40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 983: Third disciple

As a result, Jin Xinyue quickly gained a small reputation in Wuluan City, and many demon races who had just arrived in Wuluo City had also heard of this shameless but flattering little demon girl.

Under the shadow of the Chaos Blade organization, she has not been bullied too much with the false identity of "Sister Li Yao".

However, when the Ten Thousand Demons Allied Forces slaughtered and suppressed Chaos Blade, it was another matter. All the residents of Wuluocheng, regardless of whether they were related to Chaos Blade, were all caught in the prison camp.

As the so-called "tree attracts the wind", Jin Xinyue originally wanted to be among the prisoners, waiting to leave the city without chaos before trying to escape.

Unexpectedly, the supervisor of this prison camp heard her name from nowhere.

Although the chaotic blood demon race is called "untouchable", in the eyes of the silver blood demon race, these appearances are not much different from them, and they are more like humans of the same kind. From an aesthetic point of view, they are more appetizing.

It is impossible for a silver-blooded monster clan to have estrus at a black blood zerg clan that looks like a worm magnified thousands of times.

But in the face of a messy blood with soft rabbit ears or furry cat tail, it is completely possible to become "sexy."

The director of this prison camp is "sexy."

Although the nobles have the rules of the nobles, in the brutal war with a high degree of nerve tension, finding a messy blood to vent, as long as it is done cleanly afterwards, it is not a scandal.

Jin Xinyue naturally couldn't let him succeed.

Because she is not messy blood at all, but a complete human race.

Although they usually cover up very well, once you have a blind date with someone else's skin, you will definitely be noticed.

Even if the clue is not seen, she will definitely be killed by the silver-blooded monster race afterwards. On the one hand, she will avoid the scandal from being revealed, and more importantly, she will prevent her from giving birth to a more chaotic descendant of chaotic blood!

Jin Xinyue is very clear about the virtues of these silver-blooded monster races.

Therefore, in the case of unable to refuse the other party, she could only hide a small bone blade between her toes, and finally - slaughter the captive camp supervisor!

The head of the captive camp was also a strong player in the high-level demon general series. During the raid, Jin Xinyue had to raise her strength to the limit, emitting a large amount of psychic energy fluctuations, which was naturally felt by the entire captive camp. Triggered a series of riots!

This is really a blunder, and luck is extremely bad.

Jin Xinyue pretended to be very aggrieved and extremely grateful, and lightly patted her chest: "The whole thing is like this. The disciple was forced to do nothing, so he would act brazenly. When he was rounded up by the demon army in the city, The disciple originally thought that there was no way to retreat, and he wanted to die, and he must not fall into the hands of the demon army. It is still a trivial matter if the disciple was tortured. If the great secret of Master’s existence was revealed, it would not be enough to die ten thousand times Up!"

"Unexpectedly, the master actually descended from the heavens and showed his might, and even the monster warship was bombed by Master with one move. Disciples, disciples, have never seen such domineering and cruel methods since they were born! In front of Zun, even the disciple’s father, Jin Tuyi, is too far behind! As soon as the master arrives, everything really has been resolved, disciple--"

Jin Xinyue's eyes were filled with crystal tears, she looked at Li Yao like a lonely white rabbit, her eyes that worshiped and depended on her, even the steel had to melt.

Li Yao remained unmoved, and said indifferently: "Don't take a bite of a'master', I never promised to accept you as a disciple?"

Jin Xinyue panicked. Judging from the information she has collected in the past few months, her father Jin Tuyi completely abandoned her, and Youquan Ancestor searched for her traces from the sky, and added Shang has now become this kind of human, her situation is very bad, let alone her dream, to become the most powerful saint in the Pantheon Temple, dominate the entire blood demon world, maybe every minute will be arrested and sliced. Research!

This inexplicable and powerful old monster is really her last life-saving straw!


Jin Xinyue knelt down in front of Li Yao with a "puff", with two strings of pearls hanging from the corner of her eyes. "The disciple didn't dare to be so bold, but, it's just, uh, somehow, since seeing Master's number one. Seeing, a very subtle emotion wafted in the disciple's heart. He always felt that the respected master was the heaven of the disciple, and couldn't help but give birth to the urge to follow the respected master. This, I am afraid, is the cause between the disciple and the respected master!

"The disciples also know that the master's supernatural powers are overwhelming, and there is no need for the little burden of the disciple, and with the disciple's dullness, it is impossible to comprehend one-tenth of the master's supernatural power!

"It's just that, please give the disciple a chance to serve the master after the horse, even if you are a cow or a horse, and a slave, as long as you can pay a little respect to the glory of the master, the disciple will be happy in his heart!"

"What's more, the disciples have found a lot of news in Wuluan City in the past few months. The situation outside is unprecedentedly chaotic. The battle between the Blood Demon Realm and the Celestial Realm is imminent, but now there is another'Flying Star Realm'. There are other mysterious forces like the'True Human Empire', all of them are golden cores like clouds, primordial infants like rain, and building battleships are like dumplings!"

"It is said that Tianyuan Realm has a powerful, brutal and frenzied master of Yuan Ying who has already sneaked into the blood demon realm. No one knows what he is going to do, and he doesn't know where he is. Maybe, it's by our side! "

"In such a chaotic situation, the disciples staying with Master to help Master collect, organize and analyze information, and draw up the next action plan, will it also save Master a lot of time and allow Master to devote himself fully? Are you going to practice?"

Li Yao stared straight at her for a long time, and when she saw that Jin Xinyue felt a little hairy, he said slowly: "Do you really want to worship me as a teacher?"

Jin Xinyue was ecstatic in her heart, and she nodded her head hurriedly: "True, true, 10,000 true disciples!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and said: "I once accepted two disciples. The first one was because of his'genius', and the second one was because of her'effort'! To these two disciples, I was innocent. I never thought about what I would get from them."

"Originally, the two of them could pass on all my methods. I didn't think about accepting a third disciple."

"If I have to accept a third disciple, to be honest, it's really just for my own convenience."

"Many things that I don't have time to deal with, you have to deal with; things I have no interest in but must do, you have to do; basic data analysis, intelligence collection, and tactical choices are all your responsibilities. Like you said, "Saddle before and after the horse," are you willing?"

Jin Xinyue was ecstatic: "The disciple can't ask for it!"

Li Yao said again: "Although the reasons for accepting disciples are different, since I became my disciple, of course I will treat them equally and fulfill the responsibility of a master. However, I don't care about the past. After becoming my disciple, of course, I will suffer My laws must not violate my rules, do you understand?"


Jin Xinyue quickly said, "If the master is not at ease, the disciple can make a blood oath, or ask the master to prepare some poison, poison, etc., for the disciple to take as a restriction."

"No need to."

Li Yao said indifferently, "I never believe that any relationship, including master and disciple, can be maintained by the blood oath of the heart, or some shit, contract, etc."

"I once made a **** oath to worship someone as a teacher, but I turned my head and killed him as soon as I finished my apprenticeship!"

"Up to now, I still admit that he is my first master, so what? He has died so long since there are no bones left!"

"Do you think that people like me will value any Heart Demon Blood Oath? Any Heart Demon Blood Oath or Divine Soul Contract has loopholes. Any worm and poison can be solved."

"Only the weak will believe in the illusory sense of security brought by the blood oath and the soul contract!"

Jin Xinyue secretly smacked her tongue, saying that she really deserves to be an old monster. She killed her as soon as she finished worshiping the teacher? Too ruthless!

It seems that in the future, I will not have a good life under the door of this old monster. You have to be careful!

Li Yao took out a milky white stone from his arms and stretched it out in front of Jin Xinyue.

"Hao Jinshi?"

Jin Xinyue is puzzled. This is a very hard material. The hardness is ten times higher than that of diamond, but the value is not too high. What does the old monster use it for?

Li Yao held the Haojin Stone in his palm and rubbed it gently.

The finest powder leaked from his fingers, without making a sound.

Jin Xinyue was dumbfounded.

After a while, Li Yao flattened his palm, and the Haojin Stone in his palm had shrunk by two-thirds and turned into a thumb-sized statue, but it was a hideous vulture searching for food.

This vulture was carved so vividly that it even portrayed the fierce and fierce light in his eyes!

Jin Xinyue was completely shocked, and her heart trembled: "Just by the trembling and squeezing of the palm muscle bundles, a piece of Haojin Stone was polished into a lifelike statue in just half a minute? Too, too, too Exaggerated!"

Li Yao gently placed the statue of the vulture on Jin Xinyue’s palm, saying: "You don’t need the **** oath of the heart demon. Bring this statue with you. You can take it out and play with it. I believe you can keep my rules firmly in mind. In my heart."

Jin Xinyue didn’t know if she should be fortunate or sorrowful. The statue of the vulture was as hot as briquettes. She wanted to burn a hole in her palm. I keep in my heart the law, but I don’t know...what are the rules in our vein?"

Li Yao was stunned.

Uh, it seems to be oh, when it comes to his disciple, what rules should he obey?

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