40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 982: Teleportation house

The monster battleship turned into a series of huge fireballs composed of caterpillars, violently twisted and smashed down from mid-air!

The powerful waves that set off made the ruins of thousands of meters shrouded in smoke, flames and flying dust mixed, corpses and rubble splashing around, a scene of doomsday coming!

Jin Xinyue was lifted off by the air wave and slammed out for seven to eighty meters, her face like golden paper, staring at the wreckage of the battleship dumbfounded.

Up to this moment, she still couldn't believe her eyes!

A monster warship that specializes in suppressing ground targets was actually knocked down by some tyrannical weapon?

That kind of weapon directly penetrated the demon-powered shield of the demon battleship, but the source of the attack was an explosion of a flash flood and a demon-like atmosphere.

She had only perceived the demon energy of the same level in her father, Jin Tuyi, the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance!

"This, what level of master is this?"

Jin Xinyue’s nostrils, ears and corners of eyes seeped blood at the same time, the internal organs are more like being trampled on by iron hoofs, her throat is sweet, but she does not dare to cough, for fear that a cough will cough the broken internal organs. come out.

Behind her, a search team of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance was also directly stunned by the shock wave, and everyone's brains were impacting at high speed in their skulls, unable to respond for a long time.

They stared stunnedly at the burning traces left in the air, as if some kind of illusion had occurred, and everyone was shaking uncontrollably.

Soon, a black figure appeared in the smoke of gunpowder.

Like the demon king who crawled out of the Nine Nether Palace, strands of black demon qi lingered around his body, spreading his teeth and claws, tearing the air apart, making a "hissing" rubbing sound.


Behind this "Nine You Demon Lord", the wreckage of the demon battleship once again blasted an earth-shattering explosion, shaking the mountains for a while, and the waves of air rolled, purple demon fires soaring into the sky, burning half of the sky!

All the monster races lay down and hugged their heads firmly so as not to be swept away by the shock wave.

They knew very well how terrifying the air waves, acid, poisonous mist and shock waves sputtered after the big explosion of a monster battleship!

If it is directly hit by the acid mist stored in the battleship, maybe the whole person will melt in an instant!


The thunderous voice seemed to explode directly from the depths of Jin Xinyue's brain, and then she sensed dozens of extremely sharp demon qi directly rushing into the major acupuncture points around her body.

The body that was originally exhausted, stimulated by the evil spirit, unexpectedly gave birth to a brand new force, which was involuntarily dragged over.

Jin Xinyue was surprised and happy, almost cheering.

It's that old monster!

No wonder it can burst out such a powerful monster!

However, Li Yao ignored Jin Xinyue's inner fluctuations, and with a big hand, he directly sucked in her, and then the double-winged combat knife swept away thousands of black feathers, forming a heavy arc behind him. The waves swept across an area several hundred meters in radius like a tsunami, and drove dozens of shrimps, soldiers and crabs all out.


Li Yao mentioned Jin Xinyue, completely wrapped her psychic energy fluctuations with demon energy, and lowered the level of demon energy turmoil, entered stealth mode, and galloped silently among the ruined walls!

The thunder strike frightened the feather tribe and monster warships that were about to chase around.

Suddenly, they couldn't figure out the situation in the depths of the city. Why did such a fierce monster burst out and attack them?

The round-up became more cautious, but the defenses on the periphery became tighter. All the troops ended their rest and reorganization. They spread to the defense zone with a depth of more than ten kilometers. The sea surface was more like boiling, and countless huge deep sea monsters and beasts awakened from the bottom of the sea!

Li Yao cursed secretly, and with Jin Xinyue, Cyclonus reached the first tunnel entrance he had dug in advance.

It's just that, at this tunnel entrance, there is a combat squad of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons.

It seemed that they were building a line of defense on the spot, preparing to seal off the area where Li Yao and Jin Xinyue appeared.

It was too late to choose the second tunnel entrance. Li Yao gave a long roar, and seven dragon spiritual arms wrapped in active cells appeared from behind. Together with the sixteen triplex six-tube rotating Vulcan cannons, a devastating storm was thrown out. The suppression of the upper cell annihilation cannon would wipe out the entire combat team within three seconds!

Jin Xinyue was frightened and frightened. After only a few months, the strength of this old monster has increased to a higher level, and...what kind of magic weapon is he wearing, so terrifying?

This old monster is really unfathomable!

"So far, 22% of the psychic energy in the body has been consumed, the number of annihilated cells is about 730 billion, the consumption of ammunition is 26%, the fuel of the crystal armor is reduced by 11%, and the strength is reduced by 7%!"

"Comprehensive assessment shows that the overall combat effectiveness has dropped by 11%, and the endurance combat time to maintain the current combat state is 1 hour, 43 minutes and 44 seconds. Switching to the ultra-high-intensity combat mode can only last for 58 minutes. Once the opponent has more than three monster warships The encirclement and carpet bombing of the enemy, or the demon king who controls the powerful biochemical beasts, consumes even faster!"

"Within the line of sight, the enemy still has at least nine monster warships, and this level of siege, the middle and high-level monster kings must exist, maybe there are more than one!"

"As the overall combat effectiveness declines, the more the delay continues, the situation will only get worse and worse. At this moment, it is necessary to ensure that Jin Xinyue's success rate is not more than five percentage points!"

Li Yao calmly analyzed the comparison between the enemy and our combat power, and used the Xiaolong to monitor the situation on the sea. While breathing, he picked up Jin Xinyue and went into the tunnel without hesitation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Every time he advances a hundred meters, he will detonate a spar bomb behind him, completely blasting the tunnel down.

This kind of trick is only temporary.

Some of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance are masters of underground operations, who are best at drilling and digging holes. It will not take long to discover and invade the secret underground tunnels.

Jin Xinyue also knew that the situation was urgent now. It was not when she was speaking. She did not say a word and followed Li Yao very well. The two of them ran like two bolts of lightning, rushing to the end of the secret underground road in a flash.

Here, just a short distance from the sea, the air has become very humid, faintly filled with the smell of sea breeze.

Ahead, is the teleportation formation where Li Yao sneaked into the City of Chaos.

Li Yao knotted his hands to activate the teleportation formation, but did not stand up with Jin Xinyue, but placed a magic weapon that looked strange, shaped like a sea fish, and filled with holes.


The magic weapon disappeared and appeared among the deep sea corals one kilometer away.

Under the control of Li Yao's divine mind, this magic weapon sent out the wave of axe fish that Li Yao recorded at the beginning while rushing into the deep sea.


Li Yao took Jin Xinyue and killed a carbine, twisted and twisted, and came to a secret teleportation formation.

He first set up a timed spar bomb around the teleportation array, and set the detonation time to five seconds later, before he stood up with Jin Xinyue.


The two disappeared at the same time and appeared in the darkness.

The teleportation formation they entered was immediately detonated.

Until this moment, Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

It is safe for the time being.

Jin Xinyue was hesitant to speak in the dark, full of question marks.

"You made too much noise."

Li Yao explained, "The Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons have laid nets around Wuchao City. If they didn't disturb them, they might have a chance to escape. But now, they have raised their alert to the limit, and the sea is full of gleaming eyes. Sea Clan, we cannot escape from the bottom of the sea, at least not for these two days."

"So, I released a special magic weapon, this magic weapon will sneak in the deep sea, and release the same wave when I sneak in."

"If those sea races are smart enough, they will definitely find this wave that looks like a school of axe fish, but it is slightly stiff and too straight. If you go all the way to the west, you will think this wave is us."

"Then the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance will think that we have escaped from the bottom of the sea and will put all our energy in the ocean."

"Before they caught up with this magic weapon, we won a few hours."

Jin Xinyue was stunned when she heard it, and couldn't help asking: "Here is it again?"

Li Yao took out an illuminating chip from his arms and pressed it lightly, emitting a soft blue light to the surroundings.

This is a secret room no more than five meters in length and width. There is nothing but the walls on all sides, engraved with a dozen one-way teleportation arrays.

Except for the teleportation formation they came in, the other teleportation formations could only leave from here, but could not teleport in from the other end.

"This is the underground teleportation house of the Fire Ant King. These teleportation arrays can lead to the ‘safe houses’ in all directions in Chaozhou City, but I guess that most of the ‘safe houses’ have long been razed to the ground, right?”

Li Yao smiled bitterly and said that all the active cells on the surface of the profound bone battle armor fell into hibernation, and the crystal armor retracted into the universe ring, revealing a slightly annoyed face.

"You really got in touch with Fire Ant King?"

Jin Xinyue was surprised and delighted, habitually blowing the conch, "Master, your old man is really supernatural--"

"Don't rush to flatter."

Li Yao said coldly, "What the **** is going on, why would you inspire such a strong psychic energy fluctuation in full view of everyone, and expose the secret of transforming yourself into a ‘cultivator’?"

Jin Xinyue's pretty face was wrinkled into orange peels, and she said dumbfounded: "The disciple was also forced to be helpless, and speaking of it, it was really bad luck."

After her explanation, Li Yao's expression also became weird.

It turned out that since Li Yao got into Skull Island a few months ago, especially after joining Chaos Blade, Skull Island captain Chiba really fulfilled his promise, and found Jin Xinyue and the other gladiator family members and sent them to Wuchao. In the city, the business houses and clubs belonging to the Blade of Chaos are engaged in some relatively leisurely work.

However, Jin Xinyue is a temperament who fears that the world will not be chaotic. Why would she be willing to relax, and want to help Li Yao find out more information, in this place where dragons and snakes are mixed, she can't help but release some means.

As the saint of the Pantheon Palace, her methods are naturally different. Even if she is now disguised as an ordinary-looking chaotic demon race, she is naturally charming and all kinds of secret methods to confuse people. A little bit of leakage is enough to make all males. The creature is head overwhelmed.

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