40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 976: Profound bone regeneration!

Secret shadow domain, 100 meters underground, the largest biochemical beast training room of Chaos Blade.

Li Yao looked around. It was like a jungle filled with miasma. Standing on the fertile dark red "soil", there were huge "flower buds" ranging in diameter from three to five meters to more than ten meters.

All the "flower buds" are in a semi-transparent state, and they are like weird monster eggs. With a drum and a suck, the breathing holes surrounded by mysterious and complex monster patterns will eject a colorful breath.

Shining it in with a special mysterious light, you can clearly see that the inner wall of the demon's egg is covered with intricate blood vessels and neural networks, and the biochemical beasts in embryonic state are quickly formed inside.

Around each "flower bud", there are countless nutrient solution pipelines and nerve current pipelines connected, these pipelines lead to a powerful calculation of biochemical brains.

In the realm of comprehension, a refiner who is capable of refining crystal armor will be dubbed the honorific title of "armorsmith", which is the realm that every refiner dreams of.

In the Yaozu world, experts who are good at modulating biochemical beasts are called "creators". Their job is to create lives, create brand new, powerful lives dedicated to killing!

Chaos Blade has developed in the dark for decades, and naturally has a large number of creators. After analyzing a large number of chaos inheritance, their strength is not much better than that of the creators under the Pantheon Palace.

At this moment, they are precisely manipulating the growth of the biochemical beasts through the biochemical brain.

After obtaining a large amount of experimental data and key information from the ancestors of Youquan, Chaos Blade's ability to modulate biochemical beasts has been greatly improved, and a batch of brand-new biochemical beasts are being prepared for use by the soldiers of the "Skyfire Organization".

Li Yao personally participated in the preparation of these biochemical beasts.

This may be the strangest batch of biochemical beasts in the history of the blood demon world.

They almost didn't have the slightest form of monsters, but they looked like a layer of fully enclosed armor wrapped around their bodies, except that they used biochemical materials.

This is specially prepared for the Union Army commanded by Han Tuhu.

The soldiers of the Union Army have not accepted the training of controlling biochemical beasts, and they are more accustomed to using crystal armor to fight.

But in the absence of a large number of refining facilities and all basic raw materials, even Li Yao could not conjure hundreds of sets of crystal armor out of thin air.

Li Yao was thinking about a new way to combine crystal armor and biochemical beasts.

Taking this opportunity, I simply made suggestions to the Fire Ant King. Can we use the idea of ​​refining crystal armor, but replace most of the materials with biochemical materials, and refining a brand new "biochemical armor"?

The crystal brain is replaced by a biochemical brain, the psionic pipeline is replaced by a biochemical nerve, and the super alloy becomes a mutant monster bone... The "biochemical armor" modulated in this way may be more in line with the ultimate "crystal armor" The definition of a weapon when it was first born.

The ‘crystal armor’ at that time was also called the ‘strengthening exoskeleton’!

Of course, such a "biochemical armor", in terms of manipulation and combat mode, is destined to be impossible to be exactly the same as crystal armor.

And the vast majority of the Federation Army, including Han Tuhu, are also different from the past. After a large number of primitive cells are activated, their limbs, hundreds of skeletons, and the eight channels of the odd meridians have undergone drastic changes. The old psychic cycle route has been changed. Severe distortions make it difficult for them to use their past cultivator power for a while.

However, the substantial increase in energy output by mitochondria and the powerful mutations in their bodies have enabled them to master new magical powers.

I believe that after a period of running-in, they will be able to use the "Biochemical Armor" to show a brand new tactic that has never appeared before in the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon!

Hope, I can catch up!

Taking a deep breath, Li Yao traversed the jungle composed of hundreds of "flower buds" and entered the deepest part of the biochemical beast training room, a special secret room.

This is a secret room dedicated to him alone.

This is the transformation room of Xuan Bone Battle Armor!

At first glance, the layout of the transformation room is similar to that of the ordinary mixing room, except that there are more forged Sendai and Guanxing hammers in the corners for hand-forging, and there are thousands of hand-forged by Li Yao. The gravitational symbolic array is suspended in mid-air, continuously rotating, a magic component that eliminates internal stress.

However, in the center of the transformation room, there is a huge biochemical cultivation tank.

Looking inside through the crystal glass, the profound bone battle armor was quietly suspended in the dark red culture solution.

Countless tentacles are gently "pecking" on it like a dragonfly. The tentacles are hollow. Every time they pecks, they will eject extremely dense mutant bone cells, which will attach to the surface of the profound bone battle armor, forming a layer of toughness and strength. The extremely strong "periosteal".

On top of the periosteum, the neural network, blood cells and crustaceans are attached.

From the left arm that has been modulated...

It is like a perfect combination of machinery and biology, the transition from metal to flesh and blood is smooth, as if it should be born together.

The spirit patterns and rune formations that were originally exposed in the air are safer and more concealed after being covered by the periosteum and flesh and blood; the biochemical nerves are entangled in the psychic channel, which makes the transmission of divine consciousness to each magic weapon unit more time. Faster, and the feedback of the magic weapon unit is also more agile. In many cases, it is no longer necessary to use the data on the retina to calculate, but directly in the depths of the brain, after generating the fuzzy calculation, it will respond instinctively.

Strands of dark red biochemical muscle bundles concealed between the black carapace, sometimes you can see the bone spurs glowing with dim metallic luster, sleeping in the gaps of the carapace, strengthening the crazy proliferation of cells, making the surface of the left arm attached A layer of fine air bubbles also caused Li Yao to have an illusion in a trance. He didn't know whether it was a cold machine or a real life in front of him.

Li Yao held his breath and watched quietly. In the silence, he communicated with the Xuan Bone Battle Armor eloquently.

After a long time, he gently placed his left hand on the biochemical brain that controls the culture tank, and moved his five fingers slightly, slowly submerging into the biochemical brain, carefully adjusting the direction of cell growth.

"Perfect artwork, isn't it?" The Scarlet Heart Demon sighed deep in his brain.

Li Yao's understanding of biochemistry is still very superficial. The transformation of the Xuanbone Battle Armor was mainly done by the Scarlet Heart Demon. This guy was originally a master of this kind, and he obtained a large amount of experimental data and one piece of the Chaos Blade and Youquan Ancestor. After the inheritance of the series, he was even more addicted. These days, he devoted himself to cultivation, but rarely came out to pester Li Yao.

Li Yao frowned slightly, the profound bone battle armor was indeed perfect, but--

"You seem to be a little too honest recently?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon pouted and covered his chest, with a grieved look like: "What's this? Isn't it good for me to be honest? Do I have to come out and make waves all day long, and then be brutally suppressed by you and go back. Are you more fulfilling?"

Li Yao blinked: "That's not true, but I always feel like you help me wholeheartedly like this, what kind of conspiracy is there."

The Scarlet Heart Demon leaned against Ou Yezi's tree of memory and stretched out his hand to pluck a golden leaf from the tree.

That was a fragment of Ou Yezi's memory.

The Scarlet Heart Demon stuffed the memory fragments into his mouth, chewed slowly, stretched out his index finger, and shook it gently: "again, you are me, I am you, and helping you is helping myself. Why do you always think that I must be the most important thing. What about you?"

"As the saying goes, when is the time for retribution, you guard me against me, I murder you, trust each other, and never die, don't the two of us turn this brain into a small dark forest?"

"I know, you hate the dark forest theory the most, but how can it be enough to just break the dark forest between different civilizations in the sea of ​​stars? The dark forest is in your heart, shouldn't you also break it? "

"Therefore, the two of us must be united and not divided, peace and not war, and we must support each other and make progress together instead of suspicion and destruction together, right?"

Li Yao: "...Why do you feel that this is my line?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon thoroughly chewed Ou Yezi's memory fragments, swallowed it, and licked his lips intently, and said with a smile: "Look, how difficult it is to gain a little trust between people! You are deep again! I misunderstood me deeply!"

"Didn’t I explain it a long time ago. The Bloodstripe Clan is an extremely strange life form. Perhaps according to human standards, it can’t be regarded as a life at all. It has no shadow, no spirit, no quality, and pure natural life. Green is pollution-free and will not cause damage to this universe."

"The only thing needed is a trivial emotional swing."

"Any emotional fluctuation can be used as a source of energy for the Bloodstripe Clan. The meaning of killing can be used, as can friendship, love, and the guardianship of the homeland."

"It's just that, for most civilized races, the strongest emotional fluctuations are killing and destruction. Who is to blame?"

"If I say that for hundreds of millions of years, the bloodstained tribe has been feeding on the strong meaning of killing. I am tired of this strong, but too rough and monotonous form of fluctuation, and want to taste some brand new emotional fluctuations, such as love. , Protection, friendship, sacrifice..."

"It's like eating big fish and big meat for hundreds of millions of years. It's a bit greasy. Now I want to taste the taste of congee and side dishes, do you... believe it or not?"

Li Yao: "I don't believe it."

Scarlet Demon: "Hahahaha, there's no way, it's really my demon, he saw me through all of a sudden, well, let me put it another way."

"Even if I really want to kill, then of course the larger the scale of the killing, the better, right?"

Li Yao: "Yes."

Scarlet Heart Demon: "What kind of killing is considered to be a larger scale? Of course it is a war, especially between two great worlds that are equal to each other and destroy each other!"


Li Yao frowned, "That's why I'm so strange, you have been honest recently, you haven't even done anything on the profound bone battle armor, why?"

"I can feel that you really want to stop the world war between the Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm, why?"

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