dual-core operating system of crystal brain and biochemical brain, it can reach a terrifying existence of tens of meters in height!

If such a tyrannical war machine can really be refined to fight against the real human empire, there is hope!


Li Yao's practice log, March 15th.

After more than a week of stealth, dormancy and anti-tracking, we finally arrived at the core base of the Blade of Chaos, the Secret Shadow Realm!

To my surprise, the Blade of Chaos actually set the core base in a fragmented world, and the teleportation formation between this fragmented world and the blood demon world turned out to be in the depths of the sea, more than four thousand meters deep. Among them!

No wonder no matter how strangling the Pantheon Palace is, it is impossible to uproot the Blade of Chaos!

At first glance, the Secret Shadow Domain is like a lush virgin forest, occupied by demonized plants hundreds of meters high.

The Fire Ant King told me that all the demonized plants have been modulated by him to form a whole. This jungle even has simple thinking abilities, with intertwined roots, like a weird biochemical brain!

There are not many members of the Chaos Blade in the Secret Shadow Domain, only a few hundred people, but they are all experts that the Fire Ant King has spent decades convening and training.

Their original mission was to conduct an in-depth study of the inheritance of chaos discovered by the Fire Ant King, analyze various cultivation secrets, and provide technical support for the entire Blade of Chaos.

Therefore, there is also the most powerful biochemical brain and the most advanced training facilities here. I believe that cracking the memory unit of the biochemical main brain of the Youfu will soon make progress.

In the past few days, the fire ant king’s body has gradually recovered, and I have had several in-depth exchanges with him, and learned several methods of cultivating demonized plants from him.

These demonized plants are quite similar to the several ancient fairy grasses recorded in the ancient books of Bailianzong.

With the juice squeezed out of these demonized plants, I can concoct more than a dozen precious coolants, and the tempering of the treasures of heaven, material and earth will take it to a higher level!


Li Yao's practice log, March 18th.

Yesterday, another day of systematic training was interrupted. There is no way. The three forces of Chaos Blade, the Federation Army, and the Blood Lion Battalion are nestled together in a small secret shadow domain. They are intricate and multi-faceted. There are really countless things. To be dealt with.

After half a month of exchanges, I, Fire Ant King, Han Tuhu, and Suo Chaolong agreed that if we want to play a greater role in the next great changes in the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Flying Star, which have not been encountered in a thousand years. Function, we must set up a brand-new organization to unify our strengths!

Even considering the hostility and internal friction between the Blade of Chaos, the Federation Army and the Blood Lion Brigade, the establishment of a new organization is imperative.

I don't know if it should be fortunate or sad. Right now, our three forces have all fallen into the worst situation.

The identity of the supreme leader of the Blade of Chaos has been exposed, and the most important base "Zhuluocheng" is also in the midst of the storm. The Blade of Chaos divisions have been severely hit and are on the verge of collapse.

The Federation Army's Flying Tigers lost all its crystal armor and supplies, and lost all its crystal armor and supplies. The lone army lay in the deepest part of the enemy, and if there was any disturbance, it would be devastated.

The Silver-Blood Demon Race of the Blood Lion Brigade, as the descendants of the former Tianyuan exiles, originally existed in the Blood Demon Realm very embarrassingly, but they were modified beyond recognition. Once they show up, the ending will not be too good.

Our three forces, like three hedgehogs trembling in an ice storm, had to huddle together to keep warm, even if they were stabbed by the spikes called "hatred" on each other, there was no way to loosen their former opponents.

In order to adjust the relationship between each other, unified orders, joint operations, new organizations must be established.

However, regarding the definition of this organization, the details have been tangled for a long time.

The Blade of Chaos and the Silver-Blood Demon Race cannot easily let go of their hatred, and the Federal Army is even more restricted by military regulations. It is absolutely impossible to join other military organizations. As the dual pride of practitioners and soldiers, it is also difficult for them to Within a few days, they regarded the Yaozu as true comrades-in-arms, even in Youfu, they once fought side by side and shed blood together.

Therefore, we established the "Skyfire Organization".

In name, this is a "reading club", or a "historical research society" organization, whose purpose is to explore the origins of the human race and the monster race in myths and legends, and to discover the history of the past 40,000 years and beyond. The truth buried in dust.

Regardless of the military regulations of the Federal Army, or the laws of the Silver-Blood Demon Race and Chaos Blade, it seems that members are not forbidden to participate in reading clubs and study history.

By the way, the Skyfire Organization, or the Skyfire Reading Club, has an affiliated... team.

"Members" of the reading club, after studying hard and exhausted physically and mentally, go out to play ball and exercise. It is necessary and reasonable. It is not against the law, right?

The Skyfire Organization can be regarded as a small "test site" that we have built. We want to find out whether there is a second place between the Human Race and the Monster Race in addition to mutual destruction through the establishment, operation and development of this organization. There is a way to go.

I designed a battle emblem for the Skyfire organization, no, it was a "reading commemorative badge."

The lower part of the round badge is the silhouette of three **** trees, forming a "dark forest", starting from the canopy of the **** tree, but shrouded in blazing flames.

The flames tore through the dark forest, burning a golden way out.

I hope this "Sky Fire" can really burn a new road in the icy dark forest.

Even if it can't be done, at least, this fire can make those shivering creatures hiding in the depths of the dark forest feel a trace of warmth, see a ray of light, and muster them-the courage to set fire!

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