40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 978: The question of Qiankun Ring

Five days later, it was on the sea three hundred kilometers west of Chaozhou City.

A monster warship disguised as a gray whale emerged silently from the water, spraying a huge column of water towards the gray sky.

In the monster battleship, Li Yao observes the situation of Chaozhou City through the biochemical eyes concealed in the water column.

A distance of three hundred kilometers, it is naturally impossible to see the details clearly, and can only sense the chaotic magnetic field and the blazing demon flames above Wuchao City.

The city has just gone through a great battle, and it is still overcast at the moment, and it is surrounded by the Allied Forces of All Demon.

In the sea ahead, the elite of the sea clan from the Allied Forces of Monsters guarded the monster. The monster warship of the Blade of Chaos did not dare to approach any more and could only send Li Yao here.

Next, it's up to him alone.

Li Yao refused to go with others.

On the one hand, the three tactical teams organized by Skyfire have not been completed yet. They must practice race against time to cope with the next more important tasks.

Besides, infiltrating into a chaotic city occupied by the army and besieged, and bringing a person out, this kind of task is not the more manpower the better.

With Li Yao's current strength, unless he is a comrade in the rank of Fire Ant King, taking others there is nothing more than adding chaos to him.

If even he can't complete a task, it would be futile to bring a hundred or eighty people along!


Standing behind Li Yao, Yuchiba respectfully said, "The overall structure of Wuchao City, including the hundreds of secret passages mixed in the sewers when we built the city, are all stored in your brain. With these secrets, Dao, you can appear in any place in Wuluocheng silently, provided that, of course, you must first cross the seabed defense line guarded by the sea clan."


Li Yao nodded, "You just wait for me here, and pay attention to the movement of Chaozhou City at any time. If everything goes well, I will be able to bring Jin Xinyue out in half a day. If something goes wrong, then you will be in one day or three days. Seven days later, go to the three follow-up contact points to meet with me. If you don’t find me at these three contact points, then you don’t have to wait and go directly to the Secret Shadow Realm. Jin Xinyue and I will meet ourselves. To find ways to."


Li Yao's right index finger and **** gently pressed against the center of his eyebrows, and extracted the profound bone battle armor from the universe ring.

The newly born profound bone battle armor enveloped his whole body like a thick black liquid, solidified in an instant, and burst into a fang-like hideous form. The seemingly withered muscle bundles and carapace continued to expand, bursting into a strong spray. The demon energy even condensed into black spirals around the profound bone battle armor, causing everyone on the demon battleship to tremble in their calves.

If such a posture is seen by an ignorant cultivator, it will definitely be like a great enemy, thinking that it is the arrival of a peerless demon!

"It's still too exaggerated, it's really a mistake this time!"

Li Yao frowned secretly.

In the transformation of the profound bone battle armor, a lot of biochemical materials were added to make it develop in the direction of the perfect combination of crystal armor and biochemical battle beasts. This idea has greatly improved the performance of the profound bone battle armor, but it has brought A question that Li Yao had never thought about before.

That is, the profound bone battle armor covered with a large amount of active cell material can't be stored with Qiankun Ring!

Generally speaking, Qiankun Ring cannot be used to preserve living things.

This is because most of the principle of operation of the Qiankun ring is to use the principle of hyperfolding to highly compress the molecular structure of a three-dimensional object into a "four-dimensional crystal" with a higher "density", and then reverse it when it needs to be extracted. To decompress, re-expand the "four-dimensional crystal" in three-dimensional space.

For example, a newspaper spread out is too big to carry, then crumple it into a ball, squeeze it desperately, and naturally it can easily fit into a tiny space.

This is the principle of compression from "two-dimensional plane" to "three-dimensional crystallization".

When you want to read it again, unzip the "paper ball", flatten it, and restore it to a two-dimensional plane.

It is conceivable that when a newspaper is crumpled into a ball and then re-unfolded, its surface must be full of creases, and on the microscopic level that is invisible to the naked eye, a large number of fibers must be broken.

The storage of the Universe Ring is the same. In the process of compression and decompression, it will cause a certain degree of subtle damage to the material.

An inanimate dead object can ignore this subtle damage and maintain its original nature and function, just like a crumpled newspaper, which can also read and carry information normally.

However, cells with extremely strong activity, especially brain cells used for thinking, can hardly resist such damage.

Both the human race and the monster race have countless great abilities, and they have studied the topic of using the universe ring to store living things.

However, the best result they have studied for tens of thousands of years is that through the protection of the special rune array, some cells can maintain the minimum activity in the universe ring.

Li Yao once used a special fresh-keeping talisman to store a large amount of food in the Qiankun ring. Within a few years, the freshness of the food and the psychic energy contained in it can be guaranteed. This is the application of this technology in real life.

From "food" to real life, there is still a long way to go.

Especially the most mysterious and fragile brain cells in a living body, once "folded" and "unfolded", even if there is no change in appearance, the brain nerves may be severely damaged.

This is the reason why the biochemical beasts cannot be stored through the universe ring. After all, the core of the biochemical beasts is the biochemical brain. Even if the biochemical brain does not have autonomous consciousness, it must remain active at all times to cope with the calculation of astronomical information.

Fortunately, the profound bone battle armor is not a biochemical beast, its core is a powerful crystal brain.

In order to put the brand-new profound bone battle armor into the Universe Ring, experts such as Li Yao, Fire Ant King racked their brains and came up with various whimsical methods, all of which ended in failure.

In the end, Fire Ant King proposed a solution.

Although Qiankun Ring cannot store living things, there is no problem with storing corpses.

From ancient times to the present, after countless cultivators hunted and killed spirit beasts and monsters, they would throw monster bones, monster pills and other materials into the universe ring, unearth what kind of spirit grass, spirit wood, etc., and just go there. I have not heard of the difference in performance when I lose the ring in the universe.

This shows that the storage of Qiankun Ring will not damage the integrity of cells.

Many crystal armors are directly refined from a large number of heaven, material and earth treasures, even if the profound bone battle armor, after the battle of the bone dragon star, a large amount of material stripped from the bone dragon demon was used.

In addition to the hard bones, it also included extremely malleable flexible materials. At that time, it could be used freely with the Universe Ring.

Therefore, Li Yao and Fire Ant King's judgment is that if brain cells are not involved, as long as the cell activity is maintained at a very low level, it is possible to avoid harm during the "folding" and "unfolding" of the Qiankun Ring.

Fire Ant King has done research in this area for a long time, and he has also developed a cytostatic agent around this speculation. After injection, the cell activity will be greatly reduced, and it will be in a state of'hibernation' or'feign death'. .

Fire Ant King wants to use this method to allow biochemical beasts to be stored by the Universe Ring, which greatly improves portability and flexibility.

However, this kind of "hibernating agent" can cause great damage to brain cells. Once the biochemical brain is "hibernated", it can no longer be "thawed". No matter how he experimented, he couldn't improve it and had to give up.

The profound bone battle armor does not use biochemical brain, and there is no problem in this respect. After the injection of the "hibernant", the strengthened cells on the surface enter the state of'hibernation', and the cell activity is reduced to the limit, which can withstand the "folding" and "unfolding" Damage in.

After it is extracted from the Qiankun ring, inject the activating agent to make the mitochondria in the hibernating cells burn wildly and restore their vitality!

In this way, the storage problem of the new profound bone battle armor was barely solved!

Although both "hibernation" and "activation" take a second or two, they are slightly slow on the ever-changing battlefield, but after careful analysis, Li Yao still believes that it is acceptable to spend a few seconds in exchange for a substantial increase in performance.

After all, this is a new technology and a new magic weapon that has just been born. It is inevitable that various problems will be encountered, but detailed problems can be solved through technical improvements. Li Yao is very optimistic about this with the keenness of a refiner. The future of a new magic weapon.

The only thing that made him more dissatisfied was that when he used the activating potion to instantly awaken the biochemical cells attached to the profound bone battle armor, it would stimulate the mitochondria in the cells to burn, releasing a steady stream of evil energy, and even condensed all over his body. The wisps of black cyclones visible to the naked eye are really eye-catching!

"Originally, I raised my strength to the limit, and the golden core would sing loudly."

"Now, every time the crystal armor is summoned, it must first arouse the overwhelming demon spirit!"

"On one side is the music of the wind and the howling of ghosts and wolves, and on the other side is the volcanic eruption of monster energy. It is completely the posture of the'big demon' in the glare phantom. It is too exaggerated and too exaggerated. Character!"

In just half a month, being able to make such a substantial improvement on the profound bone battle armor has exceeded Li Yao’s estimation. For this small defect, he can only tolerate this small defect temporarily, controlling the profound bone battle armor. Dive into the depths of the sea.

Five hundred meters, one thousand meters, three kilometers... all around became a dark world with no fingers.

Before Li Yao's eyes, the Crystal Brain Light Screen jumped out a series of changes in performance parameters, and the active cells on the surface of the profound bone battle armor directly transmitted external pressure to the depths of his brain through biochemical nerves.

Two different treatment methods, and at the same time tell him the impact of sea water pressure.

He is not only a high-precision diving magic weapon, but also a fish living in the deep sea. The analysis and processing speed of information is more than 30% faster than in the past, and it can even sense every weak ocean current zone. The influence of the coming, and the dangerous hunter dormant in the dark depths!


This chapter was specifically written after readers questioned whether the "Xuan Bone Battle Armor" was transformed into a living thing or a dead thing, and whether it could be stored by the Universe Ring.

It may not have much to do with the main plot, but it is indeed a very important technical issue. If it is not explained, it will contradict the previous statement and the entire theoretical building will collapse.

Therefore, I hope that everyone will not dislike the procrastination of this chapter. Lao Niu also has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I find this problem but do not solve it. I deceive myself and ignore the past. How can I not convince myself.

There is a fourth update today, Ho Ho!

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