40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 977: The magnificent road!

The Scarlet Heart Demon broke off a bare branch from Ou Yezi’s tree of memory, stretched out behind his back to tickle himself, and yawned, “I want to protest this most solemnly to you. You deliberately pretended that you didn't know anything about biochemistry, and you had to hand over the profound bone battle armor to me for full remodeling. In fact, you deliberately set up a trap to test whether I would do anything, right?

"Actually, during this period of time, you have made rapid progress in biochemistry. You are not as ignorant as on the surface, and in this transformation room, you have also made a lot of layouts, just to wait for my true shape to be revealed. ,Right?"

"You are too much."

"I'm not saying that you can't'heart-slasher'. It's just that with our identities and status today, can we raise the level of fighting a little bit and stop playing tricks that insult each other's wisdom? ?"

"Do your hands and feet on the profound bone battle armor? Do I look like such a dishonest heart demon?"

Li Yao: "Well, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. You are a noble and upright demon, so why on earth are you helping me?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon sternly said: "Of course it is for world peace among the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Flying Star..."

Li Yao: "What about the second half?"

Scarlet Heart Demon: "...and, a more glorious war!"

Li Yao: "What do you mean?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon smiled: "The Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm are just two barren small realms on the coast of the Xinghai Sea. Even if you add a Flying Star Realm, what is it? You don’t think that villagers in this country are fighting. Will it satisfy me?"

"Yes, I can interfere with you, and even drag you back at a critical time, so that a full-scale war breaks out between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm, and both lose and destroy each other."

"and then?"

"Then, when the expeditionary force of the true human empire arrives, the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Flying Star will be suppressed by the thunder and turned into powder, and there is no power to fight back!"

"Only a well-matched war between the two sides can be beautiful, and can collide with the most intense emotional fluctuations. If one party is unable to fight back, it will be suppressed in an instant. It is like an ant being trampled to death, and the ant does not even know how he died. , And the person who trampled it to death did not have the slightest sense of pleasure and accomplishment. How could it have a strong sense of killing?"

Li Yao was stunned and took a deep breath.

The Scarlet Heart Demon smiled and said: "So, even if I really yearn for a war, it will never be a township-level war between the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing, but a more glorious, magnificent, and more magnificent war. Agitated, can ignite a cosmic war of three thousand worlds!"

"The one participating in the war is the real human empire; while the other is the new federation united by the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Flying Star, and after hundreds of years of rapid development!"

"Think about it, what thrilling sparks can be collided in the space war between the Empire and the New Federation, what a magnificent story can be staged, how many evocative heroes, lords and bears can emerge, and how strong emotional fluctuations can be produced. , How much bloodthirsty, killing, betrayal, loyalty, guardianship, despair and hope!"

"This kind of war is simply an extremely rich sea and land meal. Just thinking about it makes people tremble!"

"Compared with this kind of war, what is the battle between Tian Yuan and the blood demon?"

"So, our two goals are the same. Let the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Flying Star unite as soon as possible, let the new federation develop at a high speed for a hundred years, and do everything to increase its strength. Maybe we have the slightest qualification to become a real human being. The real opponent of the empire, right?"

"After all, wars that are evenly matched are fun!"

"Look, I put my heart to heart and said everything, can you finally rest assured?"

Li Yao: "... asshole! I am more worried, okay! How can there be such a terrible monster as you!"

The scarlet heart demon curled his lips: "The two of us, being the heart demon of each other, are originally two sides of the same copper plate. As the saying goes, who is our brother with whom? You will pretend to be a pure and innocent white lotus. Is it boring?"

"Don't deceive yourself anymore. In fact, you have been longing for war deep down in your heart, longing for the thrilling fight, the rescue at a very short time, and the refreshingness of the army from it, right?"

"You are as bloodthirsty and eager to kill as I am, and you like adventure and turbulence. You don't like the unchanging peace and boring world. From the magic tomb to today, you have never changed. You have always been the deadly vulture. ,Right?"

"Why, when you returned from the Flying Star Realm, you didn't follow the big army, but crossed to the Blood Demon Realm alone?"

"Oh, you know that you are infected by the Bloodstripe Clan, and you don't want to spread to others, you would rather sacrifice yourself!"

"What a good reason, what a noble character, what a great sentiment, what a hero who makes one's eyes full of tears!"

"It's just that you and I are all clear, that's a ****, a lie!"

"You are just deep in your subconscious, longing for more intense fighting, more dangerous battles, more thrilling adventures, and even less willing to be restricted by the slightest rules and regulations!"

"In your subconscious mind, you know that once you follow the big army back to the Tianyuan realm, you will be under the constraints of many rules and become a screw on the huge cultivation machine, at most a more important magic weapon unit."

"What does Tianyuan Cultivation Network say? Cultivation should also teach the Basic Law!"

"Whether in the Tianyuan or Feixing realms, even the old primordial infant cannot completely do what he wants. Even if it is fighting, it will be under certain rules and regulations. If the federal government gives you someone you don’t Would you refuse the task you like?"

"That's why you would choose the blood demon world."

"Here, you are your only master. You will not be swayed by the slightest rules and regulations. You can do whatever you want, unscrupulously and according to your own will, to kill!"

"In the final analysis, above the'Star Federation Super Hero Li Yao', there is another Li Yao, a Li Yao who does not belong to the Federation, but belongs to himself, and belongs to the earth!"

"There is no need to deny it, I know your subconscious well, oh, to be more precise, I am your subconscious!"

"You know, you always know."

Li Yao was silent, and a strong wind blew deep in his brain, blowing off a golden leaf on the tree of memory of Ou Yezi.

The Scarlet Heart Demon stretched out his palm, held up the fallen leaves, folded both sides toward the middle, and played on his lips, making a "puff puff" sound. The strange tone blew for a long time, and he coughed violently.

"I'm sorry, I don't blow the leaves very much and show ugliness."

Li Yao: "Then you still blowing?"

Scarlet Heart Demon: "I just think that when discussing such a deep and philosophical topic, blowing a melancholy tune will be more stylish."

Li Yao: "..."


The Scarlet Heart Demon gently bounced the memory fragments away, and said, "These days, while you are cultivating your body, I have made a little exploration in the depths of our sea of ​​consciousness and discovered Some very interesting things, are you interested in knowing?"

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "What?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon opened his mouth, and spit out a small worm with a golden glow like a firefly.

The body of the little bug is like a crystal clear, round dewdrop, but when Li Yao focused his soul on it, he saw...

The blue world, the earth.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

The black flame-like sports car drew a flame on the road along the river, the speed far surpassed the mechanical limit, all the pointers and data on the electronic instrument panel were jumping wildly, tearing into streamers and flying.

The whole earth shook.

"The Vulture Project has failed, it is too powerful, we can't destroy it!"


"Escape to the edge of the star sea, never come back, forget everything about the earth!"

"It's too powerful, too dark, we can't destroy it, and we can't destroy it in ten thousand years, ten thousand years, 100 million years!"

In the next second, the black flame sports car seemed to rush directly out of the road, out of the troposphere, out of the stratosphere, out of the earth, and toward the endless sea of ​​stars.

Standing on the nebula, Li Yaozhuo stared at the azure planet with extremely hot eyes, and said in a vacuum: "I will definitely complete the Vulture Project, and I will definitely destroy it!"

His soul trembled, and he returned to reality.

"that's it?"

"What do you think? If we really regard our sea of ​​consciousness as a vast ocean, all this information is buried under the deepest trench. With our current strength, it would be pretty good to be able to dig out fragments of one and a half stars!"

Li Yao pondered: "So, the vulture plan is to destroy something, a very powerful dark existence, what exactly is it?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon spread his hands and said, "No matter what it is, it is not something we can destroy at this moment."

"Perhaps, this is why we are so eager to fight, eager for adventure and practice from the bottom of our heart, because we have to become stronger and strong enough to implement the'Vulture Project'!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, and there seemed to be a road leading directly to the deep blue planet "Earth" in the depths of the sea of ​​stars.

This road full of thorns and flames runs through the sea of ​​stars and across the universe. It is very long.

The Scarlet Heart Demon leaned under the tree of memory, and in his squinted eyes, he seemed to have seen the same road burning in the sea of ​​stars. He watched very intently. Gradually, the hippie smile disappeared and became very quiet. , Murmured: "It's so beautiful, isn't it?"

Li Yao smiled, nodded, and strode out on his own path.

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