40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 984: Secret passage!


Jin Xinyue was strange, she said it well, the old monster suddenly got stuck?

Li Yao scratched his hair impersonally, and said in embarrassment: "Think about it carefully, I really don't seem to have set any rules for the disciple."

Jin Xinyue: "..."

"How about this!"

Li Yao had a solution, "I am a more casual person, and there are no too strict rules to abide by, but now that you have changed back to a human race, and even a pill-forming monk, then you should abide by the Basic Law of Cultivation for the time being. , Strive to become a true practitioner from the inside to the outside!"

Jin Xinyue: "...Wait, Master, why does the disciple feel that the dialogue is getting more and more weird? The Basic Law of Cultivation, then, isn't that the law of the Star Federation?"

Li Yao: "Yes, I was originally a federal citizen. When you became my disciple, of course you have to abide by the federal laws. What's the problem with being a person who abides by the law and is useful to society?"

Jin Xinyue: "...Wait, wait, wait, Master, please give the disciple ten seconds, the disciple is a bit messy, please sort it out!"

Li Yao: "Okay!"

Ten seconds later.

Jin Xinyue swallowed hard, then took a peek at Li Yao, and asked cautiously: "Uh, Master, the disciple is wondering if there is any misunderstanding in this. Master is not the ancient master of 40,000 years ago. Demon, do you want to rebirth?"

Li Yao: "Is there such a thing?"

Jin Xinyue: "I...then... Master said last time that I was called the blood eagle ancestor..."

Li Yao: "Everyone who came out to practice cultivation, of course, has many different identities, so I said that I am called'Blood Buzzard', and I didn't lie to you. It is indeed one of the names I have used. As for the second name of'Ancestor' You added the word, but I never admit it."

"In addition to the blood eagle, I have many names, such as the demon star, the sand scorpion, but I have been in the Star Federation for the longest time. When I was in the Federation, I was called'Vulture Li Yao'."

Jin Xinyue: "...Just ten years ago, on the Skeleton Dragon Star, dozens of noble children were killed in one breath, and the entire silver blood team was destroyed. It was known as the'Tianyuan's most ruthless foundation'. Vulture Li Yao?"

Li Yao: "Yes."

Jin Xinyue stared at the vulture statue in her palm blankly.

The statue seemed to come alive in an instant, piercing her heart fiercely, causing it to freeze completely.

Jin Xinyue: "Therefore, there have been rumors recently that an old primordial infant secretly sneaked into the blood demon world to make trouble. Is that also the master?"

Li Yao: "It should be, but I didn't make trouble, well, from a secular point of view, maybe I made trouble a little bit, but there is a reason for all of this! You, can you listen to me explain ?"

Li Yao's fierce murderous aura, like a rapidly expanding octopus, filled the entire secret room.

Jin Xinyue had difficulty breathing, she was in a cold sweat, and her smile was uglier than crying: "Yes, yes, Master explained slowly, the disciples just listen carefully!"

Li Yao gave a dry cough and told Jin Xinyue all the ins and outs he had told the Fire Ant King and others, including his important experience in the Flying Star Realm and the secrets of the origin of the demon clan.

At the beginning, Jin Xinyue was both frightened and upset.

She was only thinking about how to save her life, but she didn't expect that the old monster had such a terrifying identity and would drag her into a more terrifying vortex.

However, Li Yao's experience quickly attracted her, especially the strength of the "True Human Empire", the shock of the origin of the Monster Race, and the unpredictable "Spore Project" of the ancestors of Youquan!

"My purpose is very simple, to prevent Tianyuan and the blood demon from destroying each other, and to fight against the threat of the real human empire together!"

Li Yaodao, "The theory of the homology of humans and monsters is absolutely true. You should know this better than anyone else, because you are the living evidence!"

"Since they share the same source, it cannot be said that they are completely unable to communicate."

"What's more, now it's a wolf and a tiger. Even if you don't talk about the threat of the real human empire, once the'spore plan' of the ancient Ancestor Youquan is successful, both the Tianyuan realm and the blood demon realm will turn into a sea of ​​corpses!"

"For you, you don't want to hide in Tibet for the rest of your life, do you? Only Tianyuan and the blood demon have reached a peace agreement, so that all demon races realize their origins and can make free choices about the future. It is possible for you to appear openly!"

Jin Xinyue's thoughts turned around and she suddenly discovered that the true identity of this "master" was even more beneficial to her.

Master was right, the monsters could not accept her in her current state, and the humans would only use her.

Only with the truce between the two realms, can she have room for survival, and even--

Jin Xinyue's beautiful eyes went round and round, and suddenly realized that she was really the key to solving the whole thing!

She respectfully said: "No matter what status the master is, he will always be the only master of the disciple. Of course, the disciple is single-minded to the master and dare not defy the slightest! Next, what are we going to do?"

Li Yao could tell from the sly smile at the corner of her mouth that Jin Xinyue was figuring out how to get the most out of this matter.

But he didn't expect the third disciple to be an upright, innocent, and awe-inspiring person.

Perhaps, Jin Xinyue's character is the sharpest dagger to untie the mess in front of her eyes.

Li Yao said, "Your father is the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance. According to your analysis of him, what will he do after he learns the news about the appearance of the Flying Star Realm? Is it due to the strength of the Tianyuan and the Flying Star realms, and take the initiative? Ceasefire, complete peace; or desperate, early decisive battle?"

Although Jin Xinyue's appearance is weak, her nerves are like cast copper and iron. She quickly recovered from Li Yao's shocking identity, her calculation ability and judgment quickly rebounded, and calmly analyzed: "Of course it is an early decisive battle! No! It’s my father alone, any high-ranking demon clan will choose this way! Replace me as the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, and I will do the same!"

"Compare your heart to your heart and think in another way. If Master is now the Speaker of the Star Federation, you have heard the news that the blood demon world is about to be supported by another demon world, and its strength will swell crazily in just a few years."

"At this time, the Blood Demon Realm sent an envoy to want a ceasefire and complete peace. How would the master judge it? Would you believe that this is not a ‘slow strategy’?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and had to admit that this was a knot that was difficult to untie.

If he were the Speaker of the Star Federation, he would certainly not believe the messenger of the Blood Demon Realm when he heard such news, but would choose to make a desperate move!

No one will pin their hope of survival on the enemy of forty thousand years!

Li Yao said: "Then, can you analyze which method is more likely if you want to'all-in-one'? Depending on your father's character, how would you choose to attack?"

Jin Xinyue frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and suddenly her body trembled, and she whispered: "Plan for the Red Tide!"

Li Yao once heard her say this name.

It is said that it was a surprise attack plan that Jin Tuyi devoted his entire life to.

From the eastern waters of the Star Federation, directly attack the elite areas of the Federation!

Jin Xinyue hurriedly panted, and said quickly: "After we civilians in the chaotic city were arrested, we were all detained together for emergency training. In addition to teaching us how to march, we also taught us a lot in the desert and Gobi. The way to survive seems to be to drive us into the desert and march forcibly!"

"Although the land in the Blood Demon Realm is barren, there is no large-scale desert other than the Silver Death Desert, and there are even fewer resources in the desert. There is no reason to send so many civilians to the desert!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes: "Dahuang?"

Jin Xinyue nodded: "Yes, the fusion point of the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm is in the Great Wilderness. If you attack the Tianyuan Realm according to the conventional route, you will inevitably pass through the entire Great Wilderness area. Act as cannon fodder!"

"But it doesn't make sense!"

"Although the first'Battle of Dawn' failed, the Blood Demon Realm still remains strong, and it is not down to the point where it is necessary to urgently train ordinary demon races as cannon fodder."

"There is still a difference between high-level cannon fodder and low-level cannon fodder. Why not use those well-trained black blood and chaotic blood monsters as high-level cannon fodder?"

"After all, no matter what level of cannon fodder, it will consume a lot of resources. Sending so many civilians into the great wasteland will bring great pressure to the logistics supply. I am afraid that they have not rushed to the giant blade level. Starving to death, it will only hit your own morale, not the strength of the Federation Army!"

Li Yao nodded, Jin Xinyue's analysis was very reasonable.

With Li Yao’s approval, Jin Xinyue was greatly encouraged and continued: "Unless the Great Wilderness is not the main battlefield, the Allied Forces of Demons did not invest the real main force in the Great Wilderness, but a small part of the regular army plus a large amount of cannon fodder, disguised as The illusion of the main force!"

"In order to pretend to be an expeditionary force of unprecedented scale, there is so much cannon fodder needed, so that the existing cannon fodder is seriously insufficient, and they will use all means to train civilians into cannon fodder!"

"Anyway, there is no requirement for the combat effectiveness of these cannon fodder. As long as it can be sent to the Great Wilderness, it can deceive the main forces of the Federal Army for ten and a half months and contain them on the front line of the'Great Wilderness-Giant Blade Pass'!"

"The real attack route is the eastern waters of the Star Federation!"

"Since the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm first came into contact with each other hundreds of years ago, the main point of contact between the two sides was the area north of the Great Wilderness, and most of the outbreaks and invasions of beasts over the years have also occurred. The great famine has caused everyone to form a misunderstanding of thinking, thinking that the blood demon world can only attack from the north!"

"But this is wrong!"

"Five hundred years ago, when the Xingyao Federation was just established, the most terrible enemy it faced was the'Eastern Demon Nation' in the eastern part of the Federation!"

"The Eastern Pole Demon Nation was eventually destroyed by the Federation, but before it was destroyed, they built a large teleportation array in the sea east of the Federation, opening a passage to the Blood Demon Realm."

"A part of the nobles, through this passage, went into exile to the blood demon world!"

"After arriving in the blood demon world, they did not know how to engage in the'Eastern Demon Nation Free Front', in an attempt to separatize the blood demon world, establish a government in exile, and dominate the magpie's nest, which was soon lost to the blood demon world's native land. Demons suppress and slaughter!"

"Our Golden Crow Nation naturally participated in the suppression of the ‘Eastern Demon Nation Freedom Front’. As a result, the secret road that could lead directly to the eastern waters of the Tianyuan Continent fell into the hands of my father!"

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